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Spring 2012 English 50

Professor Kathlyn Enciso
Contact e-mail: Office Hours in LA 4B: Monday/Wednesday 10:55-1:55 E-office hours: Fridays on Facebook

Course Description:
This course introduces students to the demands of writing in an academic setting. Students hone basic vocabulary and writing skills while learning about the many types of academic writing. Students learn that writing is used across all disciplines. Students will create and become valuable members of a learning community intended to improve performance and success in college.

Course Student Learning Outcomes:

Writing: y y y Identify and use writing terminology particular to writing courses. Identify and use pre-writing activities for assignments. Formulate main idea sentences for paragraphs and essay which identify subject, purpose, and major points. Support main ideas with enough examples, quotes, and relevant data Write effectively in a variety of styles, such as responsive, expository, comparative, narrative, and descriptive. Write effective introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs for paragraphs and essays Participate thoughtfully in Writing Workshops, being able to give and receive critical feedback. Self-evaluate your own and others writing by using checklists, writing rubrics, or reflective journals. Show evidence of experimentation with language in writing to encourage writers own style. Write thought provoking titles. Present all final drafts with evidence of rethinking and revision. Editing: y Identify and correct run-on sentences, sentence fragments, and comma splices.

y y

y y

y y

y y y Identify and use appropriate comma rules, the semi-colon, and quotes. Use sentence connectors and transitions to show unity among ideas and paragraphs. Present all final drafts with evidence of editing and use of spell check. Reading: y Identify major themes and take into account diverse values and perspectives in short literature selections Identify main ideas, major and minor details, and patterns of organization in written texts.

Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: y Organize ideas coherently and communicate effectively in essay writing for various purposes. y Apply basic writing skills including grammar, mechanics, usage and punctuation in an academic and professional context. Develop awareness, build confidence, and deepen appreciation for self expression through oral and written communication. Comprehend & interpret 8th grade level reading.

Required Texts:
y Three Weeks With My Brother, Nicholas Sparks & Micah Sparks. ISBN 9780446694858

Recommended (but not required) Texts:

y y y Patterns Plus, Mary Lou Conlin, 10th edition. ISBN 978495802525 Hacker, Diana. Rules for Writing, 6th edition. Bedford, 2008. ISBN 9780312611286 NOTE: Various on-line resources are also required for this class so please make sure that you have regular access to the internet as well as an available printer! If you dont, please come and see me for information on how to access the Academic Skills Centeravailable to all COD students for access to resources, including computers, printers, and tutors!

*IMPORTANT! You will be required to use your Three Weeks with My Brother textbook as of the first day of class so please dont hesitate in acquiring this book! If you are unable to purchase/rent it, then please make arrangements to access it in some alternate manner. You may come visit me in office hours (see above) in order to make photocopies of the required pages for one weeks worth of assignmentsyou may get these free copies up till the third week of the term, then you will be solely responsible for having access to the



Coursework Re quirements:
y y y y y y 2 in-class Writing Workshops 3 at-home essays: MLA or APA formatted Final Research Paper o Final includes Oral/PPT presentation Chapter activity homework and class work Vocabulary Cards/Quizzes Participation/Attendance in class o Attendance is crucial to your success as a college student; therefore, you may only miss class for 2 sessions without any grade penalty. Attendance is worth 10 points for each session & includes points for lab attendance. There are NO EXCUSED absences & points missed from an absence cannot be made up! If you miss 4 classes or more, YOU MUST DROP the classthe responsibility to DROP the class if you do miss a 4th time is YOURS!

Assignments/Points Breakdown: 2 In-class Writing Workshops Final Research Paper Final PowerPoint Presentation 3 MLA or APA formatted essays Vocabulary cards/quizzes Homework from textbook Class work & Participation Attendance points = 200 = 100 = 100 = 300 = 400 = 100 = 100 = 300 1600points *NOTE: Grades are determined according to a standard grading scale and are available throughout the term on Bb. It is the students responsibility to monitor their grades/progress throughout the term. Students must pass the course with a C or better in order to earn course/transfer credit for this course. Final grades will be posted on Bb two days after the final; it is at this time that students should review their unofficial final grades for any irregularities, concerns, etc. Your professor will submit official grades on WebAdvisor within 24-48 hours after the unofficial final grades are posted on Bb, after this date, no further changes to grades will be possible.

Behavioral Norms:

Late work IS NOT accepted UNLESS you have gotten my okay (either verbally or via email) regarding your reason for turning in your work late. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT MY PRIOR APPROVAL. Refer to the student conduct code in the course catalog and on the COD website for appropriate behavior guidelines and dress. As such, it is expected that you will behave in a professional manner befitting a professional student. Unacceptable behaviors include: y Use of cell phones during class. y Tardiness y Leaving class without permission y Disrespecting anyone in class! y Aggressive behaviors y Eating/drinking without permission y Coming to class unpreparedNOT HAVING THE TEXTS IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR NOT DOING YOUR WORK!!! y Sleeping during class y Excessive/disruptive talking, texting, chatting, writing notes, etc. In short, you know who you are, why youre here, and what you want to get out of this experience! Dont let anyone get in the way of your educationnot your friends, teachers, fellow classmates, family, NO ONE! It is up to you to succeed and to accomplish the goals youve set for yourself thats why youre here isnt it?!

Important Course Information:

The following information outlines in detail all course expectations and requirements in place for the duration of the semester. Consider the information in this syllabus a contract between you, the student, and me, the professor. Please review all the information for important policies on Blackboard/internet use/support & technology, attendance & academic honesty and feel free to inquire further about any aspect of the syllabus before agreeing to its terms.

The Virtual Classroom:

y Blackboard Learning Management System at COD:
All courses at COD are considered web-enhanced courses and utilize Blackboard Learning Management System (Bb LMS). In every course available through Bb, students should read all information presented on the Blackboard course siteusually in the Announcements sectionand should periodically check for updatesat least every 48 hours. Bb is synced with your COD email so please check your email at least as oftenevery 48 hoursfor important assignments, class cancellation/meeting information, etc. If you cannot access your student email, please review the Blackboard Student Guide document for detailed instructions for support. All COD courses are web-enhanced and supported through the Blackboard Learning Management System. Bb helps to better simulate the traditional classroom experience with features such as Discussion Boards, forums, essay assignments and other presentation and organizational forums.

In order to be successful, you should be organized and well motivated. You should be prepared to log in to our course on Blackboard several times each weekyou will be in control of checking on assignments, due dates, discussions, etc., this way. You will have access through Bb to the Course Syllabus, Course Schedule and Blackboard Student Guide as well as other important course information; therefore, you will be responsible for understanding and completing the topics/assignmentsshould you have any further questions, you may either come see me in office hours, contact me via email or Facebook me well in advance of the due date. Go to the Announcements page and check the Discussion Board often and try not to wait until the last minute to review the assignments. Make your initial posting and participate in the discussion regularly to assure you achieve the maximum points you canEXTRA CREDIT WILL BE AVAILABLE ON DB Topics THROUGHOUT THE TERM! Begin reviewing for the exams early in the term remember you are responsible for keeping up with the readings and understanding them. If there is anything you need help with, either email, contact a buddy or discuss it with me in office hours. Do not procrastinate OR cram for exams and/or assignments. You should review the material frequently, so you will be prepared to take the exams and to write meaningful, insightful and thorough essays.

y MLA/APA Resources (in addition to/in lieu of a handbook):

OWL at Purdue University Online Writing Lab:
Purdues OWL is probably the best resource for writing & MLA/APA help on the web! Be sure to check out the sample student essays for formatting help & to review the guidelines for AVOIDING PLAGIARISM!! You MUST use proper MLA/APA formatting in all your documentsincluding daily assignments, DB Topics, essays, etc. For essays, cited unoriginal material in excess of 25% as reported on SafeAssign will result in an F or 0 grade. y Students must properly cite any quoted material using either MLA or APA formatting guidelines (if you are planning a degree in the Liberal Arts, MLA is de rigueur, if you are pursuing a degree in sciences, nursing, etc., then you should write your papers in APA). Please refer to your Rules for Writers handbook pages 411-528 or if you chose not to purchase/keep the handbook, check out the OWL Writing Lab guidelines (add this page to your FAVORITES on your browser). No essay, written assignment, outline, term project, case analysis, or project may have no more than 25% of its content quoted from an outside source (quotes from our class texts may include up to 30% cited material). Students who need assistance in learning to properly cite sources should ask me, your professor for guidance and resources available, in addition, you should consult the links at the OWL at Purdue ( COD/Blackboard uses plagiarism-detection software--SafeAssign, through which all written student assignments are processed for comparison with material published in traditional sources (books, journals, magazines), on the internet (to include essays for sale), and papers turned in by students in the same and other classes in this and all previous terms. The penalty for plagiarism may range from zero credit on the assignment, to zero in the course, to expulsion from the university with appropriate notation in the students permanent file. See the Blackboard Student Guide for further information about this feature.

Student/Faculty Interaction:

On-campus Office Hours and E-Office Hours (OH): Starting Monday, 30 January 2012, you will be
able to get in touch with me via either on-campus office hours or e-office hours! For e-office hours, usually held Fridays, I will be available via Facebook. If you have a question, you can send me a message, or, if Im online, chat with me. To chat, go to Facebook, (if this link doesn't work then cut-and-paste it into the address bar of your browser). Once you are logged onto Facebook, click on the lower right-hand corner where it says "Chat" and send me a message (my name will automatically appear if/when I am logged on--if you don't see me, then I'm not logged on but you can still send me a message!). If you would prefer not to use Facebook or open an account via Facebook, you can still come to the office hours I will be having in my office in LA 4B on the PDC.

y Communication Expectations:
y y y Aside from face-to-face interaction (FTF), you will further interact with me, your professor, and classmates via COD email, Blackboard, Facebook, and DB Topics/forums. Student participation in this course is part of the overall expectations and worth 160 points of your total grade (see Coursework Requirements above). The student is expected to remain in regular contact with his/her professor and classmates and actively participate through Bb in the discussion forums, assignment submissions, exams, and SafeAssign essays, all in a timely fashion. NO LATE

y I, as your professor, will respond to student emails within 24-48 hours, (MondayThursday), and 72 hours, (Friday-Sunday), as well as be available to you for questions/discussion during on-campus office hours and the e-office hours via Facebook (chat or message). Further, as your professor & facilitator, I will communicate primarily via the Blackboard Announcements/Homepage page and/or via COD email. PLEASE CHECK YOUR COD EMAIL AND THE ANNOUNCEMENTS/HOMEPAGE SECTION OF BLACKBOARD DAILY (Preferably) OR AT LEAST EVERY 48 HOURS.

y Student Email:
All COD students been assigned and have access to COD emailALL COD-related communications, including on-line courses, emails etc., are set-up via COD email only! You should already have a valid COD email, if you dont and to obtain a COD student email address, go to the COD homepage, y y y Click on the Student E-mail tab in the top-right-hand box (in the My COD box on the homepage, under Blackboard) and create a COD email account! Your email address is: Your WebAdvisor (e.g., Your User Name: Your WebAdvisor User Initial Password: Your birthdate in mmddyy format (e.g., if you were born January 2, 1985 = 010285)

*IMPORTANT! All students are responsible for ensuring that their correct & REGULARLY CHECKED email address is listed in Blackboard by Monday of Week #1. Email is the only way I, your professor can regularly communicate with you. It is your responsibility to make sure a valid email address is providedif you prefer to use a gmail, yahoo, hotmail, or

some other email server, then you will have to log onto your COD email and link your personal email address to your COD email. Failure on your part to have a valid email can result in your missing important information that could affect your grade.

Attendance Policy:
Starting with Week #1, in addition to regular classroom attendance (if a FTF or on-campus, or hybrid class), I expect students to log onto Bb to review documents, post comments, turn in assignments & essays and check for announcements on a regular basisat least every 48 hours. Students who are not participating in the online discussion boards and are not communicating with me with legitimate reasons for their lack of participation are subject to losing someif not allof their participation credit for the course. Participation in all interactive, learning activities is requiredthis includes Bb assignments. In addition to traditional assignments, DB Topics/forums will also be required via Bb Discussion Board for participation/attendance points.
*IMPORTANT! Students who do not check in on the first day of class and/or miss more than four consecutive classes/assignments will be dropped from the class before the census date, 6 February 2012. After that date, the responsibility to DROP and avoid an F or W on your transcript lies solely with you, the student!

Technology Requirements:
y Students must have:
y y y y A valid COD e-mail account that you can access on a regular basis. E-mail software capable of sending and receiving attached files. Access to the Internet. Access to a computer capable of running Netscape Navigator 7.0 or above, Internet Explorer 6.0 or above, or current versions of Firefox or MozillaNOTE: Bb 9 is most compatible with Mozilla Firefox browser so should you have any difficulty in accessing, viewing, or sending information on Bb, you should download this browser and set it up for use with Bb. Students who use older browser versions will have compatibility problems with Blackboard. If you dont have such a computer at home, please contact me about adding ASC 100free access to the COD ASC computers and tutors! Microsoft WORD software or MS Word-compatible software. I cannot grade anything I cannot openBlackboard reads several different platforms of documents HOWEVER, the easiest way to ensure that your document will upload and open easily is to save and post it in RICH TEXT FORMAT (please review the Blackboard Student Guide for further instructions on how to do this)! If you cannot open documents via Blackboard, contact me immediately for details on how to access documents either via my Facebook page or go directly to and search my account = babyezra2008 to open and download files as doc, docx, or pdf files. Virus protection software, installed and active, to prevent the spread of viruses via the Internet and email. This should be continually updated!

y Technical Support Information:

y Troubleshooting 101! The #1 problem students need support with is logging on. It is imperative that you choose a password that is both secure AND easy for you to remember; however, if you do need help with your password, please contact me first! I can reset your password for you. Troubleshooting 101 (Part 2)! If you cannot resolve problems with Bb and/or COD student email, even after checking your Blackboard Student Guide, please contact Bb 24/7 Tech Support 1-866-321-7159 or COD email Support at the Counseling Center: 760346-8041 ext. 2521 or at Student Life: 760-346-8041 ext. 1311. If you continue to experience technical problems within Bb, you should first contact the Blackboard Online Support Center by clicking on the Bb Help (Web) button on our page. If you cannot get the answer(s) you need from this resource, then please come and see me in office hours with your question/problem for assistance. Please note that you are responsible for solving problems related to technology issues BEFORE assignments are due and such problems are NOT valid reasons for not turning in work on time!

Honesty Policy & Student Conduct:

The awarding of a college degree or college credit attests that an individual has demonstrated mastery of a significant body of knowledge and skills of substantive value to society. Any type of dishonesty in securing those credentials therefore invites serious sanctions, up to and including suspension and expulsion and denies you the experience of a truly valuable education! Examples of dishonesty include actual or attempted cheating, plagiarism, (read the statement on plagiarism below), or knowingly furnishing false information to any university employee.

y Statement on Plagiarism:
Plagiarism is using another persons words or ideas in your writing (or formal speeches) without revealing your source. This may involve copying someones work or obtaining and taking credit for anothers writing. Whenever you summarize someone elses ideas or paraphrase/rephrase their ideas and/or words into your own or use someone elses statements word for word, you must make that persons contributions clearly known through proper citing of their work. The personal accounts, expressions, opinions, judgments, arguments, illustrations, interpretations, and statistics borrowed from others, whether written, posted on the internet, spoken or recorded, must be properly credited or attributed to the originator of those. If you have any questions or do not understand this statement fully, please ask your instructor for further clarification as to what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. For on-line reference and tips to avoid plagiarism, please check out the OWL at Purdue guidelines at NOTE: IF you do accidentally plagiarize once, see information under OWL at Purdue University

Online Writing Lab above for what constitutes plagiarism, you will be allowed to rewrite that
assignment. However, if this happens a second time, you will receive an F (or 0%) for the offending assignment and/or may be subject to failure/dismissal.
Updated by K.A. Enciso Spring 2012. College of the Desert, Palm Desert, CA, Dr. Debra Taylor Bourdeau Winter 2009. Troy University.

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