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Resumen WSII 1-5 A Connection is a comunication pathway between a user proces and oracle database instance.

Example on a computer that runs both the user process and oracle database or when different computers. A session represents the state of user login to the database instance. A session last from the time the user connects until the time the user disconnects or exists the database application. 1-6 After the Oracle software associates the instance with a specific database. This is called mounting the database. An oracle instance uses memory structures and processes. All memory structures exist in the main memory of the computers. Processes are jobs that work in the memory of these computers. A process is defined as a thread of control . 1-7 Two basic memory structures are associated with an instance: SGA : System Global memory, these components contain data and control information for one Oracle database instance. PGA: Program Global Area ; are memory regions that contains data and control information for a server or background process. PGA is non-shared memory created by oracle database when a server or background process is started. Access to the PGA is exclusive to the server process. Each server process and background process has its own PGA. 1-9 When a user process runs a application program or an oracle tool such as sql*plus. Oracle database creates USER PROCESS to run the user s application. Oracle Database A User process is created when a user runs an application program or an oracle tool such as sql*plus. Oracle database also creates a SERVER PROCESS to execute the commands issued by the user process. Oracle server also has a set of background process for an instance. The process structure varies for different Oracle Database configurations depending on the operating system and the choice of

oracle database options. The code for connected users can be as a dedicated server or shared server: Dedicated server ; for each user, the database application is run by a user process. Shared server ; eliminates the need of a dedicated server process for each connection. A shared server process serves any client request.

1-10 Server process Oracle database creates server processes to handle the request of user processes connected to instance. The better communicates with oracle database is when oracle database operates on different computers. Background process We use background process maximize performance and accommodate many users. An oracle database instance can have many background process. For example : database writer process, log writer process, checkpoint process, system monitor procees, process monitor process, recoverer process, archiver process, etc. 1-12 Controlfile; contain data about the database itself, it is physical database structure information. Without them we cannot open data within the database. Datafile : contain the user or applications data of the database. Online redo log files :allow for instance recovery of the database. Parameter file : is used to define how the instance is configured when it starts up. Password file : allows sysdba/sysoper/sysasm to connect remotely to the instance and perform administrative tasks. Backup files : are used for database recovery. Archived redo log files : contains an ongoing history of the data changes(redo) that are generated by the instance. Trace files : each server and background process can write to an associated trace file. When an internal error is detected by a process.

Alert log file : these are special trace entries. The alert log of a database is a chronological log of messages and errors. 1-14 A database is logically divided into one or more tablespaces. One or more datafiles are explicity created for each tablespace to physically store the data of all logical structures in a tablespace. TEMPORARY. Schema objects are the logical structures that directly refer to the database s data. Schema include structures as tables, views, etc. so schema objects include everything that your applications creates in database. Data blocks ; An oracle database s data is stores in data blocks. A database uses and allocates

free database spaces in oracle data blocks. Extents ; is the logical database space. An extent are used to store specific type of information. Segments ; Is the logical database storage. The types of segments include the following: Data, index, undo, temporary segments. 1-17 Each oracle database must contain a SYSTEM and a SYSAUX tablespaces they are automatically created when the database is created. The system tablespaces is always online when the database is open. The sysaux tablespace is an auxiliary tablespace to the system tablespace. 1-18 The size of the data block is defined by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter. The default size of 8kb 1-19 Memory structures : SGA: database buffer cache, redo buffer and various pools Process structures : user process , server process and background process. Storage structures : logical : database, tablespaces, segment, extend and oracle block. Physical: datafile, controlfile and redo log files. 1-20

ASM Automatic Storage Management provides a vertical integration of the file system and the volume manager that is specifically built for the oracle database files. 1-35 The main goal of an ASM instance is to manage disk groups and protect their data. The disk group require the SYSASM or SYSDBA privilege. 1-38 We can execute an ALTER DISGROUP ADD DISK command to add the disks 2-4 Typical backup and recovery tasks Configuration, scheduling, testing, monitoring, restoration and recovery. 2-6 The following are major backup and recovery solutions: Recovery manager: using RMAN are: incremental backup, block media recovery, unused block compression, binary compression and backup encryption: Data pump:

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