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Rambus Inc. v. Hynix Semiconductor et al
N.D. Cal. Case Nos. C 05-00334 RMW, C 05-002298 RMW, C 06-00244 RMW.
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1. I have been asked to expand upon the opinions offered in my original invalidity

report regarding the Bennett and Novak references. My opinions are set forth below.


2. The Bennett patent (U.S. Patent No. 4,734,909) is titled “Versatile Interconnection

Bus” and describes in great detail (in 254 sheets of figures and 280 columns of text) a method of

implementing bused interconnections among various components of a computer system. In order

to allow many disparate types of components to be interconnected, Bennett describes a

complicated interface between the components. To ensure a high degree of flexibility, Bennett

provides for a configuration register as part of the interface. Bennett, Col. 15:24-38; Fig. 3. That

register allows eight parameters – such as, for example, whether certain signal lines are

multiplexed or not, and the number of bits in a data word – to be varied.

3. Bennett does not disclose putting its interface on a memory chip. Mr.

McAlexander cites to some references in Bennett to memory, and other references stating that

some of the components discussed in Bennett can be implemented as VLSIC devices, but, despite

Bennett’s length and detail, there is no express statement that Bennett intended its interface to be

placed on memory chips.

4. In fact, a person of skill in the art would understand that Bennett did not intend for

its interface to be placed on memory chips. First, Mr. McAlexander’s argument suggests that

Bennett discloses that all of the components connected to its Versatile Bus may be implemented

as single-chip, VLSIC devices containing the Bennett interface. This is clearly incorrect. For

example, Bennett refers to a “large memory” that may contain “up to up to 232 addresses of 32 bit

words.” Bennett, Col. 95:58-59. This corresponds to 128 Gigabits of memory, far more than can

be placed on a single chip even today. In the 1982 timeframe, when the Bennett application was


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filed, larger memory chips typically contained only 64 Kilobits of memory. It would have taken

over 2 million of such chips to total 128 Gigabits and could only have been achieved with

thousands of memory cards filling a medium-sized room. No person of skill in the art would

have considered trying to implement this amount of memory on a single chip. Plainly, Bennett

intended its “large memory” to consist of multiple memory cards containing multiple

conventional DRAM chips per card. These cards would then require separate bus interface chips

containing the Bennett interface in order to connect to the Versatile Bus.

5. Likewise, a person of skill in the art would understand that the other memories

referred to in Bennett also are intended to consist of memory cards with multiple conventional

memory chips and requiring separate bus interface chips. In its Background section, Bennett

makes clear that it does not intend for its complex interface to be used on certain components,

such as memory chips. According to Bennett, “[a]n efficient interconnect system cannot saddle

simple interconnects with the coordination overhead required for the complex ones.” Bennett,

Col. 8:10-12. A person of skill would have understood Bennett’s reference to “simple

interconnects” to refer to components, such as the memory chips of the day, with a small number

of pins available for interconnecting with other devices. Bennett did not intend, and it would have

made little sense, to “saddle” memory chips with the complex Bennett interface.

6. In fact, Bennett points out that “a VLSIC chip has on the order of 100 pins” and

stresses the importance of “pin efficiency.” Bennett, Col. 66:65-66. Bennett recognizes that pins

are a “precious resource,” Bennett, Col. 7:25-26. In the 1982 time-frame, memory chips had on

the order of 16 pins. A person of skill in the art, reading Bennett, would have understood that

Bennett was not contemplating a manifold increase in the number of pins on a memory chip in

order to add an unnecessary, complex interface.


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7. Bennett discloses that 24 pins are required simply to connect components

containing the Bennett interface to the “maintenance processor” used to initialize the interface, for

example, by shifting values into the configuration register. Bennett, Col. 117:64 – Col. 118:13.

Thus, if the Bennett interface were placed on a memory chip, just these initialization tasks would

have required more than doubling the number of pins on the device.

8. In addition to the pins required for initialization, the Bennett interface requires pins

for the connection to the Versatile Bus. Bennett describes in this regard, a “modest thirty-seven

pin requirement.” Bennett, Col. 36:62-63. A person of skill in the art would never have referred

to this number of pins as “modest” in relation to a memory chip.

9. Thus, when Bennett refers to “memory,” a person of skill in the art would have

understood that Bennett was referring to memory cards containing standard memory chips of the

day. Separate chips incorporating the Bennett interface would then be used to connect the

memory cards to the Versatile Bus. Bennett states that “[m]emories and memory subsystems

must be selected to provide the operations needed in a specific design,” Bennett, Col. 91:2-4,

contemplating that the memory would simply be “selected” from existing options.

10. The memory cards with multiple memory chips, combined with separate bus

interface chips, of Bennett do not constitute integrated circuit devices, synchronous memory

devices, synchronous semiconductor memory devices, or synchronous dynamic random access

memory devices within the meaning of Rambus’s patent claims. The Court has construed

“integrated circuit device” as being a single chip. The Court has also indicated that when

“memory device” is modified as above, it also refers to a single chip. Claim Construction Order

at 35 (“These claims are drawn to ‘a method of operation of a synchronous memory device’ and

‘a method of operation of a synchronous dynamic random access memory device.’ These

additional limits on the scope of ‘memory device’ ameliorate fears that Rambus’s claims could


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read on a ‘tape recorder’ while also demonstrating that Rambus knew how to limit its claims to a

single chip when it wished to do so.”)

11. In addition, the memory cards with multiple memory chips, combined with

separate bus interface chips, of Bennett do not constitute “memory devices” within the meaning of

Rambus’s patent claims. I understand that Rambus has moved for reconsideration of the Court’s

ruling that a “memory device” need not be a single chip. Even if the Court does not reconsider its

earlier ruling, I do not interpret the Court’s opinion as holding that any assemblage of chips would

be a “memory device” so long as some of those chips were memory chips. I do not believe that a

person of skill in the art would consider the combination of multiple memory chips with a

separate bus interface chip to be a single “memory device.” Indeed, I note that in the course of

prosecuting its patents, Rambus made clear that such a combination did not constitute a memory

device. In a July 23, 1999 Amendment filed during the prosecution of U.S. Patent No. 6,034,918,

Rambus distinguished prior art by noting that in the prior art it was a bus interface unit that

received the clock signal and data length transfer information, not the memory devices. Ex. 1 at


12. Mr. McAlexander asserts that Bennett discloses a programmable register that

allows the user to set the time delay between the receipt of a read or write command and the

output or input of the corresponding data (features that have been referred to as programmable

read latency and programmable write latency). I disagree. The eight parameters that can be

adjusted in Bennett’s configuration register are shown in Figure 3. Those parameters do not

include the time delay between the receipt of a read or write command and the output or input of

the corresponding data. Thus, this time delay cannot be set in the Bennett interface.

13. Moreover, Bennett makes clear that the values in the configuration register do not

determine the actual configuration of the device. Bennett states that the values in the


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configuration register establish a ceiling on the various configurations that the device must

support, but the device must also support all configurations with lower values for the eight

parameters. Bennett, Col. 37:66 – Col. 38:3 (“The design rule for Versatile Bus interface logics is

that any value may be chosen for each primitive [i.e. parameter in the configuration register], but

then all smaller values for that primitive must also be supported. With this rule, it is always

possible to find a value for each primitive that is supported by all the chips that are to be used

together . . . .”); Bennett, Col. 78:51-55 (“[T]o assure that any chip can be connected to any other

chip using a Versatile Bus configuration, the chip design must support any configuration whose

configuration digits are all equal to or less than the corresponding chosen configuration digits . . . .

“) Thus, the actual configuration of the device will depend not just on the values in its

configuration register, but also the values in the configuration registers of the other components in

the system. Therefore, the values in the configuration register of the interface to the memory

devices do not alone determine the actual configuration of the device.

14. Mr. McAlexander asserts that Bennett does disclose programmable read and write

latency because Bennett allows the user to determine, via the configuration register, whether

certain signal lines are multiplexed or not. Even if the values in the configuration register actually

determined the configuration of the device, which, as I discuss above, is not the case, this still

would not amount to programmable read or write latency. While it is true that, as a general

matter, multiplexing involves a trade-off between number of pins and speed – the more

multiplexing, the smaller the number of pins, but the slower the speed due to the sharing of signal

lines for multiple types of information (see Bennett, Col. 12:62-64) – there is no set correlation

between the degree of multiplexing and the response time to a read or write command and Bennett

discloses no such correlation.


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15. For example, in the example given in Col. 79:4-10, the eight bits of the

configuration register are set to the preferred embodiment of 55255355. This means that the first

parameter (“GROUP LINES”) of the configuration register shown in Figure 3 of Bennett

(parameters are listed in the row near the top) is set to configuration digit 5; the second parameter

(“NO. OF GROUPS”) is also set to configuration digit 5; the third parameter (“ARB. CHOICES”)

is set to configuration digit 2; and so forth. The first column in Figure 3 lists the “configuration

digits.” In the 55255355 example, the sixth parameter (“WAIT LINES”) is set to configuration

digit “3”, which corresponds to one WAIT line. But, as discussed above, the device must support

all possible configurations with smaller values of the configuration digits. For example, despite

the values in the configuration register, the actual configuration of the device may be 42252255 –

with a “2” in the sixth configuration bit corresponding to zero wait lines according to Figure 3.

Thus, even though the value in the register does not change, the device may end up being

configured differently in different systems based on the other devices with which it is required to


16. Mr. McAlexander points to Figures 25a and 25b in Bennett as allegedly disclosing

programmable read and write latency. In Figure 25a, the WAIT signals in Bennett are

multiplexed with the DATA signals. In Figure 25b, the WAIT signals are not multiplexed with

the DATA signals, allowing faster operation because the WAIT and DATA signals can be sent

simultaneously. But, as I note above, the objective in Bennett in these examples is to adjust the

amount of multiplexing, not the latency, and the timing shown is just an example, as Bennett

points out: “In order to simplify presentation of timing concepts all Arbitration, Slave

Identification/Function, and Data activities are assumed to be but one cycle.” Bennett, Col.

85:17-19 (referring to figures 25a through 25h). While Figure 25a and 25b do show a one clock

cycle difference between the beginning of the operation and the data, one cycle is simply an


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example. There is no value stored in the configuration register of Bennett, or anywhere else, that

mandates a one cycle difference between the two configurations.

17. Moreover, the possibility of asserting a WAIT signal results in additional

uncertainty in the timing of responses in the Bennett system. The WAIT signal is the way that

slave devices (like memories) “inform a requesting bus-owning master device of their individual

or collective incapacity to immediately receive data within the instant communication transaction .

. . . In other words, in a simplistic sense wait means ‘abort’ or ‘try again after a time.’” Bennett,

Col. 16:53-58. The possible assertion of a WAIT signal is yet another reason why there is no set

time between a read or write command and the output or input of the corresponding data in


18. Mr. McAlexander lists various other figures in Bennett which he asserts show

programmable read and/or write latency. However, none do for the same reasons that I discuss

above. For example, Mr. McAlexander cites the configurations shown in figures 32 and 33. In

these configurations, the timing of the data relative to the transmission of the operation does not

vary – in both figures, the data appears on the next cycle. But this again is just an example, and

Bennett never suggests that this timing corresponds to some programmed value or is in any way

set, via the configuration register or otherwise. Bennett never suggests that the timing of the data

relative to the transmission of the operation is consistent from one transaction to the next.

19. Bennett also makes clear that there is no set time between request and response

when reading from a “large memory.” Such a read operation requires two transactions, command

and response, with an indeterminate amount of time in between. Bennett, Col. 94:37 – 95:24.

The timing of the memory’s response depends on indeterminate factors such as, for example,

arbitration with other components for control of the bus. Id.


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20. Mr. McAlexander also opines that Bennett discloses variable block size, pointing

to the Block Read and Block Write operations. Bennett, Col. 91:54-68. The description makes

clear, however, that no block size information is transmitted in Bennett within the meaning of

Rambus’s patent claims. The Court has construed “block size information” as “information that

specifies the total amount of data that is to be transferred on the bus in response to a transaction

request.” This plainly means that the block size information must be transmitted prior to the data

so that it can specify the amount of data “to be transferred.” No such information is transmitted in

Bennett. Rather, block transfers are implemented using a “BUSY” signal that is active during a

Block Read or Block Write operation; “Dropping the BUSY line to inactive terminates the

transaction.” Bennett, Col. 91:59-61. Mr. McAlexander equates Bennett’s BUSY signal with

block size information, but it is quite different. In particular, it is not received prior to the transfer

of data and does not specify the amount of data to be transferred: Since the BUSY signal simply

transitions to cut off the transfer, reading the value of this signal provides no information about

how much data will be transferred. Indeed, Bennett itself makes clear that no block size

information is provided. Bennett, Col. 61:54-58 (“[B]lock data transfer transpires under the same

BEGIN and BUSY control signals as the transmission of a single word – no special information

transmission (such as block length) or control protocol is ever involved.”) (emphasis added).

21. In fact, Mr. McAlexander has previously acknowledged that a signal analogous to

the BUSY signal in Bennett is not “block size information” within the meaning of Rambus’s

patent claims. In his report regarding alleged “alternatives” to Rambus’s inventions, Mr.

McAlexander opined that one such alternative was the use of a “burst terminate” signal which he

described as “a dedicated signal input to indicate or command at will the termination of an

otherwise fixed-length burst in progress, thereby achieving variable-length bursts on-the-fly

without requiring the programmable feature.” Ex. 2 (McAlexander Conduct Report) at 29. This


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is a description of the Bennett BUSY signal which, by going inactive, signals the termination of

the burst in progress. Thus, Mr. McAlexander acknowledged that such a burst terminate feature

was not covered by Rambus’s patent claims but, instead, was an alternative to them.

22. While Mr. McAlexander does not appear to so opine, I note that, in the

Manufacturers’ motion for summary judgment of anticipation based on Bennett, they have

asserted that there is an additional disclosure of variable block size in Bennett. In particular, they

point to configuration bits 18-23 in the Bennett configuration register shown in Figure 3 which

correspond to the seventh and eighth configuration parameters and determine the number of data

lines and the number of bits per data word. As an initial matter, as discussed above, the values in

the register do not determine the actual configuration of the device but only provide a ceiling.

Moreover, even if the values in the register did determine the device configuration, they would

only determine the number of bits per data word, and the number of clock cycles it will take to

transmit a single word (based on the number of data lines); they would not determine the number

of data words to be transmitted and, therefore, would not determine the total amount of data to be

transmitted as required by block size information. Again, Bennett itself makes this clear: “The

seventh configuration dimension [namely, bits 18-23 in the configuration register] is the format –

the partionment in pins times cycles as equals bits – of data words and is not the amount thereof.”

Bennett, Col. 17:29-31 (emphasis added).

23. Bennett does not disclose a set register request or an operation code specifying that

a value be stored in a register. A “set register request” has been construed as “one or more bits to

specify that a value be stored in a programmable register,” and an “operation code” as “one or

more bits to specify a type of action.” Mr. McAlexander points to various references in Bennett to

values being loaded into the configuration register, but is unable to identify “one or more bits”

directing that the values be loaded as required. In fact, Bennett makes clear that values are not


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loaded into the register in response to one or more bits. Bennett explains that, in order to set the

configuration register, certain signal lines must be held at given voltage levels for an extended

period of time; specifically, the SCAN/SET ENABLE signal must be held low, the SCAN/SET

SELECT signal must be held low, and the SEL LOOP D signal must be held high. Bennett, Col.

125:46-56. While these voltage levels are maintained, SET DATA is used to serially shift in each

of the 28 bits in the configuration register. Id. The voltage levels of the control signals must be

held throughout this operation. If the specified voltage levels on SCAN/SET ENABLE,

SCAN/SET SELECT, and SEL LOOP D were transmitted to the device, but those voltages were

not maintained as required, then no values would be loaded into the configuration register. This

demonstrates that if the values on those signal lines at a particular point in time are interpreted as

bits, those bits are insufficient to specify that values be loaded into the configuration register.


24. The Novak patent (U.S. Patent No. 4,663,735) is directed to a Video RAM, or

VRAM. This chip has one portion which is simply a conventional asynchronous DRAM that

allows for the usual asynchronous DRAM operations. However, appended to the DRAM portion

is a shift register, allowing for the serial input and output of data. See Novak, Col. 4:36 – 5:12.

25. The Court has construed “external clock signal” as “a periodic signal from a source

external to the device to provide timing information.” Novak does not disclose an external clock

signal. Mr. McAlexander identifies the signal Φ in Novak as such a clock signal, but Novak

makes clear that Φ is not a clock signal, because it is active only when required for inputting data

into or outputting data from the shift register. Figure 4 of Novak shows that Φ is inactive both

before and after data transmission. A person of skill in the art would not consider such a signal a

“periodic signal” as required by the Court’s claim construction. The Manufacturers agree,

generally taking the position that signals having limited sequences of repetitive transitioning, such


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as the data strobes in their products, are not external clock signals. For example, Nanya’s non-

infringement expert, Dr. Bagherzadeh, states at paragraph 104 of his report that “[t]he DQ strobe

is not a clock signal, because the DQ strobe is not a continuously periodic signal. It achieves

periodicity for the duration of read or write command, providing edge alignment with read data

and centered with respect to write data.”

26. I understand that the Manufacturers argue that whether Novak discloses an external

clock signal is governed by the Court’s holding in Hynix I that a signal also named Φ in a different

patent, U.S. Patent No. 4,330,852 to Redwine, is an external clock signal. This is incorrect.

Novak and Redwine have different specifications and certain portions of the Redwine

specification that the Court relied on in holding that Φ was an external clock signal for purposes

of Redwine are not present in Novak.

27. In Hynix I, Hynix argued that the Φ signal in Redwine actually runs periodically at

all times, but is “gated (internally on the device) by the CS\ signal.” Order Denying Hynix’s

Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity, 2/28/06, at 4-5 (quoting the declaration of Hynix’s

expert David Taylor). The argument was based on a portion of Figure 3 of Redwine which

showed the Φ signal being input to a transistor that is controlled by the CS signal. The Court

accepted Hynix’s argument in holding that the CS signal acts as gate for Φ and that Φ is an

external clock signal. Hynix’s argument and the Court’s holding cannot be translated to Novak

because Novak does not disclose a CS signal. Nor is there any figure in Novak similar to the

portion of Figure 3 in Redwine on which the Court relied in holding that the CS\ signal acts as a

gate for Φ.

28. It is also my opinion that Redwine does not disclose an external clock signal. As I

noted above, Figure 3 of Redwine shows Φ as an input to the transistor controlled by CS. (While

the word “input” appears under Φ in Figure 3, this is not a different signal name, but is just


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specifying that Φ is an input. This is made clear by Figure 1 which shows Φ as an input, but does

not add the word “input.”) That is, the figure shows that, if CS – chip select – is high, the chip at

issue is selected and Φ will pass through the transistor and be received by the chip. But CS cannot

affect whether Φ runs continuously or not, because Φ is input to the transistor. In other words, the

Φ signal exists and runs continuously or not before the transistor controlled by CS could have any

effect on it. As shown in Figure 2 of Redwine, Φ does not run continuously, but only while data

is being input or output from the shift register. The CS signal is used, as the name implies, to

select one or more of the VRAMs in a system with multiple VRAMs – that is, it allows Φ onto

only those VRAMs, and hence to shift data into or out of the shift registers of only those VRAMs,

that are intended to be involved in a given serial read or write operation.

29. Novak also fails to disclose a “write request,” which the Court has construed as “a

series of bits used to request a write of data to a memory device.” Likewise, Novak fails to

disclose an “operation code,” which the Court has construed as “one or more bits to specify a type

of action.” Mr. McAlexander opines that the values of the TR\ and W\ signals disclose both a

write request and an operation code specifying a read or write operation (though, elsewhere, he

opines that it is the values of TR\, W\, and RAS\ that specify the operation code) because those

signals are used to specify serial read and serial write operations in Novak. Novak, however,

shows that for a serial write operation Φ must toggle to load the data into the shift register, after

which TR\ must transition to a low level, followed by W\ transitioning to a low level, followed by

RAS\ transitioning to a low level. Fig. Novak, 4a, 4b, 4e; Col. 6:50-54. For a serial read

operation, W\ must be held high, while TR\ transitions to a low level, followed by RAS\

transitioning to a low level, followed by Φ toggling to output the data. Novak, Fig. 4a, 4b, 4d; Col

6:54-67; Col. 8:21-36. Thus, serial write and read operations in Novak cannot be specified simply

by a code consisting of a series of bits, because it is not simply the values of the relevant control


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signals at a particular point in time that specify the operations. Rather, the control signals must

transition in the correct order and be held for the required time periods. In a synchronous system,

like that described in the patents-in-suit, the signals transmitting the operation code are “sampled”

– that is, their values are obtained at a discrete point in time – resulting in a code of 0s and 1s

specifying a particular operation. Examining the states of the signal lines in Novak will likewise

yield a series of 0s and 1s, but those values alone do not specify a particular operation. As an

example, suppose one were to examine the state of W\, TR\, and RAS\ and determine that they

were all low, corresponding to the series of bits 0,0,0. It is possible that a serial write operation

had been specified, if in fact, TR\ had transitioned low first, followed by W\ and then RAS\. But,

if the signals had reached their states of 0,0,0 in a different order, they would not specify a serial

write operation. Thus, there is no way to tell simply by looking at the bits, namely the states of

the control signals at a particular time, whether a serial write operation had been specified.

30. I understand that the Manufacturers again argue that the Court’s holding in Hynix I

that the W signal in Redwine constitutes an operation code requires a finding that Novak also

discloses an operation code. Mot. at 11-12. I disagree. Different control signals are involved in

specifying read and write operations in Novak than in Redwine. Here, Mr. McAlexander asserts

that it is either the TR\ and W\ signals that constitute an operation code, or, at other times, that it is

those signals as well as the RAS\ signal. By contrast, Hynix argued in Hynix I that the W\ signal

alone constituted an operation code. Indeed, Redwine does not even disclose the TR\ signal that

Mr. McAlexander asserts is a necessary part of what he identifies as the operation code in Novak.

As I noted above, since it is not only the states of W\, TR\ and RAS\ at a given time, but also their

relative times of transitioning, that specify a serial read or write operation in Novak, they cannot

constitute an operation code. The Court’s conclusion in Redwine, which involved only a single


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signal and, therefore, did not raise the issue of relative times of transitioning, does not apply to


31. In addition, it is my opinion that the W\ signal in Redwine does not constitute an

operation code. The W\ signal in Redwine does not suffice to specify a serial read or write

operation. Rather, as shown in Figure 2 of Redwine, to specify a write operation, for example,

RAS\ must transition low, after W\ transitions low, and while W\ is being held low. The states of

RAS\ and W\ at a given time, which could be interpreted as bits, are not by themselves sufficient

to specify a serial or write operation because, as noted, the relative transition times must also

satisfy certain conditions that are not captured by the bits alone. Thus, Redwine does not disclose

an operation code.

32. Novak does not disclose sampling or receiving an operation code synchronously

with respect to an external clock signal. As I discuss above, Novak does not disclose an external

clock signal or an operation code, but even if Φ were an external clock signal, and TR\ and W\ did

constitute an operation code, Novak would still not disclose this claim element.

33. As an initial matter, Novak does not disclose “sampling” control signals such as

TR\ and W\ at all. These signals are sensed rather than sampled. That is, rather than the values of

the control signals being obtained at discrete points in time as required for sampling, the control

signals must be continuously held and sensed, as shown in the timing diagram in Figure 4 and as

described in Novak’s written description. See, e.g., Novak, Col. 8:32-34 (“For a serial read

operation, TR\ goes to active-low and the W\ signal is held high during the period seen in Fig. 4b

. . . .”) (emphasis added).

34. Moreover, the Court has construed “synchronously with respect to” as “having a

known timing relationship with respect to,” but there is no known relationship disclosed in Novak

between Φ and control signals such as W\ and TR\. To the contrary, Novak makes clear that there


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can be no such known timing relationship because Figure 4 indicates that W\ and TR\ transition at

times when Φ is not even active. Even during the time that Φ is active, Figure 4 shows no timing

relationship between the transitions of the control signals and Φ.

35. Mr. McAlexander asserts that a person of skill the art would know that W\, TR\,

and Φ are generated in relation to a system clock and so must have a known timing relationship.

There is no such disclosure in Novak. Nor is there any reason that Φ, which is generated to

correspond to the data input needs of a video display, could not be generated independently from

the control signals.

36. For similar reasons, Novak does not disclose sampling block size information

synchronously with respect to an external clock. Mr. McAlexander opines that the signals A6 and

A7 in Novak constitute block size information. I disagree, as I discuss below. But, even if A6

and A7 did constitute block size information and even if Φ were an external clock signal, there is

no disclosure in Novak of a known timing relationship between A6 and A7 and Φ. According to

Mr. McAlexander, A6 and A7 are sampled when the CAS\ signal goes low, but, as I discuss

above, there is no known timing relationship between Φ and control signals like CAS\, so this

does not establish a known timing relationship between A6 and A7 and Φ.

37. Novak does not disclose inputting or sampling data in response to a write request

or an operation code. As I discussed above, Novak does not disclose a write request or an

operation code. However, even if the TR\ and W\ signals did constitute a write request or

operation code designating a write operation as Mr. McAlexander asserts, Novak still would not

disclose inputting data or sampling data in response to those signals. A serial write operation in

Novak, as shown in the timing diagram of Figure 4, begins with up to 256 bits being input into the

shift register. It is this part of the operation that Mr. McAlexander associates with inputting or

sampling the data using the Φ signal. Only after the data has been loaded into the shift register do


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TR\ and W\ (as well as RAS\) transition, directing the memory device to transfer the data in the

shift register into the memory array. See Fig. 4a, 4b, and 4e (showing the transitions on the

control lines designating a write operation on 4a and 4b occurring after the data has been loaded

into the shift register on 4e). Since the transitions that the Manufacturers identify with the write

request or operation code occur after what the Manufacturers identify with the input or sampling

of data, it is clear that the sampling cannot have been “in response to” the write request or

operation code.

38. Novak does not disclose a synchronous memory device. The Court has construed

“synchronous memory device” as “a memory device that receives an external clock signal which

governs the timing of the response to a transaction request.” The Court has also construed a

“transaction request” as “a series of bits used to request performance of a transaction with a

memory device.” As I discuss above, Novak does not disclose an external clock signal. In

addition, Novak does not disclose a transaction request for the same reasons that it does not

disclose a write request or an operation code. It follows that Novak does not disclose a

synchronous memory device.

39. Moreover, even if the Φ signal could be considered to be an external clock, and

even if the serial read and write operations identified by Mr. McAlexander could be considered

transaction requests, Novak still would not disclose a synchronous memory device. As I noted

above, a VRAM such as that disclosed in Novak is simply a conventional asynchronous DRAM

with an added shift register. In particular, the control signals in Novak – RAS\, CAS\, W\, and

TR\ – are received asynchronously and are not governed by Φ. For a serial write operation, as I

discuss above, the transitions of the control signals that Mr. McAlexander identifies with the write

request are received after Φ has been used to load data into the shift register and has become

inactive; Φ could not possibly “govern” the response to these control signals. For a serial read


Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 19 of 106

operation, the transitions of the control signals that Mr. McAlexander identifies with a read

request occur before Φ has become active, and so Φ cannot determine the length of time between

those transitions and the output of data from the shift register. Thus, Φ cannot govern the timing

of the response to a serial read or write operation as Mr. McAlexander asserts.

40. I note also that a person of ordinary skill in the art would not consider a VRAM

such as that disclosed in Novak to be a synchronous memory device. When, later on, a memory

device was introduced that was specially suited for video applications and that did receive control

signals synchronously with respect to a clock, it was called a synchronous VRAM or SVRAM.

Ex. 3 (excerpt of definitions from JEDEC Standard 21-C, Release 9). Of course, this would make

no sense if the prior VRAMs had already been considered to be synchronous memory devices.

41. Novak does not disclose block size information, construed as “information that

specifies the total amount of data that is to be transferred on the bus in response to a transaction

request.” Novak discloses a 256-bit shift register which is divided into four 64-bit parts. Novak,

Col. 7:3-5. There are also four “taps” that are used to select “whether one, two, three, or all four

64-bit shift registers are accessed.” Novak, Col. 7:16-17. Novak makes clear that the ability to

access only a subset of the shift register is not provided so that the amount of data transferred can

be set, but in order to make it easier to reach certain bits stored in the shift register. Since the data

in the shift register must be shifted in or out in order, by dividing the shift register into four 64-bit

portions and allowing the user to tap into the one of interest, “any bit of data may be accessed in

64 shifts or less, rather than 256 shifts.” Novak, Col. 7:38-40.

42. The two bits that the Manufacturers identify with block size information select the


[I]f the two bits are both 0, then all 256 bits in the shift register may
be shifted out. If the two bits are 01, then 192 bits, starting at bit 64,
may be shifted out. If the two bits are 10, then 128 bits, starting at
bit 128 may be shifted out. The two bit code 11 selects the last 64


Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 20 of 106

bits starting at bit number 192 and then these last 64 bits may be
shifted out.

Novak, Col. 7:48-54. That is, the two bits identify the starting point for data transfer in the shift

register, but do not specify how much data is to be transferred beginning at that point. For

example, if the two bits are 01, then we know that the data transfer starts at bit 64 of the shift

register, but whether one bit, or two bits, or 192 bits are transferred beginning at that point is not

specified. As Novak states, in that circumstance “192 bits, starting at bit 64, may be shifted out.”

Novak, Col. 7:50-51 (emphasis added). In other words, 192 bits is the maximum that may be

shifted out starting at that point of the shift register; Novak does not specify the actual amount to

be shifted out.

43. Moreover, the construction of “block size information” requires that the amount of

data specified be transferred on the bus. The “bus” at issue is the set of signal lines that connect

the memory controller to the memory devices. In Novak, this corresponds to the “address/data

bus” combined with the “control bus” in Figure 1, the controller corresponding to the

“microcomputer chip.” But, in Novak, data output from the shift register is not transferred on the

bus. Rather, it is transferred on a separate signal line that connects directly to the video display or

CRT tube. Novak, Fig. 1; Col. 4:2-6.

44. Novak does not disclose sampling data, in response to an operation code, after a

predetermined number of clock cycles of the external clock, or after a delay time transpires. Mr.

McAlexander opines that these limitations are satisfied because, when data is being read from the

Novak shift register at the same time that new data is being written into the shift register, a person

of skill in the art would know that the data could not start to be written into the shift register until

at least one-half clock cycle from the start of reading data from the shift register. It is this one-

half clock cycle that Mr. McAlexander associates with “a predetermined number of clock cycles”

and a “delay time.” Mr. McAlexander is, however, focused on the wrong time interval. The


Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 21 of 106

Rambus patent claims containing the limitations at issue, such as the claims of the ’051 patent and

the claims of the ’037 patent, require that there be a predetermined number of clock cycles or a

delay time between when an operation code specifying a write operation is transmitted and when

the corresponding data is input, not between the respective starts of reading and writing data.

There could not be any such a predetermined number of clock cycles or delay time in Novak: As

I discuss above, the transitions of control signals that Mr. McAlexander associates with an

operation code for a write operation occur after what he interprets as the sampling of data (the

loading of data into the shift register).

45. Novak does not disclose precharge information. The Court has construed

“precharge information” as “one or more bits indicating whether the sense amplifiers and/or bit

lines (or a portion of the sense amplifiers and/or bit lines) should be precharged.” Mr.

McAlexander opines that the RAS\ signal in Novak constitutes the precharge information because

precharging is performed when the RAS\ signal goes high. RAS\ does not, however, constitute a

“bit” of information contained in an operation code because, as discussed above, the control

signals in Novak must transition in a particular order and be sensed over extended periods of time

for the device to operate correctly.

46. Even if RAS\ were a bit, however, Mr. McAlexander’s position is that RAS\ going

high signals the end of a read or write operation, after which precharging is always performed.

This is, in fact, the way that many conventional, asynchronous DRAMs operated, but RAS\

cannot constitute precharge information in this scenario. Precharge information under the Court’s

construction must convey “whether” to precharge; that is, precharge information must allow for

precharging or not depending on the content of the information. The Court’s construction of

precharge information is carried over from Hynix I, where the Court made this clear:

[T]he precharge information does not simply convey a value

representing the establishment of a pre-defined voltage state [i.e.


Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 22 of 106

precharging]. Instead it conveys whether the device should

precharge the “sense amps (and hence the bit lines)” (’263 patent,
cl. 10 l. 43), or not precharge the sense amps so that they can retain
the data to be sensed on the next read (’263 patent, cl. 10, ll 25-30).
. . . [T]he court finds that the specification implies “precharge
information” as information relating specifically to whether or not a
component of the device should be precharged.

Hynix I Claim Construction Order at 23 (emphasis added).

47. Mr. McAlexander also notes that Novak discloses a refresh operation in

conjunction with a serial read or write, which necessarily includes precharging. This is not a

separate argument – it would be the RAS\ signal going high at the end of the operation that would

precede precharging.

48. Even if the RAS\ signal going high could constitute precharge information, Novak

still would not disclose precharge information being transmitted as part of an operation code

specifying a read or write operation, as required by some of Rambus’s claims. Nor would Novak

disclose an operation code that specifies a read or write operation and further specifies that sense

amplifiers be precharged, as required by other Rambus claims. This is because, as I discuss

above, the serial read and write operations described in Novak are specified by RAS\going low

after appropriate transitions of the TR\ and W\ signals. RAS\ must then be held low during the

duration of the operation, and, finally, transition to a high voltage to signal the end of the

operation, after which precharging occurs. As I discuss above, I do not believe that these various

transitions of the control signals can be characterized as an “operation code,” but, even if they

could, it is RAS\ going low that is part of specifying the serial read or write operation. Even under

Mr. McAlexander’s argument regarding operation codes, RAS\ later going high could not be part

of the operation code specifying the read or write operation – it is a later transition of RAS\ that

specifies the end of the operation.


Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 23 of 106

o u " , /, l//.2008


Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 24 of 106

Exhibit 1
Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 25 of 106


(Case No. P043D2C2C)

In the Application of: 1

1 I* o/R&
Art Unit: 2818 -\ /.&fly
Serial No: 09/252,997 1 c ,{\ cf;/h
) Before
Filed: FEBRUARY 19, 1999 ) Examiner: T. Nguyen

Assistant Commissioner for Patents

Washington, DC 20231
O r 0
zx- mz
Dear Sir: P, rn
r = r J
In response to the Office Action mailed July 16, 1999,Sdirfdly
amend the above-referenced application as follows: .=I


Please delete the Abstract of the Disclosure and substitute

the attached Abstract of the Disclosure.

-______-_ - - _ _ I L

On page 1, line 8, insert --This application is a continuation

of Application No. 09/196,199, filed on November 20, 1998 (still

pending), which is a continuation of Application No. 08/798,520,

Page 1
Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 26 of 106

,, ,,1 filed on February 10, 1997 (now U.S. Patent 5,841,580); which is a
I .
\ '.

division of Application No. 08/448,657, filed May 24, 1995 (now

U.S. Patent 5,638,334); which is a division of Application No.

08/222,646, filed on March 31, 1994 (now U.S. Patent 5,513,327);

which is a continuation of Application No. 07/954,945, filed on

September 30, 1992 (now U.S. Patent 5,319,755); which is a

continuation of Application No. 07/510,898, filed on April 18, 1990

(now abandoned) . - - - - __ -

On page 11, line 14, insert - Figure 16 is a block diagram

63 representation of a set of internal registers within each device

illustrated in Figure 2.-- . .--


On page $4/line 3, replace "Each" with --With reference to

Figure 16, each--.

On page k'line 4, after flregistersfl

insert --170--.

On page l d l i n e 5, after the first occurrence of llregisterll

insert --171--.

On page 1 d i n e 5, after the second occurrence of Ilregisterll

insert --174--.
On page 1 d n e 6, after the first occurrence of tlregisterll

insert --175--.

On page 3P.fiine 8, after Ilregistersl' insert --172--.

On page d i n e 10, after "registersI1insert --173--.

17, after Ifregister"insert --171--.

Page 2
Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 27 of 106

On page 1 4 , f t e r t h e first occurrence of I 1 r e g i s t e r s 1 l

i n s e r t --173--.

On page line 20, after the second occurrence of

l l r e g i s t e r s l li n s e r t - - 1 7 5 - - .

On page 1 4 ,

insert --172--.
/i ine 20, a f t e r the third o c c u r r e n c e of llregistersll

O n page 1 4 p e 2 2 , a f t e r l 1 r e g i s t e r s l 1i n s e r t - - 1 7 3 - - .

On page 2 1 / l i n e 15, a f t e r l l r e g i s t e r s " i n s e r t - - 1 7 3 - - .

On page 35 / f i n e 25, a f t e r I1registers" i n s e r t - - 1 7 0 - - .

On page 3 6 d i n e 1 0 , a f t e r l l r e g i s t e r s " i n s e r t - - 1 7 3 - - .

On page 3,/i1ne 12, after "registers" insert --172--.

On page 3 d i n e 1 5 , a f t e r " r e g i s t e r l l i n s e r t - - 1 7 1 - - .

On page 3 9 n e 2 3 , a f t e r t h e second occurrence of "register1I

insert --171--.

O n page 3/1ine 25, a f t e r l l r e g i s t e r l li n s e r t - - 1 7 3 - - .

O n page 3 9 , A i n e 6 , a f t e r l l r e g i s t e r l l i n s e r t - - 1 7 3 - - .


Please add new F i g u r e 1 6 , a t t a c h e d h e r e t o .

Page 3
Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 28 of 106
Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 29 of 106

#3. (Amended) The method of claim further including:
-' a \
' providing second block size information to the memory device,

/ 3 wherein the second block size information defines a second amount

4 of data to be input -euc ' e from the bus in response
5 to a write request; and
6 issuing the second write request to the memory device, wherein
7 in response to the second write request, the memory device inputs
8 the amount of data corresponding to the second block size
9 information from the bus synchronously with respect to the external
10 clock signal.
~~ __ ._~~ ._.__ _~ .-

\ J C '1
8. (Amended) A method of operation of a synchronous memory

2 device, wherein the memory device includes a plurality of memory

3 cells, the method of ogeration of the memory device comprises
4 [comprising]:

6 receiving first block size information L,


7 wherein the first block size information defines a first amount of

8 data to be output by the v- ice onto a bus in response to a
9 read [or write] request;
10 receiving a first read request fiom the bus controller; and
11 outputting the first amount of data corresponding to the first
12 block size information, in response to the first read request, onto
13 the bus synchronously with respect to [an] Lhe external clock
14 signal.

Page 5
Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 30 of 106

2 \ 'receiving a second read request , and

\ 3\ outputting the first amount of data corresponding to the first

I' 4 block size information, in response to the second read request,

5 onto the bus synchronously with respect to the external clock
6 signal.

2 on further d e-- f e

3 qe to a write request,

4 & me- further including:

5 receiving a first write request 3, and
6 inputting the first amount of data corresponding to the first
7 block size information, in response to the first write request,
8 from the bus synchronously with respect to the external clock
9 signal.


%. (Amended) The method of claim & further including:
receiving second block size information, wherein the second
3 block size information defines a second amount of data to be input
4 from the bus in response to a write request; and
5 receiving the second write request from the bus controller;
6 inputting the amount of data corresponding to the second block
7 size information, in response to the second write request, from the
8 bus synchronously with respect to the external clock signal.
__._- -
- __
~- - -. -- . .. --
.~ - ..

I ..., //
' / Page 6
Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 31 of 106

- __
1 A method of operation of a synchronous memory
t k1
6 2 device+ wherein the memory device includes a plurality of memory
3 cells and a time delay register, the method of operation o f the

4 memory device comprises:

5 storing a value in the time delay register, the value being
6 representative of a number of external clock cycles
7 after which the memory device responds to a read request;
8 receiving an external clock signal wherein the external clock
9 signal has a fixed frequency;
10 receiving block size information from a bus controller,
11 wherein the block size information defines a first amount of data.
12 to be output by the memory device onto the bus in response to a
13 read request;
14 receiving a first read request from Lhe bus controller;
15 outputting the first amount of data corresponding to the block
16 size information onto the bus in response to the first read
17 request, [;
18 receiving a second read request;
19 outputting the first amount of data corresponding to the block
20 size information onto the bus in response to the second read
21 request; and]
22 wherein the memory device outputs the data synchronously with
23 respect to the external clock signal, during a plurality of clock
24 cycles of the external clock signal and in accordance with the
25 value stored in the time delay register.
- ___ __ - -- ._ - - __

Page 7
Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2543-2 Filed 11/14/2008 Page 32 of 106

- _ . ___ __ - -

1 The method of claim f u r t h e r g :

I ,

recezvln~ a second read reques-a bIl8 coaroller

3 wherein the block size information and the second read request are
4 included in the same request;



This Amendment seeks to place this application in condition
for allowance. Several of the pending claims have been amended in
order to more fully and/or definitely claim Applicants' invention.
The specification has been amended to identify the continuation or
related U.S. application data upon which priority is claimed. A
new Abstract of the Disclosure is presented to more fully reflect
the invention claimed herein. Finally, the drawings have been
amended (i.e., added new Figure 16) to more fully illustrate the
features of the claimed invention (See, 37 C.F.R. §1.83(a)) and the
specification has been amended to correspond to new Figure 16. No
new matter has been added.

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Office A c t i ~ n

In the Office Action mailed July 16, 1999, claims 151-157,

161-163, 165, 168-173, 177-179 and 181 were rejected as being

anticipated by Jackson (U.S. Patent 4,315,308; hereinafter
I'Jackson" or "the Jackson patent"). Several of the claims were
objected to as being dependent upon the rejected claims. Finally,

claims 184-188 were found to be allowable.

Jackson discloses a system including a microprocessor 200, a

bus interface unit 201, and peripheral units (e.g., memory) . '
Microprocessor 200 is connected to bus interface unit 201, via
interface lines, i.e., clock line CLK A, ACD bus 214, ISA 215, and
ISB 216. (Jackson, Fig. 1 and col. 4, lines 33-44). Bus interface
unit 201 is connected to the peripheral units. (Jackson, Fig. 1 and
6). Microprocessor 200 communicates with the peripheral units by
means of bus interface unit 201. (Jackson, Fig.1, and col. 4, lines
33-37). In this regard, the bus interface unit 201 provides
interface control of data transfers between the microprocessor 200
and the peripheral units (Jackson, col. 4, lines 16-21), and, in
particular, includes circuitry/means to:
(1) receive and decode instructions (e.g., a read data from
memory instruction as well as data length transfer information)
fromthe microprocessor 200; (See, e.g., Jackson, col. 8, lines 46-
60 and Figs. 6 and 7);

( 2 ) control the memory by asserting the proper control signals

in conjunction with generating and applying address signals

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necessary to provide the requested number of bytes of data

corresponding to the data length transfer information (i.e.,bits
10, 11 and 12 in the control specification), (See, e.g., Jackson,

col. 8, line 58 to col. 9, line 15, and Figs. 3 and 6);

(3) fetch and buffer data returned from the memory or memory
module in response to the read data instruction, (Jackson, col. 6,
lines 8-12; col. 8, lines 6 5 - 6 8 ; and col. 9, line 3 7 - 4 0 ) ; and
( 4 ) transfer that data to the microprocessor 200 using control

signal ISB to synchronize that transfer relative to clock signal

CLKA. (See, e.g., Jackson, col. 6, lines 8-12; col. 9, line 3 7 - 4 4 ;
and Fig. 7 ) .'

Although Jackson does not describe the memory or memory

modules in any detail, it is most likely that the memory devices,
and modules containing those devices, were standard, off-the-shelf
components. That is, standard, off-the-shelf memory devices and
standard-off-the-shelfmemory modules incorporating such devices,
for example, memory devices like those described in the Kung et
al., U.S. Patent 4,449,207, Voss, U.S. Patent 4 , 6 4 6 , 2 7 9 and Hardee
et al., U.S. Patent 5 , 0 7 7 , 6 9 3 . These memory devices employ such
signals as OE\, C S \ , RAS\, CAS\ and address signals.
Thus, neither the microprocessor 200 nor the bus interface
unit 201 in Jackson provide data length transfer information to the
memory devices or to the memory devices on the memory modules.

It should be noted that claims 3, 4, 7 and 8 of the Jackson

patent also describe the means of, and functions performed by, the
bus interface unit. (Col. 11, lines 3 - 2 7 and Col. 1 2 , lines 2 9 - 5 5 .
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Rather, the bus interface unit 201 receives and decodes that
information, and, based thereon, generates and applies the
addresses and control signals (i.e.,OE\, RAS\, CAS\) necessary to
obtain the number of bytes of data defined by data length transfer
information. (See, e.g., Jackson, col 8, lines 57-62; col. 9, lines
1-15 and Figs. 6 and 7).

Moreover, it appears that the memory devices or memory modules

employed in Jackson do not receive the clock signal (CLK A ) nor do
they provide data synchronously with respect to that clock signal.
Instead, the bus interface unit 201 fetches the data returned from
the memory, buffers and aligns that data, and then transfers it to
the microprocessor 200, using control signal ISB to synchronize
data transfer relative to CLK A. (See, e . g . , Jackson, col. 6 , lines
8-12; col. 8, lines 65-68; col. 9, line 37-44 and Fig. 7).


Amended claim 151 is a method of controlling a synchronous

memory device. Amended claim 151 requires, among other things, the
memory device to be provided first block size information. The
first block size information defines a first amount of data to be
output by the memory device onto a bus in response to a read
request. In addition, claim 151 further requires the memory device
to output the first amount of data corresponding to the first block
size information, in response to a read request, onto the bus
synchronously with respect to an external clock signal.
As mentioned above, the data length transfer information in

Jackson is not provided to the memory devices. Instead, the bus

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interface unit 201 receives and decodes that information, and,

based thereon, generates the addresses and control signals
necessary to obtain the amount of data defined by data length
transfer information.
Further, the memory devices employed in Jackson did not
provide data synchronously with respect to the external clock
signal. Rather, bus interface unit 201 buffers the data and gates
that data to the microprocessor 200 - - using control signal ISB to
synchronize data transfer relative to clock signal CLK A.
Thus, for at l e a s t those reasons, Jackson does not anticipate
amended claim 151 or the claims which depend therefrom (i.e.,
claims 152-157, 161-163, and 165).


Amended claim 168 is a method of operation of a synchronous

memory device. The method requires, among other things, the memory
device to receive first block size information from a bus
controller. Like in claim 151, the first block size information
defines a first amount of data to be output by the memory device
onto a bus in response to a read request.
The method also requires, the memory device to output the
first amount of data corresponding to the first block size
information, in response to the first read request, onto the bus
synchronously with respect to the external clock signal. In claim
168, the memory device receives the external clock signal.

For reasons similar to those mentioned above with respect to

claim 151, the memory devices in Jackson do not receive data length

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transfer information. Further, the memory devices in Jackson do

not receive the clock signal (CLK A) nor do they provide data
synchronously with respect to the clock signal CLK A.
Thus, for at l e a s t those reasons, Jackson does not anticipate
amended claim 168 or the claims which depend therefrom (i.e., 169-
173, 177-179, and 181).

Amendment to the Specification

The specification has been amended to identify the
continuation or related U.S. application data of this application.
No new matter has been added. In short, this application is a
continuation of Application No. 09/196,199, filed on November 20,
1998 (still pending), which is a continuation of Application No.

08/798,520, filed on February 10, 1997 (now U.S. Patent 5,841,580);

which is a division of Application No. 08/448,657, filed May 24,
1995 (now U.S. Patent 5,638,334); which is a division of
Application No. 08/222,646, filed on March 31, 1994 (now U.S.
Patent 5,513,327); which is a continuation of Application No.
07/954,945, filed on September 30, 1992 (now U.S. Patent
5,319,755);which is a continuation of Application No. 07/510,898,
filed on April 18, 1990 (now abandoned). As such, the instant
application is entitled to an April 18, 1990 priority date.
Moreover, the specification has been amended to correspond to
new Figure 16 - - as is discussed immediately below. No new matter
has been added.

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Amendment to the Drawings

New Figure 16, attached hereto, is added to illustrate, among

other things, access-time register(s) 173. Figure 16 illustrates
one embodiment of the internal registers within each device
illustrated in Figure 2. Support may be found in the specification
at page 14, lines 3-21 and page 53 lines 4-21. No new matter has
been added.
The specification has been amended to correspond to new Figure
16. No new matter has been added.
By way of note, the amendment to the drawings and the
corresponding amendment of the specification is similar to the
amendment made in the application leading to U.S. Patent 5,841,580.
The I580 patent is the parent of the instant application.

Abstract of the Disclosure

A new Abstract of the Disclosure is attached hereto. No new
matter has been added.

Draftperson's Objections
The Draftperson's objections to the drawings are noted.
Applicants request that these objections be held in abeyance until
this application is found to be in condition for allowance.

Information Disclosure Statements

In compliance with the duty of disclosure set forth in 37

C.F.R. §1.56, Applicants submitted on June 11, 1999, a modified
Form PTO-1449, including a copy of the documents cited therein.

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(See copy of stamped Postcard receipt, attached hereto). It

appears from the Office Action Summary, that the Examiner has not
yet received Applicants' June 11 Information Disclosure Statement.
A copy of that Information Disclosure Statement is attached hereto.
In addition, Applicants submit herewith a third Information
Disclosure Statement. The fee as prescribed in 37 C.F.R. S1.17(p)
accompanies this Statement. (See, 37 C.F.R. §1.97(c)).
As stated in the Information Disclosure Statements, it is
believed that the Examiner may find the documents cited in the Form
PTO-1449 material to the patentability of one or more of the claims

in the above-referenced application. As such, it is respectfully

requested that the Examiner make his consideration of the documents
cited in the Form PTO-1449 formally of record with the next Action.

Applicants respectfully request entry of the foregoing
amendment. Applicants submit that all of the claims present
patentable subject matter which definitely set forth the novel and
unobvious features of Applicants' invention. Applicants
respectfully request reconsideration and allowance of all claims.
It is noted that should a telephone interview expedite the
prosecution in any way, the Examiner is invited to contact Neil
Steinberg at 703-787-9636.

Date: July 23, 1999

Neil A. Stkinberg
Reg. No. 34,735

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A method of controlling a memory device is disclosed wherein

the memory device includes a plurality of memory cells. The method

comprises providing first block size information to the memory

-1, device, wherein the first ‘block size information defines a first

amount of data to be output onto a bus in response to a read

request. The method further includes issuing a first read request

to the memory device, wherein in response to the first read

request, the memory device outputs the first amount of data

corresponding to the first block size information onto the bus

synchronously with respect to an external clock signal. In one

preferred embodiment, the method may include providing a code which

is representative of a number of clock cycles of the first and

second external clock which are to transpire before data is output

by the memory device onto the bus. The memory device stores the

code in a programmable register on the memory device. In this

preferred embodiment, the first amount of data corresponding to the

first block size information is output after the number of clock

cycles of the external clock transpire.

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Exhibit 2
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Exhibit 3
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