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IBM Information Server Manager

Version 8 Release 1

User Guide


IBM Information Server Manager

Version 8 Release 1

User Guide


This document is made available to you as a licensed user of the IBM Information Server software product and is subject to the terms regarding Restricted Materials specified in the Authorized Use provision in the Part of your IBM Customer License (or equivalent license under which you obtained the IBM Information Server software) governing ICA Programs. You must take appropriate steps to ensure that access to this document and any hardcopies thereof is limited to licensed users within your enterprise, and that the scope of use is limited to the Authorized Uses permitted uses under your license. Distribution outside of your enterprise is strictly prohibited and is deemed a material breach of your license agreement with IBM. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2008. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Chapter 1. IBM Information Server Manager overview . . . . . . . . . . 1
Basic deployment scenario . . . . . . IBM Information Server Manager workflow Deploying changes to an application . . Deployable objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 2 Deploying packages: Single server model . Deploying packages: Multiple server model Importing and exporting objects . . . . . Exporting objects . . . . . . . . . Importing objects . . . . . . . . . Viewing the log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 12 12 13 13 13

Chapter 2. Using the IBM Information Server Manager . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Starting the IBM Information Server Manager . . . Adding a domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic IBM Information Server Manager functions . . Work with packages . . . . . . . . . . . View object properties . . . . . . . . . . View a job or shared container design . . . . . Customize the IBM Information Server Manager view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Set the user preferences . . . . . . . . . . Search the IBM Information Server Manager . . . Creating the deployment package . . . . . . . Defining and modifying the deployment package Building deployment packages and viewing build histories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 9

Chapter 4. Deploying objects using a command line. . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Basic command-line syntax . . . Common command-line options The istool command modes . . . istool commands . . . . . . . deploy package command . . istool export command . . . istool import command . . . Escape characters . . . . . . Asset IDs . . . . . . . . . Asset ID examples . . . . . Asset types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 15 15 17 18 20 21 23 24 26 26

Product documentation . . . . . . . 29
Contacting IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Chapter 3. Deploying IBM WebSphere DataStage and WebSphere QualityStage objects . . . . . . . . . 11

Searching for objects to include in packages Deploying packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 11

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Copyright IBM Corp. 2008



IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

Chapter 1. IBM Information Server Manager overview

Use the IBM Information Server Manager to move DataStage and QualityStage objects between projects on the same instance, or on different instances. IBM Information Server Manager is designed to support a model of separate systems that are used to develop, test, and run DataStage and QualityStage jobs. The tool facilitates this model by providing secure and managed methods of moving objects between the different systems. Move objects securely between different systems using managed, trackable methods with the Information Server Manager. DataStage users who have access to the projects can create packages. The Production Manager role is used to deploy to the target system, which ensures that only users with the correct privileges can modify the production environment. A user interface with the same functionality as the istool command line executable is provided with the Information Server Manager. The istool interface is available on any operating system on which the client, engine, or service tiers are installed. The Information Server Manager is installed on a machine that runs the Windows operating system.

Basic deployment scenario

This topic provides an example deployment scenario involving DataStage objects. In a basic deployment scenario, a set of DataStage objects is moved from a development environment to a test or production environment. The objects make up some or all of an application, but are not necessarily dependent on each other. The objects that make up the set might be developed by different users, possibly in different DataStage projects. The set of objects is applied as a unit to a single target system and a single DataStage project. However, the set of objects can be deployed many times to many systems or DataStage projects as it moves through its lifecycle. The target system or systems may or may not allow the compilation of jobs so options are available to package execution-ready objects. The deployment process might be required to be integrated into an existing application release process. The items being deployed should be saved in a source control system or file system location for backup and recovery purposes. Integration of the deployment process into existing processes is most commonly achieved through client-side or server-side scripts.

IBM Information Server Manager workflow

The workflow for using the Information Server Manager might involve more than one user. In tightly-controlled environments with limited access to the target and source systems, a developer would perform definition and build steps in order to write
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the package to the file system. A production manager (or any user with access to the required target project and the build package) would then apply the package to a project on the target system. The following diagram shows the workflow of a created package:

Figure 1. Deploytment package workflow

Deploying changes to an application

Deployed objects are typically read-only in every environment except development. If an error is discovered in a test or production environment that requires a change to an object to fix (such as a patch), or if an improved implementation of a specific object (such as a QualityStage ruleset) is created, then the change is made in the development environment and applied to an existing package. The package is updated to include the modified object or objects. The updated package can be deployed into an existing project, replacing the corresponding objects.

Deployable objects
You can deploy most types of DataStage objects with the Information Server Manager. You can add the following types of objects to your deployment packages: v v v v v v v v v v Data elements IMS databases IMS viewsets Jobs (mainframe, parallel, sequence, and server) Machine profiles Routines (mainframe, parallel, and server) Shared containers (parallel and server) Table definitions Transforms Custom folders (external files in the WebSphere DataStage server project directory)

IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

v v v v

QualityStage rule sets QualityStage match specifications Parallel custom stages, build stages, and wrapper stages Parameter sets

You can also deploy job executables, which might be required where your target domain can only run jobs and not compile them. These executables will only work if certain conditions are met (such as the criteria matching exactly).

Chapter 1. IBM Information Server Manager overview

IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

Chapter 2. Using the IBM Information Server Manager

The topics in this section describe how to use the IBM Information Server Manager to create and deploy packages.

Starting the IBM Information Server Manager

To deploy objects, you must first start the IBM Information Server Manager. To start the Information Server Manager: In your Start menu, select Start->All Programs->IBM Information Server->Information Server Manager.

Adding a domain
When you launch the IBM Information Server Manager, your first task is to add a domain. 1. In the Repository view, right-click and select Add Domain. The Add Domain window opens. 2. In the Add Domain window, specify the application server, user, password, and whether or not the password should be saved. By default, the Save Password setting is unchecked. You can change the default password setting by changing the Save Password option in the Preferences dialog. Changing the Save Password setting in the Preferences applies to all subsequent invocations of the Add Domain dialog, but changing the Save Password setting in the Add Domain dialog applies only to the specified domain. If the Save Password setting was previously enabled, then the password will be remembered. 3. After the connection information has been specified, expand the list of available DataStage projects and package definitions on the domain and select a project. When you select a project, the project namespace in the Properties view displays the Information Server engine on which the project resides. 4. If you need to reconnect to a disconnected application server, right-click on it and select Connect. Alternately, you can double-click on the disconnected domain in the Repository tab. If a valid password has been previously saved for that domain, Information Server Manager will connect without prompting. If there is no previously-saved password, the Edit Domain window opens and you are prompted to enter a password.

Basic IBM Information Server Manager functions

The IBM Information Server Manager interface provides some basic functions that are described in the topics in this section.

Work with packages

This topic describes the different ways you can work with package definitions when using the IBM Information Server Manager.

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Save a package definition Before you can build a package, you are required to first save that package definition. However, if you create a package definition to build at a later time, you are not prompted to save it, and must do so manually. The same is true if you make changes to a package definition. Copy a package definition Make a copy of a package definition by selecting Copy, right-clicking Packages in the navigation tree, then selecting Paste. The Repository View displays the new package definition copy. Delete a package definition Delete a package definition from the repository by right-clicking on the definition you want to remove, then selecting Delete. The history of the deleted package remains in the logs on the Information Server web console.

View object properties

View the properties of any item in the Repository view, the Search Results window, or the Package Editor window. To open the standard Properties view: 1. Right-click on the item in the Repository view, the Search Results window, or the Package Editor window. 2. Select Show Properties.

View a job or shared container design

View a job or shared container design in the Repository view, the Search Results window, or the Package Editor window. To view a job or shared container design: 1. Double-click the job or shared container, or right-click it and select Open. 2. Use the icons on the editing toolbar at the top-right corner of the window to zoom in, zoom out, or restore the image to its actual size.

Customize the IBM Information Server Manager view

You can arrange the panels in the IBM Information Server Manager interface in order to view objects side-by-side, compare information, and more easily drag-and-drop objects.

Multiple views
When you open more than one package view in the IBM Information Server Manager, multiple tabs open in the window you are viewing. You click each of the tabs to view the respective page. When you open multiple windows in the IBM Information Server Manager, each window opens alongside one another in a column format. You can change windows to a horizontal orientation. You can change the Properties view to a horizontal orientation within the left navigation pane. To change the orientation of a window: 1. Click in the upper area of the window, next to the tab-level headings.

IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

2. Drag the window to another area within the Information Server Manager interface. Column and row lines will appear at potential placement locations for the window you are moving. 3. When the desired placement (column or row) is outlined, release the mouse button, and the window view will appear in the new location.

Set the user preferences

Establish the package, connection, and visual settings in the Preferences window. In the main menu of the Information Server Manager you can specify certain user settings, such as startup and import/export options, and how the help information is displayed. To set the user preferences in the Information Server Manager: 1. Click the Information Server icon in the upper left corner of the screen. 2. In the drop-down menu, select Preferences. 3. In the Preferences menu, select from the expandable tree view the area of the Information Server Manager that you want to customize. 4. To search for a specific term, type a specific keyword in the text field above the tree view. To clear the text field and return to the tree view, click the Clear Field icon to the right of the text field.

Search the IBM Information Server Manager

Refine your search string when performing a search in the IBM Information Server Manager.

The Search field

You can interact with objects the same way as with the Repository view. A context menu in the search field offers additional search options. If the search result is truncated due to a large number of results, a message appears at the top of the Search window showing the number of displayed items and the total number of results. Click the Show more... link to retrieve the next page of results. The arrow buttons can be used to navigate between the results of successive searches. However, when you navigate to previous searches, the search query is not updated. The search query can be shown or hidden by using the Advanced link in the editor header. By default, the Manager will search within the current context in the Repository view.

Refining search queries

The search scope can be changed by editing the search query. v Add new search criteria to refine the current query by using the located next to the search field. button

v Use the button to remove criteria. Searches match objects that satisfy all of the listed criteria. To allow global sort, any new results are integrated into the table with the prior results.
Chapter 2. Using the IBM Information Server Manager

v To limit your search to only include the contents of the Information Server Manager Help system, click the arrow next to the Search icon to the right of the search field, the select Search Help from the drop-down list.

Creating the deployment package

To deploy a package, you first create the deployment package and configure the package descriptors. The deployment package specifies which objects in the source repository are included. You can select objects from multiple IBM Information Server repositories and projects that are installed on the Information Server. You can also select specific objects or folders to add all items contained in the folder.

Figure 2. Package phases in the IBM Information Server Manager

To 1. 2. 3.

create a deployment package, you must complete the following subtasks: Define the package. Save the package. Build the package.

In the creation step, the package is built in a location that you specify in the preferences. Information about the deployment is stored in the metadata repository and reused in later deployments.

IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

Defining and modifying the deployment package

Use the New Deployment Package option to define and modify the deployment package. To define the deployment package: 1. Right-click anywhere in the Repository view column, then select New Package. 2. To add items to the package definition, drag the items from the Repository View to the Selected Items tab of the Deployment Package window. Alternately, you can right-click on the items in the Repository View, select Copy, right-click in the Selected Items tab of the Deployment Package window, and select Paste. 3. In the Selected Items tab, expand the view of selected folders to see the objects that are included in the package. 4. To view dependent items for a single item or multiple items, right-click that object and select View Dependent Items. 5. To include additional files from a project file system into the package definition, right-click in the Selected Items tab, then select Add External Folder. 6. To view the package creation options, write a package description, or include job designs, executables, or dependent items, click the Options tab on the Deployment Package window. 7. To view build and deployment information about the package, click the History tab on the Deployment Package window.

Building deployment packages and viewing build histories

Build a deployment package and view its build history. You can build a package from the package definition, or you can update an existing package. You must save the package definition in the metadata repository before you can build a package. If you update an existing package, only the items that changed since the prior build are added to the existing package and its build history is updated. If you choose to replace the existing package, the package is completely rebuilt and its prior build history is deleted. Objects are pulled into the build in their state at the time of the build, not in their state at the time the package was defined. To build a deployment package and view package histories: 1. Click Build on the Deployment package screen. The Build Package window opens, where you specify a label and comment for the build. 2. Open the package definition and click the History tab. The History view displays a list of package builds that were either created on the domain, or deployed to the domain. 3. To compare the contents of a build with its previous build, right-click on the build and select Compare with Previous Build. 4. To compare the contents of two different builds, highlight both builds, right-click, and select Compare Selected Builds. Differences between the two builds are shown in the bottom part of the window. The left-side view shows the older version, and the right-side view shows the newer version of the build. On the right-side view, items in green indicate that these new items were added in the latest build. Items shown in blue indicate that these items were modified.
Chapter 2. Using the IBM Information Server Manager

On the left-side view, items in red indicate that these items were deleted from the newer version of the build. These colors settings are the default. You can customize the colors in the Preferences menu by selecting Package, then History Comparison Colors in the navigation view.

Figure 3. Deployment package comparison view

Note: At the bottom left of the Information Server Manager screen is the number of changes found within specific builds.


IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

Chapter 3. Deploying IBM WebSphere DataStage and WebSphere QualityStage objects

You can use various methods to deploy job and package objects by using the deployment tool.

Searching for objects to include in packages

Instead of browsing the Repository view for assets, you can search for assets to add to your deployment package based on various criteria. To search for objects to include in the deployment packages: 1. Enter a search string or item in the Search box in the upper-right corner of the IBM Information Server application window. 2. Select Information Server in the drop-down menu. 3. Click Search. The search looks for all objects that contain the provided string. The comparison is not case-sensitive, and the search is performed against all repositories that are currently connected. 4. You can drag and drop the found Search objects into the package editor, or copy and paste them to the package editor. Note: The Search results do not include folders.

Deploying packages
Different users can participate in deploying a single package by accessing different servers. In a multiple user scenario, the first user must have access to the source server, and the DataStage projects that reside on that server. The second user must have access to the target domain.

Deploying packages: Single server model

Deploy the created package as the user who created the package. You can deploy any package in the Repository view to the target project if the package has been built, and if you have the authority to import into the target project. To deploy a package to the target project as a single user: 1. At the top of the Deployment Package screen, click Deploy. 2. Specify the target project and the particular build label you want to deploy. If more than one package as been saved, you will see a drop-down list of the packages available for deployment.

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Figure 4. Deploy window

3. After verifying your settings, click Finish, and the package is deployed to the target project. When the deployment is complete, a Deploy Results window opens, displaying the status of the deployment. In this window, you can view the deployment details, copy the details to a clipboard, or click OK to proceed.

Deploying packages: Multiple server model

Deploy from packages that you did not create. If you want to deploy the package to a different Information Server, use the Deploy From File option. To deploy a package from a file as a multiple user: 1. Copy the package file to the deployment directory on the target server that you specified in the Preferences. 2. In the Repository view, right-click the target server and select Open Package File. The Open Package File window opens, where you select a package file to deploy. The Package window then opens for the package you selected. 3. Click Deploy. Your are prompted to select the target project and build label that you want to deploy. The package contents are deployed to the target project. 4. To view the package build and deployment history, click the History tab.

Importing and exporting objects

You can use the IBM Information Server Manager on a DataStage client to export or import objects.


IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

You can move objects between projects without having to perform a full deployment. This movement is useful in cases where there is a subset of project objects that must be populated in a secondary environment.

Exporting objects
You can use the IBM Information Server Manager to export objects to an archive file. Use the Information Server Manager to export objects to an archive file which you store on the client computer. You can then import the package to a different project. To export objects: 1. Connect to the server and engine that contain the objects you want to export. See Adding a domain on page 5. 2. Right-click the project or any objects in that project that you want to export from, and then select Export. The object is added to the Export editor. You can drag and drop additional objects into the Export editor. 3. When your list is complete, click Export. 4. In the Export window, specify the target location for the export package. 5. Click Save.

Importing objects
You can use the IBM Information Server Manager to import objects to a specific project. To import objects: 1. Right-click on any node within DataStage or on the DataStage node, and select Import. The Select a file to import window opens where you can choose a file to import. 2. Select a file to import. The Import editor opens, displaying a list of items in the archive. 3. Click Import. 4. Select the target project and set the option to replace any existing items in the Import dialog. 5. Click OK.

Viewing the log

View the logs from Information Manager server import and exports from the log view in the Information Server. The Web-based log view that tracks Information Server activity will show complete Information Server manager log entries, including timestamps and any related messages. To 1. 2. 3. view the import and export logs: In the Information Server Web console, click the Administration tab. In the Administration window, go to Log management. Click Log views. You then have the option to view import, export, and deployment logs.
Chapter 3. Deploying IBM WebSphere DataStage and WebSphere QualityStage objects



IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

Chapter 4. Deploying objects using a command line

The command-line interface is supported in all client, engine, and service tiers. For detailed information about the IBM Information Server architecture tiers, see the topic titled Tiers and components in the IBM Information Server topology in the IBM Information Server Information Center: infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r1/topic/ wsisinst_arch_layers.html

Basic command-line syntax

The basic command line is enabled by default, and provides command-line options that are common to all commands.
istool command[ command-options ... ] command-options: -help -verbose -silent command: help

Common command-line options

This topic lists the common command options for all command line options that are created by using the istool command. You can import or export data by using the istool command-line framework.
Table 1. Common istool command-line options Flag -help -verbose -silent Description Prints a help message showing command usage, and lists all available command-line options. Prints additional informational messages for each executed command line. Silences non-essential command output.

The istool command modes

This topic describes the different modes in which the istool commands can be used. The istool commands can be invoked in any of the following modes: v Command mode: Invoked by passing istool with one or more commands. v Console mode: Invoked by running istool with no commands. v Script mode: Invoked by providing the istool option. Command mode (in a command prompt)

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In the Command mode, commands are entered one at a time on a single command line. Each command line starts with a command, then the options. Option values that contain embedded spaces must be surrounded by double quotes. Command syntax:
istool {command } [-options ... ]

Command option syntax:

Table 2. Command option syntax Flag -help Description Prints a help message describing istool command usage and listing all available CommandSets.

Console mode (in a command prompt) An alternative to entering commands one-by-one, which might require a new Information Server connection to be established for each command, is to execute istool with no options. This puts istool in Console mode. In Console mode, istool caches connections to the Information Server. This reduces execution time for subsequent commands to the same Information Server. In Console mode, istool prints a command prompt and waits for a command. Each command is processed without exiting istool. You can exit the Console mode by entering ., exit, or quit at the prompt. istool in Console mode also provides a history feature, which recalls the last 30 commands entered. Each command can be recalled and re-executed. Command syntax:

Option syntax: No options are required for Console mode. Script mode istool can be used to execute commands read directly from a text file. The file is read and executed as a series of command lines. In Script mode, connections to the Information Server are cached between commands. This causes significantly faster command execution. Each line in the input file must be formatted exactly the same as a command line entered manually, except for the following stipulations: v The -username/-password options can be specified only the first time a domain option is given. Subsequent commands only require the corresponding domain option and username option to identify the server. v It is not necessary to include the istool string on each command line. v Multiple commands are separated by a semicolon character (;) at the end of an input line. v Command lines can cross line boundaries. Command syntax:
istool script <filename> Table 3. Script command option syntax Flag -script <filename> Description Opens a text file containing istool commands.


IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

The following sample script shows an export from -domain d, and an import to -domain e.
istool export -domain d -archive c:/x.isx -ds istool import -domain e -archive c:/x.isx -ds -username u -password p d/project1/routines/a.pjb; -username v -password q -replace e/project2

istool commands
This topic describes the istool commands that support the Information Server Manager Import, Export, and Deployment features.

The istool commands provide a scriptable management interface for Deployment, Import, and Export features. These commands parallel the deployment features of the Information Server Manager.

Command syntax
istool build package domain <domain[:port]> -username <username> -password <password> -package <package> [ -comment <comment> ] [ -help ] [ -verbose ] [ -replace ] [ -silent ] [ -preview ] [ -label <buildlabel> ]

Command options
Table 4. istool command options Long name -domain -username -password -package Short name -dom -u -p -pkg Value String String String String Required? Y Y Y Y Description Name of the Information Server domain. Name of the user account on the Information Server domain. Password for the account specified in the -username option. Name of the existing Deployment Package definition in the Information Server repository. Adds a comment to the Deployment package information. Prints detailed information throughout operation. Prints the list of build package command options. Replaces the existing Deployment package. Silences non-error command output. Previews the build operation.

-comment -verbose -help -replace -silent -preview

-com -v -h -r -s -pre

String Boolean Boolean N/A Boolean N/A


Chapter 4. Deploying objects using a command line


Table 4. istool command options (continued) Long name -label Short name -la Value String Required? N Description Label for the build.

Exit status
0 Package was built successfully >0 An error occurred

Error handling
When building a Deployment Package, if at least one object is successfully exported, a Deployment Package file will be created. Exit status will report an error if one or more exports fail.

istool command usage example

istool build package domain -username dsAdmin -password DSPassWord1 -package DeployPackage1 \ comment my first package

deploy package command

This topic describes the purpose and syntax of the deploy package command

The deploy package command copies the contents of a Deployment Package into a target IBM Information Server repository by using an existing deployment package created with the build package command.

Command syntax
istool deploy package domain server[:port] -username name [-password pass] -package pkg [-label lbl] -datastage [-replace][-repl] server/proj { -silent ][ -verbose ] istool deploy package -domain sliver:9080 -username myName -password myPass -silent -package aPackageName -datastage -repl sliver:5000 "sliver/destProject" -replace, -repl : replace existing DataStage assets with imported assets


IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

Command options
Table 5. istool deploy package command options Long name -domain[:port] Short name -dom Value String[:Number] Required? Y Description Name of the IBM Information Server domain. Specifically, this is the machine on which the services tier is installed and the port number under which the IBM Information Server is running in a WebSphere Application Server. Name of the user account on the Information Server domain. Password for account specified in the -username option. Name of the existing Deployment package in the Information Server repository. Print detailed information throughout the operation. Print the list of deploy package command options. Label of Deployment package to deploy. Specify the DataStage deployment options. Silences all non-essential command output.

-username -password -package

-u -p -pkg

String String String


-verbose -help -label -datastage -silent

-v -h -l -ds -s

N/A N/A N/A String N/A


Note: The argument for the -datastage deploy command option is:
[-replace] <project-ID> [-repl]

where -replace replaces existing assets on the target server, and <projectID> is the target of the DataStage project deployment. The default action is to not replace existing assets.

Exit status
0 The deploy package command completed successfully. >0 An error occurred.

Error handling
When deploying a Deployment Package into an Information Server repository, the operation will continue until the entire Deployment Package has been processed. As many objects will be imported as possible. If one or more objects is unsuccessfully added to the repository, the exit status will report an error.

Chapter 4. Deploying objects using a command line


deploy package command usage example

istool deploy package domain \ -username dsAdmin -password DSPassWord1 \ -datastage "-replace sliver/myProject"

istool export command

This topic describes the purpose and syntax of the istool export command.

The export command copies Information Server and DataStage objects to the local file system. Following use of this command, the import command can be used to restore the exported objects into an Information Server repository.

Command syntax
istool export domain <domain[:port]> [ -help ] | [-h] [ -verbose ] | [-v] [ -silent ] | [-s] -username <usernme> | -u <username> [ -password <password> | [ -p <password> ] -archive <filename> | -ar <filename> [ -preview ] | -ds [ -base=<server[:port]>/<project>] [ -incdep ] | [ -includedependent ] [ -nodesign ] | [ -nodes ] [ -incexec ] | [ -includeexecutable ] [ -abort=N ] | [-abortAfter=N ] "dsServer>/<project>/<folder(s)>/<name>.<type>"

Command options
Table 6. istool export command options Long name -domain -username Short name -dom -u Value String String Required? Y Y Description Name of the Information Server domain Name of the user account on the Information Server domain. Password for account specified in the -username option. Name of the archive file. Specifies the Information Server objects and export options to be exported. The value is in the Selector format (see below). Print detailed information throughout the operation. Prints the list of export command options. Silences all non-essential command output.




-archive -datastage

-ar -ds

Filename N/A


-verbose -help -silent

-v -h -s




IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

Table 6. istool export command options (continued) Long name -preview Short name -pre Value N/A Required? N Description Previews the export results without executing the command. Aborts the command when n errors occur.




Table 7. istool -datastage options Long name -nodesign -includedependent -includeexecutable -abortAfter=n -base=n Short name -nodes -incdep -incexec -abort=n -base=n Value N/A N/A N/A Integer Path Required? N N N Y N Description Excludes design items. Includes dependent items. Includes executable items. Aborts the command after n errors. Prefix for paths.

Note: The export command only accepts asset and folder paths. Refer to the Asset ID section for a list of path types.

Exit status
0 The export command completed successfully. >0 An error occurred.

Error handling
When exporting more than one object, a failure will not interrupt the operation. If only one object is successfully exported, a package file will still be created. Exit status will report an error if one or more objects cannot be exported.

export command usage example

istool export domain -username user -password pass -archive arc.isx -datastage "sliver:5000/Proj/Jobs/Mine/ajob.pjb" "serv2/anotherProj/folder1/*/*.sjb" istool export -domain -username user -password pass -archive arc.isx -datastage -base="serv2/anotherProj"

istool import command

This topic describes the purpose and syntax of the istool import command.

Chapter 4. Deploying objects using a command line


The import package command restores Information Server objects from an archive file created by the export command to an Information Server repository. This command is the reverse of the export package command.

Command syntax
istool import domain <domain[:port]> [ -help ] | [ -h ] [ -verbose ] | [ -v ] [ -silent ] | [ -s ] -username <username> | -u <username> [ -password <password> ] | [ -p <password> ] -archive <filename> | -ar <filename> [ -preview ] | [ -pre ] [ -abortAfter N ] | [ -abort N ] [ -replace ] | [ -r ] -datastage | -ds [ -nodes ] [ -nodesign ] <server[ :port]>/<project>

Command options
Table 8. istool import package command options Long name -domain -username Short name -dom -u Value String String Required? Y Y Description Name of the Information Server domain Name of the user account on the Information Server domain. Password for account specified in the -username option. Name of the existing archive on the local filesystem. Specifies the DataStage project. Prints detailed information throughout the operation. Prints the list of export command options. Silences all non-essential command output. Replaces existing DataStage assets with imported assets. Previews the import without executing. Stops after n number of errors.




-archive -datastage -verbose -help -silent -replace -preview -abortafter

-ar -ds -v -h -s -r -pr -abort

Filename -nodesign; nodes path N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A integer

Y Y N N N N N N-

The import package datastage command only accepts project paths. Refer to the Asset ID section for a list of path types. Note: The argument for the -datastage import command option is:


IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

[-nodesign ] [ -nodes ]<server[ :port]>/<project>

where -nodes is the command shortname and excludes design assets in the import.

Exit status
0 The import packages command completed successfully. >0 An error occurred.

Error handling
When importing a Deployment Package that contains more than one object, a single failure will not interrupt the operation. Exit status will report an error if one or more objects cannot be imported.

import package command usage example

istool import domain -username dsAdmin -password dsPass -archive arc.isx -pre -datasage -nodesign aserver/aProj istool import -dom serv -u dsAdmin -p dsPass -ar arc.isx -pre -datastage "aserver/aProj"

Escape characters
In cases where DataStage asset name contain characters that conflict with the istool command-line syntax, you must escape those characters in the command line. In situations where DataStage asset names contain characters that conflict with the istool command-line syntax, you escape those characters in the command line. The istool command uses the backslash character (\) as an escape character. Inserting a backslash in front of one of these special characters changes the way istool treats the character. In cases where a DataStage asset name contains a backslash (\), you must enter a double backslash: (\\). The following table shows how to enter characters that require special treatment.
Table 9. Escape characters for istool Character Syntax Example istool export .... ds server/project/name_contains_a_back\\slash.type Command mode: istool export .... ds server/project/nam\\\"e.type Console and Script mode: istool export .... ds server/project/name\"contains\"quotes.type (singlequote) . (period) \ istool export .... ds server/project/name\contains\single\quote.type istool export .... ds server/proj\.ect/name.type

\ (backslash) \\ " (doublequotes) \"


Chapter 4. Deploying objects using a command line


Table 9. Escape characters for istool (continued) Character * (star) Syntax \* Example istool export .... ds server/project/folder/name\*star.type

Note: When entering a command line in the command mode, you must triple escape a double-quote character, because a single backslash will result in a syntax error. however, in the Console and Script modes, a single backslash is sufficient. The double-quote entry in the table above provides examples. When the asset name contains embedded spaces, you surround the entire asset with double-quotes. The following example shows how to enter an asset path whose name contains space characters:
ds "server/project/name has embedded spaces.type"

Asset IDs
This topic defines Asset IDs and how they function within the Command Line interface. An Asset ID is a fully-qualified path that describes a project, folder, or specific asset, and exists within the Information Server. You obtain Asset IDs for DataStage assets by selecting an item in the Information Server Manager User Interface. Asset IDs are used specifically to identify assets and can be used in any of the following forms: v DataStage project path:

The DataStage project path only works with deploy and import commands. v DataStage folder path:
server/project/folder/*.* server/project/folder/*/*.*

The DataStage folder path only works with the export command v DataStage asset path:
server/project/folder1/*/name.type server/project/folder1/*/*.type

The DataStage asset path only works with the export command. An Asset ID for a project implicitly refers to all of the individual assets contained within that project.

Wildcard characters
Asset IDs can use a wildcard character. Certain fields and portions of Asset Paths can be replaced with an asterisk (*),which helps match all possible values at a specified level. For example:


IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

istool export domain username bspieter password pswd -archive c:/ds_export/today datastage base=serv1/development Routines/Examples/Functions/Conver*.srt Routines/Examples/Functions/* */ */*.srt

Wildcards can be used in the following ways: v In place of Asset names: *.pjb v Beginning an Asset name: * v Ending an Asset name: Conver*.srt v Beginning and end of an Asset name: *job*.pjb v In place of an Asset type: job.* v In place of a folder for recursive match: server/project/folder1/*/*.pjb

Wildcard examples
v Server/project/Routines/Examples/*/ means server routines with the name =ConvertMonth in the folder Routines/Examples and its subfolders (for example, recursively). v Server/project/*/ means export server routines with the name =ConvertMonth in the specified project and all its folders. v Server/project/folder1/*/*.srt meant export all server routines in folder1 and its subfolders. v Server/project/folder1/*/*.* means export all objects in folder1 and its subfolders.
server1/project2/folder1/folder2/folder3/myprofile.mcp server1/project2/*/myprofile.mcp server1/project2/folder1/*/myprofile.mcp server1/project2/folder1/folder2/folder3/*.mcp server1/project2/folder1/folder2/folder3*.* server1/project2/folder1/folder2/folder3/*profile.* server1/project2/folder1/*job*.pjb server1/project2/folder1/job*.pjb server1/project2/folder1/*/*.*

Using wildcarding to export table definitions

To use wildcarding to export table definitions, you must set the asset type to tabledefinition or tbd. The asset name of a table definition consists of 3 parts separated by a backslash:

The same wildcard rules that apply to all assets also apply to the asset name: The wildcards can only appear in the beginning, end, both beginning and end, or in place of the asset name. The following example shows valid wildcarding of table definitions on the export command:
istool export domain username name password pswd -archive c:/arc.isx datastage server/project/folder/*DST\\DSN\\TableName.tbd server/project/folder/DST\\DSN\\TableName*.tbd
Chapter 4. Deploying objects using a command line


server/project/folder/*DST\\DSN\\TableName.tbd server/project/folder/*DST\\DSN\\TableName*.tbd server/project/folder/DST\\DSN\\TableName.tbd server/project/folder/DST\\DSN\\*.tbd

Asset ID examples
This topic provides examples of Asset IDs that use the istool export command.

Asset ID example 1
In this example of the istool export command, a Deployment archive is created that includes a DataStage Parallel Routine. The IBM Information Server engine name is slick, the asset type is prt (DataStage Parallel Routine), and the asset name is DSJobReport. In addition, as indicated by the -incdep option, any dependent assets are exported. Note that an Asset ID must be surrounded by quotes () to protect an embedded space. An embedded forward slash / in a folder name is escaped with a backslash \. All other special characters require no special consideration.
istool export domain username isadmin password isPass archive c:/Documents and Settings/Bill/My Documents/archive1 ds -incdep slick/development/Routines/Built In/Before\/After/DSJobReport.prt

Asset ID example 2
In this example of istool export, a hierarchy of DataStage Folders is selected for export. Any number of assets of varying types will be exported to the archive c:/ds_export/today. Note that Asset IDs are separated by a space ( ), and that no asset type is specified.
istool export domain username bspieter password pswd -archive c:/ds_export/today datastage server/project/folder/*.* serv1/development/Jobs/January/*.* serv3/development/Jobs/February/*.* servA/test/tested Jobs/dayFolder/*.*

Asset ID example 3
Options that take an Asset ID argument provide a -base option for identifying a common portion of the following Asset IDs:
istool export domain username bspieter password pswd -archive c:/ds_export/today datastage base=serv1/development Jobs/Job1/*.* Jobs/January/*.* Jobs/February/*.* Jobs/April/*.* Jobs/TheRest/*.*

Asset types
This topic lists the various DataStage asset types


IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

Commands that use an Asset Identifier must identify the Asset type that uses a predetermined type suffix in the type name or the corresponding long name. Type suffixes and long-names are case-insensitive.
Table 10. Asset type names Asset type DataStageDataElement DataStageIMSDatabase DataStageIMSViewset DataStageMainframeJob DataStageParallelJob DataStageSequenceJob DataStageServerJob DataStageMachineProfile DataStageMainframeRoutine DataStageParallelRoutine DataStageServerRoutine DataStageParallelSharedContainer DataStageServerSharedContainer DataStageTableDefinition DataStageTransform DataStageDataQualitySpec DataStageFolder DeploymentPackage DataStageStageType DataStageDataConnection DataStageParameterSet Long name dataelement imsdatabase imsviewset mainframejob paralleljob sequencejob serverjob machineprofile mainframeroutine parallelroutine serverroutine parallelsharedcontainer serversharedcontainer tabledefinition transform dataqualityspec folder package stagetype dataconnection parameterset Type suffix det idb ivs mjb pjb qjb sjb mcp mrt prt srt psc ssc tbd tfm dqs dfr pkg stp dcn pst

Chapter 4. Deploying objects using a command line



IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

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IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

Index A
accessibility 29 adding a domain 5 application, Deploying changes to 2 Asset ID examples 26 Asset IDs 24 Asset types 27

escape characters 23 examples, Asset ID 26 export command, istool 20 exporting objects with the IBM Information Server Manager 13 exporting objects, importing and 13

Manager workflow, IBM Information Server 1 modes, istool command 15 modifying the deployment package 9 multiple server model, deploying packages 12

basic command-line syntax 15 Basic deployment scenario 1 basic IBM Information Server Manager functions 5 building deployment packages 9

functions, basic IBM Information Server Manager 5

object properties, view 6 objects exporting 13 importing, with the IBM Information Server Manager 13 objects using a command line, deploying 15 objects, deployable 2 objects, importing and exporting 13 objects, searching 11 options, command-line 15 overview, IBM Information Server Manager 1

IBM Information Server Manager starting 5 IBM Information Server Manager functions, basic 5 IBM Information Server Manager overview 1 IBM Information Server Manager view, customize 6 IBM Information Server Manager workflow 1 IBM Information Server Manager, search 7 IBM Information Server Manager, using 5 IBM support 29 IBM WebSphere DataStage and WebSphere QualityStage objects, deploying 11 ID examples, Asset 26 IDs, Asset 24 import command, istool 22 importing and exporting objects 13 importing objects 13 Information Server Manager workflow, IBM 1 istool command modes 15 istool commands 17 istool export command 20 istool import command 22

characters, escape 23 command line, deploying objects using 15 command modes, istool 15 command-line options, common 15 command-line syntax, basic 15 command, deploy package 18 command, istool export 20 command, istool import 22 commands, istool 17 creating the deployment package 8 customer support 29 customize the IBM Information Server Manager view 6

package, creating the deployment packages, deploying 11 packages, searching for objects to include 11 packages, work with 6 preferences, user 7 properties, view object 6 8

defining the deployment package 9 deploy package command 18 deployable objects 2 Deploying changes to an application 2 deploying IBM WebSphere DataStage and WebSphere QualityStage objects 11 deploying objects using a command line 15 deploying packages 11 single user model 11 deploying packages: multiple server model 12 deployment package, building 9 deployment package, creating 8 deployment package, defining and modifying 9 deployment scenario, Basic 1 documentation accessible 29 domain, adding a 5

scenario, Basic deployment 1 screen readers 29 search the IBM Information Server Manager 7 searching for objects to include in packages 11 Server Manager workflow, IBM Information 1 set the user preferences 7 shared container design, view 6 single user model, deploying packages 11 software services 29 starting the IBM Information Server Manager 5 support, customer 29

job or shared container design, view job, view 6 6

legal notices 31 log viewing 13

trademarks 33 types, Asset 27

Copyright IBM Corp. 2008


user preferences, set 7 using a command line, deploying objects 15 using the IBM Information Server Manager 5

view a job or shared container design view object properties 6 viewing build histories 9 viewing, log 13 6

wildcard 24 work with packages 6 workflow, IBM Information Server Manager 1


IBM Information Server Manager User Guide

Printed in USA


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