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Biochemistry First Quiz Second Semester 2011 A) Choose the suitable answer : Q1: Scurvy is caused due to deficiency

y of : A- Vitamin A B- Vitamin D C- Vitamin K D- Vitamin C Q2 : Both Wernick's disease and beriberi can be reversed by administrating : A- Retinol B- Thiamin C- Pyndoxine D- Vitamin B12 Q3 : Vitamin B1 coenzyme (PTT) is involved in : A- Oxidative decarboxylation B- Hydroxylation C- Transamination D- Carboxylation Q4 : Riboflavin is a coenzyme in the reaction catalyzed be the enzyme : A- Acyl CoA synthetaze B- Acyl CoA dehydrogenase C- Hydroxy acyle CoA dehydrogenase D- Enoyl CoA dehydrogenase Q5 : Which one of the following statements concerning vitamin B12 is correct : A- The cofactor form is vitamin B12 it self B- It is involved in the transfer of amino groups C- It requires a specific glycoprotein for its absorption D- It is present in planet products E- Its deficiency is most caused by a lack of the vitamin in the diet Q6 : The state of amino acid metabolism in the liver in the fed state includes all of the following except : A- The liver receives large amount of amino acids B- Part of surplus amino acids is released into blood to be used by extrahepatic tissues C- Received amino acids cannot be deaminated in the liver

D- Branched chain amino acids just pass unchanged trough the liver to be metabolized in the muscle Q7 : The enzymes with which nicotinamide act as coenzyme are : A- Dehydrogenases B- Transaminases C- Decarboxylases D- Carboxylases Q8 : Which of the Following is elevated in plasma during the absorptive period (compared with the post-absorptive state) ? A- Glucagon B- Acetoacetate C- Chylomicrons D- Free fatty acids E- Lactate Q9 : Antioxidant vitamins include all of the following EXCEPT : A- Vitamin C B- Carotenes C- Vitamin E D- Vitamin D Q10 : Glucagon has all of the following effects in fat metabolism EXCEPT : A- It activates lipolysis in adipose tissue B- It activates fatty acids oxidation C- It stimulates ketogenesis D- It decrease plasma free fatty acids B) Select the true or false answer : Q11 : The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of protein is 8 g\kg body weight day : A- True B- False Q12 : Glucagon secretion is stimulated by high glucose level and inhibited by hypoglycemia : A- True B- False

Q13 : Vitamin B6 is a component of coenzyme A which function is the transfer of acyle groups : A- True B- False Q14 : Pellagra is a condition which is due to deficiency of the vitamin biotin : A- True B- False Q15 : In the fasting state, gluconeogenesis starts 4-6 hours after the last meal and become active as liver glycogen stores are depleted : A- True B- False Q16 : The average weight adult requires about 800 mg\day of vitamin C : A- True B- False Q17 : Deficiency of vitamin B6 is common among obese subjects while it is very rare at alcoholics : A- True B- False Q18 : Niacin is synthesized in the body from amino acid tyrosine, every 60 gm tyrosine give about 1 mg niacin : A- True B- False Q19 : In the fed state, the brain uses glucose exclusively as a fuel and it utilize about 156 g\day : A- True B- False Q20 : Branched chain amino acids cannot be metabolized by the liver so they just pass unchanged through the liver to be metabolized mainly by the muscle which contain the required transaminase for such amino acid : A- True B- False

C) Fill in the space(s) with the suitable word(s) : 1- Write one importance food source which is rich vitamin B2 ( Milk & Dairy products ) 2- Write one function of pyridoxal phosphate ( coenzyme in transamination, decarboxylation and glycogen phosphorylase ) 3- Megaloblastic anemia is treated by administration of ( Folic acid & Vitamin B12 ) 4- Write the most important stimulus for insulin secretion ( Oral Glucose ) 5- What is the most important energy source for skeletal muscle during the fasting state ( Glucagon )

Good Luck =D Done by : Ola Abdullah Dentistry 430

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