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ft, way to get P S l i mits is to ndvertlee ia t* T - M * Want Caimans. lc "Old.

VJ.17. No.27ZTwoCento!

Ad the wfreiess teils the steer In fitful, Interrupted periods, the sssfwayi summary of the latest reports it.lde every possible effort totW^to lintwesm the icebergs were erewded fgen fee Titanic (iiaaster following Eeure information of the fate of Mav. wallowing of the the striking by that vessel Of an 4ce* ji.r Archibald Butts, who is his mili+ * * > * > ioitih thethe great boats herself,THanand. ship bow btrg off the banks of Newfoundland tary aide and a passenger of the Ticrushed, half full of water forward, PREVIOUS DISASTERS OF OCI) AN LINERS. Sunday night indicate that the cal- tanic. He got! into communication with * was heeling forward on her forefoot, amity ia *tilly as grave aa has been the companies and asked &ee'|kary her stern high out of water to that Date. Name. Aceide/lt. Lost. I pictured by previous reports. + *iril, 1873Atlantic > # ' e * t t i e e Foundesbd . 685 * the tremendous screws ware visible M'eyers of the navy to give hinjl first ColUs-oi* . . i * i . * * . - , . . . . 812 Mdy, 1875-chiller dimly and on the verge of dropping It is not likely that the loss of information. 389 .laiiuary, 1.883H?mb.rias. . beneath the surface f life will foe far below 1,#X), although October, 1892Utopia ..,..-:......Collifon , . . . . . < , , . Montreal, April 16-Thi- tota^ loss m | It was a spectacle of marine disasthe MMt num'hsr at present U placei + Anguet, 18**Warship VtcterlSr...Xellsnoi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 ter that can never fade front the memat 1,411. The number of those aaved of life of the Giant Linor Titanjsji was Jinuary 13, 18(WElbe /.,..,Celliaroa '. * probably 1,410. AM. hopo that the Virory of the seamen who came up on .7i ly 4, 18P8Bourgogne . . . ,*. Collision . . . . . . . n 330 leeat to have been about 700 or 800, 633 the Carpathia the most wonderful ginian of the Allen lino hud rescued any Jtly 3, lft(H-NoTge ..-.Founotted^........; although many of the diipatches say of the passengers ind headed for Hali ?eptenjil)er_ 12, ^805lMikasa ...... Eyplosioa ',. w^ T ..^.^rrw 750 * of ships on the verge of her end and that 676 were all that were taken off fax was Ion, when the eaptaiu sent Jnna 15, 1804den. Slocum Kre *.,....,;,.....,*..w t g, 599 her people scattered over the face of 959 the ill fated vessel. the waters In little, recking boats. On her maiden trip the Titanic, built should reach here seme time tomorFebruary 12, 1907Larchmont. Collision . tlhe following message. "Virginian 183 That the Titanic was shattered by reached Titanic too late. Proceeding and equtaped at a coat of $10,000,000. row afternoon. February 21, 1607Berlin . . Run en Fier , , . H U . I . H . . , V 1 . . 150 + What took place In the next heartlite collision was evidenced from the Liverpool. Captain John Bell." There a floating palace, found her graveyard. April 25, 1908(Hadiator . t t . . ( J O I I I S J O O . . . . . . . . . . . . mv^v * 30 + breaking hours cannot' be known deThe tenor of all the wireless mesJHIJ- 28, 1908Yning Kin.g . . . Foundered ....>....,,. ; i....,.,.. 300 finitely until the wireless fade Itself Swinging from the westerly steamship sages that reached here late last night quickness with which she sank. were 2,210 souls on board. August 24, 1908Folgenfonden * < ia ! ' i i i t * e , * e e e' ^ 7 0 . lane at the south of the Grand Banks was that the Titanic sank before the In a steady, st*tgkt*)rward'sto|iy,*rr Scarcely four hours had elapsed after The Liner Carpathia rays that sbo Suni: ti7^eTliIioTrr-*(:li*n-J^? ,hii P plunged picked up 80O. The message of Capt. of Newfoundland to take a direct run steamships that had heard her call for * November 6, 1908Taish . . . . . . . .e'e sAe e * * ' e e *i 1W * out of the icy waste have cotrie hut /anuary 23; 190PRepublic ... 6 two messages vhlen appear la cover doTn head firat. Realizing John Bell dashed the hopes of those to thta port, she hurled her giant hulk help could get to her. It seemed elear February 2, 1911Abenton .... , 'Collision WwskcA ' */* * fo a t I 70the time, liougbt that h*_ had reached the against an iceberg that rose from an that Captain Smith and his officers Ai rii 19, 1911Iroquois .. tt the disaster, uaptaio Smith must , . W t C p ' k ^ i l . , . . . , , e e a,* s,A * * . , 20 + have put off the first boat immediately Tltani<r~^twt~f--jJie_^e!ceipt of the Immense fold drifted unseasonably had lowered the women and children + April 23, 1911Asia One Is that the Oartntnta (vncj.the ..Bun Agroilad . . . . , . 40 * Virginian picked up moft of the 'pasafter ssa struck. With what suspense Virginian'e wireless wesTftTroWseatia om the Arctic Running at high and some of ih* men In the snail + September 5, lflllTucapel ... i VV^flCKCCl . s e e ep.eV, see. e e . pew 81 ti'ose waiting for their turn on the lifs- the^^Kfoite Star office at New Ysjrt i>eedTnto that grjm and silent enemy boats, hut that most of the men pas + October 2, 1911-feHatUeld . . . . . . , . . C * 1 1 iion , . . . . . . , . , . , , , , , , u . , . 20 sengers an?, psrhaps halt of tbecspw. Meantime, experts here say that the TiISO i the othur waa the Titanic flasjtf sink bttti mutt have endured their delemma tanic had broken her hack, and want af seafarers, the^S5nrenahefl -hex igngers as well as the crew perished t April 3, 1911-Jtoorabuna .;... ..Wrecked ....." hew. From a happy, comfortable Tea; with the fotagdow_of the ship + at 2:20 a. m. ' _-_ . cm well be imagined. down. eel, she Was eenvertad in a few min The science ef it appears from nawa eWMted ttf^a The Carpathia has accounted for 88G nrrtvon. The 0plrt!rta"lreY Witt* Richmond, Va., April 16"Am safe. utes Into a snip ef mtWrtTDad dread gainst winds and weathers but the eorreaDotiflent, that OsfMfl * U* this eity and should reach here Fri- We are entering Halifax harbor now. ful suffering; _J . ^ Shilth of the Titanie, the aftnJrtl ef mights' steel ocean-goers of the Twenday with her Titanic passengers. Throua^b rent plates and timbers, the wiiiS) star fleet. On seftti tntProm Robert W. Daniel,;' the foregoThere is a wireless station on the iug wireless message was received by water rushed so swiftly that her cap- tieth century are aa much at the merer.-in of m> Atlantic who I n s hronght cy of fogs and Icebergs aa were the top of the Wanamaker Department Jdrs. J. R. Danfe'i mother of the sender.of the Hno*e fiaent stint to kfrottoms ef a hundred years age. Wore here, and aft night Jack Bums, Mr. Daniel was on UieJIl fated Titanic, tain, g. J. Smtth, the admiral ef the this port c T S s h * - n s J a ^ | s ^ r e t I Staggering tato the ies field, into tbd wifeless hero ef the Republic dis- This is the first newsniat has come White altar fleet, knew there was no hope of saving her. Thai saaea the whlcM she had driven at great eti t'-at there waa small dhnnee ot hSt iiter, sat at the key receiving messages fiom any private passe Of the Ti- faltering wireless has told us. vfs<-fi ifdylhg sMra wttar and thai whieLhe could pick from the Atlantic. tan'c, the Tftanlc aped call after oall to ths -r-r At 1:18 h picked UP the following rsIIEsn- must be had o* she small At midnight last night Bie ofteiali hurrying liners of the Upper reads Iron the Olympic: "Carpathia returnImnfn. With snfch ths ship waa ngknv ef the White Star line were struggling the Cunarder Sarpatfen, the Virgil lag to New York with 66 women and dldly catilpped. . to get into communication with the and the Parisian of the Alien line, chi'idren. Great fear for rest." Cunarder Car-path la, which has o l great Battle, the good Samaritan of iShe had tlfTy Hfehoati, wWe. an* The-mtssage that told the White beard the 875, women and children the Atlantic, and th9 big Germans that linkable, capable of resisting the bne> "tor line that the Titanic had gone saved from the Titanic, but not one were ploughing their way between the teririg of hear? seas, they were n^r flown said, "Titanic sank 2:20 a. m. word of news could they obtain. able of holding fifty persona continents. ~il. tl.18 north 50.14 west. All her boats All they could gat by wireless was The women and children iNife . accounted for, nearly all saved women And the wireless once more proved and children.. Liner California -re- Ankious Relatives and Friends of Ti- the fact that the Carpathia, which left tts worth, for the Carnethla and the In some of these boats, oath beat tat gained near and searched scene of disNew York on April 13 for the Mediter- Virginian, wheeling kk their courae, charge of an oficer of the s%. fhen ( tanic's Paaaengers Crowd About liter. LoMjikely total, MOO." ranean was retracing her course to sped throafh the i m venturing en the old met and *.nh of the men pa this port bringing here the women known dangori, and rawed up'ia~time nong the 1,320 passengers ef the ^ = ^ ^ , the BulMlng. dr naSMad were !Sh^mi^ApuLlft--fligh.lrirflitc to, nd children ' and after these had slant Uner were Colonel John Jacob were widowed and ^ urea Tiisjtf llTsn, " - ~ New York, April 16The officers of tl e bravery of the crew of the White Syd Altar and hie wife. IaMor Straus, Ma- the Whijte Star Line, owners of the ill- arphaned by the disaster it has been many years smee the Star Uner Titanic and the chivalrous cased. Horatio Rotten ley askedBoar.i been ancorrmodeted room was Buckson, president of The Marconi stations were striving worid was sfft In sth auspense and gaUarrtry of the pen who assisted them neyTrade, whether he could the th* for hundreds mora lar Archibald J. B utt, aide to Presi- afed Titaic, wae a mecca of grief. of state dent Taft; George W. Wldener and Men, women and children, relatives of also fp getjln touch with either the dread as followed the tfet fattertag and gars the women: passengers ftrat Mmbez afdifeboats qarfied by the Tl Io far as could be told from Urn atMrs WMener of Philadelphia; Mr. and 1 usaengera of the runk en iiner, oeseiged Carpathia or the Allan Uner Virginian rails for help from * <rushe<Vfttanle. chance when the rescue work was" be* tenia in relatioir trthe^paiienger list grrvatlnsrlv scant smd erypt|g^B,hrneat Mrs. Henry 8. Harper, William T. the oftee from dawn, hoping to. receive to flfljd out tf all of the rescued were At II:M p. m. on Wider nipt the gun was paid by Premier Asquith -n Mr. Buckson said he had net the IIH mrssages from the ship that foand the Stead, the London Journalist, and a cheering message that their loved fen board 'the Carpathia or whether he Vlrgtaiao, speeding on her waytoCMas- Commons todayasanefficialannounce- at band. Tk govsrnment was fnrthe" Titanic these boats were afloat and safe. In the early _ any more whose name* art known or>og ware erowds .gathered, in *morning Virginian carries others that were gow, piched up the White Star tf _ jnaat of the disaster off the Newfound- interpolated that steps might be taken fertdlitg away fwtn the Traaatc and tours the drizzle saved. Rut the Maroonl people were X"iiiand grand banker The 1*reiwier ^ead Uh iiirthsr Droten_t british passengers threatening Icubergi when the Out. on both sties of the Atlantic. r hip's insistent, tmsmtk "6. t of tain, while policemen were thrown a message received by the B e a r d s bound Vork frmrraktnjptbe The news that few betides women into the district around the office with unsuccessful and It Is not known the Marconi signal of distress and Trade from the Walte Star line which Nortn forJNiw steamsBips bounfr for pathiLbTaie!ITIrnWt ttegtmmt. It Atlantic whether Che Virginian transferred all peril that clears the ah of all Issser stated that the Titanic had gone down r'.'eord-breaking voyages. TJtis quel- was a long and perUont tath, kwt the nd children were eared has caused the instruction of using the greatest t>e greatest apprehension aa to the Undemeas in marihal'iing the .line of of those she picked up to the Carpath- in amines sifd itsps ships at J M but that 675,had ben saved- Then l i l e alee went unanswered. Mrr Bmrlrj Catpantnla se ntsnlseened mat ^morein their tracks, rtm by dash *mt act the Prettier sxprewrtdln behalf of kirn- cn indicated that he i**ade to h i i f r than w o of the Titahts's aasiencort fate of thcae-. Whoa tha Btante #tmg- inquirers.. Young Vincent '^M<tr w*r ia of the Canard line first a*k for fl*ws. There The latest news was that the Car by tet, fte wireless operator of the self and the government a deep-seated en offieial inquiry into the dieiiter found their way to her decha. sd headlong agalnat a wall ef ice at among the even r to the saving of his was doubt as admiration . l u i L f f i traditions:, of the f'Utl no far as pes'sthla he moved that patbla had started for New York. She Virginian caught the cry for help. lHfl p. m oa Sunday night her* fate at*p*mothef. sea had been borne out in saving those foe adswraliy invsalifffe H. established that no modern ahlp Is unteert-aWe to ears for tbemaelvea. Hd Itt..BhMwtisn. w i a the Nttionat CARPATHIAirTHE RESCUE We think that your Mother has mhable and that all of a large pal- rely been saved, and wa hope your Mid that the government fslt the keen- News Association correspondent this m i e r list cannot be saved In a liner's father i among the saved," said an C/ifWMI SMCTM PEW8MCD est sympathy l o t ll the sufferers. ervsninl, in spits of the Whit* Star ftetthtd ilnWng Vessel In Tlmt It malt boats. The White Btar line be- iflieer of the eompany to his anxiona It was indicated in Commons that Company's denial, he said he had inSave Many Passsnsjem. trod that the Titanic waa practically questions. SeMsved Cernmamler ef Titanic Went the British government might be asked formation that tber was a shortage Partner oat at sea wan the ar to investigate the disaster so far as of lifeboats of the Titanic. , "fei steei able .and insisted, until there It was but a second later ihut KdDown WltH Mrs VSMSI. pathla, which left New York fir the *as no doubting the full extent of th ward Frauenthal ipfTOHched the counNew York Apstt H - V W e President Mediterranean on April It, and whlifc. ter. AH night he had b-sea sitting on catastrophe, that she could not stale a bench in the waiting roem eagerly Wireless Despatch Says Liner Has Fraalrlln niM at 11 Welec* Ia|t nkgkt had felt the chrS In the air, wbleu The grant ship waa the last word In starting as each bit of information eariHe that *e bad reeersed no ttfW from nil sailors know meant the proHmttr Bodern sclentlfle construction, but t, the crowd.' His two brothers, and About 800 of Titanic's wtsriiM naeasaxM sent In all aw. of great berna drifting down front the he found the ocean floor almost as their wives were among the passengers. lets In an etfeft to plek ap tno gers on Board. Arctic Round the went and ptisaged i t waa told him that tlvey Jlere amonjf ateklr as a wooden | h % Ol^nntc ansl see Cespttala for mere baok weetward to take a hand In a a * the saved. The man broke down with New York, April 18Among the detaSs. Me Insisted that he was not Halifax, Nova Scotia, April KMThe aeeplng, so overcome waa he from joy. mountainous icebergs and amidst a hfjfllec back aartbkaa. bet Oat he was **iont wireless station at Cape Bare A handsome yeaag woman, who refused f rid or ice, the Cunard liaer Carpathie ssntng nil new* sabttc as fast aa waived a dispatch as fellows: "No to gave her name, entewB the office, ten eais) ska! tt oramunieattn as yet with 'Virginian.' hardly able to speak. 1 a few mo- is speeding toward N w York, carry- es^s^^sr^pss^sw w ^ w a an*. eastward; en ments she went out smiling through ing mere than 800 passengers of tho " do not think many Titanic plssenhi reply to questions Mr. Franklin 9 HBIs*jBma, a*r teare "Thank God my husband ;s T-tanic, which went down on the New I-" on board. said that the Vtrnlalan could not Bare The station at Cape Sable reported saved," ahe said. Wew Totk, April IdWith two stories of the accident were told by While thor ttafl ieuncMand shore yesterday, after ram*- w same time as follows: "We are The crowd extended tjj the TJ. 9. a mountain of ice. The Carpa- been towing the Titanie at any trtne holes sieve in her hew, the result of a Captain Crflhea, Ths fores of the col- afl the Mt thny* the because she ceuM not hare reached Jj* m eommunicatien with 'Parisian.' Custom House, the throng being so thia will arrive here early, Friday. collision with at keberg in almost thi lision rooked the vessel from st^m them, the tltanie't T1 " commander of the Parisian has dense that additional! police were Two wireless messages sent early to the TRanle until 10 o'clock In the to stern and caused a panle In the Ctne Race Ik New moraine:. Ha had keen trying In et same spot where the Titanic came to "rched in the vicinity of the dtsas- rushed to the scene. Vive-President tttilM enmatnj *d: " were recefVed from the Carpathia , the steamship Niagara limped a had fight to bring my ship I 113 lab* messans sskdsh qulnhir '; Lhid mot bean aide to and a franklin of the Mercaatira Marine, b;,' the Cunard Lsoe. The ship's eso- soy way to'tos weed losa tee Vknla. is. 1 ""I- There was t larga amount of raid, "we are sure that 173 have been t'va sent ona and it read as follows: tsn and t i e Paria<aa as to what tbey into nart today having been held up never saw ice as bad and so far south. ed New Ye*: laafe ttjMk an Ina "/eckage, but no human beings were saved. We hope that more have been *'I am proceeding to New York, tfnless could tell In the way <n details, but almost 24 hooks by the fog. Thrilling We encountered bergs at 42 degrees." berg. WsarsbaOlyiia s t n M > t a . oteked up from the water." As a news wsnd clinging to debris." II paper man touched on the tragic fea- f i her wise orderml, with about 800. while the White Star scants la Halil. lat 41 41 North; 10*4 W e t * Alter having consjlted with Mr. Isma Otto Rase t*ew ml dnneel CVSIBV Newport, R. I,, April lS-The wire- ture of the disaster, he threw his hands ani' eonsidermg the dreunHtances, with fax reporter! that they fend used ertts%, Is rsmalalng at ths scene FOUND ONLY WREGKAGE > itatioa here pished up this mes- UT in the air, " I can only say thfit yes- IT much Ice abont' i (included New York as? means to trmmualeeU with the 4f # ttt dMkMs> setraMht tor peeslble east wnere 0f9t MBriW "ge was being sent from one ocean Mner teiday I called the Titanic unsinkable. Urt. l/arge number of icebergs and reesels they had failed. apparatui oontt -The Carpathta rnnet hare ploked up When nteamsr Carpathia. Arch/ed en P down on the Titanie." The mei- and I howsstly believed that it ceuld twenty mile field of ice with bergs never be aunkv. JB; J i Iwrrihle!, horri* oarpathia hi enherVny te New whale tfs wM the liana the Titanie Had Sunk. p a s n a s f i who were la lifeboats,'' said ~T~* -*** l"*ap( B#T%* tf*WW 011*)"- VC*3kN amongst fla." ble." " " to another when it was inter"TSndrm,'April it.A Marconlnmm Tim". f This message, presumably d-e'ayed by Mr. franklin *Itet As to what had became of the ether from Cape Race reached l4ndet al flodslmiang, ling., April 16\"MV tirnamission, was 'inter received from naasengers. Mr. PrankHn aad the re- fl:St that motntng to the effect that New York, April* lfl-Ofldal anthe same source. Wireless from CapBoston, April l S - T h e Steamship Tlr- son Is dead. I feei-there is no Imp*." tain Roitrsn, Steamship Carpathia, via ports wars dioconraglar nouncement waa made by when tie stetrnehrf) Carpathia arrive.! StAr Line" fompaey that the White This waa see aopeless stafenwnt made ( Race: "Tita.'.ie struck icelwr^. i * a of the Allen line, oire of the R63 were "Da yon believe that Captain Smlt* on the scene at daybreak, she found pjked up by the ^arpathin. Thi woul I :"' * awet the distress signal of todnv bv ts fataer of Wirefen Opera Huok Monday 3 a. m. (arpathia piek^J * Trtaate, ii headej Tor 8 T John, ToT PKifipp*."^T*T ftrfTe^ ntmem bud II.. mariy passcngn;'! in heats, Will went down srlth the thlpT'aifT^iana" only seats and wreckngev TfAt'dta* male tRe mining number 1,317 White patch also states that the Titanie *tar oflklals sail that they received ^*w Brnnswlfk. Whether she has pas M i l l Si a mmsage that th Titonic Pjre fufi iwiticttUra liter. Proceeding tin waa teked, rU*ri s m a r t fr* the sInWng itar wa sarH, but it True Imse-l on -srisg''NVw York." "Prom what I know of Captain foundered at 1 o'clook in the morning no news ftem the Olympic 'which had " wnether she was obliged to put mtd raUe^rams ' Smith I believe that If anybody stayed and net the afternoon a some dis- relayed the airo measage fmm the f r 'w nwn port he ..ana* of aecident to T New York. April 1-Wireless op-i on board and went dowa with the Ti- patches had It. The vessel went down ratbk,. " elf wa< not stated. T V fact that Washington, April 1(5.*hairmaa .-TV* Smith 1 1 v 'l. taongh a mail ateamef, ha*! ^IcTiiidirr of tlw Ho**1 C&mmlte* alnre today attributed rortfutin^ rs tanic. Captain^tTj.n.iy . did," he replied. la lat 41.16 north, long, s o i l west. , Washington, Afr^. 1.-TV Trras -,.ri ,.-. AIT the Titanic s beats were a*> '*" her port, indicate* that she has MerrhMit Mnrin.* airnnun v-1 *hit < nn- ports irsrar.lin;* tteiTittnlB. ytateii4 I.on,loB, \pril 1$.(rowls of peo- counted for Six hundred and seventy. nrv rtejttrim -nt todav irrstructed i.'odr***s. Oftciiats of the line, had gr;M waM t*k'* ..>!!ll{^an<," >ffchplife tr* amateurs who sen', est reports thai tke pwssngem of the Titani.; had cOT. nlu haagry for nta wer.i, Uied aronn 1 Ave of th passengers and crew were 1ec*or I^Oflb of New Vork to watv all eviL Atss i *. hopug from t l # $m AA1 t h e san2 ffwititirs of t*e Tiisin- r<l f(f iii reWnireeieate n tho (eaiUng of was taken s e hi that .ecn nv?rf. They said fha* thorp wi the Whit^ p!sr offi.-n bete b e g i n s the "* ,, "I m "'* iB ttaa'te i w w wodld le)ri4at to rerroct stih that no other nnv to Ircerist f'>r Ike rt- rflei'ii. 'lawortng for n#w of saved Th* former were aeerly all for,:s4n pannngers and to facilitate tern wtknw m gnmd I ' from the Titanic. vemen and ehlldrea may eiist. iaadiat ef the survivors if the Titanie perta as tlrcv were spyarrafly aatnen- "d reiativeii. flm romnany_hnd no di snta aasnunahia a^alltoraiaa He daala every soutbte way. reel iafomatisa from any, skip. (Continued on fags five.) I He stre^nm* 'lAUlle*, April Iw-Prp. TWI

itic liner and *-|er Human Freight Fini Watery G r a v e l * lowing Collision With Iceberg. f

Graphic Talc of t k Sinking of the Titanic. Spectacle of Marine Calamity Never To Be Forgotten.

COST $10,000,000

Palace Found Her Grave Off Banki Of Newfoundland Before Completing Maiden Voyage.^^__





May Have Been Responsible In Some Measure for the Heavy Lois of Life Which Has Been Recorded.




Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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