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M A Y 28, 1912.;

. '


*s Latest News


Striking Points in Report to the Senate on the Titanic Disaster
JAr supposedly watertight compartment* of the Titanic were s o t csrernVJkf, Jcccwsr o/ lAe non~icaterti<jmt condition of the deck* where the tran*terse bulkheads ended. The steamship California** controlled by the tame concern a$ the Titanic* teat nearer the sinking vessel than the nineteen miles reported by her captain, and her officers and crew "saw the distress signals of the Titanic ant failti to respond to them in accordance with the dictate* of humanity, international usage and the requirements of law." Tke committee concludes that the Califonicn might have save** all the lost passengers and creio of the Titanic* Eight vessels, all equipped with wireless,were in the vicinity of the J"*tame. The full capacity of the Titanic'* lifeboat! trot not utilised. Xo general alarm teas sounded* no whistle blown and no sytfesiett ing was given to the endangered passengers* and it was fifteen or twenty utes after the collision before Captain Smith ordered the Titanic'* wirdes* operator to tend out a distress message. The Titanic** crew teas only meagrely acquainted with its positions and duties in an accident. Three distinct warning* of ice were sent to Captain Smith before the, disaster. , v J. Bruce /may i barely mentioned. The committee doe* not believe that the wireless oprator on t i e Cmrmathia wo* duly vigilant in handling hi* message* after the accident* and declared the practice of allowing wireless operator* to sell their stories, should ha topped. It is recommended that all ships carrying more than 100 passenger* have twe searchlight*. 't Detailed recommendations are mode a* to watertight bulkhead construction en ocean going ships. .Bulkhead* should be so spaced that any two adjacent compartments of a *hip might be flooded without sinking. .


Widow of Rough Rider Officer Is Married To-Day in a London ChapeL




Taft and Roosevelt Ghairmen Confident



Bridgegroom Is Commander of - 83d Battery of the Royal Field Artillery.

LoxDox, Tuesday .Mrs. Woodbury Kane, widow of Captain Woodbury Kane {of the Rougb Riders, waa married to-day at the Chapel Royal, Savoy, to Captain Douglas Howard Gill, of the Eighty-third Battery of the Royal Field Artillery. The wedding, for which a special license had been granted, was of the most simple character. The ceremony waa attended by fewer than twenty of the immediate friends of the couple. There were no bridesmaids. Mrs. Gill's maiden name was Miss Sally Hargous, of New York.

T h e r e is n o doubt in my mind but that President Teft will win ' majority of the delegates from New Jersey to the Republican National1 .Convention. New Jersey ia a manufacturing State and thousands of its worldngmen' are^ dependent upon a protective tariff. The firm stand taken by the President* contrasted with the uncertain attitude of Colonel, Roosevelt o n this question, will, 1 believe, insure President Taft the hear- ( ty support of the worldngmen at the primaries. "President Tafta reception in New Jersey was even, better than 1 tied. Hi* meetings have been large and enthusiast!*. They have well attended by interested listeners, anxious to hear the issues of 1 the campaign.discussed in a calm and conscientious manner. I shall be" 1 surprised, if Roosevelt wins half a dozen delegates."-ARTHUR ft.-J LEACH, chairman of the Taft Executive Committee. -'-

"Colonel Roosevelt's tour has taken h i m through t h e counties said t o b e for Taft. N o honest man of judgment w h o has seen t h e demonstration* of affectionate enthusiasm, which t h e Colonel's appearance has' called forth could predict a Taft victory. 1 cannot conscientiously r e - . vise m y former judgment, and 1 firmly expect a N e w Jersey landslide for" Roosevelt,**BORDEN D . WHITING, chairman of t h e Roosevelt Execu-"' ;*v tive Committee.' $





only three of them had lamps J They. manned so badly that, in the absence of tlon from their Montreal office Monday prompt relief, they would have fallen easy morning* following the accident. victims t o the advancing ice floe, nearly thirty miles in width e n d rising sixteen condemn* Shtpplsa L feet above the surface of the water. Their Senator Smith condemned "antiquated danger would have been a s great a s if shipping laws and overripe administrative they had remained on the deck of the hull, and if -ee-eeboards'* and asked that all nations act brokeno y targets with the sea, had risen -eethese t over seven hundred together' in shipping reforms. "New exhausted people would have been help- As U. S. Marines Reach Caima- [Big Meat Supply Firms SuccessReport Emissary of Majority /. laws." he said. "wUi best testify our affec- lessly tossed about upon the waves without food or water. nera, Cuban Insurgents Destroy fully Run Blockade of the tion for the dead." Offers to Remove Madero. if Captain Rostron. of the rescue ship Gar* Plantation of Marcos Sanchez. Strike Pickets. Orozco Recognizes Congress. patbla. was praised by Senator Smith- and '-- -.... "Among the passengers were many --eehe urged that Congress recognise hts -strong men who had been accustomed to 1 valor. I command, whose lives had marked every BELONGS TO AMERICAN REBELS IN POSITION TO GOVERNMENT TO GIVE Senator Smtth defended t h e course of avenue of endeavor and whose business "*N FIDELITY COMPANY ALL PROTECTION NECESSARY lis committee i n holding British subjects experience and military training especially CUT OFF GENERAL HUERTA to get their testimony without delay, and fitted them for such a n emergency. These Mrs. Herbert Wadsworth, of Washington, Who Once Lovyepd --eebriefly answered criticism o f h i s tack were rudely silenced and forbidden to Next Battle May Be Fought at nautical knowledge. speak, a s waa the president of this ccm- Washington Government Said To Dock Workers Threaten to Call Theodore Roosevelt's Record for One Day Wins New \ "In the construction 'of the Tttanic,** pany. by Junior-officers, a few of whom. Be Prepared to Send Troops to National StrikeAre Awaiting ] Bachimba, Thirty-nine Miles Laurels in Thirty-Day Horseback Journey. contlnued the Senator, **no limit of cost' I regret to say, availed themselves of the from Chihuahua. Interior of Island. first opportunity to leave the ship. Some Result of Conference. circumscribed their endeavor, and when of the men. to whom had been Intrusted -ee; P. -this vessel took Its place a t the head of the care of passengers, never reported ee-eeCHIHUAHUA, Tuesday.Unofficial adROCHESTER, N . Y.. Tuesday.Mrs. Her-} greet her. Mrs. Wadsworth, bronzed ai the line every modern Improvement- in to then- official stations and quickly de- CAIMASERA, Cuba, Tnesday.The Unit- IIOXDON-. Tuesday.The force of 2,000 po-. bert Wadsworth, holder of the world's smiling, slipped from her horse nimb shipbuilding was supposed to..have been serted the ahtp. with a recklessness and .ed States naval transport Prairie arrived! red no 11 , jllcemen mobilised In the vicinity of the yl(xs have been received at General Orox- long distance horseback riding record, and Indifference t o the responsibilities of their She was- apparently not' fatigued. realised; so confident were they that both positions a s culpable and imaging a s It Is here at half-past five o'clock to-day, | "London docks has. thus far been able co*3 headquarters that an emissary repowner and builder were eager to.go upon Impossible to believe.' And some of these bringing 775 men of the United States successfully to circumvent the designs of resenting the controlling block of the who once knocked the one day riding rec- Thirty days ago Mrs. Wadsworth,', a ord of Theodore Roosevelt to smithereens, companled by Miss Helen Taft, daught the trial trip. , . . men said they 'laid by* in their partlaUy Marine Corps. the striking -transport workers to Inflict a Mexican Congress Is on his way here to has completed her ride of 900 miles alone, of the President; .Miss Janet,Allen,, "When the crisis came s state of abso- fllled lifeboats and listened to the cries of noted horsewoman, and Lieutenants Loi ^ lute1 unpreparedness stupefied both pas- distress 'until the noise quieted down* and SASTIAOO. Cuba7^uesday.-A body of famine .on the people of London a . the ^ ^ 1 J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f * ^ ^ ^ although a party of five, including two and Rowcliffe, left Washington and we surveyed from a safe distance the un-insurgents to^ay burned 8,o8o tons of Quickest means of securing the ^ ? C t ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ : ^ c ^ ^ ^ ^ army officers, started out with her. Sheto Hot Springs. V s . Miss Taft droppl sengers and crew and. In their despair, the ^^ j ... _ . . or n e demands ' . "turn will remove President Madero from ship went down, carrying a s needless a selfish men and women and faithful fellow I cane, manv cars and other property - O I Itheir aemanas. outrode and outdistanced them. On theout after the tenth day, the others a d r j officers and seamen whose heroism lightens sugar sacrifice of noble women and brave men or two later. During the Journey- tb ! The m e express de-Power, as ever clustered about the Judgment up this tragedy and recalls the" noblest Jon the plantation of Marcos Sanchez i nUermined insist on thethemselves a s the^ Mexican R e b e l s A r e Eneouraaced hr occasions when they were on the point of slept in tents when'In the woods .and', to recognition of traditions of the sea." collapse from fatigue she was fairly hotels in the towns. Seat in any single moment of passing the vicinity of Gusntanamo, belonging to \ Tributes t o the valor of Phillips and trade unions and demand a minlmdm of Capture o f T o r r e o n . strong and able to ride longer. time. / Mrs. Wadsworth In 1S09 rode 150 miles Bride, the wireless operators on the Ti-the American Fidelity Company. seven shillings and sixpence (|L80) dally, j E L PASO, Tex., Tuesday.Reports from Mrs. Wadsworth drew up at her sum one day to better the :':at of Preside "Captain Smith knew t h e ten* and his Smith. clear eye and steady hand had often tanic, were paid by Senator together over Treepe a w a l t t a g Reinforce! eata Before | ajja they have posted pickets everywherej the rebel headquarters'at Chihuahua de- mer home. Ashantee, near Avon, where Roosevelt in riding 120. The follow! guided his ship through dangerous paths a "When the world weeps Attack!** iBwarareate. around the dock entrances. I clared to-day that Generals Camps and several of her friends, having received year she rode 211 miles In twenty hbui common loss," said Senator Smith, "all His Indifference to danger was one of the nations should take steps wisely t o reguword that she was coming, gathered to using twenty horses In relays. -3,3 direct and contributing causes of this un- late wireless telegraphy and see that op- H A V A N A , Tuesday.The Cuban* govern- The big meat supply firms of the me- Argumedo, wtio have been operating south necessary tragedy, while his own willing- erators are fairly paid." He condemned ment is still without advices a s to any tropolis,.which are mostly American pack-;of the main federal forces, have capture! ness to die was the expiating evidence of the "reign of silence" concerning the de-collision between the troops and the negro! HORROR O F PICTURE jers, have been successfully running the the city *ot Torreon. Other reports are of his fitness to live; those of u s who knew tails of the disaster. insurgents in the Province of Oriente. i tt!j, b l o c k a d e CR the pickets to-day with long : small rebel victories near Torreon. The I Mm wellnot in anger, but In sorrow- file S H O W FIRE GROVi one specific charge against him, overeon- Senator Smith reviewed the testimony is thought here that it fa probable the U ^ i n , o f m o t o r lorries laden with hundreds report has greatly heartened the rebel -eeI-" cdence and neglect to heed the oft re- of Captain Lord, showing that t h e Cal- troops are confining themselves for the jot tons of chilled and frozen beef, a n d : a n n y a i t e r their recent severe reverses. If Every Petson Audience Injaredm peated warnings of his friends; but, in his ifornian came within four miles of the H i t m a n i-ame wiioin luur mnes 01 iae> j - ,._ ._.:__..,. n l . n the Smithfield meat market to-day is bet-; t h e report is true Orozco Is now In a posiF i l a r * or Craahlag a s Eighty A horrible' dismay, when his brain was afire room to lie down that, signal to his tations to affording the.main to the planwith honest retribution, we can still see. doomed vessel and while he went rockets present and holding protection body of in- terh stocked nthan usual. KlVe a s u r a n c e a Uon t o re^ve h ! s f a u c n fortunes, for the 'Were Killed. K m n h '? f ' c a p t u r e of Torreon means that the rebels surgents in check. They intend to await . J ? . ^ w ? , ! /VL In his manly bearing and his tender solid were being fired. ';tf tuae fur the safety of women and little "Failure of Captain Lord to arouse the . - . -.i,. . , , that It will furnish all the protection neces-1 can cut General Huerta's line of commuCASTCIXOK DB L A PLANA, Spain. T o children, some traces of his lofty spirit. wireless operator on his ship, who easily the arrival of the strong reinforcements, j sary for the deUyery of food supplies, and n l o a t i o n . J l m e n e i ^ heen evacuated by day.The effects of the cinematograph could have ascertained the name of the consisting of over two thousand men, who: the evidence-that the auiuoriues taUndtol t h e ^^1*. their advance guard now restvessel in distress and reached her in time . . . . ,_. . . . .. j . , ;make good these promises has greatly irri--.inn ^ - , - , . , , i , _ explosion which caused the death of eigl Vysfery of Indifference. S j ^ * * . ^ l ^ h M r f ,, ^ to avert loss of life," said Senator Smith, were despatched from this city yesterday a t e **ne 8 t r , k e hemSelves l n j persons In a moving picture theatre In 1 -T h e mystery of h i s Indifference to' "places a tremendous responsibility on by sea and land. These will be under the j tthisd way face* r w h o find tcertain failure ! n l e d t ^ d e c l a r e d ^ tthe Mexican A with almost eZt of so* danger, when other and less** pretentious this officer from which It win be difficultIchief command of General Jose J. Mon- if the strike should be localized In London. e r n m e m that Torreon is oulet and that Edwin P. Gleason and little city In Villareal. several miles n ' i vessels doubled their lookout o r stopped for him to escape." teagndo. On their arrival a decisive for-1 The danger therefore of the a w f a T a - l ^ g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y j " * i b o n t t S Mrs. of here. the same province, o their engines, finds no reasonable hy- "The lessons of this hour," said Senator ward movement will be undertaken. tion of a national strike has become much n ^ e i from the dtv^ ' Charles K. Gleason Marry on Mediterranean coast, were even more t pothesis in conjecture or speculation; Smith tn conclusion, "are, indeed, fruit- According to official reports, absolute'more acute and it seems probable that if I n d e r a l Oroaco decided deflnltelv to-dav , rible than a t first reported. \? overconfldence seems t o have dulled less and its precepts Ill-conceived If rules tranquility reigns in all parts of the island Ben Tlllett and Henry Gosling, the m e n ' ^ ^ B a c h S b s T t ^ ^ Return from Europe. The theatre was completely burned i the faculties usually s o alert. Nature of action do not follow hard upon the day ATVdemonstraon of force, with the'will be made to callout all the transport ^ " " a " ' " ^ has ordeTeda^argVforce'to very few of the audience escaped wrtJ* -eegave a warning of approaching peril s o of reckoning. Obsolete and antiquated idea^of^showing the people the ability!worker of the United Kingdom. P O - ^ g J J * ? h J e " * n 1 e r * ^ ^ ^ ^ a? T ..1.MS ^IYtl 1 ' _ . _ _ _ _ . significant that passengers tn stateroom shipping laws should no longer encumber of * . ! Culran > * * - * . * > r i T * * * k * * t # / * *4rf\f>A twith frf\TTrtT*Tiri***l*' injury from fire or being crushed In 1 [SPECIAL TO THE EVKNIXO TELEGRAM.] the government to cope to-morrow. and steerage shut o u t the chill and the parliamentary records of any govern' any uprising in the capital or its vi-, The effect of the London strike on ure<Bachlmba a narrow pass and excellently i u m c v i u. . AJVUUUU M I W V the_ j _ _P. _ . , , is J _ # ., , ., . Pnii.APEL.rHtA. P a , Tuesday.Love that panic. Many of the injured are dyl spoke-to one another of the sudden ment, and overripe administrative boards cinity, a column of troops, totalling G O provincial ports is already considerable. = * - i n L I Tf* .J^ZV? O ^T should be pruned of oead branches and men, composed of infantry, mountain The shipping companies of Glasgow, Hull ~ r > w ' " D * "elpicss in the hills. A s began when she became the bride of hli'VlrtarOIy every family In the vicinity tow.:father twenty-two years ago, when s h e , a t T c ? t e d b J " t h e *hty deaths. -v precepts taught and applied. Senator Smith declared that the com less sterile per cent 6! the men before the and field artillery and rural cavalry and other cen:res trading, with London',Oroxcc Has destroyed the bridges to the "But ten from Columbia Camp, paraded through have been compelled to suspend, thus COTne the federal army Is not expected to was a charming young woman of, twentysouth 1 mand of the officer of the watch t o avert mast In our merchant marine are natives J* PROPRIETARY. the disaster actually exposed the most or naturalized Americans." he said. "Even the principal streets of Havana to-day. throwing out of work large numbers of a week. contact with the rebels for about four, and he a boy of fourteen, resulted "**~* vulnerable part of the Titanic to tht England, that twenty years ago had bare- President Gomex reviewed the troops, men. a In the marriage of Charles K. Gleason, who were wel mounted and armed and; With* the exception of the supplies of Ice when the shock came. * president of thc Edwin P. Gleason & Son. Senator Smith said that the awful ly 7,000 Orientals on her merchant ships, equipped with accoutrements of Amer-food the whole trade of the port of Lonnow carries over WfcO of that alien race. ican fashion. 'don is now paralysed, end not a truckdealers In cotton goods, with office In this force of the Impact must have Indicated to master and builder that the Americans must re-enlist in this service, The passage of the column through wheel Is moving in the streets. city and a branch office In New York. ship was doomed. H e commented caus- they must become the soldiers of the sea. the streets w a s not attended by any pop-j Beyond verbal demonstrations the strikFor two decades Mrs. Tamar Beatrice lers, overawed by the big* force of police, tically upon the failure of the ship's and whether In the lookout, on the deck or ular demonstration. at the wheel, whether able or common Percy Gleason guided thc life of the man have not attempted any disorder. It is officers Immediately to give general B alarm or t o establish some orderly seamen, they should be better paid for}United S t a t e s M a r l a e s t s t o *"" i e s t i m atcd that they now number HO.O00 whom she wedded In New York city last their labor and more highly honored ini Interior. _lmen. routine. Concerning the conduct of the Saturday, tb announcement of which has their calling; their rights must be re- WABHIXCTOX, Tuesday. The United j Ben Tlllett, secretary of the Dock. *Mp*s officers h e said: lust been made. Through boyhood, past "Haphazard, they rushed by one an-spected and their work carefully per- <?!f, U nrenared to send marines and WJiaxf, Riverside and General Workers' P P the troubles and despairs of school days, other on staircase and In hallway, while formed; harsh and severe restraining MueJackets 7o the interior of Cuba for Union of Great Britain and Ireland. H men of self control gathered here and statutes must be repealed and a new K e projection of Americans and foreign this afternoon that ^ n a t W i r e r y f o r i a | the brido of a few days lovingly led the! there about the decks, helplessly staring dignity given this Important field of S i i S i t K i m no Cuban forces are national strike had been organized, b u t , man who to-day Is her husband. sTutabfi f O T t h s l ^ W e v e T t t o n g h . w s s being held In abeyance pending.the. at one another or giving encouragement labor." -eeto those less courageous than themselves, Charles K. Gleason is the son of EdlArvsiuc". " " " .--J - L lifebelts were finally adjusted to all and Rayaer Deaouacee Admiralty. P. Gleason, founder of tho a course. i?^WSi^^ Seaaer, New York Lawyer, win died three years ago aftercotton firm. the lifeboats were cleared away, and Al- Senator Rayncr. of Maryland, also disH a long 411-" though strangely insufficient In number cussed the disaster and denounced the It Is emphatically held at the 8tate De- tive Conrmlttee. .. _ ... Btrongl _ -were only partially loaded and m all In- United Slates admiralty and navigation partment that American marine andmeas- test strongly to the governnient in5t| COUFlSel TOI* LaCkaWaFlFia. T e S - ness. One son, Percy, named after his # stances unprovided with compasses and laws a s "an Incongruous collection of an- officers are expected to take such navy high mother, was born of the marriage. Ho Is titles at tv*_.,_."" Hearing. r fR.r r ttnocted to takeXsuch meas-high army officials, th Board of Trade| ***** tiquated statutes which should be e - , ^ . o w now with his mlther and his former step-' I t is estimated that fully sixty per < *ex _ MISCCM.ASKOl'S. pealed and re-enacted so a s to meet thei h T"\ m "J T i can j l . ' j * 0 foreign government- ^_i-.iZL Af ,%, m u M action brother, but now stepfather, in New ef,,sll operations for appendicitis ' < ncc^sltles of ocean Intercourse of the;K ' ^ c c o m m u n i c a l e d with the Lulled "etts characterization^of thepoUce action. WASHISOTON. Tuesday.John L. Seager, Y )c fr*1" ffones could be avoided. ' or epresent day." Senator Rayner dwell at S l a t w *on fo robject.of protecting its In-i ^_.. o ^,1 - New Yor"k lawyer, before the House Th three had spent several months' * J S l g f . ? J i ! ! r I a t l v c - W 2 * ? , * length on the "lesson of religions faith" teresU, and it is understood this gorcrn-iten OOO P A I N T I N H S T A K E N o u u u u Judiciary Committee Investigating charges abroad and friends here to whom the mar. * S f f i O T . * , 0 n r \ t * I * ^ 5 a - R that the country needs "severe lessons ment aims to make such action unneccs . * V U n i a m s 3 IAAVCN W f r n n i l r t l l P A r A Ui**iT*a"t?!against Judge Robert W. Archbald of the rlage came as a surprise say that It was S g T S S U ^ f t * ,T . I, Ul ,t l l e that Mill strengthen the pillars and altar* sary. l j while on the Continent That Mr. Gleason tJnt^n^t&S^^t* fv v of Its faith." He s a i d : Now that President Taft has replied to FROM CHICAUU HUMlv r o m m c r c e Courl> tcMlcd to . day thal tnc won his stepmother's love and her con- j ^ 1 l?i " J ? *L o m , , c h / 1 I Pn*i * n ,10^ "We are to a large extent to-day defy- the messare of protest sent by President ^hSunn^Jl^J ^ jl^ickawanna Railroad regarded a suit sent to marry him. None In this city sus- g f | B $ * ing the ordinances of God, and the sooner Ctomez, this government is confident that, l we awaken to * realizing sense of our re- with a clearer understanding of the pur- Ings of a total value dofy 150.000 haveP been'jm^u Christopher uG. yPoland, ofP. Roland Pected that the maternal lov and affec- R ' l ^ ^ . ^ 0 r S ^ ^ ' S S I J K * P P* l CniCAOO. HI.. T u e s a . - n v e oil * ' n t - , b r o g n t a ? r f t , n , t William Scranton, b ilon Mrs. Gleason had lavished upon her S . I T K V J ,}l . U ,Sr? if ,iyl f i S l (tlon j f * " t SE sponsibility the better it trill bo for the pose of American military forces in Cuban stolen from the Prairie avenue horn o f | Seager was attorney for stepson had budded Into romance. as M^mal!. j " " * b y , " i n * * spiritual elevation of the country. We waters, there will be no further objection Mr. Charles P. Ke:: eg. | l n e ^ i r o a d . William P. Boland was the Friends say that thc two had been ccn-j are running mad with the lust of wealth, ships and The ^ ,^I?; author and of power, and of ambition. We ar to the disposition of warinterests. men Kelloggs M * * 2L""fljf The theft "'""^ of the charges of - Improper con- stant companions since the elder G'eajron's; absence In Florida. ";, ,aA-m \ r r W , M death. The couple arrived from Europe separating society Into castes, tvith fabu- for the protection of all lous fortunes upon the one side and des- Cnln was officially notified a s early as did not become generally known until t o M ^ J ^ f f S t - l g n T o f g H n t o t , a law- on board thc I.usitania l.tst Friday and, i titution and poverty on the other. It takes Ust Friday th.nOt was the purpose oflday. Descrlpt'.ons of the paintings * ^ L ^ n o S l e d fo?tlie I f c & d a In I n ef- the wedding occurred on Saturday. aa a terrible warning to bring u s back t o our the United States to concentrate a naval mailed to every art centr in th world f ort t o 9t\\ t n c Marion Coal Company to The Doctor jby adetcctlv agency. th Kachswanna for llfil.OW, to-day tcstl moorings and our senses. We are aban- force in Cuban waters. In C a n d y F o r r Hed tnat he believed Judge Archbald had doning the devout and simple lives of our It is now known that the demonstration j -**?** Investigate my method of makbeen Instrumental In bringing about a POLICE AT DOOR,f KILLS_ it an improvel preventive of all tron MIMK.M.AXEOl^. _ __, ancestors and th fabric of our firesides was not an, Impulsive .movement, ebut part - _ . carefnllyprep. r i l aorti -_ -irepa ing money. I will tell you how conference with President Trucsdale, of [ Is weakening at th foundation, " i T S S I o f - gene7arand W O M A N A N D b L L r csosed by a disordered stomach and the Lackawanna. to hve congenial w^rkshotter Stales to redisaster teaches no le?son or noiSe no on the part of th UttltCti Sta \ Jpure blood. . ee tiouu and proper payment for K * leal moral then let us pass It by with stoical "ore order in Cuba, first by moral In ' I?*.. . . . . ^ . - I Vartrtla h^s delivenM iliousuhds f morai mm " " * " " " ^ X T ifluence. if possible, and by Interveniion J your work. STRIKEBREAKER SHOOTS indifference until the next disaster comes, j In a political sense ettl* as last r*.rtM " ^ SnilAil M M * only a l-.t resort Erastus Cannon, Pnltman t a r Porter, ,hft T J | ] | f T o f dwpf>rj,*Jon Kick into a and In the meaxdime let the carnival go E*r $1S to $20 or $30 a Week, 'i Cole In Jraloos of licht and joy. If y.xi wijh to pari I have graduates who are earnTWO WHO ATTACK HIM Shootsg eMatlle Ends o w n l.lfe. K n o w n the world over. *n" , ee n a . Then (of the pleasures of life, to have e\ery l P o r e a t e r s In Se**lnn a t Ratavta. -ing tliis amount and 1 can prove it. BATAVH, N. Y., Tuesday.Mor than;of yonr system in perfect lmrmony, thl NASitvju.r, Tenn. Tuesday.Hirshell Come in and let me explain my 34,869 MORE DEATHS three hundred delegates and others were' _ _, " _ . . door to ,K/.'I1<>?'> Babb and Arthur Lockhart were shot and polic were bttering Tatr sthe.>. wKit-. pre fior- >1'I*' through tho use of thi wondc *rid course in Beauty Culture, or In attendance when to-days session of At all eor*l rlrK topes. 2.V., uOc. PnitAWLPHU, Pa.. " l A ; 7 V h V *ri;e for catalogue. 'dangerously wounded to-day by J. W. vent the tragedy, Krastus; Cannon,; 'forty KPl^rniinl candy laxative and blood p THAN BIRTHS IN FRANCE th grand encampment, I, O. O. F, w A* ret'AttPl.Mi SCHOOL 'Uennett, s thc result of labor difficulties years old, shot and killed Maltie Cole, ' S I . or PsTToia t V . 1*10 *.M Av. . sumed. An address of welcome was dcliv-: ; .if:-.:.; out of A strike among iron work- thlrty-nlno years old. at her home. In PARIS, Tuesday.The French Minister of c r c j by Acting Mayor C. W, ITartlye and A 100-pnee b*.*, beaatlfouy III THC oftietrist wonctiTtMMin ers at the Phillips & Buttorff foundry. this city to-day, and then killed him- FREE iMJr.j. t t i t r r t a i n l n x .<1 lnin^:tl t>'r>. i . i in w . *utth M N. Y. lAbor, Mr. Ieon llourgeols. in the report response was made by Franklin P, TroutA snr<rierflavorirutfor Fl**. Bt *nd Bennett Is a strikebreaker. If Kt-.t Tn\\\ tTil* eo-ii>o > IMttoM Co.. 1 A business session folof the' vital statistics of Franco for 1111, man, of Brooklyn self. CoM Mutt, Sonps. Slews snd Ustmtu I The injured men are .-a!d to have at- Jealousy, the polic say, was t!ie mo- ?! nf.. N>w Y<T1. uril !<!< ficPtiHTn'*t of 1 says the number of deaths was 34.W3 more lowed \ parade this afternoon was par<1r;ig Mor* St walcfe yon boOfTlt s t t e l . C.UIPUT ? I / : \ M . M ; . ticipated in by various cantons nf the unitacked Bennett, who fired on them. Babb tive. Cannon was a Cullman ar porter, An Appetizer * the total C A R P E T J. & IW, WILLIAMS than continued of births, thus Indicating formed rank, patriarchs militant, and the was shot in the leg and l/ockhart was and the woman was n dressmaker. The Your N>in?. unfavorable situation of t!>e Joint Brjrcs> Soxs Apr.K N.Y. shot in the head and arms and a bullet police were attracted to thc house by the T. Ms* ; . France as compared with that of growing encampments and subordinate lodges of A*-5r^is... QinMe* county. 'entered his back and penetrated a lung. shouts of the woman. CUEAN"iNG r 353West54thSt. nations.

(Continue* f r o m P i n t


state business. We believe in the- con? serration policy and extending the irrigathat a reactionary will be nominated. Any tion work a s rapidly as feasible. .-- ci progressive who casts a vote for. any "We are against any effort, by reciproc; other candidate is merely giving aid and ity or in anv other fashion, to put tn* comfort to the reactionary. Any such vote burden of tariff reduction exclusive^ is equivalent to half a vote for Mr. Taft.|upon the farmer. The farmers and. tm "Every boss in the country is against-.wage workers are the men whoi.-wi us. But the great majority of the rank [especially desire to see benefitted by-tb* and file of the people are with us. for this (protective tariff. It must be a tariff ti is their figbj. \Ve,are fighting for their}protect the little men, not to favor unmnij right to rule themselves. The combination the big men." AaA \ of crooked politics and crooked business Mr. Roosevelt said to-day that he* ba< which we'are fighting is best typified in received a letter from Governor Johnsor* Mr. Lorimer. of California, accepting his request the We believe the government should con- the Governor make one of the. speeches-* a trol in a thorough going fashion, not only the Chicago convention seconding -Mr. the interstate railroads, but all big inter- Hoosevelt's nomination.

-ee(Continued from F i r s t P a c e . )

Woman Rides 900 Miles, Beats Two Army Officer/; 1



Beware of AppendicH and Gall Stones

&IBBSS* &YJ^ ^S^^SS^^SS^

...Ben W.

More money for the wage-earning woman

The World's Greatest Condiment


Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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