Town and Cityscapes Niedersachsen - Stroll and Discover Niedersachsen

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town & cityscapes

Stroll and discover Niedersachsen

Vibrant atmosphere Historical

of the city metropolis ambiance
Federal state capital Hannover Lüneburg · Celle · Gifhorn
Oldenburg · Osnabrück · Göttingen Hildesheim · Hann. Münden
Wolfsburg · Braunschweig Hameln · Goslar and Hahnenklee
Wolfenbüttel · Emsland

from page 6 from page 13


What makes the cities of Niedersachsen so unique? Everything! There is so much diversity to discover ranging from
the North Sea across the moors to the far reaches of the Harz, yet these cities all have much in common: Each one
of them has something special to offer. Be captivated by the romantic charm of the historical old city quarters, expe-
rience the colourful hustle and bustle of the metropolises of Niedersachsen and immerse yourself in the blue diver-
sity of the maritime harbour cities. No doubt everything there is to discover will come as a surprise: UNESCO world
heritage sites in the midst of lively towns, products renowned around the globe with only very few in the know that
they are in fact “Made in Niedersachsen” and the fascinating architecture of places where you never expected to
find such gems – and where you would now be happy to linger longer, even spend a few days. Has this sparked
your curiosity? Then come and see for yourself...

Wilhelmshaven · Leer
Worpswede · Bremerhaven
Stade · Buxtehude

from page 23

How to
Kiel get there
245 km
Be it with your own car, public transport,
by ship or air – all routes lead to Nieder-

375 km
280 km Berlin By air:
Amsterdam Hannover
Hannover Airport (HAJ) in the Nieder-
sachsen federal state capital is the main
hub from which to get there. Other inter-
national airports can be found in close
295 km proximity:
· Hamburg Airport (HAM)
· Paderborn Airport (PAD)
· Airport Münster / Osnabrück (FMO)
· Airport Bremen (BRE)

By car or by ferry:
630 km
Are you thinking of travelling to Nieder-
sachsen in your own car taking advan-
tage of the ferry links to Germany, the
Netherlands or France? You will find that
you will reach Niedersachsen within only
a few hours after embarking by ferry. The
infrastructure at the disposal of this state
is very good. Especially the A7 (running
north to south) Autobahn and the A2 (run-
München ning east to west) Autobahn make for fast

An overview of distances:
3 hours 45 minutes
Calais–Hannover: 6 hours

Quality seal of approval: ServiceQualität Deutschland. Flensburg–Hannover: 3 hours

Hamburg–Hannover: 1 hour 15 minutes

What’s behind all this? Kiel–Hannover: 2 hours 30 minutes

Rotterdam/Hoek van Holland–Hannover:
4 hours 25 minutes
Backing ServiceQualität Deutschland, Germany’s for you to maintain your perception. You are
quality management system, are 330 quality assured of guidance that can be relied on in
By train:
conscious service providers from very diverse in- your search for the right service providers. Se-
dustries. They all subscribe to one common goal: lect businesses denoted with a letter “Q” for One option worth considering for your
To cover the entire Niedersachsen area when it special attention and good service during your trip to Niedersachsen is public trans-
comes to quality service provision and expand stay here. Let us bring a smile to your face! port. The majority of Niedersachsen cit-
this on an ongoing basis so that we can offer When booking be sure you look out for busines- ies are linked to the ICE rail network of
you the guest the best possible service quality. ses that have been awarded the letter “Q”. the Deutsche Bahn.
Be it as a guest or customer, you have the op- For further information go to:
portunity to choose from a multitude of spe- www.servicequalitä For further information go to:
cials on offer and compare them among your-
selves. The quality seal makes it an easy task under the “Service” category.

Hannover – EXPO hub, trade fair city and federal state capital...................................................... page 7
Oldenburg – Surprisingly personable. ...................................................................................... page 8
Osnabrück – “City of the peace” (“Friedensstadt”) situated in a nature 9
Göttingen – University city bursting with tradition and quality of 10
Wolfsburg – Pure 11
Braunschweig – House of Guelph, a Hanse town, “physics for brilliant minds” 11
ZeitOrte – A journey through 12

Lüneburg und Celle – Romantic Lüneburger Heide 14

Celle – Surprisingly personable ............................................................................................... page 15
Gifhorn – Let this city inspire 16
Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim – Gods, graves and 16
Hildesheim – rich historical and cultural 17
Hann. Münden – Timber framework and three river city 18
Hameln – The Pied Piper of 19
Goslar and Hahnenklee – 1000 year-old Harz region history 20
Wolfenbüttel – The Guelphs‘ Residence and home to Jä 21
Emsland – Corn distilleries, night watchmen and drummer 22

Wilhelmshaven – Maritime and port city................................................................................... page 24

Leer – The gateway to Ostfriesland........................................................................................... page 25
Worpswede – Discover art and culture . 25
Bremerhaven – Experience the 26
Stade und Buxtehude – Two maritime Hanse 27

What is your favourite dish? A culinary journey through Niedersachsen’s cities .......................... page 28
World class design and architecture ............................................................................... 30
Events highlights in Niedersachsen’s cities. 36
Niedersachsen at a glance . 38
Christmas Markets . 39
Further brochures for your Niedersachsen holiday 40
Contact details – How to reach us 41
6 vibrant

Big city metropolis

Anyone undertaking a tour of a big city metropolis
is bound to have an experience of a lifetime – in
any event this stands true for Niedersachsen. Be it an
expo, trade fair or capital city, “the city of the day
after tomorrow” (Űbermorgenstadt) as Oldenburg
tends to be referred to, a university city, a “City of the
Peace”, a city founded by Duke Henry the Lion: All
offer a colourful mix of historical places of interest,
contemporary architecture, a vibrant cultural scene,
parks and natural landscapes, museums, castles,
shopping miles, lakes, lifestyle and idyllic historical
old city quarters – not to mention that every city has
its very own highlights. Visit polar bears, elephants
and the fictional children’s book village of Mulle-
wapp with its cosy farm in one of Germany’s most
magnificent zoos in the federal state capital of Han-
nover, take in the impressive imposing architecture of
an internationally acclaimed architect in the midst of
a nature reserve, quench your thirst for knowledge in
“the city of science” and take a tour of five “tradition-
al islands” at the heart of a city. Perhaps by now your
appetite has been whet for the big city metropolis ex-
perience? If so we have one more surprise in store for
you: A journey through time. As you can see there is
nothing that cannot be found in the big city metropo-
lis of Niedersachsen. This being said… one thing you
will not come across is the big city mad rush.
vibrant 7

A brilliant jewel of the city is the Royal Gardens of Her-

renhausen (Herrenhäuser Gärten). The Baroque Great
Garden becomes a paradisiacal setting for fireworks,
theatre, small-scale performing arts and concerts in the
summer. The horizontal lift that takes you up to the town
hall dome is most impressive. The view across the city
from there is absolutely awesome.

Hannover Hannover’s adventure zoo, the Erlebnis-Zoo, with its spe-

cies-appropriate habitats for animals in seven fascinating
theme worlds makes it Germany’s most spectacular zoo.
Yukon Bay, the new Canadian theme world is home to po-
lar bears, caribous, penguins, timber wolves, bisons and
seals. This landscape covers 22 000 m² with a bay, fasci-
nating underwater world and experimental gastronomy.

The vibrant city of Hannover with its expansive pedestri-

an zone, the newly established Ernst-August Gallery and
fine shopping malls is an open invitation for shop-
Garden art to the utmost perfection can pers. You can amble through the alleys of the his-
be taken in at Royal Gardens of Herren-
torical old city or relax on the banks of the River
hausen. A walk through one of Europe’s
most beautiful parks awaits you here. Leine or in one of countless coffee shops. Thea-
The Great Garden as an unchanged tre, opera, concerts and arts of the highest qual-
example of a Baroque garden with its ity, as well as an abundance of museums and ar-
captivating ornaments, bubbling cas- chitectural landmarks will fascinate culture lovers
cades and spectacular fountains, invi-
the world over.
tes you to take a stroll.

Hannover’s international atmosphere is very prev-

alent with it being a trade fair, events and sports
city. Top class stars do the honours and Hannover
rocks with their entertainment. Among the annual
visitor magnets are the Maschsee Lake Festival
Outdoor and indoor art (Maschseefest), the world’s bigmarkmen’s funfair
170 street art objects charac- (Schützenfest), and the International Fireworks
terise the cityscape of Han- Competition.
nover. The famous Nanas by
Niki des Saint Phalle stand
out on the banks of the River
There is hardly a big city metropolis that can offer
Line. Controversial at first, they such a variety of appealing leisure activities in the
have long since become the way that the federal state capital Hannover can:
city’s most photographed at- Amble through the Royal Gardens of Herrenhaus-
traction. Indoors, the Sprengel
en or enjoy the greenery of the city’s Eilenriede
Museum is regarded as one of
the most significant art venues Forest. Maschsee Lake is a treat with its Medi-
of the 20th and 21st centuries. terranean atmosphere. The Leineauen meadows  lure hikers and cyclists to their wide expanses.

Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH

8 vibrant

Übermorgenstadt Oldenburg
– Surprisingly personable
Welcoming, likeable and cosmopolitan, honest, authentic and 3 for 2:
tradition conscious: With a population of more than 160 000, Übermorgenstadt Oldenburg offers you
an energetic commercial sector and a unique cultural site, Über- a third night’s stay for free
morgenstadt Oldenburg is the best kept secret. Is it possible to see, take in and experience Oldenburg in two
days? Not a chance! That is why you will receive your third night
The variety and splendour of the architecture is what catches in your hotel free as a guest at the expense of Übermorgenstadt.
the eye. Its silhouette is characterised by elegant residential ar- Doubles from 99 € per person, singles from 148 € per person
eas, a small city harbour and obviously the imposing castle. Ad- (3rd overnight stay in a three-star hotel includes breakfast), arriv-
ditionally a varied theatre scene with the imposing state theatre als daily and available throughout the year
permeates Oldenburg’s cultural landscape. You will also enjoy
charming, vibrant, colourful market-style and varied gastronomic
shopping experience, because aside from the big world of shop-
ping and exclusive fashion boutiques, there are the romantic al-
leys with charming shops that turn Oldenburg into an excellent Museum of Nature and Man
shopping destination. (Landesmuseum für Natur und Mensch)
What makes this state-run natural history museum
so unique is that it showcases the North West’s di-
versity under one roof: Taking the three dominant
landscapes of the moors and heaths, the coast
and the marshes as a vantage point, the museum
displays bog bodies, rare objects that have been
found and animals of the regions. Its artistic pres-
entation that makes the museum so unique is what
has specially singled it out for its award winning in-
novative design.

In 2000 the city of Oldenburg honoured its sensational art-
ists in the true sense of the word with their own museum. Re-
gardless of how eccentric Horst Janssen (1929–1995) may
have been, his drawings and etchings gained world fame and
turned him into one of the biggest illustrators and graphic de-
2 Oldenburg Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
signers of the 20th century. 
vibrant 9

“City of the peace” (“Friedensstadt”)
situated in a nature reserve

Together with Münster, Osnabrück was once the negotiation city for
the Peace of Westphalia, a peace treaty signing that stands out in the
city’s history, with the tradition associated with it being maintained “Himmlische Frauen” – A women’s best friends day
to this very day: In October around 1200 fourth-year pupils will ride Sip a cappuccino at sunrise, a cocktail at sunset and indulge in a whole
down the town hall stairs with their homemade hobby horses to com- day of chatting, looking around and shopping. The “Himmlische Frauen”
Osnabrück city tour offers endless enjoyment and a great experience.
memorate the Peace of Westphalia. The city tours begin on the his-
You have the option of booking for one day only or a whole weekend.
torical benches of the Hall of Peace (Friedenssaal) as do the popular For more information and bookings go to:
night watchman tours. Today’s colourful atmosphere can be ascribed
to the combination of modern buildings such as the Felix-Nussbaum-
Haus or the Kamp-Promenade alongside the delightful historical old
city alleys in the Heger-Tor quarter. The partly preserved medieval
warehouses, so-called stone works, today house galleries, coffee
shops and bistros. The market square is the “heart of the city”: It is here
where weddings, festivals, wine and Christmas markets take place.
The coffee shops and restaurants take their wicker chairs outdoors lin-
ing them up outside the red and yellow gabled houses. With a great
view of the town hall (Rathaus) and the Church of St Mary (Marien-
kirche) this is the place to indulge in a slice of cake or a more hearty
meal. A little further on Saint Peter’s Cathedral (Dom St. Petrus) dating
back to the 13th century never fails to impress with its varied towers, its
tranquil cloister and its sought after treasures in the Diocesan Museum
(Diözesanmuseum). Osna-
brück is the only big city
metropolis to be located Zoo Option
in the middle of a nature
The Underground Zoo (“Unterirdische Zoo”) was launched at
reserve, the TERRA.vita the Osnabrück Zoo in 2009 and is the only one of its kind in
Geopark. This means that the whole of Germany and takes its visitors through a labyrinth.
your outing into nature Above ground “Takamanda”, an African adventure world, was
added to it in 2010. The Zoo Option offered by the “advena ho-
can already begin in the
tel Hohenzollern” is particularly appealing to families.
city with designated cycle Tourist Information Osnabrück 3
routes and walking trails.
10 vibrant

The scope of Göttingen’s restaurant industry will

captivate you with its flair for diversity: From the
rustic pubs to the backstreet coffee shops in seven-
ties style, from Bismarck’s good middle class fare
to exquisite upscale star-rated restaurants. When it
comes to enjoying food, even in a university city
the motto should be: Try it out and see for yourself.

Göttingen Retailers who live the lifestyle can be

– University city bursting with found in the many side streets of the his-
torical old city. Trend-setter boutiques,
stores selling accessories for the home,

tradition and quality of life jewellery designers and many more,

leave nothing to be desired. A wide se-
lection, individual consultations and ex-
cellent service will turn your shopping ex-
Göttingen – is known as an academic and terranean vibe while in winter many cursion in this historical atmosphere into
scientific hub, a university city, a student of the restaurants convey a cosy at- an unusual shopping delight.
city, the city of 18th century scientist and mosphere, offering their guests a di-
mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauß and versity of dishes from the four corners
to experimental physicist Georg Chris- of the world and for every budget.
toph Lichtenberg. Far and wide Göttingen
is however also known as a festival city The city’s easy accessibility remains unsur-
where theatre, literature and music come passed: However you see it – Göttingen
into their own. The Händel Festival fea- is always located in the middle of Ger-
tures prominently on the annual events di- many. With its optimal connection to road
ary as do the Jazz festival and the autumn and rail traffic you will reach the city in
literary festival “Literaturherbst”. Its histori- the shortest possible time from any direc-
cal downtown characterised by medieval tion, e.g. comfortably by bus or car via the
churches and a magnificent old town hall North-South Bypass, the A 7, and the new
(Rathaus) is home to the expansive pedes- East-West Connection, the A 38. More
trian zone. Specialist stores beckon you than 100 ICE connections conveniently
to take a stroll through the attractive side facilitate daily access by rail. Göttingen:
streets, while the diversity of restaurants Liveable and likeable, easy to get to, with
and cuisine on offer invites you in. In the its many facets that are worth exploring.
summer the street cafés make for a Medi-

vibrant 11

Wolfsburg – Pure fascination

The young and hospitable city on the Mittelland Canal
is synonymous with tradition and all things modern and
will whet your appetite for adventure. Are you interest-
ed in art and culture, adventure and leisure activities, as
well as having fun and enjoying some relaxation? Then
let Wolfsburg’s multi-facetted offers enthral you.

At the heart of the city lies the automobile transportation

adventure world, the Volkswagen Auto City. Embedded
in a 25 hectare park and lagoon landscape this unique
Experience the topic of cars and automobile trans- theme park offers you an unusual destination for a short
portation in a completely new way. Regardless of getaway or group tour. The Phæno Science Centre –
whether you do your trip in the spring or in winter Guests to this experimental setting have numerous op-
– unusual events and unique stage performances tions of discovering the fascinating phenomena of our
will be on offer all year round.
Our offer: From 72 € per person
world via 300 interactive experimentation stations.
· 1 overnight stay (per double) including breakfast
· Auto City day ticket Wolfsburg also has many surprises in store when it
· Auto City meal voucher 10 € comes to sport: First class national league soccer in
· Welcome drink at the hotel
one of Germany’s most spectacular stadiums, national
league ice hockey in the skating arena, and leisure ac-
tivities in northern Germany’s biggest water park, the
Aquapark Badeland Wolfsburg, and great fun is to be
Wolfsburg Marketing GmbH
5 had with the Treetop Assault Course. 

Braunschweig 6
Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH

– House of Guelph, a Hanse town,

“physics for brilliant minds”
With a population of around 250,000 it is the biggest
city between Hannover and Berlin. Guelph Duke Henry
the Lion made Braunschweig his royal capital in the 12th
century and turned it into a powerful trade centre. The Mumme, a top-fermented dark beer,
city founded by Duke Henry the Lion has much to offer of Braunschweig cuisine. Acquire
a taste for it and make forays into
both as a tradition rich and modern-day big city metrop-
the culinary history of Duke Henry
olis: Historical attractions and authentic city quarters, the Lion.
contemporary architecture, a vibrant cultural scene, an
extensive sport and leisure repertoire, as well as expan- Special offer: One or two overnight
sive parks and natural landscapes. The historico-cultural stays/breakfast, Braunschweig Mum-
me meal, “Mumme-Bummel” city
museums as well as the impressive architecture replete
ramble with Mumme tasting at the
with history bear testimony to a history going back more Mumme store and complimentary
than a thousand years and which characterises the city- Mumme cookbook.
scape. Among the many attractions is the Ducal Palace
For further information
or Braunschweig Residenzschloss. It has served as the
and bookings go to:
platform for Europe’s biggest quadriga since 2008. Its
visitor viewing point makes for a unique view of Braun-
schweig’s inner city, which can almost be completely
circumnavigated by boat on the River Oker.
12 vibrant

Heide | BraunschweigerLAND | Harz


ZeitOrte Have your finger tips at the pulse of

time when it comes to attractive shop-
ping options in the region’s inner cit-

– Take a journey through time ies and shopping centres or outlets.

Sports fans will get their money’s
Heide | BraunschweigerLAND | Harz worth at the New Yorker Phantoms
Braunschweig national league basket-
ball games, from the Grizzly Adams
Welcome to the land of time travel! Tip Wolfsburg Ice Hockey Club or at first
class national league football by VfL
The rich history of this region manifests itself in treasures of the
past, pacesetters of the present time and laboratories of the fu-
ture. ZeitOrte are historic settings such as excavated, geologi-
cally unique phenomena, archaeological excavations, medieval
buildings or complexes, libraries of the Enlightenment, old fac- Discovering ZeitOrte: Exciting and very different experiences
tory premises, modern sites of art and architecture, museums of from prehistoric times until the present day are guaranteed. Take
the future and world-renowned production facilities. as much time as you need!

Take an exciting journey through time in our cities:

… Retrace the steps of the Guelphs in Medieval Braunschweig
… Relive the Baroque and Enlightenment eras in
Wolfenbüttel (the city renowned for philosopher
and author Lessing)
… Experience the cradle of industrialisation on the
terrain of the Ilseder Hütte iron and steel works in
the Peine administrative district and the history of
salt production in Salzgitter
… Marvel at the oldest machines in the world at the
windmill outdoor museum in Gifhorn
… Stay hot on the trail of domestic German transport
past and present with the Helmstedt project
“Grenzenlos – Wege zum Nachbarn” or “The way
to your neighbour – without any borders” On a city expedition:
… Experiment in the futuristic orientated Scout the ZeitOrte for a thematic city
phæno Science Centre in Wolfsburg excursion. Life in Medieval times, the
Baroque era’s zest for life, the history
… Visit the automobile transportation theme worlds at
of industrialisation and futuristic archi-
Autostadt Wolfsburg tecture are brought to life by our visitor
guides who will share their anecdotes
and things worth knowing with you. For
specials and other city experiences go
historical 13

“Once upon a time …” fairytale-like, romantic, majes-
tic and exciting is what the stories that Niedersachs-
en’s historic cities have to tell are like. They invite you
to a journey into the past. A journey past UNESCO
world heritage sites, past medieval city walls of vari-
ous Hanse towns, past magnificent architecture and
old timber framework takes you through winding al-
leys and across bascule bridges decorated with flow-
ers. We acquaint ourselves with Dr. Eisenbart, Casano-
va and a world famous Pied Piper before we take the
time to recuperate with a cup of coffee and a slice of
cake in an idyllic courtyard atmosphere fit for a movie
set. Perhaps you care for a small shopping spree? We
amble through the historical settings to make our way
to fashionable shops that bring us back to a reality
full of life and variety: Imposing cruise ships pass by
us here, while elsewhere proud horses show us what
they can do and during a tour of a corn distillery we
learn a lot: “Cheers!”. We saunter across the beauti-
ful promenade along the bank to where the ships are
moored and once more pass the romantic setting that
is gradually fading away in the glowing red of the set-
ting sun, this time observing it from our steamer boat
excursion. One thing is certain: We will be back in
the Advent period running up to Christmas when the
historic squares of the romantic cities are transformed
into magical Christmas markets once more.
14 historical

Lüneburg & Celle

– Romantic Lüneburger Heide cities

It is their special atmosphere that invites every guest to am-

ble along, spend time and enjoy our Lüneburger Heide cit-
ies for a mini getaway or day trip.

The over 1000-year old salt and Hanse town of Lüneburg

with its gothic brick facades is not only the location where
the ARD Telenovela “Rote Rosen” is broadcast from, but the
countless historic landmarks and museums create a special
symbiosis between old and new. Behind the medieval fa-
cades, trendy pubs, restaurants and modern shops invite
you to shop and amble along.

The residence city Celle with its Welf

castle and over 450 lovingly restored
timber framework houses from the 16th,
17th and 18th century lend a very spe-
The Lüneburger Rathaus or town hall is con- cial charm to the city. Found between
sidered one of Germany’s most beautiful winding alleys and the historical tim-
town halls thanks to its combination of differ-
ber is the old town hall (Rathaus), as
ent epochs. Follow in the footsteps of “White
Gold” at the German Salt Museum to find out well as Celle Castle in the middle of
how Lüneburg came to its wealth. The stint the city. Not only is Celle renowned
market or “Stintmarkt” beckons you to dine at for its history but also thanks to the annual Celle stud pa-
its inviting restaurants and pubs along the Il-
rade for its world famous Niedersachsen State Stud.
menau River.

Consider paying a visit to the Celle Christmas market or fol-

low in the footsteps of a master salt maker during the “Sülf­
meistertage”, Lüneburg’s master salt maker event.

For further information on visitor attractions, events and

accommodation go to:

The Welf Castle with the oldest Baroque castle theatre (Schlosstheater) still
in operation is the city’s highlight. The castle can be found bordering the
French Garden (Französischer Garten) together with the Residence Museum.
Another highlight is the Bomann Museum with an ethnology collection rep-
resenting Eastern Niedersachsen, as is the Niedersachsen Celle State Stud.

Lüneburger Heide GmbH

historical 15

Celle – Great cultural moments

2 overnight stays including breakfast in a 3 to 5 star hotel in-
cluding theme tour of the Celle Castle, a visit to the world’s

first 24-hour art museum that is home to collections by Rob-
ert Smon and Bomann. 2 × 3 course gourmet meals at the Pal-
io Taverna&Trattoria and at the Postmeister Weinkeller von
Hinüber, including afternoon tea at a coffee shop from 175 €
per person.

– Residence and timber framework city

Celle offers timber framework architecture that is centuries old, Celle – A vast array of art and culture
as well as unrivalled attractions from courtly times as a regal re- Premiers at the Schlosstheater and vernissages artistically for-
sidence. Seven hundred years of city history is still alive in Celle ge a bridge between the epochs. The museums remain ali-
today. The enclosed core of the historical inner old city compri- ve amid the changes of eventful history: Both traditional and
ses more than 500 timber framework houses dating back to the contemporary. Standing out prominently is the Residence
16th, 17th and 18th century. Secluded inner courtyards, expansi- Museum found in the Celle Castle, the Bomann Museum –
vely designed squares and facades are testimony to centuries Niedersachsen’s third largest museum – and the 24-hour Mu-
gone by and are still a source of fascination to this day. seum of Arts with its Robert Simon collection. Celle invites
you to stay. Be it in the homely hotel, in the cosy coffee shop,
in the quaint wine cellar, in the pub around the corner or in
the sophisticated restaurant. Shopping is fun in the boutiques
and shops of the residence city of Celle.

9 Tourismus Region Celle GmbH

Celle – Great taste sensation moments

2 overnight stays with breakfast in a 3 to 5 star hotel including “Barocke
Tafelfreuden” (a Baroque culinary delights theme tour of Celle Castle), a
3-course gourmet meal, a 5-course gourmet meal, a taste sensation ram-
ble that comes with a talk on coffee and complimentary 250 g pack Celle
refined roast, liqueur tasting of the Sanddorn liqueur “Herzog Georg Wil-
helm” with complimentary 100ml miniature bottle, from 205 € per person.
16 historical
Gifhorn – Let this city inspire you
Gifhorn, known as City of Mills, is located in the southern Lüneb-
urger Heath. The open-air mill museum with its 16 mills from all
over the world is unique in Europe. The history of the picturesque
old town goes back 800 years, where you can still find modern
shops and boutiques in half-timber houses. The Renaissance cas-
tle of the Guelph duke Franz accommodates an exhibition of the
regional culture on three floors. More lovely destinations are the
Gifhorn Heath, the swimming paradise Tankumsee and the Otter-
Center in Hankensbüttel.
10 Südheide Gifhorn GmbH ·

Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum

Hildesheim – Gods, graves
and history
The Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum is one of the most significant mu-
seums of Northern Germany and particularly renowned for its world
famous treasures of ancient Egyptian art. Centre of attention are the
4000 year-old finds from the Giza Plateau of the Egyptian pyramids –
among them the life-sized statue of Hem-iunu, whom traditional history
records as having been in charge of building the Pyramid of Cheops.

2011 marks the 100th anniversary of this massive collection: On 26th

February 2011 the last section of the newly conceptualised permanent
exhibition “ÄGYPTEN” (EGYPT) will open its doors. “Der Tod in der
Wüste” (Death in the Desert) is dedicated to the afterlife as perceived
by the ancient Egyptians, to which the Hildesheim collection is mak-
ing an invaluable contribution with its treasure trove of unique items.
From 16th April to 21st August the special exhibition “GIZA – Am Fuß
der großen Pyramiden” (GIZA – Gateway to the Great Pyramids) will
show findings from the most famous excavations that have taken place
in Giza. In collaboration with international partners, the exhibition will
reunite findings in their original context for the first time since their
11 Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim · separation by official division more than 100 years ago.
historical 17

– Rich historical and cultural heritage
Hildesheim, located 30 kilometres south of Han-
nover has plenty to offer in terms of tourism: The
city is particularly famous for its churches, of
which Saint Mary’s Cathedral (Mariendom) and
the thousand-year-old Church of Saint Michael
(St. Michaeliskirche) were recognised as UN-
ESCO Heritage sites in 1985 for the exception-
al testimony they bear to the religious art of the
Romantic period. What is very impressive about
these churches is their large number of historic or-
naments. The 1000 year-old rosebush entwined
with legends and that can be found at the apses
of the Mariendom deserves special mention.

The Hildesheim Museums are home to world-fa-

mous history of art. The Roemer- und Pelizaeus-
Museum is known for its 100-year-old Egyptian
collection, which forms part of the most signifi-
cant in Europe and regularly showcases top-class
“Hildesheim zum Kennenlernen”
– Getting to know Hildesheim special exhibitions on different topics. The munic-
ipal museum is located in the famous Butcher’s
Using this as its slogan, a two-hour city tour on foot will take
Guild Hall (Knochenhauer-Amtshaus) and has on
you from the historical Marktplatz market square to the UN-
ESCO heritage sites of Saint Mary’s Cathedral (Mariendom) display presentations on the history of Hildesheim
and the Church of Saint Michael (St. Michaeliskirche). The and the region. It is located right by the historical
tour is ideally suited to get a first impression of the city’s histo- market square, Hildesheim’s tourism focal point.
ry and its most important attractions. For further information
Its imposing timber framework houses takes the
and bookings go to:
visitor many centuries back in time.

The Theater für Niedersachsen (TfN) is the hall-

mark of Hildesheim’s theatre scene for which it
is renowned, giving performances throughout the
whole of Germany from its base here. Its open-
air theatres and cultural scene, not to mention
its 7500 students and a varied events calendar,
make for Hildesheim’s reputation as a vibrant and
creative big city metropolis.

“Museumstage” – Museum Days

Discover Hildesheim’s treasure trove within the context of its “Muse-
umstage”: 2 overnight stays including breakfast in a 4-star hotel, wel-
coming cocktail, 4-course meal, museum entrance fee either for the
Stadtmuseum or the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim for
136.50 € per person sharing (double).
tourist information Hildesheim
18 historical

Hann. Münden
– Timber framework and three river city
Shopping at its best in Hann. Münden
Shopping in the historical old city of Hann. Münden is magical. Many
small specialty shops with their own individual choice and rustic an-
tique shops with rarities, not to mention culinary specialities are yours
to discover. Suitable for the whole family the shops are also open on
the first Sunday of every month from 2pm to 6pm.

Distinctive to Hann. Münden, unlike most other cities, is its location on the three
rivers and its timber framework houses numbering more than 700 that date back 13 Touristik Naturpark Münden e. V.
to six different centuries. Magnificent timber framework architectural styles from
every epoch, defence towers, fortifications, the Welf castle, stone
bridge and a Weser Renaissance period town hall are a reflection
of its rich history. „Wo Werra sich und Fulda küssen,
sie ihren Namen büßen müssen,
Thanks to intense restoration efforts Hann. Münden is today regard-
und hier entsteht durch diesen Kuss,
ed as a timber framework city of European renown. Interactive wa-
ter fountains decorate central inner city squares and attract both Deutsch bis zum Meer der Weserfluss“
young and old. Explore the magnificent timber framework architec- This poetic commemorative slab was put up in 1899 where the
ture with its inscriptions, bays and gables, historical doors and por- Rivers Werra and Fulda meet and which reads something along
tals. Dine at one of the rustic restaurants or go on one of the guid- the lines of:

ed city walks. History comes alive in Hann. Münden. The historical “Where the River Werra and Fulda merge,
old city with its idyllic alleys and streets is also ideal for a Sunday is where they must surrender their names,
outing on foot, with its shops and coffee shops open for business. and through the merger what will emerge is the River Weser,
with German spoken all along its banks, until it reaches the sea”

You may also come across the legendary Baroque physician, Doc-
It is at this plaque that the round trip cruises start. Also located here
tor Eisenbart who, using humour, rids people of their toothache eve- is a site for camper van holiday makers.
ry Saturday at 1.30pm from May through to October.
Hann. Münden is a sought after city travel destination with piz-
zazz. All kinds of accommodation from privately-run timber frame-
work hotels to camper van camping sites can be found online for every budget.
Tourist Information provides comprehensive information on all specials and sub-
jects in your native language by going to:
historical 19

If you happen to visit Hameln in the summer you

may even experience the Pied Piper live. The
open-air Pied Piper performance lures thousands
of visitors to the historical old city at noon every
Sunday from mid-May to mid-September. The hu-
morous Pied Piper musical “RATS” can be expe-
rienced every Wednesday from 4.30pm. Visitors
get to see both attractions free of charge.

Hameln – The Pied Piper of Hameln

Hameln’s pearl of the Weser River Moun- you go in Hameln – not only in the mu-
tain Country (Weserberglandes) and seum – you will come across this unusual
home to the intriguing Pied Piper, lies 45 fellow – and the legend of the Pied Piper
km south-west of the federal state capi- holds its own to this very day.
tal. At a first glance, the city with a popu-
lation of 60 000 captivates with its fas-
cinating architecture, mysterious history
and scenic appeal.

Here there is no need for the visitor having to

Simply taking a walk through the inner
decide between sightseeing and shopping. The
city is an attraction. Even better: Find a lovingly restored houses from the Weser-Re-
seat at one of the street cafés and mar- naissance era with their wood carved grimac-
vel at the unusual architecture while sip- ing faces and gargoyles, the golden inscrip-
ping your cup of tea. Architecture fans tions on their gables and the colourful facades
are home to many shops that allow for excel-
call Hameln’s historical old city the jewel
lent browsing.
of the Weser-Renaissance, although the
stone relics are more inclined to bear tes-
timony to the story of the city’s Pied Piper,
for example the Pied Piper House (Ratten- A city walkabout is not complete without a
fängerhaus) that dates back to 1602 with visit to the glass blowing workshop in the
the inscription recounting the story of the historic Pulverturm or powder tower. The
children taking off with the Pied Piper – ar- River Weser also cannot be missed. The
guably Hameln’s most well known histori- promenade along its banks is an open in-
cal event. In 1284, 130 children are pur- vitation to go for a marvellous walk and
ported to have disappeared from Hameln also marks the start of a cycle route that
in a mysterious way. Legend has it that takes you through the Weser River Moun- Hameln Marketing und
the strange Pied Piper led the children out tain Country. Another way to take in sce- 14 Tourismus GmbH
the city as an act of revenge. Everywhere nic Hameln is on a river cruise. 
20 historical

Spatial experience in the Huldigungssaal or Hall of Hom-

age: The former governing council meeting hall, the Ratssit-
zungssaal in Goslar’s historic town hall (Rathaus) is an inval-
uable gem of late Gothic spatial art and painted all around
with impressive works of art. A multimedia presentation visu-
ally replicates the history of the room to resemble the original

as closely as possible.

Tourist-Information der
15 GOSLAR marketing gmbh
– vibrant 1000 year-old Harz region history 

The millennium city Goslar is an exciting ing holiday is what you really want Gos- Wasserwirtschaft” or Upper Harz wa-
city destination to travel to, aside from lar is the place to be. The atmosphere in ter conservancy in 2010. An impressive
which it is located in superb nature right the small alleys or at the vibrant market award that turns Goslar’s testimonies of
by the Harz region. square with its coffee shops and restau- ore mining and the city’s history into one
Its special tradition-rich atmosphere and rants invites you to come along and enjoy. of Germany’s most valuable cultural mon-
cultural treasures, such as the historical The Rammelsberg ore mine and the his- uments. Other city attractions are the
old city core, churches and museums are toric old city of Goslar were declared a monumental imperial palace, the Kaiserp-
an exceptional experience (not only) for UNESCO world heritage site in 1992 falz and the Mönchehaus Museum with its
culture enthusiasts, but also if a relax- that was expanded with the “Oberharzer prominent modern art exhibitions.

– appealing at any time of year
The climatically healthy spa town of Hah- trails in and surrounding Hahnenklee-
nenklee-Bockswiese 16 km south of Gos- Bockswiese – the many leisure options on
lar lies on a sunny plateau and is the ide- offer will not only guarantee you rest and
al holiday resort for old and young. relaxation but also a variety of things
to do and entertain you.
Irrespective of whether you prefer to take
a leisurely walk along the ponds replete For example you can broaden your Discover the beauty of Hahnenklee-Bocks­
with cranes in the spa gardens or prefer knowledge by joining a city guided wiese and the attractions that it has to of-
to while away the time on the path with tour. Our hiking guide will also take fer, for example the unique Stabkirche or
stave church. The Stabkirche, Hahnen-
its lovingly designed lover’s benches that you around the Oberharzer Wasser-
klee’s landmark, is a uniquely built church
make for spectacular views of the Harz wirtschaft for you to enjoy the charm- using the Norwegian wooden version as
foothills, or if you wish to acquaint your- ing landscape. its template. It is very impressive with its
self with the expansive network of hiking modern carillon comprising four octaves.
Why not see and hear for yourself? 
HAHNENKLEE tourismus marketing gmbh
historical 21

Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel

A must for every visitor is this world famous library, strong-
hold of the most spectacular and valuable manuscripts of the
Middle Ages such as the Gospelbook of Duke Henry the Lion
(1188). The most famous librarian was Lessing, in whose hon-
our a Museum of Literature was established in the Lessing-

– The Guelphs’ Residence haus alongside the library.

and home to Jägermeister

Enjoy a festive dinner with Casanova at Wolfenbüttel Pal-
ace, invite Mr Lessing to afternoon tea at your hotel, taste
our world famous digestive – Jägermeister – or marvel at
the famous library – Herzog August Bibliothek. Where else
but in Wolfenbüttel – the vibrant timber framework town be-
tween the Harz Mountains and the Lüneburger Heide – will
you be able to experience these things?

Begin your visit to our town with a discovery tour of the his-
torical old town and acquaint yourself with “Little Venice”
(Klein Venedig), the Ducal Liberty district, the magnificent
church architecture and the Palace District (Schlossviertel).
Your very accomplished tour guide will take you to one of Jägermeister
our restaurants in the historical old town to give you the + Culture
chance to re-energise for the rest of the day. Let the dance + Enjoyment
master sweep you off on an adventure tour through the pal- = Wolfenbüttel
ace state rooms with coffee and cake served afterwards to
Experience an interesting tour
round off an unforgettable day in Wolfenbüttel. through the production line of the
famous Firma Jägermeister, which
Of course the best way to discover our town and its delight- produces the delicious herbal di-
ful surroundings is to stay for a few days. Our special “Drei gestive with the same name. Add a
stroll through the historical old town
wundervolle Tage in Wolfenbüttel’’ offers you three marvel-
to it and to this add a delicious
lous days in Wolfenbüttel and aside from organised excur- meal in a restaurant there – then
sions and tours, allows for enough time each day to enjoy a the result has to be the Wolfenbüt-
dinner out or an event of cultural interest. There is also room tel experience! For further informa-
tion and bookings go to:
for an excursion to the surrounding areas, like the Harz
Mountains or the world heritage sites of Goslar, Quedlin-
burg or Hildesheim, the Mühlenmuseum (Mill Museum) in
Gifhorn or Auto City in Wolfsburg: All these destinations
are within 50 km of Wolfenbüttel. How does that sound?
Stadtmarketing Wolfenbüttel GmbH & Co.KG


– Corn distilleries, night watchmen

and drummer boys
Tip Lingen is the biggest city in the Emsland. The vibrant hub is an
open invitation for shopping trips, with museums and art galleries
not far off. The coffee shops on the historical Marktplatz or mar-
All three cities are situated in ket square are ideal for taking a relaxing break. The Kivelinge, the
the countryside and alongside young sons of the city’s residents, take you on the tours to the beat
the water and are ideal van-
of a drum.
tage points to head out on a cy-
cling or canoe trip from. Lingen’s
canoe and climbing camp of- Meppen is the city by the water’s edge. The rivers Ems and Hase
fers adventure tours for all age meet up here. Attractions not to be missed in the historical old city:
groups, while Meppen offers The Baroque Gymnasialkirche church, the Stadtmuseum municipal
a combo two-river experience.
museum and the old town hall (Rathaus). The open-air stage offers
Haselünne with its inviting farm-
yard coffee shops lies along the musicals in the summer months. Visitors can enjoy a culinary city
Hase-Ems River Tour – and it is tour or follow the night watchman.
also possible to take a canoe
from here.
Haselünne, the Emsland’s oldest city, is renowned for its corn distill-
eries. Among the distilleries that offer tours are Berentzen-Hof and
Kornbrennerei Heydt, while a “Corn Academy” can be found at
Brennerei Rosche. Tasting is a given. Groups can take advantage
of the “Juniper Test” and the Haselünn Lake for its water sports.

Emsland Touristik GmbH


– cruise ships, recreational
boats and the
Papenburg barges
Emsland Touristik GmbH

Emsland – cruise ships, recreational boats and the Papenburg barges – the name is synony-
mous with dreamlike cruise ships which are built in the renowned Meyer Werft dockyard and
transported to the North Sea via the River Ems watched by thousands of spectators. A glance
into the construction dock of Meyer Werft is spectacular. The bascule and swivel bridges dec-
orated with flowers for the most part and the historical ships in the long canals make the city- The history of Papenburg is cap-
scape a site well worth seeing. The Gut Altenkamp estate, the Meyers Mühle mill and the Von- tured and presented interactively
at the “Zeitspeicher” and there
Velen Museum can be found on the many cycling routes that intersect in Papenburg outside
are numerous options you can
the old town hall (Rathaus) and in front of the Brigg Friederike, an ancient seagoing vessel. take part in. There is a holiday
centre at Dankern Castle in Ha-
Haren (Ems), the harbour city: 300 maritime vessels and 50 inland ships are in operation ren that has everything you could
run by Harener Reeder ship owners. A short distance from the Maritime Museum (Schifffahrts- wish for. Never a dull moment at
the 5.000 m2 roofed over amuse-
museum) where the Spitzpünte Helene is moored is where the passenger ship Amisia casts
ment park.
off to take passengers on a cruise on the River Ems. Captains of both leisure and sports ves-
sels traverse the Haren-Rütenbrock Canal to the Netherlands. A must for visitors to Haren: The
Emsland Cathedral, the mill museum (Mühlenmuseum) and the Dankern Castle Holiday Centre.
maritime 23

Maritime Charm
Ahoy! Join us on a journey through Niedersachsen’s
most beautiful maritime cities. Drop anchor with us at
busy harbours and idyllic fishing villages. Learn what
there is to know about the UNESCO Wadden Sea
World Heritage Site (Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer) and
its inhabitants – and listen to the captivating sailors’
yarns of the fishermen. Take a museum ship and join us
at the diving station to experience the magnificent un-
derwater world. Revitalise yourself in one of the cosy
harbour restaurants and enjoy the freshly caught fish
from “Neptune’s Empire – God of the Sea”, or crabs
straight from the cutter at the docks. Trace your herit-
age at the German Emigration Centre or stare into the
future from the JadeWeserPort. Perhaps you have the
urge to try your hand at sailing. No problem – here
you are always guaranteed six inches of water under
the keel. Sail inland across rivers and canals past light-
houses, cruise ships, picturesque villages, and moor
landscapes – always accompanied by a fresh breeze.
All hands on deck? Then the journey can begin: “Cast
off! Full steam ahead!”
24 maritime

– Maritime and port city

Maritime Elegance
Stay at the COLUMBIA Hotel Wilhelmshaven and get a
panoramic view of the harbour Großer Hafen. Awaiting
A harbour atmosphere at its best, big city liv- From the beach, you here is a breakfast buffet, a three-course dinner in the
ing and maritime attractions – the North Sea the Südstrandprome- Harbour View Restaurant, a 30-minute back massage, the
city of Wilhelmshaven located on the south- nade, you will have COLUMBIA wellness package with plenty of extras, as well
ern Jadebusen bay has far more to offer than an excellent view of as a visit to the Coastal Museum. From 210 € per person
sharing (double).
sea and sun. Countless cultural institutions in- the UNESCO Wad-
vite you to enjoy its theatre, art, music and den Sea World Her-
comedy. itage Site. In season
harbour cruises and excursions to the deep-
Six worlds of experience are lined up at the sea island of Helgoland start from here.
Wilhelmshaven Maritime Mile (Maritime
Meile Wilhelmshaven) all bringing home A futuristic harbour experience can be head
the subject of the “ocean” to the visitor: The up close at the JadeWeserPort oceanic con-
Coastal Museum (Küstenmuseum), the Aquar- struction site. Germany’s only deepwater port
ium, the German Navy Museum (Deutsches will be able to handle the world’s biggest con-
Marinemuseum), the “Wadden Sea House” tainer ships as from 2012.
(Wattenmeerhaus), the 5D cinematic experi-
ence “Nordsee-Welten” and harbour cruises Sailing, surfing, rowing or canoeing – the
on the MS Harle Kurier. conditions for watersports fanatics are ideal
A striking landmark of the city is the Emper-
or William Bridge (Kaiser-Wilhelm-Brücke) If you prefer to remain on terra firma
that is over 100 years old. The iron structure you will still get your money’s worth
towers above the Großer Hafen section of here, i.e. you can play a game of golf
the harbour. Every year countless tradition- or go cycling.
al sailing ships drop anchor here from all
over Europe, especially for the “Weekend on
the Jade” (“Wochenende an der Jade”) re-
nowned far beyond the city’s borders and for
the “JadeWeser-Port-CUP”. A colourful fringe Constables, murderers
events programme of music, entertainment, and scoundrels
games and enjoyment lures thousands of visi- Go on a cycling tour through the Wilhelmshaven’s
tors to the city on the River Jade. police and judiciary history, which will take you to
various crime scenes culminating in the museum
Wilhelmshaven bunker of the city’s correctional facility.
19 Touristik & Freizeit GmbH
maritime 25

– The gateway to Ostfriesland

The picturesque histori- The pedestrian zone with seum Harbour is the
cal old city and town hall its successful combination trendy Nesse Penin-
(Rathaus), the countless of contemporary shopping sula. The Nesse Pen-
number of lovingly restored experiences combined with insula is joined to
houses, the striking commer- traditional shops, comple- the historical old city
cial buildings, its churches mented by cosy restaurants, with an architectural-
and alleys all constitute the coffee shops and tea rooms, ly unique pedestrian
heart of Leer. has turned the city of Leer bridge. Allow yourself to be captivated
into the shopping city in Os- by a tour of the Even Castle (Even-
burg) and the magnificent palace
There is a direct connec- tfriesland. Take part in a harbour tour
gardens (Schlosspark).
tion between the historical and treat yourself to tea af-
old city and the attractive Leer Harbour melds his- terwards to take in more of
pedestrian zone, as well as tory and things contem- this port city’s pizzazz.
the Museum Harbour (Muse- porary in an impressive
umshafen) and tourist port. manner. Across from the Mu- 20 Stadt Leer (Ostfriesland)

– Discover art and culture

Worpswede is an artistic “metropolis” in the midst of the tran-

quillity of the countryside and nature. Situated outside the
Bremen gateway in the Teufelsmoor (Devil’s Moor), museum
and studio visits, art and architecture, artistic gardens and
moor terrain can be combined into one unforgettable expe-
rience in this German artists’ town. At present the big mu-
seums are being modernised successively. In 2012 the city’s
museums will present a comprehensive retrospective on the
multifaceted works of artist Heinrich Vogeler.

Kulturland Teufelsmoor, Worpswede

21 ·
26 maritime

– Experience the sea
Where the River Weser flows into the North Sea is where the largest
city on the North Sea Coast, Bremerhaven lies. Emotional stagings
and an exciting means of transferring knowledge make the Harbor
Worlds Bremerhaven a constant source of fascination: The emigra-
tion era is brought to life at the German Emigration Center (Deut-
sches Auswandererhaus®), while the climate theme center Klimahaus®
Bremerhaven 8° Ost takes you on a journey through the world’s diffe-
rent climate zones. The world’s oldest cog is displayed at the German
Sea Fish Cooking Studio Maritime Museum (Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum), while polar bears,
– a showcase for the fishing port penguins and co. go about their business at the Bremerhaven Zoo at
Head Chef Michael Gorich reveals his tips and tricks the sea. Ocean liners head for the port city, museum ships grace the
for both classical and avant-garde delicacies from harbor and the HafenBus-Tour will give you an insight into car
“Neptune’s Kingdom – God of the Sea”. A hot and
and container transshipment at the international port. The His-
cold fish buffet is served afterwards.
torical Museum Bremerhaven takes you back in time to work
and life in the worlds of the past along our coast. Fish “live”
is showcased wherever you go in the fishing port: In the
Atlanticum with its seawater aquarium, on the Gera trawler,
in the Sea Fish Cooking Studio (Seefischkochstudio) or in its
restaurants. An adventure filled mix of maritime tradition and
modernism awaits you.

Overnight stays at the Roter

Sand Lighthouse are extremely
popular. Bookings for the follow-
ing year commence mid-Novem-
ber. Anyone wishing to stay at
the landmark lighthouse should
BIS Bremerhaven Touristik book early to avoid disappoint-
22 ment. Legend has it that the red sand of the sandbank came
about thanks to a giant called
Rik. The outings start in May. For
further information and bookings
go to:
maritime 27

Stade and Buxtehude

– Two maritime Hanse towns

The thousand year old sister cities Buxtehude and Stade are located in Urlaubsregion Altes Land am Elbstrom,
Germany’s biggest orchard with more than 16-million fruit trees. Nearly 100 kilometres of this holiday region dis-
tinguished for its fruit and maritime access runs along the River Elbe on its journey to where it joins the North Sea.
Located in a very unique landscape surrounded by a sea of blossoms are two charming Hanse towns: Buxtehude
und Stade.

Two charming medieval

Hanse towns

Buxtehude – Good work if you are there already. Stade – A cool breeze in the north.
The hometown of the Hare and the Hedgehog, whose fairytale Today you will find small speciality shops, cosy pubs and coffee
race is renowned worldwide, does indeed exist. A stroll through shops with inviting summer terraces right by the water where Han-
the historical old city may seem like a journey through time to the se ships were offloaded in days gone by. The Hanse harbour in the
good old days; it is as if previous centuries come alive before your middle of the historical old city is well worth a visit, with the museum
very eyes. Make your way through the narrow cobbled alleys and ship, cruise boats and sports skipper in the busy city harbour along-
marvel at the carefully restored merchants’ houses with their artisti- side side it indicative of Stade’s affinity with water and seafaring
cally decorated framework timber gables. that continues to live on to this very day.

Has-und-Igel-Tour – the Hare and the Hedgehog tour On the trail of the Hanse town
The Hare and the Hedgehog will tell you stories from Buxtehude in Take a guided city walk through 350 years of Hanse history. You will
an entertaining city ramble that takes you through the historical old have eight different characters in historical outfits recount some very
city. Join these two fairytale figures on a journey of discovery and lis- entertaining stories of everyday life in the town. Duration 90 minutes.
ten carefully to their tales: Their amazing race and all about the “Jun-
gmühle”. Duration 90 minutes.

Tourismusverband Landkreis Stade/Elbe e. V.


What is your favourite dish?

A culinary journey through Niedersachsen’s cities
For you good food is synonymous with a city tour? You enjoy din- come across a delicious sweet specialty, the buck-wheat pan-
ing in exclusive atmospheres or are keen to try dishes that have cake, in Papenburg. You absolutely have to try it!
been prepared according to historical recipes? Then a culinary
journey through the past, the present and the future of Nieder- First class star-rated cuisine is what Wolfsburg is known for. Be
sachsen’s cities is just up your street! Your culinary journey it in a museum overlooking the city’s rooftops or in the very un-
through time will allow you to enjoy specialities of an epoch vis- usual atmosphere of the Autostadt, you will find the most sumptu-
ited and will give you the opportunity to feast on anything from ous dishes on the menus of star-rated chefs. Besides which, their
Niedersachsen traditional fare to star-rated futuristic cuisine. Be- preparation is environmentally friendly!
gin your journey through time in the past and acquaint yourself
with Braunschweiger Mumme, a top-fermented dark beer from Have you ever had the desire to become a student once again?
the Middle Ages. A right royal meal can be had in the Baroque A journey back to your own student years is something you can
ambience of Celle Castle and in Hameln you will meet the city’s take in Göttingen, where you can sit and relax in one of the rus-
famous Pied Piper after whom the famous “flambéed rats tails” tic pubs. You may even meet a television top chef! Oldenburg is
have been named. another city that will rekindle this student atmosphere. It is home
to Europe’s first “Green Cabbage Academy” and you can do
Refreshingly maritime is how the journey will continue along your Bachelors’ degree with “Green Cabbage” as a subject.
Niedersachsen’s coastline where our next stops are Wilhelms- You will be surprised at the delicious dishes that can be con-
haven and Bremerhaven. A cooking lesson will teach you differ- jured up from it.
ent ways to prepare fish specialities or you will have the oppor-
tunity to try some of the delicacies from the UNESCO Wadden There is much to discover and savour in the cities of Niedersach-
Sea World Heritage Site. Perhaps you are still keen to try some sen! For up to date culinary city options go to:
more maritime delights? Aside from ocean cruise ships you will
Sounds and the City
Come and hear the resonant sounds of cultural cities! Enjoy a trip composed especially for you! You can find descriptions of
PartiTouren Niedersachsen offers you extraordinary concert the PartiTouren packages online or in the PartiTouren brochure. Do you
experiences with an exclusive programme of accompanying like the sound of this? If so, then order your free brochure now:
events and adds an individual touch to your visit to the most Phone +4951127048877;
beautiful cities in the German federal state of Lower Saxony.

Your short break with musical accompaniment. PartiTouren


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Discover Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)

– take the train to travel quickly, inexpensively and in an environmentally friendly way
Saver fares Niedersachsen Ticket
Travel from any German station to Nieder- for a specific train and must be purchased Irrespective of whether you are travelling on
sachsen’s most sought after cities from as lit- at least 3 days in advance, subject to avail- your own, with someone else or in a group
tle as 29 € in 2nd class or 49 € in 1st class, ability. of up to 5 people, the Niedersachsen Ticket
one way, with Deutsche Bahn’s saver fares, will always ensure you travel at a fair price.
also by ICE. Group travel The ticket is valid from Monday to Friday for
Group travel is so much more fun and with one day of your choice from 9am until 3am
Two people can travel together from as little our Group&Save fares six people or more of the following day. On Saturdays, Sundays
as 49 € in 2nd class and may be accompa- travelling together can save up to 70 % on and bank holidays it is valid all day long
nied by 3 further travel companions paying long-distance rail travel in Germany. Trav- until 3am the following day. The Nieder-
a supplement starting from 20 € each. Bahn- el in comfort, and free of stress and traffic sachsen Ticket can be used on all local trains
Card holders are entitled to a 25 % discount jams, with fellow club members, friends or and local transport networks within Nieder-
on all saver fares. Children under 15 years colleagues. Save money and at the same sachsen, Bremen and Hamburg.
of age travel for free if they are accompa- time make an active contribution to protect-
nied by a parent or grandparent. Tickets are ing the environment. Status: January 2011
30 contemporary

design and
More than a thousand years of architectural history and design- starting at Hannover’s designer bus stops all the way through to
er products from various centuries are waiting to be discovered the city of Celle’s art museum.
in Niedersachsen. Go in search of design classics and modern
day collections, architectural monuments and avant garde archi- When it comes to architectural design, here in Niedersachsen
tecture, traditional artisan art and contemporary design. it absolutely comes into its own. An excursion to the production
sites will give you a good idea where Niedersachsen’s export
The UNESCO heritage site of Saint Mary’s Cathedral (Marien- hits originate from. Stock up on the latest “made in Niedersach-
dom), century-old monuments that bear testimony to the industri- sen” creations at the factory sales or make a detour to one of the
al heritage and contemporary buildings by world renowned ar- museums or exhibitions for a peek into the long history of arts
chitects. Frank Gehry and Zaha Hadid feature prominently when and crafts and design.
it comes to the latter, but by the same token they only form the tip
of the iceberg when it comes to matters architectural. Museums, We would like to give you a small taster on what Niedersachsen
hotels, adventure worlds and production sites can be found in all has to offer when it comes to architecture and design on the fol-
of Niedersachsen’s areas, which all represent architecture and lowing pages.
interior design well worth seeing in the true sense of the words,
contemporary 31

Architecture & Design

Be it purses by Bree, porcelain by Fürstenberg, chairs by Wilkhahn that shot to fame in the 17th century as the eighth Wonder of the
or the world famous Jägermeister liqueur – these are Niedersach- World.
sen specialities that are sought-after worldwide. And where better
to get to know more about them than on their home turf? Go on the “Architek-Tour” architectural tour afterwards to the city
of Wolfsburg for example. Here the Phæno Science Centre by ar-
For example, at the FÜRSTENBERG porcelain manufacturing chitect Zaha Hadid has been enthralling visitors year after year
plant. At the visitor’s workshop at the castle you can experience with its avant garde design. Other architectural treats can be tak-
how its unique porcelain creations come about. Their brand logo: en in at the Klimahaus® Bremerhaven 8° Ost, at the Uelzen sta-
An underglazed blue “F” that stands for consistent manufactur- tion designed by Austrian artist Hundertwasser, at the landmark
ing quality at the highest level. Or find out more about the Jäger- BUSSTOPS of Hannover or even deep inside a mountain at Os-
meister liqueur in Wolfenbüttel, the city renowned for philosopher terode in the Harz region. Here you will find the Iberg Dripstone
and author Lessing with its Herzog August Bibliothek – the library Cave which forms part of the “Cave Experience Centre”.

phæno Wolfsburg
The British daily newspaper “The Guardian” has evaluated the
Phæno as one of the twelve most significant modern architectural
structures of the world. Not only does the imposing structure serve
to impress with its avant garde design language, but it also pro-
vides for flexibility in its uses and could not be more appropriate
for this “experimental museum” with its over 350 interactive ex-
hibits taken from nature and technology. The unique architectur-
al experience is the brainchild of British Iraqi star architect Zaha
Hadid. The building that was launched in November 2005 trans-
gresses many norms and has set new constructional standards.

HöhlenErlebnisZentrum Iberger Tropfsteinhöhle (Bad Grund)

(The Cave Experience Centre Iberg Dripstone Cave)
The entire exhibition is underground! Launched in July 2008,
the Cave Experience Centre Iberg Dripstone Cave brings alive
the history of earth and is an outstanding example of exhibition
architecture with an element of adventure. This innovative con-
cept has turned this facility into a “Germany – Land of Ideas”
(“Deutschland – Land der Ideen”) national contest award winner.

FÜRSTENBERG porcelain manufacturing plant

(Porzellanmanufaktur FÜRSTENBERG)
It was the Duke of Braunschweig Carl the First who was instrumental
in the founding of the FÜRSTENBERG porcelain manufacturing plant.
Only the idyllic castle precinct and the countless exhibits in the por-
celain museum bear testimony to its 200 year-old existence, certainly
not the porcelain made available for industrial selling. Here you will
find dinner service sets from the classical era through to the modern
age, outrageous gift items and unusual design objects.
32 contemporary

Art Museum Celle and the Robert Simon Collection

(“Kunstmuseum Celle mit Sammlung Robert Simon”)
Around the clock art – A world first 24-hour art museum is what
makes Celle fascinating with its exciting exhibitions and works by
very diverse artists in the day, becoming a light display at night: It is
at night when the glass cube of the building, with its multi-coloured
lighting from inside, is ablaze with light. In 2007 an international
jury evaluating the industry ranked Art Museum Celle in fifth place
in the context of contemporary architecture in Germany. Also highly
ranked is the innovative museum concept that obtained an award
from the “Germany – Land of Ideas” initiative in 2007.

Klimahaus® Bremerhaven 8° Ost

It is not only the unique world of knowledge and adventure sur-
rounding the climate as a topic that is well worth a visit here,
but also the imposing architecture. Klimahaus® Bremerhaven 8°
Ost is made up of two sections completely separated from one
another. The interior made of concrete is surrounded by a glass
casing and the building only comes alive with the help of the
most sophisticated computer technology. Not one of the glass
plates comprising the 10 000 m² surface resembles another.

Uelzen Hundertwasser Railway Station

(“Hundertwasser-Bahnhof Uelzen”)
An exciting synthesis between railway station architecture from
the Wilhelminian period and art can be found here at the heart
of the Lüneburger Heide: The organic colours and design lan-
guage of artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser has turned the rail-
way station built in 1887 into an obligatory stop – a stop cer-
tainly not limited to those with a passion for art and architecture.

BUSSTOPS belonging to Hannover’s

public transport operator üstra
This is how pleasurable waiting for the bus can really be: The BUS-
STOPS refers to a total of nine bus stops that have been conceptu-
alised by internationally acclaimed architects and designers and
are spread across the city of Hannover. They are the product of a
design project of the nineties designated as “Art in Public” (“Kunst
im öffentlichen Raum”) the aim of which was to give art a concre-
te use. Go to: using the search word “BUSSTOPS”
contemporary 33

Industrial heritage & architecture

When you think of factories do you think of grey purpose-
built structures with billowing chimneys? Then it is about
time you acquaint yourself with the industrial heritage of

Take the city of Nordhorn in the west of the country for ex-
ample. Immerse yourself in the industrial past of a city that
once belonged to the most significant centres of Germany’s
textile industry by visiting the Povelturm tower built in 1906.
Another highlight is the Alfeld Fagus-Werke, a factory in Al-
feld near Hannover commissioned by Carl Benscheidt and
built by Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius, and which repre-
sents the cornerstone of the epoch’s building style.

Even modern-day production facilities can offer visitors a

substantial outing, as the examples that follow will go to
show: While the MEYER WERFT dockyard in Papenburg
will allow you to experience how the world’s largest and
most majestic cruise ships come about, Autostadt Wolfsburg
will introduce you to the fascinating world of automobile
transportation – and you could even end up being an ar-
dent fan of the industrial culture of Niedersachsen yourself!

Autostadt Wolfsburg and VW Plant Wolfsburg

Autostadt Wolfsburg is Volkswagen AG’s brainchild for mem-
bers of the public to experience technology, design and history
in a way that is very unique to this day. Not only does the ad-
venture park alongside the Volkswagen plant attract visitors with
its ultramodern infotainment and plant tours – but a visit to the
25-hectare terrain also constitutes a tour of contemporary architec-
ture and landscape architecture. The two glass office towers, the
AutoTürme, both 48 metres in height, create an unmistakable silhou-
ette on the skyline forming the Autostadt characteristic landmark.

MEYER WERFT dockyard in Papenburg

Get new insights into an industry that has been around for a very
long time – the launching ground for ocean voyages and cruise
ships. The MEYER WERFT Visitors’ Centre in Papenburg will let
you experience the latest luxury liners up close and immerse
yourself in the impressive world of ship building. The highlight:
The undocking and transfer of the luxury liners is a spectacular
event that attracts thousands of people every year. Visitors to
MEYER WERFT will learn all about state-of-the-art ship building
from ship and cabin models.
34 contemporary

The Povelturm tower and the “Old Weaving Mill”

(Alte Weberei) in Nordhorn
The history of textiles has left its indelible mark in Nordhorn’s
design and architecture. The City Museum (Stadtmuseum) uses
two industrial buildings of the Povel textile factory protecting
these buildings as historic monuments for its ongoing and spe-
cial exhibitions. The Povelturm tower was built in 1906 as a dust
filter and cooling tower and extensively restored in 1993/94.
Not only does it bring to life the industrial culture, but it has also
become integral to the fashion and advertising designs of the
Nordhorn textile products. Artisans in the nearby “Old Weaving
Mill” will demonstrate the former production process of a textile
factory on machines that are still operating. Even the old villas
of the factory workers bear testimony to Nordhorn’s heritage as
a textile city.

The Gropius Fagus-Werk

The shoelast factory commissioned by Carl Benscheidt in 1911
and built by architect and Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius can
be regarded as the cornerstone of the modern age – even if this
was the first work of architect Walter Gropius who later became
world famous. Production still takes place at the Fagus plant
nominated as a world heritage site. Aside from shoelasts, tech-
nologies for solid wood processing are developed here. The
former factory’s warehouse showcases the Fagus-Gropius Exhi-
bition (Fagus-Gropius-Ausstellung) in a 3000 m² area taking up
eleven floors, around topics such as wood as the raw material,
wood and the processing thereof and last but not least, a cen-
tury of shoe history.
contemporary 35

Accommodation at its best

In Niedersachsen design and architecture are
not only there to be admired. Excellent accom-
modation awaits you everywhere. Enjoy comfort
at its best accompanied by contemporary interior
design within the walls of a historical building.
Spend a day in the seventies. Or revel in the iso-
lation of a forest retreat – obviously once again
without having to compromise on a designer set-
ting. Niedersachsen’s laureates can make it hap-
pen: Every part of the region is host to award
winning hotels, excellent buildings and prize win-
ning tourist destinations.

Retro Design Hotel, Langeoog

Take a vacation in the seventies. With its “egg chairs”, ball
strobe lights, bean bag chairs, lava lamps and garish wallpa-
per, the Retro Design Hotel on the North Sea island of Langeoog
will give you the chance to relive this wild epoch. A feast for the
eyes awaits design enthusiasts and design professionals alike.
The hotel also received an award for its authentic implementa-
tion of the theme from in 2010 in an architectural and
design contest run by the design studio.

Hotel Seesteg at Norderney

Formerly used as a warehouse for the peninsula pier of the
North Sea island of Norderney, the building dating back to
1893 serves as the luxurious designer Hotel Seesteg today. The
hotel located directly on the island’s North Sea beach will not
fail to impress its guests with its exciting mix of natural materials
and design, aside from spoiling you with unremitting comfort.

Hotel Freigeist
Design in harmony with nature is what awaits you at the life-
style Hotel Freigeist. Located in the middle of an idyllic forest
area in Northeim in southern Niedersachsen, the hotel pro-
vides an oasis for rest and inspiration. With a successful com-
bination of classical elements such as oil finished oak floors
and contemporary interiors the hotel was awarded Germany’s
renowned Prize for Interdisciplinary Design in 2009 (Preis für
interdisziplinäre Gestaltung).

Events highlights
in Niedersachsen’s cities

Braunschweig Goslar Hannover

“Schoduvel” – Braunschweig’s annual Walpurgis Night, annually on 30th April International fireworks competition
carnival that coincides with Rose Monday An attraction for the whole family is Walpurgis annually from May to September
Braunschweig is the north of Germany’s carnival Night typical to the Harz region. It will take place There are five dates designated between May
stronghold. The last Monday before the season of on the historical Market Square (Marktplatz) in and September with the world’s best pyrotechnics
Lent is when “Schoduvel”, one of Germany’s big- Goslar inviting you with eerily beautiful decora- experts transforming the night sky with their fire-
gest carnival processions, transforms the city into tions and live music. work displays against the backdrop of the Royal
a colourful and crazy family of clowns. Gardens of Herrenhausen (Herrenhäuser Gärten). 
Craft market (Kunsthandwerkermarkt)
The Mumme Mile (Mumme-Meile) annually in August The Maschsee Lake Festival (Maschseefest)
held annually in November During the first weekend in August the market annually in August
For a whole weekend in November everything re- spills into the picturesque alleys of Goslar’s histori- Concerts, minor arts and culinary delights. Every
volves around the historical drink made of malt cal old city with its 150 or so exhibitors casting its year from the end of July to the middle of August
and water: The Mumme. Live music, a varied pro- spell on thousands of visitors with their top qual- more than two-million visitors converge on this
gramme, Mumme specialities, cooking demon- ity wares. massive party with Mediterranean flair.
strations and shops open for business on the Sun-
day are the order of the day throughout. Göttingen Shooting Festival (Schützenfest) annually in July
The world’s biggest shooting festival lasts for ten
International Händel Festival annually days and nights. A cultural hustle and bustle and
to coincide with Witsun a giant fair ensure that high spirits abound. The
Bremerhavener Festival Week held Every Spring classical music lovers meet at the In- highlight is the tradition rich parade with 12 000
annually in July ternational Händel Festival, which enthrals its au- participants.
No city boasts as many harbours and wharfs diences especially with opera performances in
as Bremerhaven. With this a given, this world of which renowned international artists participate.
harbours cannot help celebrating the fact with a
huge festival for the whole family held every year
in July. Göttinger Literaturherbst annually in October The Auto Mile and Bus Pulling annually in May Göttingen’s literary festival “Literaturherbst”, North- The latest vehicle models, a colourful entertain-
ern Germany’s biggest literary festival, presents a ment programme and Niedersachen’s Bus Pull-
Celle snapshot of contemporary literature annually in a ing championship are worth looking out for in
series of performances and media projects. Hildesheim’s inner city in May.
Celle Jazz Streetparade annually in May
Marching bands, jazz, rhythm & blues, world mu-
sic against the backdrop of the magical Celle his- Wine Festival annually on Ascension Day
torical old city. Not to be missed! Every year during Ascension Day vintners, wine Musical RATS annually from May to September merchants and restaurant owners invite you to a
Every Wednesday at 4.30pm the visitor to Hame- traditional Hildesheim Wine Festival.
Celle Wine Market (Celle Weinmarkt) lin will come across the humorous Musical RATS.
annually in July Zappy dialogue and great songs is what its popu-
Taste wines from around the world in the heart of larity can be ascribed to. Jazztime annually to coincide with Whitsun
Celle’s old historical city. Besides this there will be Jazz, blues and country lovers will get their mon-
a varied music programme, as well as culinary de- ey’s worth at Jazztime. The festival has gained
lights on offer. Hann. Münden recognition countrywide and has since evolved into a definite size.
Rose Festival (Rosenfest) annually in June
The Celle Stag Parade (Celler Hengstparade) takes It is a two-day festival in the historical old city (Alt-
place annually in September and October stadtfest) with plenty of flower stands, minor arts
The famous Celle Stag Parade will take place and a music programme on several stages, with
against the backdrop of the historical building of the obligatory election of the “Rose Fairy” and
the Celle National Stud Farm (Celler Landgestütes) Münden culinary fare at its best.
on five Saturdays in September/October as from
1.00pm. Seats are from 30.80 € per person. veranstaltungen

Leer Osnabrück
An Evening with Casanova (Ein Abend
Traditional Boat Festival (Treffen der May Week (Maiwoche) annually in May mit Casanova) annually on different dates
Traditionsschiffe) from 29th to 31st July 2011 Popular music festival with comedy acts and Casanova has the honour of inviting you personal-
(held every two years) shows performed on over ten stages in the inner ly to a stylish three course meal and accompanying
Every two years in the summer a multitude of tradi- city – open-air and free of charge. drinks on this evening. For dates available go to:
tional boat lovers will gather at the Leer Museum
Harbour (Museumshafen) with their boats. Papenburg Wolfsburg
Meyer Werft dockyard, Movimentos Festival Weeks in the Autostadt
The Gallimarkt Folk Festival with Galliviehmarkt
various dates throughout the year annually in April and May
Cattle Market annually in October
Dockyard tour for members of the public through The programme includes classical, jazz and pop-
This event that has been running annually since
the home of numerous ocean giants. For dates on ular concerts, readings and talks, discussions and
1508 and attracts some 500-thousand visitors to
cruise ship undockings/transfers go to: scenic evenings, as well as dance companies from
Leer’s historical old city. renowned choreographers.
International summer Open-Air-Festival
Holk Festival annually in August
Kivelingsfest 11th to 13th June 2011 annually in June (Internationale Sommerbühne)
Various musical genres and unusual performance
(held every three years) Wolfsburg, immersed in tradition, invites interna-
locations turn this high-end event into a cultural
A big medieval folk festival in honour of the drum- tional artists from all walks of cultural life to Wolfs-
mer boys of the boys’ guild made up of the bach- burg Castle (Schloss Wolfsburg) on four consecu-
elor sons of the residents, who once rescued the tive wakens.
city from occupation.
“Weekend on the Jade” (“Wochenende an der Historical old city festival (Altstadtfest)
Lüneburg Jade”) – annual city and harbour festival held end in Fallersleben annually in August
of June/beginning of July The historical old city festival in Fallersleben be-
“Sülfmeistertage”, Lüneburg’s master On the first weekend in July Wilhelmshaven cele- longs to the oldest city festivals of Niedersachsen
salt maker event annually in October brates a maritime festival with countless traditional and attracts countless visitors every year.
A medieval market, a historical festival parade, mu- sailing boats, some 80 music groups and the mar-
sic and theatre make up this medieval salt extrava- ket (Kajenmarkt).
ganza, which is held at the beginning of October. Worpswede
Throughout the year the German artists’ city of
JadeWeserPort-CUP annually in October
Oldenburg Worpswede has various events on offer in differ-
On the first weekend of October is when countless
ent genres. Be it theatre and music performances
International Ceramic Days Oldenburg traditional sailing boats will follow the instruction
or art – every taste is catered for.
(Internationalen Keramiktage) annually in August “cast off!” to take part in an exciting regatta on the
International Ceramic Days Oldenburg enjoys River Jade for the coveted JadeWeserPort-CUP.
plenty of recognition well beyond Germany. Its fo-
cal point is a two-day ceramics market (Keramik-
markt) with more than one hundred leading inter- Wolfenbüttel
national ceramics artists. Wolfenbütteler Cultural Summer (Kultursommer) annually from June to August
The castle inner courtyard in Wolfenbüttel is trans-
International Film Festival annually in September formed into a large open air stage with theatre, For further Niedersachsen events go
Oldenburg International Film Festival: It devotes it- cabaret, comedy, both light and serious music, to our events database online at:
self to international works for the cinema as a “non- children’s theatre, music, dance and song the or-
competitive film festival”. It constitutes one of the der of the day.
most important festivals for indie films in Europe.




lg ola


m in
3h 1h


45 min

30 Harlesiel Schilling

45 min

Neuharlingersiel Horumersiel
1h Neßmersiel Dornumersiel
15 Bensersiel
min Werdum


Das Land zwischen




Elbe und Weser


Ostfriesland 29

Sittensen Mecklenburg-

Lüneburger Brandenb
28 Bispingen

Mittelweser Hodenhagen

1 7

Grafschaft Hannover Region

Bentheim Osnabrücker
Land Steinhude


30 2 Braunschweiger

Bad Eilsen 2


Weser- 7

Nordrhein- bergland



City conurbation of
than 100 000 residents
conurbation of
Overmore thanresidents
50 000 100 000 residents
Städtischer Ballungsraum
Autobahn OverOver 50 000
30 000 residents

Imprint Key
über 100 000 Einwohner
Über 50 000 Einwohner OverOver 30 000
15 000 residents
Flughafen City conurbation of
Sonstige Straßen Flüsse Over
Über 30 000 Einwohner Under 15 15
000000 residents
(in Auswahl) Nationalpark more than 100 000 residents
Über 15 000 Einwohner Under 15 000 residents
Eisenbahn mit Kultur-Tipps
Autobahn Motorway Over 50 000 residents
Unter 15 000 Einwohner Over 30 000 residents
Fähre Autobahn
TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH
Other StreetsHighways Over 15 000 residents
Essener Straße 1 · 30173 Hannover Other Railway
Commuter Streets Under 15 000 residents

t +49 (0) 511 2704880 · f +49 (0) 511 27048888 FerryCity conurbation
Commuter Railwayof 30
Autobahn Motorway
Catamaran than 100 000 residents ·
Kreisfreie Stadt /
Over 50 000 residents
Federal Highways
Stadt mit Sitz einer Kreisverwaltung Rivers BREMEN Über 100 000 Einwoh
Over 30 000 residents Other Streets
Stadt / Stadtteil LakesRivers
and Ponds LÜNEBURG Über 50 000 Einwoh

Design Gemeinde / Gemeindeteil Over

Lakes 15
Canals and000 residents
Commuter Railway
Seevetal Über 30 000 Einwoh
In Niedersachsen sind alle Städte und Gemeinden verzeichnet. Under 15 000 residents Ferry
B:SiGN Werbeagentur GmbH Bei Samtgemeinden ist die Gemeinde mit dem Sitz der Samtgemeindeverwaltung Canals
Lebenstedt Über 15 000 Einwoh
verzeichnet. ICE Station HORNBURG FALLERSLEBEN Friedeburg Neuhaus Unter 15 000 Einwoh
Ellernstraße 36 30
Außerhalb Niedersachsens sind alle Städte verzeichnet. Bei Gemeinden, Verwaltungsgemein-
schaften und Ämtern sind die Orte mit dem Sitz der Verwaltung nur in Auswahl verzeichnet. StationMotorway Rivers
Städte Stadtteile Gemeinden Gemeindeteile
30175 Hannover Federal
National Park
Highways Lakes and Ponds
Cultural Streets
Tips Park Canals
National Railway
Printers ICE Station
National Park
BWH GmbH Catamaran Airport
National Park
Beckstraße 10 Rivers
Lakes and Cultural Tips
20 Ponds30 km
30457 Hannover 0 10
National Park
0 Canals
Scale 10
1: 1.800.00020 30 km
LGN 2008
Scale 1: 1.800.000
ICE Station
LGN 2008

National Park 0 10 20 30 km

Scale 1: 1.800.000

Christmas Markets (Weihnachtsmärkte)

Hannover Oldenburg Goslar
Hannover has three Christmas Markets run- The gables of the historical houses shine with Germany’s only Christmas Forest offers a
ning concurrently in the inner city: One at the city’s bright lights at Christmas time eve- magical Christmas treat against a beautiful
the Market Church (Marktkirche), and an- ry year. Tip: It is in a Lüneburg courtyard that background of timber-framed houses. The
other on the Lister Meile and as a special you will find the tiniest most romantic Christ- historic marketplace is located in close prox-
tribute to Christmas, the Finish Christmas mas Market that Germany has to offer. imity to the Christmas Forest and is home to
Market in the historical old city. The feel of an attractively designed Christmas market
Christmas can also be experienced at the boasting over 80 stalls offering food and
Winter Zoo: A toboggan run, an ice skating Lüneburg drink delicacies and handcrafted goods.
rink and Christmas Market around “Mey-
The gables of the historical houses shine with
er’s Farm” (Meyers Hof) turn the zoo into the
the city’s bright lights at Christmas time eve-
perfect winter outing. Wolfenbüttel
ry year. Tip: It is in a Lüneburg courtyard that
you will find the tiniest most romantic Christ- Since 1585, Wolfenbüttel’s Christmas Mar-
mas Market that Germany has to offer. ket, one of the oldest in Germany, and its one
Osnabrück thousand candles have lit brightly the frame-
The Christmas illuminations set against work houses all around the traditional Market
the historical backdrop of the town hall Celle Square and the two goblins “Wölfchen and
(Rathaus), Church of Saint Mary (Ma- Büttelchen”, just like in a fairy tale.
Celle’s Christmas Market runs for four weeks
rienkirche), Saint Peter’s Cathedral (Dom)
beginning on the Thursday before the first
and the Saint John (Johanniskirche) have
Sunday of Advent. With more than a hundred
turned Osnabrück’s Christmas market into Emsland
stands in the alleys of the historical old city it
one of the most spectacular in the North-
offers many attractions. Beginning of December: The Haselünn
ern Germany for many years now. Christmas Market in front of the historical
“Westerholtschen Burgmannshof” court-
Gifhorn yard. Four weeks before Christmas: The
Göttingen Meppen and Lingen Christmas Markets
The Gifhorn Christmas Market opens its doors
Permeating the area surrounding the me- both have an ice rink.
in the inner city’s pedestrian zone every year.
dieval town hall (Alte Rathaus) and church
The Gifhorn Christmas Market is located in the
(Kirche St. Johannis) is Göttingen’s Christ-
heart of the historic old town. About 40 wood-
mas market with its fare of arts and crafts Wilhelmshaven
en huts with culinary delicacies and a chang-
and culinary delights giving the historical
ing entertainment programme are on offer. Christmas by the sea with ice skating arena.
old city the feel of Christmas. Traditionally at the end of November the Wil-
hemshaven Christmas Market opens its doors
Hann. Münden on the Valoisplatz square with an ice skating
Wolfsburg arena and magical pine forest.
A small romantic Christmas Market nestled
Autostadt Winter Market
between the city’s market square, town hall
During the Advent period leading up to
and church has arts and crafts, culinary de-
Christmas the Wolfsburg Autostadt invites Worpswede
lights and tourist attraction specials to of-
its guests to a winter wonderland journey
fer its visitors. A Christmas Market with a difference is how
across ten countries and cultures around the best to define the Worpswede Christmas
world. A special Ice Show is also on offer.
Market held in the city’s music hall.
Braunschweig The Hildesheim Christmas market: Year af-
ter it lures countless visitors to amble through Stade und Buxtehude
In a medieval setting surrounding the Braun-
and enjoy this impressive setting at the his- Christmas Market in the “Christ Child
schweig Cathedral of Duke Henry the Lion
torical market square (Marktplatz). Village” of Himmelpforten
(Dom Heinrichs des Löwen) is where you (Christkinddorf Himmelpforten)
will find this Christmas Market. Winter deli-
This Christmas Market held outside the city’s
cacies and specialities unique to Braunsch-
Hameln cultural and registry offices, the Villa von Is-
weig are bound to turn browsing into a culi-
sendorf, holds a very special charm. Here chil-
nary experience as well. Seventy festively decorated wooden hous-
dren can drop of their wish lists with Santa. es invite you to ramble about the Wedding
House (Hochzeitshaus), Market Church
Bremerhaven (Marktkirche) and the 11-metre high Christ-
mas Pyramid (Weihnachtspyramide) all Leer
The spectacularly decorated Bremerhaven
forming part of what makes the Hamelin The big beautifully decorated Christmas Pyr-
inner city is the place to be to experience a
Christmas Market what it is. amid of the North (Weihnachtspyramide
Christmas wonderland by the sea. des Nordens) welcomes guests to the city’s
pedestrian zone at Christmas time.

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active & outdoors golf guide 2011

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golf courses and hotel in the “golfland niedersachsen”

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Image Credits
Copyright and/or usage rights of the images rest/s with the following persons / institutions:

TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH, Foto: Björn Bönsch; Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH;
Oldenburg Marketing und Tourismus GmbH, Foto: Verena Brandt; Osnabrück-Marketing und Tourismus GmbH, Foto: Detlef Heese/Roger Witte;
Göttingen Tourismus e. V.; Wolfsburg Marketing GmbH, Foto: Klemens Ortmeyer; Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH / Daniel Müller;
Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH / Sascha Gramann; Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH / okerland-archiv;
Stadtmarketinggesellschaft Wolfenbüttel mbH & Co.KG; Wirtschafts- und Tourismusfördergesellschaft Landkreis Peine mbH (wito GmbH);
Südheide Gifhorn GmbH; Lüneburger Heide GmbH; Tourismus Region Celle GmbH; Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim;
Hildesheim Marketing; Hildesheim Marketing, Foto: Leif Obornik; Touristik Naturpark Münden e. V., Photo Burkhard;
Hameln Marketing und Tourismus GmbH; Stefan Schiefer, GOSLAR marketing gmbh; Mast-Jägermeister AG; Papenburg Tourismus GmbH;
Tourist Info Haren; Lingen Wirtschaft und Tourismus; Tourist Info Meppen; Stadt Haselünne; Wilhelmshaven Touristik & Freizeit GmbH; Stadt Leer;
Worpswede, Foto: Andreas Wilhelm; BIS Bremerhaven Touristik; Stadtmarketing Buxtehude; Tourismusverband Landkreis Stade / Elbe e. V.;
Stade Tourismus GmbH; Deutsche Bahn AG; Archiv der TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH; TMN/ Peter Hamel;
phæno gGmbH/ Foto: Jan Grothklags; HöhlenErlebnisZentrum Iberger Tropfsteinhöhle/ Foto: Günter Jentsch;
Porzellanmanufaktur FÜRSTENBERG GmbH; Kunstmuseum Celle/ Foto: Tourismus Region Celle GmbH; BIS Bremerhaven Touristik; Stadt Uelzen;
Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH; Autostadt GmbH; Papenburg Tourismus GmbH / Foto: Michael Wessels;
Grafschaft Bentheim Tourismus e. V.; Fagus-GreCon; Hotel Freigeist/ Gräflicher Landsitz Hardenberg Hardenberg-Wilthen AG;
Retro Design Hotel Langeoog; Hotel Seesteg OHG

Provided that it has not been specifically stated here, the copyright and/or usage rights rest/s with the respective originator of the editorial items.

Addresses 9 Tourismus Region Celle GmbH 18 Emsland Touristik GmbH

Markt 14–16 Ordeniederung 1
29221 Celle 49716 Meppen
1 Hannover Marketing
t +49 (0) 5141 1212  t +49 (0) 5931 442266
und Tourismus GmbH,
f +49 (0) 5141 12459 f +49 (0) 5931 443644
Ernst-August-Platz 8
30159 Hannover
t +49 (0) 511 12345 111 10 Südheide GIFHORN GmbH 19 Wilhelmshaven Touristik & Freizeit GmbH
f +49 (0) 511 12345 112
Marktplatz 1 Bahnhofsplatz 1
38518 Gifhorn 26382 Wilhelmshaven
t +49 (0) 5371 88175 t +49 (0) 4421 91 300-0
f +49 (0) 5371 88311 f +49 (0) 4421 91 300-10
2 Oldenburg Tourismus
und Marketing GmbH
Kleine Kirchenstraße 10
11 Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum 20 Stadt Leer (Ostfriesland)
26122 Oldenburg
Hildesheim GmbH Rathausstraße 1
t +49 (0) 441 361 613 66
Am Steine 1-2 26789 Leer
f +49 (0) 441 361 613 50
31134 Hildesheim t +49 (0) 491 97 82-0
t +49 (0) 5121 93690 f +49 (0) 491 97 82-399
f +49 (0) 5121 35283
3 Tourist Information Osnabrück/
Osnabrücker Land
21 Kulturland Teufelsmoor, Worpswede
Bierstraße 22–23
12 tourist-information Hildesheim Bergstraße 13
49074 Osnabrück
Rathausstraße 20 27726 Worpswede
t +49 (0) 541 323-2202
31134 Hildesheim t +49 (0) 47 92 93 58 20
f +49 (0) 541 323-2709
t +49 (0) 5121 1798-0   f +49 (0) 47 92 93 58 23
f +49 (0) 5121 1798-88
4 Göttingen
Altes Rathaus, Markt 9
13 Touristik Naturpark Münden e. V. 22 BIS Bremerhaven Touristik
37073 Göttingen
Rathaus, Lotzestraße 2 H.-H.-Meier-Str. 6
t +49 (0) 551 4 99 80-0
34346 Hann. Münden 27568 Bremerhaven
f +49 (0) 551 4 99 80-10 
t +49 (0) 5541 75 -313 und -343   t +49 (0) 471 41 41 41
f +49 (0) 5541 75 404    f +49 (0) 471 9 46 46 190
5 Wolfsburg Marketing GmbH
Porschestraße 2
14 Hameln
38440 Wolfsburg
Marketing und Tourismus GmbH 23 Tourismusverband
t +49 (0) 5361 8999 444
Deisterallee 1 Landkreis Stade/Elbe e. V.
f +49 (0) 5361 8999 459
31785 Hameln Kirchenstieg 30
t +49 (0) 5151 957823 21720 Grünendeich
f +49 (0) 5151 957840  t +49 (0) 4142 813838 f +49 (0) 4142 813840 
6 Braunschweig
Stadtmarketing GmbH
Schild 4 15 Tourist-Information
38100 Braunschweig
der GOSLAR marketing gmbh STADE Tourismus-GmbH
t +49 (0) 531 470 20 48
Markt 7 Hansestraße 16
f +49 (0) 531 470 44 45
38640 Goslar 21682 Stade
t +49 (0) 5321 78060 t +49 (0) 4141 409170
t +49 (0) 5321 780644  f +49 (0) 4141 409150
7 ZeitOrte – TourismusRegion
BraunschweigerLAND e. V.
Willy-Brandt-Platz 3
16 HAHNENKLEE Stadtinformation
38440 Wolfsburg
tourismus marketing gmbh Buxtehude
t +49 (0) 5361 89993-33 
Kurhausweg 7 Viverstraße 1
f +49 (0) 5361 89993-39 
38644 Goslar-Hahnenklee 21614 Buxtehude
t +49 (0) 5325 5104-0 t +49 (0) 4161 501-2345
f +49 (0) 5325 5104-17 f +49 (0) 4161 501-52345
8 Lüneburger Heide GmbH
Wallstraße 4
21335 Lüneburg
17 Stadtmarketing
t +49 (0) 700 20 99 30 99  
Wolfenbüttel GmbH & Co.KG
f +49 (0) 4131 30 98 10     
Stadtmarkt 7
38300 Wolfenbüttel
t +49 (0) 5331 86280 
f +49 (0) 5331 867708

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