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REFERENCES 1. K. Wu, E. Mortazy, and M.

Bozzi, Development of microwave and millimeter-wave traveling-wave electro-optical devices using substrate integrated circuit concept, Proc Microwave Photonics, 2007, pp. 62 65. 2. E. Mortazy, J. P. Yao, X. Zhang, R. Kashyap, and K. Wu, Substrate integrated optoelectronic devices for radio over ber applications, Proc Int Symp Signals Syst Electron, ISSSE, 2007, pp. 467 470. 3. A. Ramdane, E. Richalot, O. Picon, J. Puech, and L. Lapierre, Rectangular waveguide-to-CPW transition without air-bridge in the Ka-band, Microwave Opt Technol Lett 49 (2007), 510 513. 4. K. Wu, D. Deslandes, and Y. Cassivi, The Substrate Integrated Circuits - A New Concept for High-Frequency Electronics and Optoelectronics, Proc 6th Int Conf Telecommunications Modern Satellite, 2003, pp. 110. 5. D. Deslands and K. Wu, Integrated transition of coplanar to rectangular waveguides, IEEE MTT-S Int Microwave Symp, 2001, pp. 619 622. 6. CST Microwave Studio, V. 2008. 7. J. Greuters and N. Rizvi, UV laser micromachining of silicon, indium phoshphide and lithium niobate for telecommunications applications, Proc SPIE Int Soc for Opt Eng 4876 (2003), 479 486. 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Figure 3 Half of the transition structure of coplanar line to substrate integrated waveguide. [Color gure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

incomplete metallization of the via holes by our Sputtering method. In any case, a good agreement between the simulated and measured results is observed.


Zhen Li, William D. Palmer, and William T. Joines Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708; Corresponding author: Received 6 August 2008 ABSTRACT: In the frequency range from 50 to 500 MHz, lumped element inductors may have internal resonances, and the distributed nature of the physical structure is solved using transmission-line theory. Stub lters (shorted or opened stubs separated by sections of line) are quite reliable and easy to manufacture, but their physical size is a disadvantage at these frequencies. In this article, the size reduction process is illustrated by a series of design examples, starting with a bandpass lter at 200 MHz that uses half-wavelength tapped-stubs and has multiple resonant sections separated by quarter-wavelength sections of transmission line. By using this technique the lter area is reduced from 243.67 square inches to 5.99 square inches, an impressive factor of about 40 ! Theoretical results are veried by measurements. 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 51: 11071112, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/mop. 24252 Key words: bandpass lter; microstrip resonator; Q; tapped-stub lter; transmission line resonator

Millimeter-wave transition of coplanar line to SIW using cavity resonator to increase the bandwidth in LiNbO3 electro-optical substrate for phase modulator at 60 GHz was proposed, designed and fabricated. Drilling the holes by Excimer laser with the acceptable degree of taper angle was demonstrated. To ensure the inner metallization of the via holes, both sides of the substrate were metallized. A good agreement between simulation and measurement results was obtained.

This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Also, the authors thank J. Gauthier, T. W. Napporn, and J. P. Levesque for their assistance in fabrication.


Figure 4

Insertion and return loss from simulation and measurement

To design and evaluate lters for operation in the 50 500 MHz frequency range that are small in size and easy to manufacture, we create a lter by adding capacitive loading to a shortest possible length of transmission line. The goal of this article is using equivalent circuits to reduce the size of a multisection half-wavelength tapped-stub lter, and quantify the resonant condition of this lter. In this article, we begin by considering the multisection half-wavelength tapped-stub resonator. To make the stub lters very compact, open sections less than a quarter-wavelength are replaced by equivalent capacitors and then all quarter-wavelength sections are replaced CLC equivalent circuits. And nally, the

DOI 10.1002/mop



inductors are replaced by the shortest possible sections of equivalent transmission line to prevent internal resonances.

11 21
Figure 2

12 22

13 23

For bandpass networks, the total frequency selectivity (QT) is dened by QT f0 f2 f1 , (1)

A three section half wavelength tapped-stub resonator

where f0 f1 f2 is the central frequency, and BW f2 f1 is the 3-dB bandwidth. The bandpass network can be designed by using multisection half-wavelength tapped-stubs. Each section of the bandpass lter is a quarter-wavelength stub with one end open and one end shorted to ground [1], which has its own frequency-selective Q. It is computed as if it was the only section connected between source and load. The Q of and individual section is related to the total QT of the lter by: Qk gk Q k 2 T 1,2,3 n (2)

of the stub may be set to any convenient value since Q is controlled by the tapping point. The half-wavelength tapped-stub resonator replaces the shorted stub of a quarter wavelength tapped-stub resonator with open sections of transmission line as shown in Figure 1. From [4], the electrical length of the stub on each side of the main line is: k (5)

and 2 k .

where Qk is the kth frequency-selective section of an n-section network, gk are element values that are selected to produce a desired network response, such as, Butterworth, Chebyshev, or Thomson. The gk values are tabulated for a number of different responses [2], but for a Butterworth response they are given quite simply by [3]: gk 2k 1 2sin 2n k 1,2,3 n. (3)


where 0 k 1 is a tapping factor. And the Q of the halfwavelength tapped-stub resonator is given as Q Y 01 2 sec k 4Y 0 2 Y01 4Y0 cos2 k . 2 (7)

From Eqs. (2) and (3), Qk Q Tsin 2k 1 2n k 1,2,3 n. (4)

2.1. Multisection Half-Wavelength Tapped-Stub Resonator To design a bandpass network using Q tapering, QT and f0 are known in a typical lter design. Thus, if we know Qk in terms of the parameters of individual resonant sections, then the design can be completed. In the following sections the foregoing method will be used to design different versions of a bandpass lter that progressively becomes smaller and smaller in size. A tapped-stub resonator circuit is created by changing the connection point of a stub on the main transmission line. This changes the Q of the resonator without changing the length of the stub or the resonant frequency. Thus, the characteristic impedance

To illustrate this method, we design an n 3, half-wavelength tapped-stub lter which has a Butterworth response with QT 10 and centered at f0 200 MHz. Take all lines to be of characteristic impedance Z0 50 . As shown in Figure 2, by using Eqs. (7), (5), and (6), we get Q1 Q3 5 and Q2 10; this yields 11 66.651, 21 113.349, 12 73.725, and 22 13 23 106.275. The PUFF (A computer-aided design for microwave integrated circuits) simulation result is shown in Figure 3. From the simulation, BW 211 191 20 MHz, f0 191 211 200 MHz and QT 200/20 10. If this lter is constructed as microstrip on 1/16 inch epoxyglass substrate with 4.8 relative dielectric constant using 50-Ohm lines, the effective permittivity is 3.58 and a half-wavelength at

Y3 Y1 Y2 Y01

1 Y3


Figure 1

Half wavelength tapped-stub resonator

Figure 3 PUFF simulation of a three section half wavelength tappedstub resonator



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C ' 11 L0 C ' 21

C12 '

C '13




L0 C ' 22

L0 C ' 23

Figure 4 A three section half-wavelength tapped-stub resonator with capacitive loading

200 MHz is 39.64 cm (15.61 inches). Therefore, this lter would be at least 15.61 inches in length and width and take up a total circuit board area of 243.67 square inches. For most application it would be prohibitively large for use at 200 MHz. However, in this article we will progressively reduce the physical size while maintaining the desired performance. 2.2. Fixed Frequency and Q Filter 2.2.1. Resonant Frequency and Q. On the basis of [4], we know that the half-wavelength tapped-stub resonator has open stubs on both sides of the main transmission line, and we may replace the shorter stub by a capacitor (C1) and the longer stub by a quarterwavelength section of transmission line and a capacitor (C2). The center frequency, f0, is controlled by the product of C1 and C2 as, f0 Y 01 2 . C 1C 2 (8)

Figure 6 A series inductors and capacitors to ground replaces the /4 transmission line, then parallel capacitors are added together

line may be replaced by a series inductance with equal capacitors to ground on each end. To show this, compare the ABCD matrix of the /4 section with the ABCD matrix of the shunt C0-series f L0-shunt C0 equivalent circuit. With d , the ABCD matrix 2 fo of the /4 section is: A C B D cos d jY01 sin jZ01 sin cos d


And the ABCD matrix of the C0L0C0 network is: A C B D 1 j C0 2


L 0C 0 2 L 0C 0

j L0 2 L 0C 0 . f0 if


These two matrices are equal term by term at f L Z 01 1 , C0

and the Q of each quarter-wavelength section is determined by the ratio C1/C2 as: Q Y 01 1 8Y 0 4 C1 C2 C1 . C2 (9)

0 0


Generally, if Q and f0 are xed, by using Eqs. (8) and (9), C1 and C2 can be determined. In Figure 2, we replace the open stubs, and the resulting circuit is shown in Figure 4. Letting Y01 Y0, we obtain all the capacitors as: C11 45.32 pF, C21 5.59 pF, C12 69.24 pF, C22 3.66 pF, C13 C11, and C23 C21. Simulation of this lter design using PUFF is shown in Figure 5. From it, BW 212.7 192.7 20 MHz, f0 192.7 212.7 202.5 MHz, and QT 202.5/20 10.12. 2.2.2. Replace the Transmission Line by a Series Inductance and Capacitors to Ground. The remaining /4 section of transmission

which is the design equation for determining L0 and C0. Replacing the remaining section in Figure 4, then adding all capacitors in parallel, we get the new capacitances as shown Figure 6, which are C 11 61.232 pF, C 21 21.506 pF, C 12 85.154 pF, and C 22 19.574 pF. Again C 13 C 11 and C 23 C 21. The PUFF simulation results for this lter design are shown in Figure 7. However, the simulated results show that the response is not maximally at, BW 208.6 194.8 13.8 MHz, f0 201.6 MHz, and QT 14.6. This lter does not meet our specications because the Q expressions for the individual resonant sections are now only approximately correct since we added in the C0L0C0 circuit to the existing one. To use the resonant circuits now consisting of C 11 in parallel with C 21 and L0 in series, we must derive new expressions for Qk of these resonant sections.

Figure 5 PUFF simulation of a three section half-wavelength tappedstub resonator with capacitive loading

Figure 7 PUFF simulation of a series inductors and capacitors to ground replaces the /4 transmission line

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Figure 9 Replace remaining /4 transmission line by a series inductance and capacitors to ground

Figure 8 PUFF simulation of a series inductors and capacitors to ground replaces the /4 transmission line by using new expression for Q of each resonant section

2.2.3. Derive a New Expression for Q of Each Resonant Section. When the /4 line between C1 and C2 is replaced by its lumped C0L0C0 equivalent, the result is a capacitance C 1 in parallel with the series connection of L0 and C 2, where C 1 C0 C1 and C 2 C0 C2, and this combination is in shunt with the main line. Thus, the total admittance at the common node connection is Y G jB 2Y 0 j C1 1 C2 L 0C 1C 2 L 0C 2 0, is: (14)

example, all transmission lines have been replaced with lumped elements except the two 50-Ohm, /4 transmission lines between the resonant section. Using the equivalent represented in Eq. (12) to replace these two 50-Ohm, /4 transmission lines with lumped CLC elements, and add the capacitances thus created to the ones in the previous example. In Figure 9, the new capacitances are C 11 C 13 66.245 pF and C 12 103.009 pF. The values of the other capacitors remain the same. The simulation results for this lter design are shown in Figure 10, the response is maximally at, BW 211.6 192.3 19.3 MHz, f0 211.6 192.3 201.7 MHz, and QT 201.7/19.3 10.45. 2.2.5. Replacing the Lumped Inductors with the Shortest Possible Length of Transmission Line. As lumped inductors may create design problem due to internal resonances, to solve this problem we replace all inductors with the shortest possible length of transmission line. To show this, compare the input impedance of an inductance and a transmission line, both terminated by the same load, ZL. For inductance terminated in a load ZL, the input impedance is, Zi j L Z L. (19)


From Eq. (13) the resonant frequency, at which B 2 f0 C1 C2 . L 0C 1C 2

For a network described in terms of admittance Y dened as, Q B 2G .


jB, Q is

And for a section of transmission line of length lt and characteristic impedance Zot terminated in the same load, the input impedance is, Zi ZL 1 jZ 0ttan l t/ . j Z L/Z 0t tan l t/ (20)


Therefore, from Eqs. (13) and (15), the Q is obtained as, Q C1 C2 2Y 0 C1 C2 C1 C2 . L 0C 1C 2 (16)

If ZL/Z0t tan lt/v is kept appreciably less than unity, Eqs. (19) and (20) are equaled to yield, L Z 0t/ tan lt / . (21)

From Eqs. (14) and (16), with Y0 39.789 nH, we get, C1 C2 22.508 C 1 2/

0.02 S, f0

200 MHz, and L0

10 QY 0 Y0


(17) (18)

C1 .

Using Eqs. (17) and (18) the new capacitances are: C 11 50.329 pF, C 21 23.276 pF, C 12 71.177 pF, and C 22 20.500 pF. The resulting simulation of this lter design using PUFF is shown in Figure 8. From the simulation, the response is maximally at, BW 212.6 192.7 19.9 MHz, f0 212.6 192.7 202.4 MHz, and QT 202.4/19.9 10.17. 2.2.4. Replace Remaining /4 Transmission Line by a Series Inductance and Capacitors to Ground. Continuing the previous
Figure 10 PUFF simulation of replacing remaining /4 transmission line by a series inductance and capacitors to ground



DOI 10.1002/mop

C '11

C '12

C '13

C ' 21
Figure 11

C ' 22

C '23
Figure 13 Designed n 3 band pass lter. [Color gure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

Replace inductors with the shortest transmission line

Thus, to simulate L0 39.789 nH, we choose Zot 150 which has a width of wot 0.152 mm, and solve for lt 2.653 10 10 v. The new system can is shown in Figure 11, followed by Figure 12 the PUFF simulation results. From the simulation, the response is maximally at, BW 213.5 193.5 20 MHz, f0 193.5 213.5 203.25 MHz, and QT 203.25/20 10.16. In this nal size reduction, the lter area is reduced from 243.67 square inches to 5.99 square inches.

3.1. Discussion of Data Collection This section describes the data collection for simulated and measured results. Measured data were collected from circuit, as shown in Figure 13, constructed in 5 3 microstrip using G-10 Epoxy with a two sided 1-oz rolled copper cladding. The relative dielectric constant was 4.4 and substrate thickness of (1/16) . The capacitors (EIA0603) used were surface mounted multilayer ceramic capacitors (Panasonic). Each capacitor had a thickness of 1.6 mm. Measured data was collected using the Agilent Technologies E8362B network analyzer. The network analyzer was properly calibrated. Simulated results were collected using a computer aided design software package for microwave integrated circuits called PUFF. The modeled circuits were also in a microstrip format with a dielectric constant of 4.4 and substrate thickness of (1/16) . 3.2. Comparison of Measured and Modeled Results To compare our theoretical results with measured and modeled results, a three section half-wavelength tapped-stub lter with

capacitive loading was created. Figure 14 shows measured and modeled data as a function of frequency using the capacitance values as C 11 C 13 68 pF, C 12 100 pF, C 21 C 23 22 pF, and C 22 20 pF. Note that there is a good agreement between modeled and measured results. Both results show that the response is maximally at, BW 19.3 MHz, f0 201 MHz, and QT 10.6. Discrepancies between modeled and measured results can be caused by the losses which are not included in the model such as the dielectric losses, connector losses and capacitance losses. Also, the fact that all the lengths and widths of transmission lines are exact in the simulation, whereas lengths and widths are approximate in manufacturing, causes some disparity between modeled and measured results.

By using the steps mentioned before, we successfully reduce the board size by a factor of 40.68, from 243.67 square inches to 5.99 square inches. Comparing the design version for each step, we nd that in Figures 3 and 5, the 3-dB bandwidth is 20 MHz and the simulated values of QT remains at the design value of 10. However, in Figure 7, the 3-dB bandwidth is 14 and QT becomes 14. The reason is because the Q expression for the individual resonant sections is only approximately correct since we added in the C0L0C0 circuit to the existing one. To use the resonant circuits now consisting of C11 in parallel with C21 and L0 in series, new expression for Q of each individual resonant section has been derived. By using the new expression, we can see that both the 3-dB bandwidth and the QT remain at the design values as shown

Figure 12 PUFF simulation of replacing inductors with the shortest transmission line

Figure 14 Simulated and measured results of the designed board of n 3 band pass lter working at f0 201 MHz

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in Figure 8. In the end, all lumped inductors were replaced with the shortest possible length of transmission lines to avoid internal resonances. A reduced size lter which satises all design values is achieved as shown in Figure 12. Finally, theoretical results are veried by measurements. By using this technique the lter area is reduced from 243.67 square inches to 5.99 square inches, an impressive factor of about 40 ! And since the remaining segments are quite narrow, 0.006 inch, a further reduction in area is easily achieved by zigzagging serpentining the lines. However, there is a limit in size reduction, since the adjacent lines should be kept approximately four substrate thickness apart to prevent coupling.

In this article, the technique of using an optimized dielectric substrate [6] applied to an inhomogeneously spaced array is investigated with an aim to further improving antennas performance.

REFERENCES 1. P.A. Rizzi, Microwave engineering: Passive circuits, Prentice Hall, Eaglewood, NJ, 1987. 2. A.I. Zverev, Handbook of lter synthesis, Wiley, New York, 1967. 3. W.W. Mumford, Maximally-at lters in waveguide, Bell Syst Tech J 27 (1948), 684 713. 4. J.M. Drozd and W.T. Joines, A capacitively loaded half-wavelength tapped-stub resonator. IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech 45 (1997), 7. 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


The Nan Chang and Chun-Hua Chen Department of Electrical Engineering, Tatung Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan; Corresponding author: Received 7 August 2008 ABSTRACT: Partially reective surface antenna (PRSA) contains a highly reective sheet and a perfect conductor (or ground plane) separated by a half wavelength. Usually, the reective sheet is constructed by etching uniformly spaced patch elements on a supporting dielectric. In this article, an inhomogeneous spaced partial reective sheet with an enlarged dielectric rim is investigated. We found that efciency of the antenna can be optimized with a suitable dielectric size. 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 51: 11121116, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/mop.24251 Key words: cavity; reective; surface 1. INTRODUCTION

The purpose of this article is to investigate if there is an optimized substrate size for an IPRS antenna to further improve antennas performance. Several sheets using square patches as elements were made on a 0.8 mm thickness FR4 substrate. The substrate size is made larger than the sheet size and is equal to 20 cm by 20 cm. The rst sheet, sheet A, has a size of 6.44 cm 6.44 cm (the area on which the patches are etched) as shown in Figure 1; the dimension of each element is L 12 mm, W 12 mm, and elements spacing is D x1 1.1 mm and D y1 1.1 mm . The second one, sheet B, is an IPRS of 12.4 cm 12.4 cm as shown in Figure 2; the dimension of each unit element is still L W 12 mm. However, there are two kinds of grids which in the inner area are D x1 D y1 1.1 mm and in the outer area are D x2 D y2 4 mm . Both PRS antennas were excited by an open-ended x-band waveguide with its aperture protruded from a 20 cm 20 cm ground plane. Plastic screws were used to support the frame of the PRS sheet, which is located at a distance of 1.8 cm away from the ground plane. The ground plane has a rectangular hole in the center area to let the waveguide aperture protruded into it. Figures 3 and 4 show the simulated and measured H-plane patterns of the two arrays. Figures 5 and 6 show their E-plane patterns. Simulated results were obtained by HFSS software. In this simulation, a six-sided box with a dimension of 20 cm 20 cm 3.6 cm was used as the computational space. A wave port with a dimension of 2.3 cm by 1.0 cm was specied on bottom face of the box. The other ve faces were setup as radiation boundaries. It is seen from these gures that H- and E-plane side lobe levels of the second IPRS can efciently be reduced compared with the rst PRS. It was also checked that maximum simulated gain of the rst array is 18 dB, which is 4 dB less than that of

A partially reective surface antenna (PRSA) contains a highly reective sheet fed by a grounded waveguide aperture. The sheet is made by etching densely spaced metal elements on a supporting dielectric substrate. If the distance between the sheet and the ground aperture is a half wavelength, a leakage resonant cavity is formed. It was demonstrated that this aperture-excited Fabry-Perot like cavity [13] can provide a moderate gain. In [4], it was reported that an optimized gain can be obtained by properly tuning the periodical spacing of elements on the sheet. Only homogeneous spacing was used. In [5], inhomogeneous partially reective sheet (IPRS) antenna was introduced. In [6], we further study the effect of an enlarged (optimized) substrate on the performance of a dipole homogeneously spaced array. Enhancement of efciency was experimentally veried.

Figure 1 Sheet A (with M N 5) and sheet C (with M N 9) dened in this article. [Color gure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]



DOI 10.1002/mop

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