Geneva NY Daily Times 1911 Nov-Apr 1912 Grayscale - 1212

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* The way to (it proper re- fL * suits i to advertise U ' ' H a a B * the Kaee Wast Cotomns. 1* a word. , f l

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12 Noon 3 P.M.,

54 50

Vol.17. No. 276. Two Cents. . ....

Geneva, N. Y., Saturday. April 20,1912.

Hero of the Titanic Disaster.




Senaflfl^Ctoitii That False Information Conrnmng the Titanic f a i l f e O u F


v *

Nw York, April 20. - Out of ft* ally ft tnso t e V t f ' l lumwous storiei told by survivors ot whon see found that Mm Straw \ the Tltnnto disaster there standi not follow her she stopped Oat ssafk forth many factstoprove the extraor- Other accounts I N that Mm SOelr dinary fortitude and wonderful hero- from On first, refused to stot foot It Ann of those left behind on the liner's i bolt without Mr. Straus and f i t o 80. Immediately after the survivors desks facing the death that shortly th* litter after trying to flro* her tt> were on board we had a prayer senvsrtook them. While confllotim in to one for i minute, then gave It up. p f e Of "thankagiviftg iw^m ^ This scene, h*rrowIng In ttod*taBs, is described by 1 1 . Stephenson, ah *ererescuedand aluriaTwircissT" wonderfully unantoious In testifying attache of th* Swedish embassy, who "I saw only one bodyfloatingIn the to this heroic oondtot. stood by this particular boil ana water," said Captain Rostron, In an Probably there were many heroes who only i minute before had ftM awer to a question from 8enator Smith among those mtn who saw the women Colonel Astor part with his w*! It was a man and bad a life preservto th* boat* and th* deed* of one; ^During the xltem*at I heard er on. Apparently it was one of the would scarcely outrank those of an- some oo siyi "Mrs, Stoma, you New York, April 20-Harol4 6. ftide, were the farts that the committee tried tnv- It was only a hundred yards other. Naturally th* survivors notlest must go.' Turnfng around, I saw th* second wireless operator of tlhe liner **>? I Tom the ship could b , laln, particularly, howevw, the aetlen of Strauies standing together. The nt*n Titanic, testified today before tho U. S. Senate Committee tJbat'more tihan A* the committee convened today its wen,hlying one one side the head th* mora notable ot their fellow pas- were talking to Mr*. Straw. Ill, no, 0,r , lde w six hwira Wore the vessel struck, b r o a s S S .Jf* " T " ' " did not take'it aboard sengers and N was of their conduct I will not go,' sho cried to her hus> T warning had ton Twsivsd that there orottghtliHight after J, BTUCO Ismav Prom the host* u^ *k d<tdi they testify epeoifloally, though it wis band. 1 cannot leave yea' That * were icebergs in the community. It testiM yesterday, stowing a s S K f i j ! ? " , * MP0Wre probably but a fair sample of th* some on* said: Tou both ces go. 1 was then 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. discrepancy between his testimony and Z t h e I 01e of?/ conduct of many less conspicuous, whs There'* room for both.' the real list, 0 f the case, ,J S "^ * * morn . was He later communicated it to the officer d iM ,hat died tn the same noble company. " '"A* long a* there is a woman as ostteisidte,. . ^ ^ ^ - ^ . ^ ismsy testified tjhat helent no mes- :l!?^ ^ " ""Not on* m par of th* swflvws this vessel,' siid Mr. Straus, 1 4 0 eager-hnHtorCtrpttla : 'to- New i,*71 a* aadethe others were 8 4 D he f > "" W own of noted particularly, It weuld seem, th* not leave. They ire th* first w i s New York, April 20-The most ien- York, afterwith was picked up by the cers and thoseo! theofTitanic WentOunarder, the otter survivors, 1 lfl eondiMt on thai dreadful ntgbt of Colo- mst be looked after. When they If* eational development of ^ the Titanic It has been established that three mes- d ** body as far as possible." nel John Jacob Astor; not one but safe, then com* the men. But lot examination, being conducted by tie *4*s ware sen* signed "Yamai"| many saw th* Strata** eteot, la th* until oil the women ire m i * best* United States Sonate Investigating which ii Ismay spelled .backward. This 1 RESCUED rPFflPI P DDiVC (ace of death,toremain together Re-will I put my foot In i Weboife* Committee was brought to light today, shows that efforts .had Ibeen made to n M " U K U t r - t BHAVt garding the manper of death ef Major " 'You are an eld man. Mr, Straw, when Senator Smith showed a telegram send the crew of the, ill-fated' vessel Archibald Butt, maeh let* Is known, somebody said. which ** Star Line gave out Monday back to England before they could'help, Behavid 8plendldly When Brought on saying it all were saved,and claim. the investigators. The messages folfor few, It appeared, knew th* presiBoard the Carpathla ing they received it from the Baltic low: "Islefrank, New York Very ' He said that all the rescued people dent'* Keneral aid*. Singularly enough " 'I am not too old to iserino* say operator, Cottam. It m i as fol- important you should hold the Cedric. behaved magnificently. They were of the death of th* dlitlnjulshed jour- self for s woman/ wis his reply, lows: "New York, Apil lJ-J. \. nalist and publlotst, WiHIam T. Stead, "The itngfle, which ensued teg* ,,.... alongside of the ship Hughes, Huntington, W, Va.-Titanic daylight Friday for Titanic,crew. An,:. quiet as they got M m , v i m n UIB , . there li practically no chronicler Mr. Straw triadtofore* his wits late troyediiig to Halifax. Passengers will ww.'4 "Islefrank, New York-Think and bore up splendidly when hy among th* survivors, whole stories the boat M a nietur* whkft I shall ' belandeT there Monday^orainfrAll most wise to hold the Titanic enwj wsreJaonghUaaoard have bua published. On* ot thenever forgst. It wa* mora thai stfr | "How many lifeboats were theref safe." Cottam said that he had not till Friday, Cedric sailing here." most distinguished pasungeri on th* rul. Mr. Straus ituol to the sad, I sent any such message. The message "Islefrank, N. Y.Unless you have be was asked. ship, his actions at that awM occa- she, 1 learned, went dots with hef telling of She loss of tie Titanic, was good, substantial reason for not hold-] "We flftd flfteen bflata dongM* 6f ing Oednc please do so. Most an- M m m%,mn ln t h m i j m sion seem to have pissed unnoticed husband when the Tltonlo link/ transmitted to the WMte Star Line at Officer* of the ship oim* # aoS by those wh* hav* survtv*d, 10:30 Monday. The result of all these .dmrable to have crew New YorJr one f e b o a t c]oge ^ ftt sh,p ^ Joined tn wring the *ldr* woman, testimonies was to ihow that the White b 8 Only one nameless passenger of all clinging to htr hwbani to f t tti HYamsi" is said to ad- M ^ " ,f"ta Star Line was sending messages to the dress of Iemay, while be the c*bleNew a * lnklll 8**%* T occupants those whose stories thus far have ap- reported) that (he hosts were hevttl Islefrank, condition,. The relatives saying that all were saved, had b peared said anything about Mr, Stead. fast, Once wh*n *om* Bailors a*twi< *****OTt^ another when they knew of the Teal danger. York, is that of Resident iaaager j Two W,tha flftsan boats were boat. According to thin passenger, Mr, ly setied hokl ot Mrs, Straw, eys fK Franklin." ot tb* Where this message was relayed by (No answer* to these communications' colhjpifbWi kind, low tat raft* with Stead, believing that than was not aesssy,shor^outh*rh*s*isJi> the Baltic, where that relayiif foint the. slightest danger ot the Titanic Bly towards her. hastiod M i t a b ; caw-to#enn#| tar the"fart that * the coIlapllbW Wnvas aides. Eaoh would relayed it until it reached New York foundering, returned to hi* itatMOOm clutched th* nil to W*JftBftNBf ind the time that It reached New York, Cedric sailed insures that the answers hold from sixty to seventy-five eom were in the negative. - | rptfably. We Jound one Opllapsibj* and probably perished there, dragged towirdi th* boat l * u y boat capsized' among the wreckage Wdlner, oas of the witneisw et i l l We took the boats on board, leaving scene, said that Mr. Straw reiWed reHOW MAJOR BUTT DIED some of theflMro our davits, peatedly to go himself and **htt "Hot Captain RoBtron said that all the Pistol In Mend, Hi Kept th* Crowd before tho other am." boats were mar'ked "Titanic" and that "Mrs. Straw," saM vrnllwr, TklhtBack Until Women and Children they conformed te lh regulatloni of ened her grasp on his arm awl Mite* Were Safety In Boats, the British beard of trade. He d That Major Butt, like Colonel Astor, It sad smiled up at bfen and men not know personally but he has heard died the death of a gallant oicer and smiled at us," that, all the people on the Titanic had brave man. there Is the same testi- WOMEN STORM CITY MARKET been supplied with lifeboats. The mony from survivors. Not so many depth of the water at that point, ho evidently knew th* quiet retiring ar- ted by Mayer Shank of mdmewift* would say was Over 2,600 fathoms, my officer, who had been the presiHe said that the last message he re19,000 Itrlki at High Petow dent'* delightful companion, as knew , i wived from tXe Titanic fa* that hef (Spas BV' ST^os^nrCoimiftnaef ef the" 18, C&rpafbta, the man Who Colonel Astor, hut there were some Is Ctiviiand. guided the vesse'i of rescue to th'3 scene of the disaster, in immediate an- who did and remembtred how he act- Cleveland, April 10 -Ten l swer to the frantic calls of "Help! Help!" sent out by the wireless operaCleveland women, led by Lew I ed in thee* last dreadful hours. the point as to who is master of a tor of the Titanic before the great ship went-down. Captain Rostron pi. loted his ship into the dangerous zone in search of the scene of the horri- A second cabin passenger, Who was the "Potato Mayor" ef indliamoHi, ship at sea. Captain Rostron said ble catastrophe and arrived in tim'J to pick up about eight hundrei of the ind officers ot women's otabs, marehpint the captain was In absolute con wreteh'ed survivors who had been floating about among the great floe of the takentothe ChsliM hotel, said that erf on the Central market is a sweet* he saw a man who was pointed out to tool, legally and otherwh,..H* a* ice -thirds f n more this ei|lt1i*flr,ifi tine ,opn li/e_bi)a^o-the-*unlMiu ! hisvas Major Butt, standlnc alongside against the high ewt Of IMhf a l t serted positively that the Titanic was "Queen of the Seas.'' for municipal district, markets. one of the lifeboat*. on the southern rout*, which make*,, "He was in hk shirtsleeves, In Mayor Shank epew twice tie the MIM H t M H H M H < New York, Ajrll 20.-The gubcom- Tide for thwreceptlon of the sur- he added, a great circletoavoid ice at > M I his right hind he held a revolver and women, urging * muoWpal sal* of this season of the year. j itte* of the senate committee on vivors on board" as the erowd aid* toward* th* boat (lib as one stop Cleveland oustt Is eomrawe began the Investigation or- Captain Rostron denied emphatlcal- lie said It was most exceptional to I heard him shout: 'Stsnd back, yon take, Ed. Bleder, author of its aanh>_ met, women and Mldr*n to the Titanic disaster. \Ths Inquiry his part to dlsreard the Inquiry made clnity and the course he would conihoot'tb* first man that trie* to enter his measure. by the president of the United States sider safe at this rime, He said that a boats' This held them back. A* I The full mounted peHee sqw* and *" held at the Waldorf-Astoria, and or that any censorship was exercised he had gone at full speedtoanswer was shoved to one side 1 hoard pist- SO patrolmen wen required! to control among those aakad or ummnned to over wireless messaes by any person the Titanic's signal, and that extra ofol shot, but whether It was from his the basket laden throng. tatty bfore the sub-committee, I other than himself. ficers and etxra watch had been on revolver I do not know. Tb* list I l*M* ha* btfiu the InvestlgaW I He saM,after notifying the White duty and he felt he was yoetlfled tn siw of him was after I wis shoved in- DOG GUARDS DEAD CHILD *" J, Bruce Innay, the presldeM of Star and Ciinard companies that he taking some risks in the chance of to the boat withraywife and my tonr Bnr the International Mercantile ManW * W?the assistance of the savinf ntawwraa i n t r ' months-old baby in my arms, I saw .Stroudsburg, Pa., April M.HeUn, fompany and managing director of survlvorw, be had sent a short news 'He had heard of no special sufferMajor Butt ind Colonel Alter stand- ikt 5-year-old dmahter of Cllvln the Whit* Star llu; Captain Rostron, dispatch ashore, giving the brief fact ing on board of the boats, Pressed In? together as our boat was lowered to Busb, w u found dead, lylig huddled May be Held Heavily the water." oommand*rf th* Carpabbta. of the rescue and 'then Instructed the for nn answer to a question about the White Star Line In i little heap, with har pet colli* be*<* roioned th* *wtTrof the 111- Marconlb operatortoBend ashore the number of lifeboats required on a With their minds filled with the tut side" her, keeping lalthful rard over' t*d ship; Outllelmo Marconi, the names of tie survivors, and then fol- modem liner, he said that a shlip nowResponsible For Loss of Life And actions of brave mm such as these, her, on the edge "of i swine, *tor ti the wireless telegraph, the low that with personal messages from aday* was built to be practically nnthere wis one scene, pathetic beyond The ohtld lived it the head of Mirshslnkable and was supposed to be a w ^ w mn amoBf fa survlv- passengers from the Titanic, all others, which seems to have re all's creek In i heavily woods! region, | Property in The Titanic Disaster w lifeboat In Itself. HetoldIn aiswer . and some of the pusengcrs who matned uppermost with not on* but and wandered away from her home on | to a question that; he had seen women New York, April '20Damage auits * ooeownts of the boats that got ' FIRST B O A T l i c K E O UP of tho were and hus already started many survivor*. It was that of tho Wednesday morning. pulling In the boats and In one cer- involving millions of dollars will be to study the various legal aspects of *ay from the luckless Mathan. deaths of Mr, and Mrs. Isldor Straus. filed against the" White Star Line by the disaster. There is precedent in a The sight ot the devoted couple disap- Neighbors starched hoars for th* Jn*t snlMommlttM is composed of Mad OnfftJRi Offwr m l i Seamir) tainly two or three. "The ffrK' knew of Mr, Ismafi those who lost relatives in the titanic Supreme Ceurt decision ^jwritten by pearing beneath the wive* together, little one before coming upon her. ator William AMn Smith of MienStie is believed to haw died from < to Control Her. presence on the Carpathla," he said, disaster. Other damage- suits will be Chief Justice White, spon tho Bur m and Senator Francis W. Nfwlln Captain Rostron told of his race to "wis when the last boat was along- filed to secure compensation for thigbyne suit, ia the following clause: hind to hand, after Mn, Straus had posure, ^HNtVa4t, . refused to yield to the entreaties ot personal losses of those who wen ^ Borninf session was devoted to the rosette and the preparations he side and the passengers were getting 'saved. As a result of the high speed "fcvery steemer now on the occsn her husband to ltav* htm was oae shoaid be provided with such number made to receive the passenger* and oct." t a x*mlnitlon of Mr, lamay and of at which the ship was travelling a shi of lifeboats, raits, life preserver! as thattowcould describetoth* r*pott r *Waln Rostron, the tatter's examl- then told a thrilling story of the res- Captain Rostron denied knowing struck the berg ant the fact that she shaUHbtit wmrs tho.ssfrty of tirtsr en without rial amotion, though they + * cue of the survivors In the boats. He anything about the Carpathian refus- had been warned of the icefieldand board," w o n beins advanced In order to get on r had carried It vividly away with them. TITANIC'S SIM *ay with hli Tas*l at 4 o'olock In Mid: ingtoanswer a message sent by the that J, BMIO lsmv. mstaging director As there is visible lack of lifeboats The Strauses bad mingled with those DEOHNEBATB IN *'a m i '" afternooi. Mr. Ismay wu visibly "We made the Kg miles In three and president of the United States. "My of the International Merchant Marine, on the Titanic, Mr Ivson believes that on board the ship very much and their + ENOINBBE'S H f f ^ rvous, but his eompMure under the a half hours after we received the call purser told m," he said, "that the was on board, the opinion is held by there is suicient grounds for a suit fellow passengers bad. had many oplawyers that the Harper law, ^imstancH was nom til* less won- for help, I stepped the englnii at 4, Olympic had sent a message asking limitsrecoverabledamage to thewhich The. total morMtar? loss of the disas- pnrtunfUeW on th* day that preceded WunVbu*, O., Asril 20-8*tt- value when we were <Mose to the first boat. If Major Butt was on board, but that of the ship, and the passenger and ter has been estimate as high ns IS*,. ey Bowdle, marina engineer aad ' "rtul. 000,003. the tragedy, to wltoess thlr dsvotlotfj member of the.Constitutiohsl Cn. *\ wut^rfrWlS l i T t T r t B t t we manf out Is the onTf meisif of th* kind I He answer**! all questions with ap- a flare about half a point on the port know of, Wo had a message from the freight receipts for the partieniar voy- Among the effects of the rich first- Apparently In that iwful teen*, which vention, characterises the lets of [ age on which &e damage occurred, '"^t frankness, at least such as he how, which we took to be the Titanic Chester, saying that the president would pot apply in IhUeeie." class piengers, wen jewels said to those looking back from their boats, I/W0 lives on the stea*hto TI- ) be valued above $.1,(100,008, Because had indelibly Impressed upon their 4 tanic as a sacrifice to degmtnt* #j Wweed himself to hi familiar with, itself. The light seemed so hlirh I wis anxious about the passengers of MaurieeJ^on, the WilLrtrcet lawyer, "nfl announced at th* outlet that tha was almost sure the Titanic must st!fi the Titanic and then the captain of whose cases have been largely of in- of the wealth ind earning opacity of minds, this couple stood out most luxury." Bowdle advoeiti* Inlet-' ""(te star line courted the fullest In- be afloat, it was a little after that the Chester told me he was coming ternational character, hen been re- such m< Col. Astor, C, M, llayes, conspicuously, While the stories re- national legislation to eomjwl all * i laldor gtrans, Benijsmin (iuggciAeiui 4 ocean ships to slow down to leaf <'' r "Ration, that it had nothingtoc . that w* made out o iceberg on our to tike the name* of the passengers! tained in behalf of the heirs of tome Wd others who perished in the disas- garding the others who dtod then dif- speed when in the ice belt,totog, j MA ,, wai anxious te assist the sfn- port bow. Between 1 K and i m I told him the name* of the first and fer somewhat, those relatingtothe ter, the amount demanded frr the dam or on dark nights, J* i i r n t n t of It* were passing Iceberg nn either ijdc serond cabin pantngers and then he *g suit* wrmfd he hiprh, slthongh Mr. Strauies all itemedtoigr**, showing "Th- .peed of this vessel on MM "*. *n to lending td Beirut for of W, At 4;lftthe first boat waiaTong- agreed to take U names of the* I*OB doee not think that more than th* accuracy with which tb* impres first trip, with hut partially tried""si to testify iboiild their ftrts- aide, But Just before getting to Jteerage." *2$0,000 condd *ie asked for sny estc sion had been made 4 oet machinery, WM ertaiul," he *| IHH VTIATHBE, Attorwys for tho White Star and"*the * e desired. He had no plana 't t saw an Iceberg ahead and bad to said. "Itserlminsiity tortUertd*'" Washington, April 20 Colonel Carries Nebrsiki and Oregon. i, . ? ,1, / . M International Merchant Marine, are """i-Mitfiim ,nrr; IIIII .niinoe, are ont going backtoEurope, he said, starboard my helm. Forecast for Western New , , lfeft ^ ; fm , h( ^ ^ STOCK TO HER HUSBAND 4 only by the fact that the passes- picked np gm-s using such degentrato vessels "The first boat which I plotted np 0ffl 1,a ! J* 80 - j*"? 1 W^heodore nrst Zt I J V Wblc,, ^ . ^ a p o n h o w York-ftir and sonnrhst J ( ( l u w %^ wU1 u ^ ^ ^^^ demand and enjoy neb itWs, W ! " TH IB ei\aW of an oflW T T a V l r r p ^ t ' farried Nebraska by 10 warmer ton.glt. Tomor- M lhe ,;,, ^ {y {m> ^ Mrs. t t r i u i RifUMd to l*iv* Him r M*ln Roatron told a staple, ar^ was not Ih control of her. He sing i l Ta,t *,M be ,**m,d M d La'"1 "It Is amerted toli sniileirt ' row increasing donibness, *.Uu ^ ^ ## ^ ( Evan Wh*n Fore* W u U**d. ,tr l|,lMwnrt litte third. Champ Clirk will, tn gll number of Hfshwto to aRf a <M tolow..l^n^,-^^ymm,m r-:itm m %fSL ir!!l!i " ttery-thrili. out thai he had onlv O I ^ 4*^ftBie^Di "Ba^ Maav of those who toM this story sj average puunger net 1* net W lirobnbillti receive the Democratic r ittmwi or evening. p n i i l t k t M e 8n(, thftt j K^iiim fw Its very simplicity, and the 1 had to maneuver a little to get him presldeni'al vcte, Harmon Is a clos* M had been close to the Stnoies While necessary and could net ha sir- PJenni. aoalit* of, the narrative. alongside. By the time" we got the second and Wilson firtothe rear, hew complied with. the work of Isunchlng the boats was ried. Tba'aabssrJ,si*IJr(i* Local. Conditions * first lot on board, it was miking day, s> la progress Everyone of (hem tho ftet that *U ffnet lugftWi A hesntifnl A*f was th* fortuw ) . , r . , A w,d . . . . . J theflmsmthorlUMwe tsle of the and then I saw about me, the rest Portland, April 29. ~ bwomplet* r* Glrl , ifrees that during th* m n Mr. allow, tenia- *te u4 aaV * turttl (flow that Roosevelt has car- visited uponfien'evatodar, start- . l l*"'' p | A " * wing of th appeal for help, tha of the boat*, n 0roTe ' - - ',rl! M-iMaml* ! Stram wu straruwly calm ind re- links. ried Oregon. Taft looks like second iBf with an invigorating mornini 4 8ld of I M J ? *,' * lB">S ihw. "In the nelThborbood also were rholre, with UFollette now runnluj aid progressing without a single ! '* Wo". * aeaool teicher ind mem- j mained io until the esd. *i *sly w* "ftwh steantn an <ssjigsji f m J?Jmt< I *' boats, shout !D Icebenrs, ranging from ISO third. mar throughont the day. The fore- : wr of a prominent family, was iward-'small respect do thee* ttoriw differ in sift, fcekh* is eetawai * stWiti.- in dtgwaaf* kswy. east seems 1o gusrastee another +1 *d 13,000 damages here In her lult! u to whit recurred. ^T*~"r*ifiijiiiiima to 200 feet high, with numerous mills? #*, of the fch* Weth"|rowt> j for breach of promise tgarast Comm- j According | Mn. I Murray I r s m end enm\u\ Is twel. T tees Jde whll. U . Carnthta w i l M a , rs" running up to 10 or 12 f**t In In every parting there Is so Image ntsy 8u*tty toTtlofrtf, 4 this is Is* hat of sew .fnWSef*' djtf b^Mcn*vlti,ashoel teacher efOoal wh* had hew piaytni brtejs W t Mr. j !aaaaae J 2 J along niRter avsry ounce of kstjmt Wi had all th* BMDI* im th* ofo*tth^G>rfllot c f I tewagito, r MdhiwtyseAe^ftsMigtVsJae hollars *OQM make,topro-

Also Alleged That Attempt Was Updetoleep very close to; where the Titanic Jd gone down, whir* a ^ of wrecklarge, wisfloatingabout. At 8 o'clock Titanic's Crew From Taking Part M.Uylttd liner Callfornlaa Had B b up and asked If, * should " h I k Investigation. ~ w * around, r asked her please to

Joatson board by S:S0. We* we*

Iron Nerve Displayed by Many H^tatte Face of DeathPathetic Endot Mr* and Mrs, Straus.


i _

i _ i

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Thrilling Tales Told to Committee P r o b i r > " t S Z S i i. Titanic Disaster-Women Worked at the Oars.





Untitled Document

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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