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Islamic Manuscripts at the Leipzig University Library

Ms. or. 356
Description of texts
Call number :
recent : Ms. or. 356
Acquisition : Date :1996
Place :Amman
Purchaser :Leipzig University Library
Seller :private property
Notes :none
Language : Arabic
Author :
Short form : al-Mward
Complete form : front cover, spine:
[Ab al-asan Al ibn Muammad ibn abb] al-
Mward [al-Shfi]
,-'-` -'=' , '-' - :
| -,-= - --=- - '= -=' ,- | '-' | '-' |
Date of death : 30 Rab I 450/27 May 1058
Place of death : Baghdad
Place of activity : Ustuw; Baghdad
Reference : EI2 VI/869; GAL I/386 S I/668; jj Khalfah I 171, no.
150; Kalah VII/189-190; Zirikl IV/327
Title :
in Ms. : front cover; spine:
al-Akm al-sulnyah
,-'-` -'=' , '-' - :
,-'='-' '=`
in Reference : al-Akm al-sulnyah wa-al-siysah al-dnyah wa-al-
wilyt al-sharyah
,=-' ',`,,' ,-,-' -',-' ,-'='-' '=`
Versions : al-Akm al-sulnyah wa-al-wilyt al-dnyah
Completeness : fragment
Subject matter : constitutional law/politics
Content : Manual of the principles of political science in twenty
chapters. The MS begins in the middle of chapter five
Page 1 of 4 Islamic Manuscripts at the Leipzig University Library
Enumeration of
chapters :
ff. 1r-4v:
[_''--' = _'= ,`,' -'=' '-']
ff. 4v-13r:
'--' ,` '-' '-'
ff. 13r-27r:
''=-' ,` _-'-' '-'
ff. 27r-30r:
'--` _'= -'--' ,` -'`' '-'
ff. 30r-35v:
,'-' -'- ,`,' _-'-' '-'
ff. 35v-39r:
_=' _'= ,`,' -'' '-'
ff. 39v-49r:
'--' ,` -= '=' '-'
ff. 49r-59v:
-,-' _-' --' -= -'`' '-'
ff. 59v-69r:
=' ,=' _- -= -''`' '-'
ff. 69r-82v:
`-' - -'= -'-=, '- -= _-' '-'
ff. 82v-88r:
-',-' =-- ,-' ',= -= -'=' '-'
ff. 88r-91v:
'` _-=' -= '-' '-'
ff. 91v-97r:
'=` '= -= _-'-' '-'
ff. 97r-110v:
-'= ,, _- -= -'`' '-'
ff. 110v-124v:
,=' '= -= _-'-' '-'
ff. 124v-137v:
--=' '= -' '-'
Notes : front cover, spine:
title of the work, shortened form of authors name
in the margin:
text corrections in the copyists hand
f. 138v:
account of a disagreeable marriage as a warning about the
consequences entailed
after f. II:
piece of paper written in a modern hand giving the title of
the work, the authors name, missing chapters and the date
of copy

Physical description
Number of
volumes :
Binding :
Material : new red artificial leather binding
State of
preservation :
well preserved
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Writing material :
Material : paper
Colour : white
State of
preservation :
thick; smooth; heavily worm-eaten; damages of the first
three pages covered with film; some pages come off the
Number of
pages :
I, 138, II; f. 138r blank
Dimensions : 18,1 x 13,5 cm
Text area : 14,3 x 9,8 cm
Number of lines : 19; f. 137v: 18
Catchwords : almost complete / on most verso pages
Script :
Style : Naskh
Ink :
Characteristics : nice ordinary handwriting; clear; medium-sized; bold
rubrication in red and overlined in red respectively; f. 8,
15: naskh small, tending to the left side; ff. 128-137v:
naskh small
Date of copy : f. 137v: Jumd I 894/April-May 1489
Further copies : Alexandria, Municipal Library (Ziedan) III/no. 6
Berlin (Ahlwardt) no. 5607-5608
British Museum, Suppl. (Rieu) no. 740
Leiden (Voorhoeve) 7
Munich (Aumer I) no. 357
New Haven, Yale University (Nemoy) no. 1527
Paris (Vajda) 252
Editions : Baghdad 2001
Bayrut 1977, 1984, 1985, 1990, 1994
Bonn 1853
Cairo 1298/1880-18881, 1324/1906-1907, 1327/1909,
1978, 1985, 1994-1995
al-Manrah 1989
Mir 1909-1910, 1938, 1966, 1983, 1987
Translations : Dutch:
Mawerdis publiek en administratief regt van den Islam.
S-Gravenhage 1862
The laws of Islamic governance. London 1996
The ordinances of government. Reading 2000
El-ahkm es-soulthnya: trait de droit public musulman.
Paris 1901-1906
Les status gouvernementaux ou rgles de droits public et
administratif. Alger 1915
Le droit du califat. Paris 1923
Page 3 of 4 Islamic Manuscripts at the Leipzig University Library
Akm-i suln. Mnster 2002
Author of
record :
Status : revised
Owner : University Library of Leipzig
Reference URL : http://www.islamic-
Page 4 of 4 Islamic Manuscripts at the Leipzig University Library

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