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President Taft Gets Titanic Bulletins from Scout Cruiser
pas All Messages from the Chester, Which Was Sent to Meet the Carpathia, Relayed to the White House-Anxirjus for News About Major Butt.

C o n g r e s s a special m e s s a g e r e c o m m e n d i n g t h e speedy e n a c t m e n t of w e l l c o n s i d e r e d s t a t u t e * t>*>t w i l l r e q u i r e eff e c t u a l l y -of *y p s a n g * r v e s s e l l e a v i n g a port i n t h Uwitad S t a t e * t o b o equipped with' such l i f e b o a t s o r r a f t s s U h a l f suffice t o " r e c e i v e a n d floalt e v e r y person o n hoard." Similar messages ware sant t* t h e S e n a t e a n d t h e H o u s e of R e p r e s e n t a S| Trust a n dFrank A Mun tives. T h e signatures were obtained b y W i l l i a m P. Capes, s e c r e t a r y of t h e N e w York S t a t e C o n f e r e n c e of Mayors, o f N o . 106 E a s t T w e n t y - s e c o n d s t r e e t . A l l t h e M e x i c o CTTT, Meklco. v i a dU&vrroi, j ft<scept r e g p o n 8 i b i H U e s o f ^ t h e r character M a y o r s consulted! o n t h e s u b j e c t s i g n e d t h e p e t i t i o n s w i t h t h e e x c e p t i o n o f Mr. Resolutions Call Mr. Taft the Best Texas W e d n e s d a y . - B x t r a editions of a f - f ^ i c h a n y m a y a t t e m p t to impose upon n 1 *Gaynor. I n e x p l a n a t i o n It w a s said a t ! ternoon papers issued carried t h e text "of _ s i d e o f t h e s e principles. would give him n e w s of his military aid. tha City H a l l t h a t Mr. Qaynor w i s h e d t o Executive Country Has Had (Mexico's answer to the American State t It Is to be regretted that some Mexicans h i v e spread unfounded rumor of injury Major Archibald W. B u t t B u t each bulle- consider t h e q u e s t i o n m o r e In d e t a i l b e - , i Department's note and stirred the populace m property and interests of foreigners. fore m a k i n g a s u g g e s t i o n t o C o n g r e s s , tin w a s a repetition of disappointment. Since Abraham Llrpln, of the capital Just a t t h e rush hour after However, with respect t o t h i s , the fault Hopes of good n e w s were practically The Mayors wjbo authorised their sig ^ shattered a s early an one o'clock In the natures aye:,John IT,. Hague, PoughkeepIs not confined to Mexico, b u t is common Disclosure Interests Politicians, Who the^closlngT/ of the stores. afternoon, when a telegram w a s received sle; Daniel Sheehan, Elmlra; J a m e s T. to a l l countries whose press m a k e s it a The government's refusal to accept reRecall Erstwhile President's j from Commander Becker, of the Chester, Lennon, Xonkers; John Irving, BinghamA wireless message picked up ppinf\ t o publish sensational and even via Portland, Me. This message said: * ton; sponsibility for General Oroaoo's acts, a s false h e w s . Lout* T. Flck,. North Tonawanda; ,t twenty-fire minutes of t t o e t Cry of Fraud. "Carpathia states th*t list of first and Lynn B Lewis, Cortland; Otto * Pfaff, referred to In the * American note, w a s "The authorities of t h e Republic h a v e o'riwk this morning by the second class passengers and crew sent to Oneida; E. J . Hanratta, WatervUet; Aldan taken by the public In general a s a dlgni- a l w a y s endeavored within t h e limits of itr shore. Cheater will relay list third class L. Henry, G l o v e r s v l l e ; Robert H. Reed, Brooklyn Xavy I a r d , m by ttl| That Theodore Roosevelt w a s plentifully Republican passengers when convenient to CarpaJthia*.' L a c k a w a n n a ; Timothy Dasey, Little Falls; ;field attitude worthy of. a n independent law to punish those w h o cause the damages scout cruiser Salem t o Siaaoonsupplied with money for his primary fight to which your excellency alludes. A s t h e partial lhit of survivors so f a r Francis>M. Hugo, Watertown; Dr. George 878 President Taft ~fl i-natton. J Brooklyn Xavy Yard, sent by t b * in N e w York county recently., and that C r i t i c i s e s Wotiee t o Oroseo. communicated to t h e shore by t h e Car- R. Lunn, Schenectady; James B. McBwan, \ Public interest wag s h o w n by th eagpr174 Mr. Roosevelt # patbia, but siie won't take a n y pathia did not contain t h e n a m e of Major Albany; Frank J. Baker, Utica; J. J. George W. Perkins, director pf the Har"My government haa taken notice of the nees with which the extras were snatcfted as Benator L.a F o l l e t t e . 4 . Butt and In fact omitted names of many B o tan, Fulton t Frederick A. Elliapn. Cornbusiness from me.'* |up. Bl Dlario Del H o g a r headlines read: communication directed t o the rebel Orozco vester Trust, and a large stockholder la other well Known passengers t h e inevi- i n g ; Roaslyn M. Cox, Mlddletown; Stewart 6 Senator C u m m i n a . . . . . . . . I order of Tour Excellency's government the United States Steel Corporation, w . Ta, Brooklyn opera'tor said k* M I "It Is a dignified and forceful a n s w e r of table conclusion w a s that they are not T d through t h e conduct e f Consul 4 l nclasslfld ... E . Townsend, Rome; J. B. Corwln, N o w also beard t h e S a l e m tell Stets!the American government worthy of t h e etcher in Chihuahua, h o t without la- a h e a v y contributor, w a s shown yesterday aboard the Carpathia and, s o far as burg: F . H. Waldorf, N e w Rochelle; Number of delegates in R e known, are lost. j Chancellery. Mexico h a s shown in the c o n s e t t t h a t he had sent Presienting t h e fact that i t h a s been obliged when the Roosevelt managers filed a statepublican National C o n t e n The Chester's m e s s a g e sent out b y her Abraham Harrison, Johnstown; Reuben : reply t h a t the government rises to a d i m circumstances to follow this course, a s ment of expenses with the Secretary of dent, Taft's message concerning tion '. . 1,073 .powerful wireless set was picked up by H. Qulvin. Geneva; Peter C. Foley, Oiean; Icult situation without sacrificing i t s dig- expressed in the communication, since this Major B n t t to the Carpathia. but S t a t e in Albany. [ n a v y wireless stations all along t h e coast F . D. Blodg. tt, Oneonta; Clarence E. CarN e c e s s a r y to nominate ( m a |nity' or value a s a nation respectable and pjerson i s guilty of flagrant violation of ruth, Catooes; Thomas Penney, Rensselaer; that .-the Wireless operator .on land relayed to t h e N a v y Department. jority) : . . . . . ! . . . . 640 e Jaws of t h e country,' h a v i n g risen in The Roosevelt managers spent $59,126.75, respected." I Thus tire unwelcome m a s s a g e came re- W . H. Nearpass, Port Jarvis; Louis Van board rhe Cunarder would not I El Intransiglent headlines say:"Firm m s a g a i n s t the legitimate government, and the" Republican County Committee, Needed to give Mr. Taft a peated dozens ef times, each time bring- -Hassan* Hudson; Wt IrVing Grifnng. Glens 'answer by Mexjco to note of the United 1 is only responsible before Mexican which w a s accused by Mr. Roosevelt ef majority * ...*...I. 162 give biip a n "O. K." for it. ing home more forcefully t o navy officers F a l l s ; David D- Long , Oswego; Samuel i States. T h e government denies North urts. Needed to give Mr. Roose A.* Carlson*, Jamestown; Charles Zuckthe horror of the disaster and the disj American's right t o m a k e ' s u g g e s t i o n s of "The Mexican government and people stealing the election, spent only f t . m t t . 866 velt a majority... I couraging report that n o additional pas- tnsder, Tonn'*nda: Hiram If. Edgerton, ' a n y kind. Declines to a s s u m e responnnot be responsible, therefore, for the This w a s contributed by the Taft NaRochester; John Reamer, Ithaca; J a m e s 488 Tot to be n a m e d . . . sengers had been saveds i b i l i t i e s not supported/by strict principle acts of this rebel chief, along the lines laid tional League. The County Committee, 'HamALD BPBBAi:. 1 A l a t e m e s s a g e t o tht N a v y Department J. Motan, Lojckport, a n d George E. W. jof Justice." - -' Demeeratlc. ' N o . 1,^02 H 3 T * E T , N. W > down in the communication which w a s from, Newport stated that t h e Carpathia Van Kennon, Ogdensburg. I T h e point of view of Mexican newspapers s i n t to him by order of Tour Excellency's through Its treaurer, Ogden L. Mills,.also 181 Speaker Clark I.... W A S H I X G T O X , t>. C , Wednesday. J * With these petitions, Mr. Capes sent a filed a statement in Albany. The Corrupt would reach N e w York at eiaven o'clock ,in the absence o t editorials Is well re- government. 96 letter ,to the Senate and House of RepreWifh t h e swift scout cruiser Chea- to-morrow night. Governor W i l s o n . . . . . , . . * j e c t e d In the headlines o n a c c o u n t of t h e "My. government also deplores that the Practices a c t requires that this shall oe 80 In qrder to lose no time in getting i n > sentatives on .behalf o f several merchants ter;' first to get In'touch with t h e CarpaMexican custom of editors t o keep in close t i n o r o f the Instructions to Consul Letcher done. Governor M a r s h a l l . . . . . . . . . k # and steamship proprietors suggesting iportant wireless m e s s a g e s from t h e [touch with the n e w s end of their papers.j 24 thia. having on "'board survivors of trfe j Oscar W. U n d e r w o o d . . . , in Chihuahua were given to the public, In A m o n g t h e contributors to the Roosethat a resolution be adopted Immediately, I The tone of the morning press to-day com Titanic, the- N a v y Department to-day be-j Chester ar Salem the N a v y Department pending the enactment of new laws, re10 Governor Burke, N. D . . . . . . . . mentlng on t h e American note \m morejt^ie s a m e official note which I have t h e velt fund were Mr. Perkins, Frank A. came the medium for information con ordered that an officer be k e p t v o n duty quiring the publication in newspapers of hbnor to answer. caustic, although there are no extremes. Unclassified (Including all of cernmg th survivors of t h e wreck. Bui- " j "Bureau of Operations throughout the life boat capacity of all steamships. "I take this opportunity t o reiterate to Munsey and Alexander S. Cochran, eafli N e w York K . i . 101 S e e s I n t e r v e n t i o n Xear. t} let ins in at Internals from t h e d i e t , i !f, s ' l h L * of my of w h o m gave $15,000; George Baxter, who Jacob W. Miller, vice president of the Bl Tlempo, a Catholic organ, says:"The Your Excellency the assurances Number of delegates in and t h e navy wireless station, but up I T h * T * d e p a r t m e n t s m e s s a g e t o t h e N e w England Steamship Company, is one most high consideration." [ g a v e $6,000; H. L. Stoddard, $3,&00; Charies hour of intervention h a s arrived. W e must to'a late hour to-night there w a s no n f > w 5 i t e s t e r to intercept the Carpat l i a w a s of those interested in this proposal. The democratic National Conhy r 1,oe | H . Duell, $1,600; F. H. Hooker, A. Foster cease t o cherlBh illusions. A now 'Fortyt o contradict t h e staggering reports t h a t * * < * * "g , . t. ?* J -*V ~?1 letter states that inasmuch a s considervention * Higgins and R. P. Perkins, $1,000 each; more than a thousand had lost their i i v | f r e eight o d o c k when t h a v e s s e l w a s able time must be spent in discussing proseven' smiles on t h e ambitious Yankees N e c e s s a r y to nominate fHvo on t h e Titanic and that t h e list of sur-1 R r * h e Nantucket Shoals light vessel posed laws t h e following measure be and our revolution g i v e s t h e m a magnifithirds) , . . . . ! . . . . 729 Byron J. Smith and Oscar Straus, $509 vtvbr* already given the world w a s about i a n d t h e Chester started to t h e eastward adopted forthwith: cent pretext." J T e t to be elected . . ^ . 9 each, and H. L. Satterlee. 1100. ', at top speed. T h e Salem, which left complete. El Tiempo urges t h e people to g e t t o "That no vessel larger than 5,000 gross Hampton Roads a t four o'clock yesterday These disclosures were particularly inPresident Taft had all messages relayed afternoon, will work with t h e Chester In tonnage shall carry passengers from any gether, make peace and avoid Intervenf SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THK HERALD.] to the White House immediately upon getting radiogram^ t o the N a v y Departteresting to politicians because when,, tion. port in t h e United States unless prior t c their receipt at the N a v y Department, hopGil Bias says:"It Is a dream to think E L P A S O , Texas, W e d n e s d a y I n view of early in t h e year, it w a s said Mr. Perkins [SPSCIAT. OBSFATCH TO T H HERALD.] her sailing there shall have been adver,.._ _,_ __ j i w ^ ' m e n t the Salem adjlng a s relay vessel. N w H A V N , Conn., Wednesday.The w e can resist the inroad of the invader the battle which is believed to be impend- w a s backing Mr. Roosevelt in return for tised the following facts : Ing agajnst hope that some one of them nieni, warn o i u - ^ "The number of passengers that she i s Republican State Conventloa held to-day with bayonets. I t would be only heroic ing in the vicinity of Escalon. the rebels s n implied promise that, if elected Presisuicide." It then urges an agreement beentitled lawfully t o c a r r y , t h e number of are exercising the strictest censorship over dent Mr. Roosevelt would Interfere wits _ "' persons other than passengers that she to elect delegates ta the National Conven- tween the government and rebels to bring the wires from the South. One brief de- neither t h e Harvester nor the Stee! trust carries usually and the number df per- tion developed a lively fl(fht between about peace and prevent intervention. Many other papers urge united action of spatch from the HERALD correspondent at the intimations were denied. It *ae. insons for the accommodation of which she Frank B. Weeks, one time (|overnor, and all parties to prevent intervention by re- Jimenez c a m e through to-day, but contains is provided with life boats or life rafts." J teresting also because of t h e charge, reColonel I. M. Ullman, of thfs olty, to be storing peace. The communlcatiqn eets forth that if | nothing of importance beyond the fact that peatedly made by Mr. Roosevelt, rhea fourth delegate at large. \ There is almost universal comment of such Information # e r e s e t forth in adMr. W e e k s won 379 to l | 6 . and there i t h e r o u * h t o n e & * Anrierican note. E l scouts report considerable federal activity he failed to carry a single district in his vertisements the public would be informed .^ i ' , ' Imparclal says:"Its deliberate and reek- Iri t h e vicinity of Conejos. on the risks of travel and the proprietors was no contest over the three other places. . primary fight in N e w York that the reguJ e M r o u g h n e s l 8 i a l h e flrst c a u s e of irritaof steamships would be prompted to proiThe evident suppression of n e w s from lar organization carried the elections by The four delegates at large a s elected | tion among Mexicans." The same papei j vide more life boats. threat of (the front is taken here to fndicate that t h e "outrageous frauds." are:-^J. Henry Roraback, of C a n a a n ; says Its indirect meaning is a recognition of belligerency for General long looked tor battle is soon to take place. Charles Hopkins Clark, f Hartford; Orozco. It w a s reported from time to time that Sefior Don Lorente, Mexican Consul here, Charles F. Brooker, of |knsonia, and Mr. Roosevelt s managers had all the way Meslco'a F o r m a l R e p l y . announced to-day that t h e federals a t Frank % Weeks, of Middlet^wn. Sefior Manuel Calero, Secretary of from $125,000 to $175,000 for use in the pi|Conejos, Bermejillo and T^rreon, a r e ready The ten district delegates chosen were Foreign Affairs, in his formil reply to Mariners yesterday cited 'The Rule of South Wellsfleet, Cape Cod; the Siasoonset mary. They g a v e evidence of having all the Sea." an unwritten and inexorable one, station at Nantucket the Sagaponack n a to advance and that there wiil be a battle the American note, "says in part: they needed, and in some districts it was tion on Long Island and t h e station a t Pennsylvania Railroad Vice President, Everett J. Lake, Hartford ; H u g h M. Al"In reply, a n d by experss instructions of which provides that i n disaster t h e women ^ a G a t e L , W O H l d h a n d l e a l l c o m . corn, Suffleld ; Charles F. Gales, Williman- the President of the Republic, I have the in twenty-four hours. Generals Aubert, pcured o u t like so much water. Politicians read with Interest ye/terday Huerta, Tellez and Villa, he says, will com Worth $5,000,00q, Went Down, tlc; Francis Reagan, Rockv^le ; Isaac M. honor to s a y to Your Excellency: and children shall be first t o leave a n y r c munications either from the Carpathia dialso the word from Florida that Ormeby their * * r from the scout cruiser Salem or "The Mexican government h a s a full mand t h e various columns. Tillman, N e w H a v e n ; Frank C. Woodruff, v e s s e l and! t h e men are to take The artillery division." said the Consul. McHarg. the P e r k l " B -*" n 9 *f f l t " j * 2 other vessels through which m e s s a g e s but Son tives., Orange ; John T. King, Bridgeport; James consciousness of its duties, hd neither by "has forty fie.ld pieces and t w o batteries ! . ' had been working * \ h a t l ! j b l CM chances. from t h e Carpathia would b e relayed. its acts nor by t h e manifestations of its [SPXCIAL DESPATCH TO T H > RBRAXBt] . F. Walsh, Greenwich; Edward Emmons, All stations along the coast respected functionaries h a s it given a reason to of machine guns "This i s l a w , " said Captain W. J. As soon a s the battle H 2 S ? J * ^ L t d ?or the e l e c S Philadelphia, P a u , T h u r s d a y . M r s . N e w Mllford, artd Irving H. Clase. Water- doubt t h e sincerity o f i t s determination i . r,^r .-*.. r - ^ n ^ - i a-<. . J iconvention would be held for tne eiecuoa h is under way Generals Sanjlnes and J o f R o o s e v e l t d p l e g a t e s to the Chicago Conto cause to be respected t h e generally a c - Sanchez, will move from Ojinaga. and [ 3 2 J 2 ii_ ~lr.._~ i .--* John B. T h a y e r , w i f e o f J o h n B. T h a y e r , bury. line, "which is not committed to writing or I vention. Mr. M c H a r g w a s selected as an The delegation w a s instructed for Presi cepted principles of international law and march on to Chihuahua." f tyn. which h a s one of t h e most powerful ,vfc*S p r e s i d e n t o f t h e P e n n s y l v a n i a R a i l = print a s are' other laws, yet it h a s been A despatch to-night from Chihuahua agent of t h e Roosevelt-Perkins movement and far reaching wireless apparatus e pin < d t h a g g e n t a w i r B i e 8 8 a a y m g ; a h e a n d dent Taft. An effort on t h i part of twi the rules which govern the conduct of lon k t , - .- early in the year to round up delegates ohse^ed from time immemorial. The worn-j t his section.* This powerful t t e h e r s o n , John B. T h a y e r , Jr., a r e s a f e on delegates t o instruct the djelegation f o civilized nations. a says a -- " e capturedrebele force of four hundred h in -.zzl .-".. " ..-- country. H - appeared in t h town Sierra Mojada, a s throughout the 3 4 i % n d children first a l w a y s , because they up an Incessant chatter with the ** ^*P "' boaNl t h e Carpathia, b u t t h a t h e r h u s - Mr. Roosevelt met with hoots. The con "For these reasons the Mexican govern'several parts of the South, and always S e the weaker and are less able to care of t h e United Fruit Company which a,lsoj J J g J o h Q fi T h a y e r > w m t wJth vention w a s thrown Into an A r o a r for five ment finds itself in t h e painful necessity the S t a t e of Durango. T h e victory is started a Roosevelt boom. F o r years age and then the aged, t h e l h a s a powerful wUeless PJP*r* l U 9 W t h e Titanic. H e l"s w o r t h about $5,000,000. minutes and on the vote to Substitute the of not recognizing t h e right of your gov gratifying to t h e rebel chiefs because it for themselves, and th g i v e s t h e m a hold in D u f a n g o close to t h e| he w a s . at Mr. Roosevelt's direction. feeble and t h e cripples After that with board. 1 j f . T h e n e w s i s b e i n g k e p t from Mr. Roosevelt resolution there J e r e but t w o , e r n m e n t to m a k e t h e admonition which Coahuila State line. gathering up t h e delegates for Mr. T i f t th* men I should, s a y first come first j p o r > m o r e than a n the note contains, for t h e reason that it r, t h e t w o s t a t i o l i s j ^h a y e r_, m o t . r for fBa r i.1 w i l l kill her. who favored it. | T, 's he , e t - _^..- . ... . served. Ail social distinctions disappear in w e r e ; n communici is not based on a n y incident that should regarding fragResolutions endorsing President Taft for Seeks I o w a Seaatorablp. such catastrophes a s this. The man fj !TM . r .ts of a list of/aurvlVors, which the renomination declared that t h e had kept be chargeable to t h e Mexican government and which could signify that it might wealth and t h e immigrant are equal. Isalem w a s trying ^to communicate, and D a s M O I N E S , Iowa, Wednesday.Daniel his oath, "revered and d e f e i J e d the conColonel Astor with all his millions w a > ! w h k h t h e Metapan had picked up in part W. Hamilton, of Sigourney. a democratic stitution, enforced the <law# and obeyed have departed from an observance of the not saved a s far a s can he seen from the; W h j l e t n i g a e r l a l c o n v e r s a t l o n w a s in M a g i s t r a t e K e r n o c h a n S e n d s T w o I m - them himself;" and that he a l w a y s "wisely principles and practices of international leader, w a s to-day announced a s the demolists which have been received. H e w a s a ' f t r o ? ? r e a 3 a l , c o m m u n l c a t l c ) n trimi t h e S a l e m cratic candidate for United States Senate:. and l a w abidingly*' consented the coun- law. m i g r a n t s Arraigned Before H i m Wis nomination papers are in circulation. "In view of the fact that a part of t h e try's natural resources, h p i instituted H E U A I O BtnuBAtr, 1 like him to have said good by to h s . w i f e . J J j E ^ ^ t o H o m e of F r i e n d . UmmA. large and carefully thou*ght-Ut economies country is in a state of rebellion t h e MexiN o . 1,502 H STREET, N. W f and to have faced t h e danger with the g ^ , fa t f l e e v e n l a n a m a t m i r ^ r . T w o immigrant girls, w h o said t h e y are in governmental expenditure!, had striven can government has a s i t s principal duty j W A S H I N G T O N ^ D. C . Wednesday. J S P E C I A L NOTICES. others. As to the men w h o e r e saved a t o r ,.., ... ^ A n n a O'Brien, eighteen years old, and to put the tariff on a scien|lficany sound the suppression of t h e rebellious m o v e o ' .',i & -T- ' President Taft w a s Informed to-day that ment, and if in t h e regions removed from their escape w a s no doubt all a matter of ing t . n e H ^ ^ D wireless, asking for t h e M W U Deianey. twenty y e a r s old, a p - basis and h a d urged Congtess to assist obedience to ,the legitimate authorities chahce after everything had been done to , , t n e W 3 . N o attention w a s paid to h i s . . , . _ , . e h m w v nf th< T t * him in carrying civl! service reforms t o i t s attempts are committed against the lives the American colony in Mexico City had received the a r m s a n d ammunition which protect the women ajid ch.ldren. !caUs ^ h e HEKAI.D wireless, respecting j PH to Policeman Shumway, of the Tre- logical conclusion. and property of foreigners t h e legitimate "The country has dwelt in peace under government of the Republic will n o t be were sent for their protection. T h e arCaptain Charles Polack, the commander t h e . - r a v j t y 0 f t h e emergency, even re-; mont police station, for help Tuesday of the George Washington, of the > o r t i }: fr-a-inecl from sending o u t i t s nightly night a t Tremont and Third avenue, s a y - h i s vigilant and s a g a c i o u s management of obligated in this respect except In t h e rival of t h e a r m s w a s welcome n e w s , i t s affairs. N o President since Abraham same terms a s would the government of German Lloyd line, saia that In the case of, w e a t n e r r e D O r t a t half*past twelve o'clock j ing they had no h o m e g # go to. ,-v tha Titanic theres wa s every indication that i . . n ;- h t a had been observed a s ^^ report is of t h e greatest "Isn't there some h a l l w a y around here Lincoln haa accomplished more for t h e the United States or a n y other country If especially a s trouble o n t h e Mexican raila the rule "of the e , . where w e can rest f o r . a few minutes?" permanent good of t h e people than Taft a rebellion existed In i t s own territory. road line appears to be increasing, and it far a s possible ; 4mportace to mariners, but i t w a s discon- asked one of t h e girls. had done In les than four yjiars." "The government o f t h e United States w a s over this line that t h e arms had to "Women and children first is A n r r u l e j nued, a s were 0 M usual .bulletins o n 1m- The girls were employed by a family in The resolutions then decla|fe: m a y be assured that it i s t h e firm deter- be shipped. centurtes old," said Captain PolaTck. l t j ******* n e w s events which a r e flashed W e s t Ninety-sixth street until a f e w w e e k s "Fully believing that the best interests mination of th Mexican government to has Its orlgi* in the chivalry of mankind . j , f n > m ^ H E B A L P w l ^ e w station a* freIt w a s reported to the State Department ago. When t h e family went South t h e of the country, no less t h a 4 those of t h e observe and to cause to b e observed the t b s deference which the strong pays t: [ w e n * Intervals throughout t h e night. ginls did not know where t o go. Shum- party require President Taft's renomina- principles of international law and t h e to-day from Monterey that t h e American T n e the weak. I interference by the South Brooklyn w a y took them to Ahe Morrisiania station ^"The natural instinct of every h u m a n ' 9 t a t l o n became so g r a v e that t h e Brooklyn and placed them in f h a r g e of the matron. tion, the republicans of Connecticut, In laws of the country, which latter a r e in engine drivers and conductors on t h e being i s self-preservation, a n d who, can * W Y * r v m a < J frantic efforts to stop it. Yesterday the g^rls were arraigned In t h e State Convention assembled. Instruct their full conformity with the former, w i t h re- Mexican National R a i l w a y h a v e walked really blame a man for seeking to W e Telephone communication with the station Morrisiania Court on a c h a r g e of v a - delegates a t large a n d request their other spect to American citizens or others for- out a n d that most of t h e m are returning to Mm life? There are circumstances in which:*** 9 impossible, a s the telephone company grancy. Magistrate Kernochan talked with delegates to vote at Chicago accordingly." eigners w h o m a y be m a d e prisoners it would be easier for a m a n to make such reported that the station's line w a s busy, them a~few minutes and arranged to have At a meeting of t h e n e w 8 t a t e \ Central a m o n g t h e rebel forces, a n d , although the United States with their families. T h e The through car service atid despite the emergency t a sacrifice than in others, TUPIIOM that company wouJd nOt break in h e telephone t h e m cared for in t h e home* of a friend Committee, after the Convention, A Henry there does not exist sufficient data to sup- railroad between t h e City of Mexico and o n t h e open Roraback w a s elected chairn|an,_a)lpplant- pose that t h e chiefs of t h e government (tuernavaca h a s been destroyed a n d the between New York and Key ha should stand by the lifeboat w i t h a wire. on t h e west s i d e 3 ing Michael Kenealy, of Stamford, by a forces have declared t h a t t h e y would e x w o m a n he knows. Would h e not peMkely | Finally a t half-past one o'clock this West now in operation is a vote of 19 to 16, a s forecast p the HERAJCD ecute summarily Americans w h o %aay be station a t Cuernavaca burned b y - a large to give h i s place more readily perhaps than morning t h e N a v y Yard succeeded in on Sunday. *. taken prisoners and w h o might be fighting body of Zapatistas. It Is expected they T H E 0 A B M A N I A ' S LIST SMALL. he would in t h e case of a w o m a n Whom he reaching the station by telephone a n d distinct advantage to travel* on t h e side of t h e rebel foveas, ordersjhave y i l l t a k e t h a t t o w n ahortly. hat] never seen before? H e may have a after what Is reported to have been a been sent t o the military c h i e f s t h a t If i t between this section and w i f e and child. W h o i t o pas.; judgment heated conversation, t h e station agreed Carrying f e w passengers, h u t practically ^ K i l l e d U n d e r T o n e o f I r o n B e a m s . subjects Girl Goes 10,000 M i l e s t e P l e a d f o r Robert Leckett, thlrty-thiiee years old, should happen that foreign on t h e m a n w,ho in the face of danger seeks to discontinue for t h e night. all who had arranged to go to Liverpool should be taken prisoners these should b e Cuba. Father, Mexican Filibuster. t o s a v e h i s o w n life? of N o . 417 Tenth avenue, w a s Instantly treated in conformity with t h e l a w s of t h e All t h e Marconi and United Wireless sta- on board her before the i w v j o u n e of "Surely n o odium should attach t o any killed while at work yesterday when iron Republic a n d international practice. [SFECIAL DESPATCH TO T B S HEBAI.D.] It i a direct rail line t i o n s and t h e H B B A L B station a n d other man w h o through the chances ofi the ea, s t a t l o n 8 p M w a U a , vessels in adjacent the Titanic disaster, t h e Carmanfa7>pf the beams, weighing several t o n k fell on him L o s AKOEXES, Cal., Wednesday.Twelve the tip end of Florida trith may have saved himself. The rule or the; w a t e r 8 w h i c h h a d been reached by the Cunard line, left yesterday. in the basement o f N o . 209 W e s t Nineyear old daughter of General "Jack" MosResponsibility for Foreigners. sea. however, exists because men, are ; i n a v v - g emergency message refrained from It w a s said a f e w minutes before s h e left teenth street, the warehouse of t h e J o by, a prisoner a t Mare Island, on t h e a ferry thence to Havana. relied to follow it by the traditions o "Far from evading responsibilities which sending a single message throughout the the pier that t w o first cabhR four second seph Bloom Construction Company. Fire- m a y be contracted b y Illegal a c t s a g a i n s t charge of filibustering in Mexico.will leave chivalry-** cabin and five third c l a s s passengers, w h o men attached to an engine company in the The dauntless courage and night. William Hennecke. first officer of t h e ! _^ _ T _^ f , had engaged their passage berore last vicinity extricated t h e body after half an the lives a n d property of foreigners, t h e Valparaiso o n a ten thousand mile journey to plead with President Taft to pardon Cincinnati, said yesterday that the rulej I y government a c c e p t s beforehand such r e Sunday, h a d n o t come o n board. A m o n g the resistleee energy of Mr. sponsibilities, while t h e s e by their nature hier father, hero of m a n y revolutions. the saloon passengers were Mrs. Cornelius hour's work. of >tke s e a w* one of the oldest known M A Y O R S U R G E W J E W Flagler made the oversea and that tradition prescribed that it should Vanderbilt, Sir John a n d Lady Lynch a n d the Rev. William Wilkinson and Mrs. WilSPECIAL NOTICES. railroad to Key West a fact kinson. Women a n d children first and after that and so placed at the dispothe men a s their chances came without ,. ' ,. , , ... , , sition of the traveling public any distinction, w a s the rule a s defined b y t M * > " o r s o f t h i r t y - s e v e n c i t i e s in N e w him. This w a s a rule which w a s seldom | York State y e s t e r d a y u n i t e d In p e t i t i o n a rail line to within 90 miles violated, and fWTIough i t required firm-1 i n g C o n g r e s s a n d thV P r e s i d e n t t o t a k e n e s s on the part of' oflicars to]up a t once t h e q u e s t i o n of e n a c t i n g l a w s Henry Haas, president of t h e Independof the Cuban capital. It ! ent Taxlcab Owners' Association, said enforce it. it w a s obeyed a s a matter of t o s a f e g u a r d oqean traffic a n d m a k e i m course by men passengers, in cases o: possible a n o t h e r s e a t r a g e d y l i k e tf*e last night his organization would, volunbrings Havana almost as teer t o place o n e hundred and fifty taxidanger. o n e told In t h e brief h i s t o r y of t h e I t cabs gratis at t h e disposal of the surclose to New York as New tanic. 1 vivdrs o f t h e Titanic on their arrival here. T h e petition w a s s e n t t o t h e P r e s i - H e said he would communicate with the Orleans. I t eliminates the dent with this m e s s a g e . women at t h e head of the Relief Comnecessity of a trip by sea "We u n i t e in u r g i n g y o u t o s e n d t o j mittee now being organised. When the property of tbes roads went into the had saves almost two days nds of recelrers. the T . S. Circuit Court in J Station in South Brooklyn Ignores KB the time of transit. D R Y GOODS, AC. tunced in more tuan on* opinion that creditor. D R Y GOODS. A C . ho might bar. claims against the road, whether Navy's Silence Request Until The through drawing-room nit or not. could not onoer |equity practice participate la the proceeds of any property which Long Into Night. Sleeping Cars operated over might come into the band, of recelrera notes, T o facilitate wireless m e s s a g e s , from the Pennsylvania, Atlantic they tied their claims with the Special Master survtvora aboard the Carpathia t o anxious and made proof of the same. At the same time Coast Line, Seaboard Air^ It waa stated that, if he preferred, any creditor relattvea the N a v y r>epartment early .last might piore his claim in the cou|t. State or federal night sent o u t a n urgent request to a l l Line and Florida East Coast Instead of before the Master, and that a transcript navy* vessels, all Marconi and United Railway leave New York of ludgmeat would be accepted as sufficient proof Wireless stations and all other comf thj claim. The Special Master advertised for Pennsylvania-Station 9:34 mercial staUons to suspend all wireless -iLT 'aims, stating that they must be Sled before cemmunlcattona except in case of emernusry 15th. 1008. In conformity with subeeA. M., West Philadelphia gency. ueat orders ef the Circuit Court, claims ware 11:55 A. M., Baltimore 2:06 sceired as late as Marsb 1st. 1910. Although With t h e request t h e n a v y sent o u t noTmds itftfr* more than two years was thus allowed to creditors tification that t h e wireless stations a t P. M. and arrive at Key in which to die their claims, i f appears that ia numerous instances attorneys for creditors failed SPECIAL ^ T T C E S T " " ~ Wrest 9:00 A. M. second to file such claims, owing to their own ignorance morning and the connecting or carelessness in order that oo person holding ( E S T A B L I S H E D 1S27.) \ a valid claim which has been reduced to Judgsteamer arrives at Havana ment should, because of his lawyer's negligence, be deprived of the opportunity to share in what*5:00 P. M. the same evening. ever property there mayvbe in receivers' heads, 1 4 3 W e s t 42d st., near B r o a d w a y . Apart from the other adthe Special Master by authority of the Court Broadway, corner 67 th s t hereby gives notice that all such claims (which vantages in' time and comL o a n s to a n y amount o o have not been already Sled) may be filed with him i t his office, Room 84, Cotton Exchange Building. fort the railway ride over Pledge of Ptraanal Propertf. Hanover Square. New York City, at any tion We have a large assortment U Diamond the ocean gives to this trip prior to * P. M, on Tuesday, April 30th. I,fll2. T Kings, Diamond F i n s . d e c . at prices New York. March 28. 1912. an absolutely nnique diswhich will satisfy caretui purchasers. , ^1 , ' mj WULUAM X* TTJSNgft. tinction. Special Master.

Mexico Spurns Taft Note ROOSEVELT MEN as Infringing Its Rights

Formal Reply Resents Admonition as to O b s e r v a n c e ^ international Law-and Declares Revolt Limits Its ObliState Convention Instructs Its; gations to Protect. Americans. Fourteen Delegates for His Renomination. HAS c v r P F n F n BUUNU .. . SAVS THIS COUNTRY J J c EXCEEDED BOUNDSlM'- Perkins, of Harvester HOOT AT DISSENTERS sey Each Gave Si5,000. \


Wouldn't Take President's Message.


How Delegates* Line Up to Date.


Women and Children Firsi Rule of the Sea for Centuries

Mariners of All Times Have Observed the Unwritten but Inexorable Law That the Strong S&nd Aside for the Weak in Times of Disaster. | J. B. THAYER DROWNED, SAYS WIFE'S MESSAGE

. c.Pt. o, o,. w.!;: s ^ . ? : ^ r E r s S E





To Key.West z i i Caia.



be followed.





Interurban Street Ry. Co. New York City Ry. Co. and Metropolitan Street Ry.Co.

T h e 'Anniversary Sale of 35



Mr. Business Man^you can think right now of hundreds of instances where a Day Letter or a Night Letter would have saved t h e expense of a trip, captured a doubtful order, flashed a n important inquiry and brought back the information on he Jump.

is continued! m i s <oiay


Thursday, April IS,

Upon request of those prevented from attending by t h e inclement weather.

Analyze yoar territory and you will find t h a t Western Union Day Letters and Night Letters will add t o your efficiency* multiply your customers and increase your sales.


Untitled Document


Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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