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january 2012 | volume 32 | number 1


A Bright Future
One Village Finds Transformation through

Bridge of Hope

+ How A Rickshaw Changed Everything


from the editor-in-chief

Amidst barren limestone hills and scrubland lives a group of people who were forgotten, ignored and rejected by society. Their poverty was deep. Starvation was a
daily reality. They sent their children to the nearest city not to attend school, but to beg. These men, women and children suffered so much in this world and had no hope for eternity either. But today, Bridge of Hope is making a difference in this impoverished community! What an immense privilege it has been to bring Gods love to these precious children and then watch this Good News spread to their families and the entire village. And now we get to share this joyful story with you.

Please turn to page 10 to read of the transformation in progress in this South Asian village!

K.P. YOHANNAN [Editor-in-Chief ]



SEND! is published three times per year by Gospel for Asia, Inc., 1800 Golden Trail Court, Carrollton, Texas 75010. 2012 Gospel for Asia, Inc. No part of this periodical may be reproduced without permission. Unless otherwise noted, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF K.P. Yohannan MANAGING EDITOR Heidi Chupp CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Rich Lodi, Gisela Yohannan WRITERS April Baltensperger, Terri Castellanos, Madelyn Fox, Michelle Jimnez, Susan Lawson, Shelly Moon PROOFREADER Tricia Bennett DESIGN DOXA PRODUCTION Michele Alexander

Many of the names and places in the stories have been changed for security reasons. One hundred percent of all missionary support is sent to the mission field. Please visit us:

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES In the United States: 1800 Golden Trail Court, Carrollton, Texas 75010. Phone: 972-300-7777. Email: In Australia: P.O. Box 3587, Village Fair, Toowoomba QLD 4350. Phone: 1300 889 339. Email: In New Zealand: PO Box 302580, North Harbour 0751. Phone: 0508-918-918. Email: In South Africa: P.O. Box 28880, Sunridge Park, 6008. Phone: 041 360-0198. Email: In the United Kingdom: PO Box 166, York, YO10 5WA. Phone: 01904 64 32 33. Email:

Gospel for Asia is an evangelical mission organization that trains and equips national missionaries to share the love of Jesus Christ across southern Asia with those who have never before heard His name. These missionaries have proven extremely effective because they are already familiar with the language and culture, and they live at the level of the people they serve, thus removing many social barriers. FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT K.P. Yohannan

january 2012 | volume 32 | number 1


4 gospel for asia + you

You are impacting the mission fields of Asia.

16 in focus
One Christmas Gift, Many Blessings

How your partnership is changing lives. In this issue, we highlight our Christmas gift distribution, national missionaries and film ministry.
18 19

20 short reports

pg 6

Brief glimpses of what God is doing all across South Asia.


6 how a rickshaw changed

Since turning to Christ, Josep had worked hard to care for his family, but he just could not earn enough money. When his pastor distributed items from GFAs Christmas Gift Catalog, however, Josep received a special gift that helped turn everything around.

22 profile

Today, God is using Pastor Vasu Rangen in mighty ways, but he would never have imagined that in his early years.

23 five minutes with K.P.

10 a bright future

Before a Bridge of Hope center was established in this village, the children had no opportunities to learn or play together. Instead, they were begging and starvingand dying.

What a day it is going to be when we stand before the throne to find multitudes from every nation, every tribe and every tongue! Our willingness to live for eternity now will make heaven that much richer.

For the first time in their lives, these little children are learning to readand discovering Gods love for them.


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gospel for asia + you {You can impact the mission fields of Asia}

I Cant Wait to Meet Them v

Even with no raise in three years, God has still provided for my wife and me beyond what we need. I felt the Spirits leading to do more for those who are less fortunate than me. I cant wait to meet the children and missionaries I have sponsored when we get to heaven.
Jim D., Saint Petersburg, Florida

Forgotten No More v
We have heard K.P. Yohannan speak on the radio, oftentimes when driving in our car. Many times we considered adding this ministry, not only to our prayers, but to our giving as well. However, it would often be forgotten. But praise the Lord, it is forgotten no more. Not only will we be sponsoring a missionary, we will also be sponsoring a Bridge of Hope child and look forward to also providing a bicycle to one or several of the missionaries who so selflessly give of their time to spread the Gospel.
Clete F., Winchester, California

Sharing His Blessings, Spreading the Word v

My family struggles paycheck to paycheck, and we rarely have much leftover for all the extras. When we are down to our last dollar and arent sure where the money is coming from for our next tank of gas, God ALWAYS comes through for us and I am overwhelmed by His blessings . . . and I just want to share that with others. I am so glad I found this site! I will be spreading the word. :)
Shannon L., King, North Carolina

Moved by Reality v
I received a copy of The Road to Reality from a friend, and it is such an amazing book. I was so moved by it that before I even finished reading it, I knew I couldnt keep it to myself and ordered five copies to give out to friends or acquaintances.
Kyle H., Exton, Pennsylvania

How has God connected your life with Gospel for Asia? Wed love to hear your story.
Please email us: Or write: Managing Editor SEND! Magazine 1800 Golden Trail Court Carrollton, TX 75010

Go to to view a listing of stations and times when our radio programs air.

Visit to order your own copy of The Road to Reality!

God doesnt get advice

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Make an eternal difference with your
financial investmentsand avoid capital gains taxby donating appreciated stock and mutual fund shares to help reach the unreached in Asia.

Visit: Or call us: 1-800-WIN-ASIA (1-800-946-2742)

In Memory of
> Ama Lee Brockman from Robert and Kathi Meyers > Angelo Vardakostas from Maheen Vardakostas > Bobby Gottsch from Dan Hoselton > Christina Lindquist Hoehn from Sandi Dunbar > Clifford Witte from Dr. and Mrs. Angus Graham, Jr.

> Phung Dam from the Trieu Family > Richard Hewitt from Fred and Luci Schaphorst > Rosemary and Cecil Potter from loving family > Sara and Bill Gawin from Timothy Kobernat > Thelma Duncan from Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Dickson > Valarie Silvia Mitchell from Mary McFall > Vance and Viola Anderson from David and Janet Anderson


> Dion Wilson from Douglas, Denise and Dylan Weir > Dora Saunders from Mrs. Evie Ward > Dr. Sam G. Ferrell from Julius and June Kornman > Ernest Quier from Marlene Steele > Harriet Real from Gus and Carol Henry > James S. Cook from Benjamin Kim, Sue Smith > Jeffery Schneider from Mrs. Art Schneider > Katherine Grimshaw from Mrs. Eileen R. Grimshaw > Kay Rene Murphee from Mrs. Pamala Paul > Melba Phillips from Marshall and Angie Warren > Mr. John Porter from Barbara J. Porter > Pat Avery from Jim Avery > Paxton Snively from Amy Brafford, Dana Crawford, Deb Cooper, E. Mae Poland, Ellen Comes, Eric and Sheila Glazier, Georgea Scoumis, Glenn and Sue Sprunger, Greg and Linda Gerich, Helen F. McClellan, Jean Lonsinger, Jody J. Strand, John Norris, Katherine A. Smeltzer, Kathleen A. Allman, Larry and Doris Snively, Mark and Lisa Snively, Mrs. Kimberly S. Snively, Mrs. Mary M. Lewis, Mrs. Susan Peoples, Muriel B. Aurand, Scott and Kris Davis, Todd and Tracy Ruggles

In Honor of
> Amanda Major from Mike Alexander, Peggy McKinnis > Bob and Linda Holmes from Mrs. Alyssa Underwood > Frank and Janice Radich from Jeffrey and Shawna Kelly > Gary Bishop from Gary and Licia Bishop > George, Gina and Christiana Long from Gay S. Long > Lewis Boettner from Alvin and Phyllis Sigafus > Mbazi Wise from Don and Joanne Beachy > Mike Clements from David A. Arispe > Pastor Mike Stevens and family from Jane Brouillette > Phillip and Whitney Hawkins from Jimmie Mae Moore > Phillip Brost from Mrs. Darlene Leistner > Ralph and Sandy Laskie from Farmers Branch Church of Christ > Ruth McClain from Mrs. Byer > Todd and Kathy Freeburg from Don and Lydia Stevens > Tony Farina from Charles M. and Peggy Farina

Now on Our Website

Impact lives for eternity by using Activate My Faith, your new custom online campaign tool from Gospel for Asia. Whether its a bike-a-thon or bake sale, a youth group or just you and your friends, Activate My Faith will help you share your vision as you raise funds to help spread Gods love in Asia. Now its easy to create a campaign to fit your needs! Once you create your profile, you can upload photos and videos to help get the word out. And because 100 percent of all donations go toward the project you select, you know that every penny will make an eternal difference.

News and Features

After four years of prayer, Gospel for Asia Bridge of Hope centers opened recently in Myanmar, giving children the chance to finally have an education and learn about Christs love. Many of Myanmars children end up as child laborers in tea shops or brick kilns. Their childhoods are stripped away while they carry the burden of providing for their povertystricken families. But with Bridge of Hope, all that changes. Now, 615 children are going to school and have hope for a better future. If it werent for a Bridge of Hope center, these children would not be able to study because of the financial hardships their families face. Now you can find them behind a desk, eager to recite all the lessons they are learning . . . Visit to watch this entire PhotoShow! And sign up at to receive more exciting news from the mission fields of Asia.

This list is a partial representation of many generous friends who have given to Gospel for Asia in memory or in honor of loved ones. If you wish to make a donation, please contact GFA in your country (see back cover).


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{One Christmas Gift, Many Blessings}

onsoon-driven winds howled outside, and rain poured into the tent. Inside, Josep and Hanifa Masih desperately tried to keep their makeshift dwelling from blowing over. The cots where their four children lay sleeping were already soaked, and it felt like the tent could collapse at any moment. In the midst of this nightmare, Hanifa cried out to heaven. Jesus, I believe in Your name, and You know I am Your child. Help us! Help us come out of this condition, help my children and help my husband to believe in You, Hanifa prayed. After the storm passed, Josep sat in the quiet of his waterlogged home, humbled by his own sin, which had brought

his family to the desperate point of living in a tent beside a busy road. He had previously rejected Jesus and His offer of salvation. But after the terrifying storm, Josep bowed his head and thanked the Lord for sparing his family and asked Jesus to forgive his sins. That night I started to believe in Jesus Christ, Josep recalls. Joseps life today stands in stark contrast to the fear and desperation he experienced during that storm. Josep is no longer a hopeless alcoholic, drinking his family deeper into poverty. Instead, he is a businessman who owns and operates a cycle rickshaw. He no longer lives in a tent. Instead, he is a homeowner. And rather than chasing after the things of the world to numb his pain, Josep is a child of God.

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Downward Spiral
The Masihs had once lived in a small village, but they moved to a larger city, looking forward to the financial opportunities they imagined it to offer. Instead, however, they joined thousands of families living in a depressing slum. Josep looked for work, finding only menial, low-paying jobs. I did manual labor and would earn about 20 rupees (44 cents) for one job, he recalls. I had to manage all the household needs with that. Josep turned to alcohol to try to forget his struggles. That decision led his family on an even faster downward spiral. We were suffering and couldnt pay the rent. So we moved from the rented room to the tent, he recalls. We just settled into life over there, but we constantly worried. We knew that if a truck came off the road and into our tent, that we would die. Eventually Josep found work as a rickshaw driver, but even this did not solve his financial difficulties. I was renting the rickshaw each day and would earn about 150 rupees ($3) for my days work. But we had to give half of that money to rent the rickshaw, Josep explains.

A Dramatic Improvement
When Gospel for Asiasupported missionary Sundrit Shazi met Josep, his heart was filled with compassion. Sundrit knew that since turning to Christ, this husband and father had worked hard to care for his family, but he just could not earn enough money. So when the opportunity came to distribute items from GFAs Christmas Gift Catalog to people in his village, Sundrit arranged for Josep to receive a rickshaw. Josep was thrilled with his gift. He took his rickshaw out early each day and worked late into the evening offering his services. A typical ride earned him about 15 rupees (33 cents). The rickshaw has dramatically improved the familys life. Through the money I earned from driving the rickshaw, I bought land and I built a house, he says. But the blessings of the rickshaw have extended even furtherwell beyond the physical security of a job and a house to go home to at the end of the day.

Did You Know? Driving a rickshaw

is one of the few dignified jobs open to people from low-caste and poverty-stricken backgrounds.

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Photos: Josep Masih takes good care of his rickshaw (opposite page, far left), a Christmas gift that made it possible for him to move his family out of the slum (opposite page, upper right) and into a sturdy home (opposite page, lower right). Today he is a follower of Jesus and opens his home for weekly worship services (this page).

Doing Gods Work

When Josep received the rickshaw, he wanted to use it in a way that would honor God. I take Gospel tracts with me and I share Jesus with my passengers and give each of them a tract, Josep explains. So with this rickshaw, I am doing the work of God also. He also invites his customers to attend his church, where Sundrit is the pastor. Sundrit is one of Joseps frequent customers. The missionary uses Joseps services when he visits homes to share the love of Christ. Joseps new two-room home is also a blessing to his entire community. Although it is small by Western standards, it is larger than many other homes in the area. So Sundrit was thrilled when Josep offered it for prayer meetings. Each Thursday evening, Josep and Hanifa welcome dozens of people into their house. People sit crowded together on the floor. When theres no room left inside, they spill out into the yard. These believers worship the Lord, then hear a message from Sundrit before they take time for prayer. Afterward, Josep serves a meal. He is all smiles as he dishes up rice and curry and passes out hot chapatti bread to everyone.

Somebody Loves Them

When the believers have all gone home and the dishes are washed, Josep gathers his wife and children for one last prayer time before bed. These family membersonce homeless and living on the streetsthank God for the Christians on the other side of the world who provided the rickshaw that helped transform their lives. I am very much thankful for them and I pray for them, Josep says, that every year they would be stronger in their faith. Before I got this rickshaw, I was hopeless about my future, he remembers. But after receiving this rickshaw, I cant stop thinking about how much God has blessed me. And Pastor Sundrit says thats what its all about. When we give these gifts, we are showing the love of Jesus, he says. After receiving a Christmas gift, these people realize that somebody loves them and cares for them.

Christmas Every Day of the Year!

Visit to learn more about how you can show Jesus love to a poor Asian family in powerful and practical ways.
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A Bright Future
One Village Finds Transformation through

Bridge of Hope


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Gurpreet claps and grins, leaning forward to cheer on the boys finishing a round of musical chairsone of his favorite games. Every afternoon after their schoolwork, Gurpreet and his fellow Bridge of Hope students spend a few minutes playing, happily chasing each other around in circles or jumping rope together. Just a few years ago, this Bridge of Hope center didnt exist. Instead of the laughter and chatter of boys and girls
filling the dirt streets, the village was a place of sorrow. Gurpreet and the other children had no opportunities to learn or play together. Instead, they were begging and starvingand dying.

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i n e s c a pa b l e .

For these children and their families, hardship has been

s tribal people, they are considered backward and consigned to the lowest rungs on societys ladder. One of their cultural songs captures their plight well:

The king lives in the palace, but the poor live in muddy huts. The king eats royal food, but the poor eat broken rice. The people of the village, numbering approximately 500, migrated from jungles in the nearby hills almost 15 years ago. They left the hills to find work, but moving to this location didnt solve their dilemma. Summer temperatureswhich can reach 114 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and remain in the 90s at night create an environment like a blast furnace. The arid climate and shallow soil make farming nearly impossible. Very little vegetation naturally grows here, aside from a few shrubby trees. So the agriculture jobs that provide income in other parts of the country are non-existent here. In this barren environment, the villagers only sources of watera dirty pond and a small well that dried up during the summercant meet their needs. In 2006, 18 children died of malnutrition or water-borne illnesses. There was no school in or near the village until four years ago, so parents sent their children to beg in nearby towns. Broom-making and cultural dance performances helped them get by, too, but their boys and girls brought in more money. Although a few organizations offered one-time help, no one stayed to provide lasting assistance for the people.

In addition to societal neglect, these tribal people suffered outright mistreatment as well. When they moved to the area, groups of corrupt policemen harassed the villagers, attempting to rape their women. When the men of the village tried to stop them, the officers brutally beat them, permanently crippling one mans arm and breaking anothers leg.

Dying in Front of Their Eyes

Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Hoob Kumar was ministering in a nearby area, and one day he met some of these villagers. What he learned filled him with compassion and a desire to help. He started to visit the village often. Not only did he clearly see the peoples physical needs, but he also realized the gravity of their spiritual needs. They had never heard of Jesus. He thought about giving them Gospel tracts but realized no one could read them. Hoob began thinking of practical ways to show them Christs love. Latching onto an idea that would benefit them physically, socially and spiritually, he told his leaders he thought the village could use both a Jesus Well and a Bridge of Hope center. There was no doubt that the Jesus Well would literally provide them with life-saving water, and the Bridge of Hope project not only would make it financially possible for the children to attend a local school, but would supply academic and spiritual enrichment at the center as well.


Millions of children in South Asia live their lives never knowing the hope that

awaits them in Christ. However, through Bridge of Hope, Gospel for Asias child sponsorship program, they get to learn for the first time what its like to have new life and be embraced by their Heavenly Father. We provide school uniforms, books, tutoring and help with homework; at least one nutritious meal each day; and a yearly medical checkup. Visit to learn more about how you can adopt one of these precious children!


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Hoobs supervising pastor visited the village and was also moved by the plight of these people. I was really shocked, he admits. The children were dying in front of their eyes due to starvation. It touched my heart, and I felt urgency that we should do something for them. About a month later, Gospel for Asia drilled a Jesus Well in the village to provide clean water year-round and then began the process of establishing a Bridge of Hope center.

Obstacles from Children and Parents

On opening day, project director Yohan Matthew looked around and saw his work cut out for him. He knew that leading this center would be difficult, especially with children who had never been taught discipline or experienced much structure. And he was right. In the classroom, Yohan and his teachers had to deal with multiple behavioral issues. Most of the students hadnt learned personal hygiene at home, and their dirtiness tested Yohans patience. Their unwashed bodies reeked, and their unkempt hair was matted and greasy. He began to encourage the children to come to the center neat and clean. Gurpreet arrived with a penchant for bullying, which posed another problem. Fights often broke out as a result of his insults or punches. He resented being told what to do and even threatened to injure his teacher when she corrected him. He was troublesome from the outset, and Yohan needed to admonish him repeatedly. In addition, Gurpreet and a few other children had a habit of chewing tobacco, following the examples they found at home. Surprisingly, Yohan and his staff faced resistance from the mothers and fathers as well. Initially, some parents refused to send their children to school. Begging was a much more lucrative activity, especially for such an impoverished community. Yohan learned that in some homes, the children were threatened if they went to the center. But he insisted that the parents allow their students to come to Bridge of Hope, and he began to visit each household to ensure this happened. Some parents were concerned for their childrens safety. The center was located near a busy highway, where some children had died in an accident. Yohan assured them that he and the teachers would supervise the children as they walked to and from the center.

Photos: Gurpreet (above) had a rough start initially when he joined the Bridge of Hope center, but now he is hungry to learn. All the children attending (below), along with their parents, are experiencing Gods love in very practical ways through the center and through the Jesus Well that was drilled in their village (center).

Photos: Pastor Hoob has seen a tremendous response in the hearts of these tribal villagers over the last few years. He leads a worship service every Sunday at a believers home, and now the growing congregation is at the point of needing a church building.

Drastic Changes
But Yohan faithfully prayed for transformation, and he saw God answering his prayers. His students now heed his advice about cleanliness. The Jesus Well is located near the Bridge of Hope center and has become a popular place for washing clothes, brushing teeth and bathing. When Yohan corrects children for bad behavior, they receive his rebuke and change their attitude. Although they once didnt acknowledge Yohan when they would see him in the village, they now flock around him in greeting. They look up to him like an older brother and call him Big Sir. Yohan has especially noticed a difference in the life of his former problem student Gurpreet. Gurpreet shows up promptly every time the Bridge of Hope center is open, usually freshly bathed. He stays engaged in the activities and work his teachers assign. And Gurpreet genuinely enjoys his time at the center each day. He loves learning songs, especially action songs, and he is thankful to be grasping how to read and write.

It is really amazing that I am able to read some of the words, he says. Bipin, Gurpreets father, has also noticed Bridge of Hopes positive influence on his sons life. Before the center opened, Gurpreet deliberately rebelled against his parents. When they asked him to do something, he ran off instead. But since Gurpreet began attending Bridge of Hope, things have been different, Bipin says. I have noticed drastic changes in his life, especially in regard to respect. Before, he was not that obedient. Bipin knows it is a privilege for his son to receive a good education, something he and the other parents never had. Tomorrow there is going to be a bright future for us through our children, Bipin remarks.

Daily Offering Hope

Yohan and the Bridge of Hope teachers instruct Gurpreet and close to 200 other students six days a week. Yohan makes sure the children understand their school work, sometimes sitting on the floor with them while the teachers give lessons and joining in the recitations. The girls and boys love him for it. Along with training in academic disciplines, personal hygiene skills and good character, the children hear Bible


Currently, more than 60,000 children are experiencing Gods love through Bridge of Hope. At least 50,000 children still wait for the chance to enroll in a Bridge of Hope center.


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Pray for Bridge of Hope Children

Children can lead their families and even entire villages to Gods love through their simple faith. Thats why they need an abundant amount of prayer! Here are a few ways you can lift them up to the Savior: + Faith in Jesus. For many children, the only opportunity they have to learn about Jesus Christ and His love for them comes while attending a Bridge of Hope center. + Good health. Our Bridge of Hope centers provide each enrolled child with annual medical checkups. This is the only time most of these children see a doctor. + Protection. Some Bridge of Hope centers get caught in the middle of riots and political or religious conflicts, putting the children in danger. + Family. Many of the children attending Bridge of Hope centers come from families that are bound by tradition to their deities. Sometimes parents will oppose their childs new faith in Jesus. Read more details and requests:

stories and learn Scripture verses and action songs. Then, after some outdoor games, the students line up into columns for their daily assembly, gathering together for a time of prayer before enjoying a well-balanced meal. Most villagers dont have access to fruits and vegetables, but these meals ensure that the children receive rice, vegetables, fruits and proteins like lentils and eggs at least once a day. And the cooks use clean water from the Jesus Well to prepare the food. In addition to caring for students at the center, Bridge of Hope staff is helping meet larger physical needs as well. All the children recently received toothpaste and toothbrushes, and the center also held a mobile medical clinic to distribute medicines among the community. And Yohan and other staff members spend two hours of each school day visiting childrens homes, during which they talk and pray with the families.

They Started Trusting Us

The parents are grateful for the blessing that Bridge of Hope has brought to their lives. Like their children, they, too, are acquiring good health practices. They now take regular baths. Many no longer drink the locally brewed alcohol, and some have stopped distilling it. And most important, the Bridge of Hope center is pointing these villagers to Christ. Through the genuine care that Hoob, Yohan and the other believers

have shown them, their hearts are opening to His love. These things built up their confidence in us, and they started believing in us and trusting us, Hoob says. And slowly they are being interested in the Gospel. Today, Hoob pastors a growing congregation in the village that meets every Sunday on a believers property. The group gathers outside because there is no longer enough room in the house where they used to meet. Sometimes, crowds of people wait after the worship service to receive prayer for various concerns. Although many of the villagers who attend services havent yet surrendered their lives to Christ, the changes in the village have sparked their interest in knowing Jesus. As the villagers see visible evidence of Gods love poured out to their children and learn from Gods Word, they thirst to be clean inside and out. They want their childrenand their neighborsto have new lives too. Gradually, the people of this village are coming to know Jesusthe One who loved them when no one else did. Before accepting Jesus I was a drunkard, Suyash, a parent and an elder in Hoobs congregation, recalls. But now I am a totally different kind of person.

Watch Life and Hope Explosive Growth, a video showing the change a GFA correspondent saw in Gurpreets village between his two visits in 2007 and 2010:

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in focus {How your partnership is changing lives}



fter receiving a special gift, Ambika has a smile on her face and hope in her life, a Gospel for Asia correspondent says. For a Christmas present, that is quite a significant response! Ambika is part of a community in South Asia where a Gospel for Asia Christmas gift distribution recently took place. She received a sewing machine, a gift that has the potential to change her entire family. Ambika has to earn the family income because her husband lost his leg in a train accident. After his injury, the couple struggled to provide for their young child. Ambika took a training course to learn how to make and tailor clothes. But with no sewing machine, she had no way to use her newly learned skills and make money. Now, with her brand-new sewing machine in hand, Ambika is starting her own business. She is gratefully trusting the Lord to provide for her family through her Christmas gift.

Gifts Filled with Life

This wonderful blessing was only one of the stories at the gift distribution that day. Besides Ambika, 339 other families received a gift from GFAs Christmas Gift Catalog to help lift them out of poverty and set them on the track to a future filled with hopethe hope of Jesus.

It is such a big relief for me, said Chameli, another woman who also received a sewing machine. With this gift, I am confident that I can at least support my childrens educational needs. Chameli had been filled with despair. Her husband was addicted to alcohol and spent all the familys earnings on his destructive habit. Chameli and her two daughters were left to find a way to survive on their own. Like Ambika, Chameli had learned to tailor but didnt have a sewing machine. When she received one from Gospel for Asia, it meant she could provide for her daughters without being dependent on her husbands earnings. Chameli was so thankful to Jesus for helping her in this way. These Christmas gifts were a display of the Lords love and concern for both of these women. GFA workers are praying for them to stand firm and trust in Him through whatever lies aheadincluding prayers for their husbands situations. Each of the 340 families who received a gift that day had their own story. And each gift, given by someone around the world in the name of Jesus, will impact their lives for years to come!

Under the Christmas Tree

At the Christmas gift distribution program where Ambika and Chameli received their sewing machines, other families in deep poverty also received these gifts:
> 100 goats provide milk to drink and sell, as well as baby goats to sell > 16 rabbits to raise litters for food and income > 50 chickens provide eggs for food and income > 13 sewing machines to start a tailoring business > 100 sets of masonry without needing to rent materials > 70 blankets to keep poor families warm in wintry weather

tools to earn a livelihood

And this is just one of many gift distribution programs that take place across South Asia, thanks to the generous kindness of GFA friends around the world.


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the love of Jesus for Christmas.

Celebrate Christmas all year round!

Through Gospel for Asias Christmas Gift Catalog, you can send a gift that will change a familys life.
Go to to give hope no matter what the season!

in focus {How your partnership is changing lives}



Gospel for Asia-supported missionaries Adesh Chauhan and Param Singh have been serving in one South Asian village for more than three years and have established a fellowship of around 40 believers. The congregation faithfully meets to worship the Lord in a believers home that is located near a famous temple.
As the community became more aware of Jesus, many villagers have begun questioning their deitys power. Six members of one family abandoned the god in the temple and chose to follow Jesus instead. Now they attend the local church. All across southern Asia, thousands of faithful men and women like Adesh and Param are following the Lords leading to take the love of Jesus to their own people. Through their faithful service and by Gods grace, these national missionaries are establishing approximately 17 fellowships every day among unreached villages and people groups. In places where Western missionaries would encounter language, cultural and travel barriers, national missionaries have relatively easy accesssometimes just a village away!

Did You Know?

A national missionary lives at the level of the people he serves. You can help support a missionary with a monthly donation of only $30.

s the nearby fellowship of Christians grew, those worshiping at the temple sensed that something was not right. It felt as though their deity was losing some power. The devotees responded by offering more sacrifices and performing more rituals to try to fix the problem. They invited important priests to reinstate the deitys power. When that didnt work, they began fasting and praying for one week every month. After all these efforts, they only became more frustrated in the end. Thats when the Christian worship services eventually caught the attention of many locals. When the villagers learned that this gathering was near the temple, they decided to move the location of an important upcoming festival so it would be farther away from the Christians.

More on the Web: Visit to learn more about how you can partner with a national missionary to help bring the name of Jesus to those who have not yet heard.


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Photographs on these pages are GFA Stock Photos.

Somebody Died for Me

Kanad Chohan sat entranced as he watched the life of Jesus being played out on a white sheet strung between two poles in his village. Questions about this Man, who gave up His own life to redeem him from his sins, ran through his mind, and Kanad needed to know the answers.


fter the film ended, Kanad walked up to the Gospel for Asia-supported missionaries and asked, Is it impossible for me to reach heaven without receiving Jesus Christ? The missionaries told him Jesus was the only way. Kanad knew nothing about Christianity. He had grown up following the traditional religion of his ancestors, but his life was in shambles. His friends were horrible influences, enticing him to partake in their fallen ways. This led to some close encounters with his own mortality. Several times I met with accidents on the road, Kanad says, but I escaped. I did not know how. Even then, I didnt turn away from my wrong ways. Kanad used to fight with people on a regular basis and would verbally abuse his loving parents. Drugs had a strong grip on his life. But he knew something wasnt righthe felt an emptiness but wasnt sure what could fill that void.

I was fed up with my life, Kanad recalls. But after he was introduced to Jesus through the film showing, everything changed. I have come to know that there is Somebody who died for me, Kanad told the film team. That bit of truth opened Kanads heart to receive Gods love and brought him to repentance. He turned away from his sinful ways to the One who offers hope. Today, Kanad wholeheartedly lives for Jesus, thanks to the film team missionaries who were willing to bring the Good News to his village.

Did You Know?

Film team missionaries often have to endure tough terrain to reach a remote village, winding up steep mountains or sliding down hidden paths covered with inches-deep mud. When the

More on the Web: Check out to learn more about GFAs film ministry. There are also photos and a video of our film team missionaries.

terrain is too much for a vehicle or bicycle, the missionaries must carry the equipment on their shoulders sometimes for miles.

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short reports {Brief glimpses of what God is doing all across Asia}

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By the grace of God and through the prayers of the believers little Charu was finally delivered from the evil spirit that was making her sick.

Helplessness Leads to Healing

Before encountering Gods love, Eha and his family were strongly rooted in the traditional religion of their remote village and wanted nothing to do with Jesus. That all changed after Eha was in an accident. Cutting firewood in the jungle one day, Eha was suddenly bit by a snake. He managed to make it home and was given treatment, but the pain did not diminish. He had no way to get to the hospital to receive more aid. Then Ehas wife went to a Bridge of Hope center and asked the staff members to come to their house and pray for her husbands healing. God heard their prayers, and the next day, Eha shared some exciting news with the Bridge of Hope staff: Not only was he healed from his unbearable pain, but he and his entire family were choosing to follow Jesus.

Delivered from an Evil Spirit

Nobody knew why 11-month-old Charu Patels hands would at times go limp. There was no diagnosis for this baby girls peculiar sickness, leaving her parents and doctors very confused. Her parents finally realized she must be demon-possessed. Seeking help, they brought her to a village fellowship led by Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Sharan Sen. Although they believed in the traditional gods and goddesses of their village, the family still attended the fasting and prayer service, hoping that God would heal their daughter. By the grace of God and through the prayers of the believers and pastor that day, little Charu was finally delivered from the evil spirit that was making her sick. Because of this miracle, her entire family has chosen to follow Jesus Christ and is part of the fellowship of believers in their village.


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A Familys Hunger
When students at a Gospel for Asia Bible college had the opportunity to share the love of Jesus in their community, some of the students met an elderly lady named Sarah who owned a small business. Because Sarahs business wasnt making a lot of money, her large family was going through hardship, and they often went hungry. In hopes of finding a better job, Sarah had traveled from another state, hoping that her financial condition would get better. However, her circumstances did not improve, and when the Bible college students met Sarah, the family had no food in their home. The Bible college students spent time listening to Sarah as she explained her situation. She admitted she had once been close to God and was looking for a place to worship, without success. The students invited her to church with them and also gave her some money for food. After meeting the Bible college students, Sarah is interested in visiting their church. The students are praying that God will meet Sarahs needs and that her relationship with God will be restored.

Teen Summer Camp

During the summer holiday, Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Prisan Pinak organized a three-day seminar for the high school and college students in his church. The young men and women were encouraged and motivated by the Bible college teachers and staff who helped with the seminar and taught them new concepts that strengthened their walk with the Lord. Sessions were based on three topics: a disciplined life, communicating the Gospel effectively, and praise and worship. They also had opportunities to serve in the local church. Along with the youth, some of the church members participated in the seminar as well. Everyone enjoyed the seminar and was greatly encouraged by the Word of God that was shared.

A One-Way Ticket
Gospel for Asia Bible college student Lajita Chopra went with her classmates to share the Good News with people at a local bus station. When they arrived, Lajita met a man who was both deaf and mute. She was able to share the love of Jesus with him using hand motions, and after observing her, he bought some books from her that tell the Gospel story. Now he is able to read about Jesus and find out for himself what it means to have a relationship with Him. Lajita asks for prayer that the man would receive the Lord as his personal Savior and that God would heal him as well.

Winning the Prize

Bimla Nair, an eighth-grade student at a Gospel for Asia Bridge of Hope center, has a bright future ahead. Along with her academic accomplishments, Bimla also recently received first place in a regional cultural dance competition. The contest was hosted by a popular TV channel. She triumphed over many other children in her state to receive the winning prize, which included a large trophy. Because of Bimlas success, her Bridge of Hope center has received positive recognition as well.

Witnessing a Miracle
Akash Raahi, a second-year Bible college student, was visiting homes to share the love of God when he met Dechen Manik, a man with a horrible kidney condition. Although Dechen was a devout follower of his local religion, his illness left him bedridden and hopeless. Dechen did not have enough money for treatment at a hospital. He had nowhere to turn. When Akash saw Dechens condition, the Holy Spirit spoke to Akashs heart, and he began to pray. As Akash interceded, Dechen began to improve. Dechen chose to follow Jesus, and Akash asks for continued prayer for his complete healing.

Photographs on these pages are GFA Stock Photos.

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Rising Up, Reaching Out

Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Vasu Rangen came from humble beginnings to become a pastor to many. Today, God is using Vasu in mighty ways, but he would never have imagined that in his early years.



L O C AT I O N :

South Asia

More on the Web: Visit to learn more about how you can link your life with a national missionary like Vasu!

Vasus life bears testimony to how Gods grace has helped him overcome numerous obstacles ...

asu was born to illiterate parents; his father was an alcoholic and sold all their property to satisfy his addiction, dragging his family into debt. Vasu was forced to quit school because his family could not afford to send him. But the Lord began working in Vasus life and things changed rapidly. He started attending church regularly after God miraculously delivered him from evil spirits. He decided to follow Jesus and later testified of his new faith in front of many people without shame. After declaring he was a follower of Jesus, however, Vasu experienced even more hardship than before. His family and community excommunicated him after finding out about his decision. He was left alone and abandoned. But Vasu stood firm in his faith. His pastor encouraged him to attend a Gospel for Asia Bible college. The young man, who had previously dropped out of school, not only attended but graduated. Then he traveled from village to village, sharing the love of

Christ. Eventually, he established two mission stations in nearby villages, where many were healed and chose to follow Jesus. In another village, he started a church that grew to include 30 new believers after just a few short months. Even though Vasu encountered adversity in his life, God used him to reach many, including one young man named Fahad. When Pastor Vasu met Fahad and shared the love of God with him, Fahad was hungry to know more and asked many questions. After his conversation with Vasu, Fahad could no longer worship his familys traditional deities because it did not feel right to him anymore. Fahad eventually chose to follow Jesus and is now studying at a Gospel for Asia-supported Bible college. Fahad and many other believers like him now have a strong relationship with the Lord because of the impact of Vasus witness. And Vasus life bears testimony to how Gods grace has helped him overcome numerous obstacles and bear much fruit for His kingdom.


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five minutes with K.P.


egrets. Ive had a few in my life. There are times I said to myself, If only . . . or I wish . . . Like you, I feel sad for the past failures, mistakes and sins.

Whatever Happened to Time?

One of the earlier memories of my college days in the United States is about a television show starring George Burns. He looked old, really old. He wore these round glasses like Gandhi, whom I respect so much. He was always puffing a cigar in between his stories and songs. There was something about him that I just liked. One thing was this song he sang, and he did it often. A few words really stuck with me, I wish I was 18 again. When the Lord called me to serve Him, I was barely 16! I was living in a tiny village in a small state at the southern tip of India. Today, as I am writing these lines, I am 60! And I think to myself, Whatever happened to time? It kind of feels like it was yesterday when I left my home, traveling 2,000 miles to northern India to serve the Lord. How did time slip by so fast . . . I dont know! Along with George Burns, I too feel like singing, I wish I was 18 again. Why? Because there is so much to be done. The world is broken, filled with so much suffering, so many precious childrenall lost and helpless. I want to lead them to Jesus, the One who is their hope. But I cant turn back the clock. Time flies by and before we know it, its all over. Theres the final good-bye from this earth and to all the things we thought were so important and held on to so tightly. Think about it! One hundred years from now, what do they matter? Oh, how silly we are not to live in the light of eternity! In her book Things as They Are Amy Carmichael said, We shall have all eternity to celebrate the victories, but we have only the few hours before sunset in which to win them. What a day it is going to be when we stand before the throne to find multitudes that no man can number from every nation, every tribe and every tongue! Our willingness to work these few hours will make eternity that much richer. Live in the light of eternity. Make your life count.

One of my most painful memories has to do with a little girl

named Meena. Meena was a beautiful 5-year-old living in Bombay. She had the biggest brown eyes. When the social workers first saw her, she was standing in six inches of sewer water. Meena was one of the thousands of children who survive by begging on the streets. No one knows if her parents abandoned her or simply died. Her life was sustained by the meager sums she could coax from passersby and the scraps she would often eat out of the garbage piles just to stay alive. I saw a photo of Meena, and its one I can never forget. Later, I learned that she began eating sewage-infested dirt off of the streets. Soon she went into a coma and died. The sad thing is that there are still children eating dirt to fill their empty stomachs. They are silent victims of poverty, quietly passing unnoticed from some of the darkest places on earth.

Acting in Jesus Name

For Meena its too late. My deep regret is that we didnt have a GFA Bridge of Hope center in her slum to rescue her. You and I did not ask to be born and raised in the circumstances and comforts we have. You too could have been born destitute in one of the slums of Calcutta or in a Dalit family in Bihar. You could have been that little slumdog, blinded and turned into a street beggar. Its true, you might even have been sold into the sex business and died long before your 20th birthday. God in His mercy gave us the privilege of living our lives with the freedom and blessings words cant describe. Once in a while God tries to break into our normal lives and tell us something important. He brings a matter to our attention that tears at our hearts, maybe even brings us to our knees. But then, sadly, so often that is all that happens. So many times as I learn and relearn the reality these children face, I again realize that for too long I missed something important. So I cry out, Lord, what is wrong with me? How could I possibly forget? I get so caught up in my day-to-day activities that weeks and months and even years pass, and I dont realize how quickly they have gone. It is for Jesus sake that we act. It is in His name that we sacrifice. Together, you and I, we can make dreams come true for precious children.

K.P. Yohannan is founder and president of Gospel for Asia.

This article is an excerpt from K.P. Yohannans newest book No Longer a Slumdog, available for a special introductory price of $5 at or by using the order form in the center of this magazine.

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