IBM Zsnap Utility For AIX - United States

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IBM zsnap utility for AIX - United States

zsnap utility for AIX

Document information
AIX family Software version: Version Independent Operating system(s): AIX

Product documentation
Reference #: T7000231

Manual page for zsnap command/utility. Modified date: 2011-08-29

Content Purpose
Gathers system configuration information for AIX support.

zsnap [ --ALL ] [ --CAA ] [ --CMDS ] [ --CRON ] [ --DUMP ] [ --FS ] [ --FSLVM ] [ --GRAPHICS ] [ --HACMP ] [ --INSTALL ] [ --KRB5 ] [ --LVM ] [ --NIM ] [ --PAM ] [ --PERF ] [ --SAN ] [ --SECURITY ] [ --TCPIP ] [ --debug ] [ --email email ] [ --ftp ] [ --help | --? | -? ] [ --noprompt ] [ --nospacechk ] [ --pmr PMRnumber ] [ --snapscript ] [ --version ] The zsnap command also accepts any of the flags of the snap command.

The zsnap command is a supplemental tool used by AIX support personnel to gather debugging data. Built around the standard AIX snap command, the zsnap command gathers additional information that the snap command does not provide. You can also use the zsnap command to send a testcase directly to IBM from the machine that generated the testcase data. If needed, the zsnap command can fork multiple calls to the snap command, which results in quicker data gathering than if done via snap. By default, the zsnap command writes command output to the /tmp/ibmsupt directory. If the directory does not have enough space to contain the output, the zsnap command exits. To suppress space checking, use the --nospacechk flag.



2012-01-12 19:29

IBM zsnap utility for AIX - United States

Gathers everything except a system dump.

Gathers data for enhanced clustering features in AIX at levels where these features are supported.

Gathers information related to command and library.

Gathers cron information.

Gathers a system dump and the files needed to perform an analysis.

Gathers filesystem information.

Gathers both filesystem and logical volume manager (LVM) information.

Gathers information related to the graphics subsystem.

Gathers information related to PowerHA (HACMP).

Gathers information related to install.

Gathers Kerberos authentication information.

Gathers LVM information.

Gathers Network Install Manager (NIM) information. This flag is only for execution on a NIM master.

Gathers Pluggable Authorization Module (PAM) authentication information.


2012-01-12 19:29

IBM zsnap utility for AIX - United States

Gathers performance information.

Gathers information related to Storage Area Network (SAN).

Gathers security information.

Gathers TCP/IP information.

Generates additional debug output for the zsnap command itself.

--email email
Specifies a valid email address that can be used to FTP a test case to AIX Support.

Specifies that FTP will be used with the --noprompt flag.

--help | --? | -?
Displays help information.

Supresses prompting of FTP information used to transmit test case to IBM.

Suppresses space checking.

--pmr PMRnumber
Specifies a valid PMR number given to you by AIX Support. The syntax for the PMRnumber value is PMR#.Branch.Country. The zsnap command uses the PMRnumber value to properly name the testscase file.

Used to specify a script to use with snap (see the snap man page).

Displays the current version of the zsnap utility.

1. Enter the following command to gather all system configuration


2012-01-12 19:29

IBM zsnap utility for AIX - United States

information except a dump. zsnap --ALL The command prompts you for PMR number and FTP information that is used to transfer the testcase to AIX Support, and then writes the output to the /tmp/ibmsupt directory. 2. Enter the following command to gather SAN and PowerHA (HACMP) configuration information and suppress prompts for PMR and FTP information. zsnap --SAN -e --noprompt OR zsnap --SAN --HACMP --noprompt This command generates one testcase in the /tmp/ibmsupt/ directory. When no PMR information is supplied in the command line, the zsnap command uses the following convention to label the testcase. 99999.999.999.<timestamp>.hacmp.pax.Z 3. Enter the following command to gather general system information, put the data in the /tc directory, and then be prompted for PMR and FTP information to transfer the testcase data. zsnap -g -d /tc This zsnap command prompts you for PMR and FTP information, and then generates a test case in the /tc directory. 4. Enter the following command to gather filesystem information, use the PMR number for the appropriate testcase name and specify the email address for FTP. zsnap --FS --noprompt --ftp --pmr 99999.999.999 --email

Contains the zsnap command.

Contains other files related to the zsnap command.

Related information
The snap command.

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2012-01-12 19:29

IBM zsnap utility for AIX - United States

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2012-01-12 19:29

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