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Lesson Plan Educ 4414

Title: Lamb Puppet Subject Literacy Time: Fall Strand: JK-SK

Lesson Description The students will create their own lamb puppets

Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations V2. demonstrate basic knowledge and skills gained through exposure to visual arts and activities in visual arts Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations V2.1 explore a variety of tools, materials, and processes of their own choice to create visual art forms in familiar and new ways 1.4 follow one and two step directions in different contexts Lesson Goals (clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in language that students can readily understand )
The students will show that they can follow directions and create their own lamb puppets with assistance. Students will decorate their own puppets and colour and glue cotton batting on them

Success Criteria (teachers will identify

the criteria they will use to assess students learning , as well as what evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge and skills

The students will actively involve themselves in the creation of lamb puppets. Students will follow the classroom rules when active at the tables. Taking turns, being polite, asking for assistance, helping others Assessment Assessment Mode: oral/ performance/ written/visual Assessment Strategy: visual /observation, checklist Assessment Tool: ( please attach) Materials Markers, pens, pencil crayons, cutouts of lamb face, cotton batting, scissors, glue, paper bags (30), CD (sound effects) Lesson Format What Teachers Do/Say What Students do: Motivational Hook/engagement /introduction (Minds on) Play the sheep CD sound effect (No. 63) Q&A This is in addition to The five senses book We can see, hear, feel the lamb puppets During /working on it/action ( Hands on) Teacher to assist During Activity 2 (time permitting)

After: Consolidation ( Reflect and Connect) What sound does your lamb make? What sense is that? Q&A Individually or in small table groups What does you lamb feel like? What sense do you use to feel the lambs wool? How does the wool feel?

Extension Activities/Next Steps

Animal Puppets 2 (Wolf)

Special Education Notes: Include support people eg S.E.R.T. Educational Assistant Support Needed Differentiated Instruction considerations/accommodations/ assessment One to one assistance Cross Curricular Links: Oral, Reading, Writing, Media, Social Studies, Science, Math, Visual Arts, Drama, Music, PE&H, (circle) Lesson Reflection: Teacher: Lesson:

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