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XII. THE SILVER COINAGE OF SMYRNA. (Seo Plates XVI.-XVIIL) ‘Tur following paper deals only with the main silver series struck at Smyrna—the tetradrachms and drachms of Attic weight issued during the second and first centuries B.C. In these two series it is possible, by comparison of the dies, to ascertain with a reasonable degree of probability the sequence of the magistrates responsible for the coins; and they therefore offer the best starting-point for an attempt to classify chrono- logically the whole of the autonomous issues. In a future paper I hope to deal with the much more plenti- ful, but more puzzling, bronze coinage. For the present also the other issues of silver—Sir Hermann Weber's tetradrachm of Kolophonian types, the tetradrachms of Lysimachos end of the Alexandrine series, and the cistophori—are left aside, together with the solitary issue of gold. In the list of coins given are included and numbered all the specimens of which I have been able to. obtain casts or to see satisfactory reproductions. A fow others are noted which are mentioned in catalogues but are not figured. In some cases I have suggested the identity of a specimen described in one catalogue with another of the same types, from the same dies, and of the same NUM. CHRON., VOL. XIV., SERIES IV. U 2k 3. @. MILNE. weight, described elsewhere; but I have added a mark of interrogation except where I could get a definite statement of the identity. ‘The tetradrachms fall into three series, distinguished by the types of the reverse, the obverse type remaining the same throughout. There is no change in the types of the drachms, which range with the second and third series of the tetradrachms. FIRST SERIES; TETRADRACHMS. OWw.—Head of Kybelé (or Amazon Smyrna as city goddess) 1, wearing erown of threo turrets ; hair knotted behind and falling in two locks. Rov —FMAR and monogram below ; whole in oak-wreath. 1, Antsz(10n 7). AX (@ London (B. M. C. 3): 33 mm, 16-44 grins. (b) Petrograd : 34 mm., 16-20 grms. Ay (c) Paris (Waddington 1929); 33 mm., 15°97 grms. (d) BE. F. Weber sale (lob 2942): 36 mn., 15°97 gms, 2, Posutpontos. {7 (@ Berlin (Imhoof): 33 mm., 15-88 gems. (b) Berlin (Labbecke): 35 mm., 16-26 gems. (¢) Brussels (C. HL): 35 mm, 1663 gums. ay Oxford (Bodley Greek 767): 35 mm. 16°58 grms. (@) Paris (4156): 39 mm. (/) J. G. Milne: 34 mm., 15°64 grms. (edge cut). (g) J. G. Milne (= Hirsch’s sale 17/11/13, lot 845): 33 mm., 15°85 grms. (h) Berlin duplicates sale (lot 487): $3 mm., 15-9 grms. (i) Carfrae sale (lot 260); 35 mm., 16:0 grms. (j) Montagu sale (lot 583): 33 mm., 16°26 grms. THE SILVER COINAGE OF SMYRNA. 275 3. MENEKRATES. AP (@) Berlin (Acc. 28786): 35 mm, 16:02 grms. (b) London (B. Mf. C. 4): 35 mm., 16°62 grms. (c) Naples (8180): 34 mm., 1662 grms. (d) Rhousopoulos sale (lot 3775): 355 mm, 1653 gems. (e) Hirsch’s sale 17/11/13 (lot 844) ('=Prowe sale 1914, lot 1021): 36 mm., 16-52 grms. +. Zopyros? } (a) Glasgow (Hunter cat. 1): 34 mm, 16-61 grms. (0) Hague ; 33 mm., 16-1 grms. (c) Paris (de Luynes 2286); 34 mm,, 16°30 grms. (d) Petro- grad: 34 mm, 1665 grms. (ce) M. R. Jameson: 34 mm., 16-67 grms. (f) Sir H. Weber: 33 mm., 16-71 grms, (g) J. G. Milne (=Benson sale lot 690): 34 mm., 15:38 grms. (i) Philipsen sale (lot 2212): 37 mm, 15-48 grms. (i) Hess's sale 7/10/07 (lot 750): 37 mm., 15°85 grms. (j) Prowe sale 1914 (lot 1022): 35 mm., 15°30 grms. [Lot 198 of the Bunbury sale, catalogued as “monogram of TEY”—weight 16:07 grms.— presumably belonged to this type; as it was not illustrated, its further identification is impracti- cable.] 5. Murroporos. AP («) Cambridge (Leake suppl.) : 32 mm., 16°15 grms, fp (0) Glasgow (Hunter cat. 2): 33 mm., 16-41 grms. AP (c) Delbeke sale (lot 194) (?=Merzbacher’s sale 15/11/10, lot 708) : 37 mm., 16-26 grms, ‘There is a specimen of this type in the McClean collection at Cambridge—weight 14-41 grms.— which appears to be a cast from the Leake coin —No. 5 (a)—in the same cabinet, The Vienna cabinet hus a forgery, with the monogram of the same form as (¢)—No. 15771, weight 17°67 grms. ; another specimen of this forgery, from the same dies, is at Naples—No. 8181, weight 18-5 grms.] u2

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