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Pentaho MetaData Editor Walkthrough Guide

Copyright 2005 Pentaho Corporation. Redistribution permitted. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For the latest information, please visit our web site at

Last Modified on November 14, 2006

Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................3 Installation...............................................................................................................................................................................3 Running the Medata Editor.....................................................................................................................................................3 Creating a sample Pentaho Metadata Model..........................................................................................................................3 Connect to your data...............................................................................................................................................................3 Choose the tables to be used in your Business Models..........................................................................................................4 Add Calculated Column to Physical Tables............................................................................................................................5 Localize the Business Model and Business Views..................................................................................................................7 Build Business View...............................................................................................................................................................8 Create Categories...................................................................................................................................................................11 Creating a Query using the Metadata Model...........................................................................................................................13 Publishing a Metadata Model..................................................................................................................................................17


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Pentaho Metadata Editor is a tool that maps the physical structure of your database into a logical business model. These mappings are stored in a centralized metadata repository and allow administrators to: create business-language definitions for complex or cryptic database tables and columns set security parameters limiting user's report access to data drive formatting on text, date and numeric data improving report maintenance localize the information depending on the user's regional settings.

To install, unzip the contents in a folder.

Running the Medata Editor

For Windows Operating systems, run the file, metaeditor.bat For MacOSX, run the file, For Linux, run the file,

Creating a sample Pentaho Metadata Model

The following steps walkthrough how to create a Metadata model using the Pentaho sample data included with the Pentaho BI platform 1.2 RC1 or higher.

Connect to your data.

Right click on Connections and select New.


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Enter your connection information and test connection.

Choose the tables to be used in your Business Models.

Right click on the connection and select Import multiple tables


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Select Tables and Select OK.

Add Calculated Column to Physical Tables

Right-click on Order Details table and select Edit.

Select the Column details tab.


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Select Add New Column button.

Enter the name of the new physical column, PC_TOTAL. Select OK.

Set the following, the select OK. Aggretation Rule = Sum. Formula = SUM(QUANTITYORDERED*PRICEEACH) Field Type=Fact


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Localize the Business Model and Business Views

Select the Locales tab. On En_US item, right click and select Insert after this row.

Add fr_FR for French (France) and de_DE for German (Germany).


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Build Business View

Select the Graphical view tab. Drag and Drop Customer into the right pane. Do the same for Orderdetails, Orders, and Products.

When the first table is dropped, the application will prompt to name the Business View. Change the Name in Business View properties area to Orders.

Note: Here you can also enter the localized names too.


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Set Relationships

Set Relationship between Customers and Orders.

Set Relationship between Orders and Orderdetails.


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Set Relationship beteween Orderdetails and Products.

It will finally look like this.


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Create Categories
Select the Categories editor.

Select Add All button.


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Select Close.

Note: Categories allow any column fields from any Business Table to be grouped together and in any order. To add a new category, select the New button and name your category. Then, add the specific columns from the Business Tables into the category. Save Model.


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Creating a Query using the Metadata Model

Select the Query Button on the main toolbar.

Select the business view, Orders.


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Move items from the Category column into Selected Columns.

Add the columns to The selected columns and The order by clause. Then select SQLbutton.

This is the SQL that will be generated. Select OK.


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Select OK.

Preview Data. Select Close.


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To display the Metadata query, save the query to the file system.

Name the file and pick a location.

Open the file. It will display the metadata of the query.


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Publishing a Metadata Model

Note: Requires Pentaho Reporting - Web based Adhoc Query and Reporting 1.5.1 milestone release Export the model as an XMI file (''Export to an XMI file from the File menu)

Name the model's filename, metadata.xmi.

Copy the metadata.xmi file on the root of a solution in the file-based Solution Repository (e.g. pentahodemo/ pentaho-solutions/samples/metadata.xmi


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Navigate to the Admin page of the PCI. Click on 'Reporting Metadata' in the 'Refresh' section. The Pentaho platform checks in the top-level folders of each solution for files called metadata.xmi. It does not look in any other folder or for XMI files with any other name.


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