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Len Erickson

Subject: Re: PDA Applica2on Date: Monday, January 23, 2012 1:35 PM From: Steve Monowitz <> To: Len Erickson <> Cc: Bill Kehoe <>, Nicholas Calderon <>

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 6:40 AM

Hi Len, Thanks for passing this on. I checked in with ABAG about the quarterly cycle for reviewing applicaTons to determine if we would be able to apply next quarter and understand if there would be any negaTve consequences of such a delay. As you probably saw on the FOCUS program homepage, the deadline January 30, 2012 deadline for submiYng the resoluTon is fairly prominent, and there is no menTon of future cycles. The person I spoke with at ABAG indicated that one problem of not submiYng this cycle is that it would impact our ability to obtain grants under MTC's and ABAG's "One Bay Area" program. This is the program being used to develop the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) for the region. Based on what I have been able to learn from the website so far (h^p:// it appears that the next grant cycle under the One Bay Area program will be released in March, and that if we do not have a PDA designaTon in place at that Tme, we will not be compeTTve for these grants for at least a year. (I'm not sure if there will be future funding cycles.) I am also concerned about how a delay in our applicaTon relates to the development of the SCS and the funding associated with it, as a draa of the preferred SCS is scheduled to be released in March. As discussed in the sta report, the objecTve of this designaTon is to make the Midcoast eligible for planning and infrastructure grants. It in no way impacts the development policies and regulaTons established by the LCP. The Planning and Building Department is commi^ed to working with the MCC on any grant applicaTons and projects related to this designaTon. It is therefore my opinion that it is in all of our best interests to move forward with the resoluTon tomorrow. Please let me know if you have addiTonal quesTons or would like to discuss this ma^er further. Sincerely, Steve >>> "Len Erickson" <> 1/23/2012 11:10 AM >>> Steve, Thanks for the update on the Highway 1 ... Study Review and I look forward to receiving the material from you later today and Ill share it with the commi^ee this evening. Per the PDA comment, see... Please see the a^ached document, per our conversaTon. Note specically SecTon IV on p. 4
IV. Application Review Process! Applications received will be reviewed on a quarterly basis. The quarters for the year include: January to!
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March, April to June, July to September, and October to December. Applications received within a! quarter will be reviewed at the start of a new quarter. For instance, the review process for an application! received in February will begin in April.!

Link to the document and the MCC materials are on our site.
Regards, Len Erickson Midcoast Community Council (650) 400-3175 WEB:

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