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VOL. 4 0 . NO. 4 2




Wyoming County,




$1*50 Year, $1.00

n Advance

Democratic Candidate for District Candidate on the Democratic Ticket for Successful Beginning of Series of Attorney for Wyoming County. County Clerk. tertainmect at Farman Democratic Candidate For Member of Michael L. Coleman, the Democrtic James E. Murphy tne Democratic Iheatre. Assembly. flr ne h v candidate for District Attorney, came nominee for County Cletk ia a resiIn "ears attempt* have been One of the best equipped men on the Don't Forget the Good Roads to Warsaw in 1891 and took up the Four of the Seven Games Won by dent of the town of Covington, where Comptroller Sohmer Refutes Im- made to run an entertairmer.t roars* Democratic ticket for the office for work of t e l e g i a o h operator for the B. Boston Club I he ia well and favorably known. He in Warsaw, but usually financial which he is nominated is Kobert J . putations of Republicans Proposition R. & P. railroad, and during his leahas been a member of the Democratic success haa been war.tine* but t h i s Watson of the town of Sheldon, who sure moments be took up tbe study county committee for a number of vear the course that h*s been s'a ted i s t h e Democratic nominee for Memof law. Graduating from t b e Univer- GREAT^ERIES NOW ENDED years, and for t time was the chair- NO INCREASE IN EXPENSE under the management of a citizen ber of Assembly for Wyoming County. MEANS MUCH TO THE STATE sity of Micbigan Law School h* soon man. Covington is strongly Republic o m m t t e e bids lair to h j a fin ncial Mr. Watson is t h e proprietor of a " . after entered into partnership with can, bat for all that Mr. Murphy ia success from the start, aa well a s general store in t h e village of Money to baApportioned Equally Among Frank W. Brown, which partnership Dr.Wilton's Brother Writes Interestingly now serving his fourth term a s High- Considering Amount of Business Being fuxiiishitig a bene* o*. e tertai menl Strykersville. which is doing a very on Tie Game Done by His Office. Counties of the State continued for t w e l v e y e a r s , and for the way Commissioner, and a Democrat tnat are worth while and of a ctaracte successful business, and he has other Do not forget to vote for the new past J i v e years he has beer alone. Comptr Her Sohmer was asked Boston, ' N A Y . woo can hold a responsible position by that anyone can attend. interests that bring him in contract $ 50.000.000 bond issue. Yoa would be if he had anything to say about the f October 10, 1112. Tbe successful start given the coarse surprised to know the large percentage s t a t e m e n t made by the Republicans My Dear Brother* is due in a large part to tbe efforts of of voters who, though very much inthat the expenses of conducting his I sendj'you byjfseparate cover t h e Miss Graves, a representative of tbe terested in the election of "candidates, office had been increased over that of Boston SGlobe containing^ an account Bureau. Who came here and g a v e s e v e will neglect to vote either one * a ? or bis predecessors. of the tie game between Rd Sox and ral days to tbe work. She w a s ably the other on a c o n b i t i u t i o n a l 3 a m e n d * The Comptroller stated " t h a t only assisted by Mrs. George Long, w h o the Giants. I am thinking perhaps ment. The reason is, that this is the half of the story had been told and took personal charge of the canvass that your papers do not give the details day of specialties and personalities since bis advent into office be had and sale of course t i c k e t s , and it w s s as fully as they ar* given here. I t and in the mass of campaign matter increased by the careful application of through tbe efforts of these two and w a s the most thrill|n|f exhibition of published each candidate is so desirous business methods the direct revenues the hearty co-operation of tbe canvasbase ball that I ever have seen or ever of DUttir g himself before the public of the s t a t e by a unprecedented sers that the course in a success finanexpect to see. Mr. Amos F. Hill, amount. He has collected under laws cially from tbe s t a r t that the importance of such matters cashier of thegTrade^' Bank, and mye x i s t i n g at the beginning^of his term as the Highway System are entirely self had a decent^fseat" near the home Tbe ifirst entertainment was g i v e n $42,620,000.00 more revenue than was forgotten in the candidates grabbing plate, three dollars aeT. Wednesday night by the Univeriity ever obtained before in the history of tne credit for these matters to r e f l e c t , You have seen Cousin Fred muff on Girls who delighted the large audience the state. This increase of $4,262 glorv on themselves. For "instance, third base,^DuglNegyJIfall Jdowsi in present. Tbe next number w i l l be a 000. Oo does not include any of the monthere i s in New York an immense sign centre field.aWilcol: from the Poplar lecture by Gov. Glenn, a tplendid ies secured by the enactment of tbe hanging across Broadway marked " J o b trees g e t hit. on tbe Adam's aoole, orator. new legislation during bis term of E. fledges for Governor. J a m e s W. a i d oldfThed linerj aut;to deeD centre, CalmesDerrick. office, such as tne Secured Debt Tax Wads worth, Jr.. for Lieutenant Goverbut these downs and ups were as nothA very pretty wedding occurred a t Law and the Boxing Law. Nor does it n o r " and then the words "We stand ing as compared, wit|i the dramatic! in include moneys received from the direct St. Michael's Chuicb. at 19 o'clock, o n for Good Roads". 1 wondered if the cidents of yesterday. morning. when Miss t a x e s nor from the excise tax nor from WedneBday Repbalicans who put t h e sign up really I cannot ^helo feeling|that the base Veronica Derrick became the bride o f the Mortgage tax or taxes on auto knew the facts or w a s it simply a bold writers are stale. The most pitiable mobiles. Nor does it include any of the Mr. Lawrence Calmes. grab for a point they were .not entitlsight to me in the whole business w a s The bridal couple were attended b y large inheritance taxes accuring to the i ed t o . the v i e w of Christie Mathewson going, w i t h business men and have given state because of the Titanic disaster. Miss Eileen O'Mealia of Rochester, a The facts are that the Republican aim ^st gone, to the stables. Physically him the experience tnat w o u l d enable The Comptroller said that he has cousin of the bride and Mr. John CalHighway Commission w a s in office 29 not a beauty, a counter part nearly of him to care for the interests of the organized a Secured Debt Tax Bureau mes. a brother of the groom. months and placed under contract 1050 old Billy Moore. K e j o f the long tibia The bride was attired in a handsome people a t Albany. Since 1909 Mr. made necessary by the enactment of miles of highway for improvement. During his law practice he has ad and the number elevan shoe, once with the grace of his Kepbulican neighbors the Secured Debt Tax Law. and from gowu of white voile over messaline Watson h a s represented his town on I I h e Democratic Highway Commission charge of mary important cases, and the smoke on the sizzler and a fade is certainly worthy to be advanced to a the Board of Supervisors ard has ser- 1 this source has collected $1,411,567.00, and carried a shower boquet of white with G. Gordon Reel as Superintendent today ranks as one of tne best lawyers away falling in front of the Dlate, like mure resuuusibl i position. His quali- which is in addition to the increase re- roses The bride's maid wore blue ved with credit on tome of its mott ha* been in office 14 months and put in Wyoming County. A s a man Mr. a broken bass-wood stick. But vasterfi atiOM-4 for the business Dart of tne ferred to above. That he has organiz- crepe de chene and carried pink chryimportant committees. 1847 miles under contract. Also the Colt man has proved him3elf honest and day there w a s no smoke on the f a s t office for w~hirh be is a candidate are ed the Private Banking Bureau as the santhemums and both wore Juliette* Democratic increase in rate of com- upright and is held in high esteem one, and the fade away did not fade to unquettioneJ and bein a man of inte- result of legislation enacted after he caps. Women's Home Missionary Society. pletion is 65.3 {per cent. any alarming extent. I have seen him grity and sound business ability he is in the community. T*tre i3 no better Most of the officers of t h e Women's The ushers were Morman BScGee and took office, there by providing proThe Republicans have done more qualified man in the county for the a dozen times in the pride of hia woiti y the support of tbe voters of the tection for more than $> 800.000, de- Georie Calmes. H o m e Missionarj Society of the GeneWhile primarily a farm,.r posits of more than 25.0000 small deoffice of District Attorney and be will strength, when the batter seemed help- co 'nty. s e e Presbytery w e r e re-elected at the standing than they did progressing. The church was decorated with palms be elected, for tbe people of the less and blind, pitching as easily ap- Mr. Mu?phy is interested in buyingr positors. That he has broadened and an I pink chrysanthemum?,and his color 25th annual meeting in the Batavia Now then. Let every one in the church last Wednesday afternoon. The county vote for the $5,000,000. bond county Know a good man when they parently as the tossing of an apDlf to a produce and in his with far- made effective the Court and Trust s^neme was also ca.ried cut at t u e boy. Ye9terday he w a s ^pitching his mers .a won tiiei* confidence anr! his officers selected w e r e as f o l l o w s : issue. The bond issue bill provides for see him. Fund Law. with the result that all house where a reception was held head off, mopping the sweat off his vote on election day will prove this. President, Mrs. William E. Prentice an equitable apportionment of the banks are now examined and all Trust following the ceremony, at the home CHURCH NOTES. face and his knees shook. At the end of B a t a v i a : V i c e President. Mrs. W. money cased on area, population and Funds placed under the protection of of the bride's aunt. Miss Mary McCite, of the first, some New York rooters V. TeWinkel of P e r r y ; Corresponding mileage of tbe counties of the state. the state, instead of limiting the exam- covers feeing laid for thirtv-five. County Court. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. pled with MeGraw to take him: out, Secretarv, Mrs. Fred H. Dunham Let us have the use of the money The presents were many and useful, Ccuntr Court convenes here next nations to regulary designated deposPublic Worship next Sunday morning but the Manager said not if the whole of B a t a v i a : Recording Secretary. Mrs. while the Cemocrats are in power so consisting of cut gia-s, linen, china, and evening at 10:30 and at 7 o'clock. eeries deoerded upon it. His days are Monaay, October 21st. Tbe following itories. The beneficiaries of thousands furniture and money. O. E. Edgerton of B e r g e n ; Treasurer. we will actually have the roads. The calendar. of dollars of Court and Trur.t Funds, The morning theme will be "What ia numbered and it isn't any worse for cases a.e on te general The bride's going awav gown waG f Mrs. W. H. Young of B a t a v i a ; Secre- share for Wyoming County is $543,572.the Church For?" I h e evening t h e m e , bim perhaps than it has been for Mary C. Waterman vs Mary Baker, A. who have been at the mercy of the dark blue with large black bat. tary for Freedmen. Miss Eliza Foster 00. while the amount the people in the J. and J. Knight attorney for plaintiff, Danks and attorneys, are now protect" A n Unwilling Prophet." Sunday others. The guests from out of t o * n w e r e : of Warsaw; Secretary for young county w i l l pay is far below this Woodworth & Greff attorneys for de- ed by i h e State, and their money is School at noon. Prayer meetings on Mrs. Marsraret Cdlmes and sens. John, people's societies and bands, Mrs. J. figure. Think of the f a i t ' ^ K u n d s surrounded fendant. earning interest. Wertnes^av evenings at 7:30 o'clock in George and Arthur, of Hairfys; Mr A. Smith of A t t i c a ; Secretary of literElizabeth H. Charles vs Kate Charles, We have all seen enough of the tne cbt-pel. T r e mo tthly m eting of the by an amphitheater ard all the people, Because ot the good results obtained Frank ( almes. of Varysburg; Mi*8 ature, Mrs. E. S. Robins of L e R o y ; men women and children, in Wyoming Action to recover for work, labor and Highway System to know it means Woman'3 Union i> held thi3 aftenoon, Secretary of box work, Mrs. W. G. County, gathered there, a whole army services, barber B. Conable attorney hy his examinations of the various Anna Oberieau. Mr. Lawrence Goelprogress in every wav and to want a Tnursday. at the borne of Mrs. JenTerry of P e r r y ; Auditor, Mrs. Richard corps. Chicago thought Anson , ' c a z y for plaintiff, Arthur H. Lester, Attor- municipalities under the Municipal ten. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. O'Mehlia and speedy completion, therefore l e t ' s have nings on Court St., this is a thankaccounts Law. he has advocated and daughters. Eileen and Loretta, Helen Peek of Bethany. when he asked for a park that would ney for defendand. offering meeting. . it while we are sure we may. hold twenty thousand tweny years agoA s the meeting marked the end of a Leon J. Armbruster vs Fred Sage, secured ihe right to examine the twelve j Donohue. of Rochester: Mis. James B A P I I S T CHURCH. What are the limits to the attendance action jto recenver damages for breach hundred towns in the State, of which j Loggie. of Pittsburgh: Mies Martha quarter of a centuiy of the society's T o Discuss House Plants. Dillon of Wyoming. Sunday morning worship at 10:30 of a base ball game'; More than thirty existence a history w a s given by Mrs. ot contract. G.-W. and H. E. Harding, he had previously had no suoervision. One hundred and twenty members o'clock at which time the pastor will thousand people were comfortably F. E. Day of Batavia. The society attorneys for plaintiff, L. A. Walker That the Bureau of Municipal accounts The Shooting of Roosevelt. and guests of Castile grange met preach the first sermon of the series 3e%ted. under his administration has examined raised $32,000 during the past 25 years. ' attorney ! or defendant. It is a deplorable condition in our general theme. "God's The membership has continually in- j Tuesdav evening to enjoy a special announced, The park in the Fenway is u^dar the Lorenzo Wright vs Charles R. Van a greater number of municipalities country, when our public men cannot programme presented by Pomona, Grpat M e n . " or " A Continuation of than had been examined from the creacreased until it is 901 at present. Past Miss Jennie Metcalf. Following a the Eleventh Chapter of H e b r e w s , " eaves of Brookline, claiming to be the A l l e n , action. Purchase price of a tion of the Bureau in 1905 until he as- travel through tbe la d 'without tbe r e s i d e n t have been, in their order of; richest and most aristocratic town in quantity of hay, M. S. Smallwood fear of assassination by a crank or irThe result has been responsible person, whose mind has service, as f o l l o w s : Mrs. A. M. j short business session, conducted by the character studied Sunday morning America, with a tax rate for rmjncioal attorney for plaintiff. M. L. Cole- sumed office. that thousands of dollars have been re- been inflamed by some fancied wrong, Weeks, four y e a r s ; Mrs. J. C. Long, the master, John L. Fuller Jr., a is that of John Bunyan. S. S. at noon; support of less than five mills. The man attorney for defendant. chorus composed of Roscoe Strivings. B. Y. P. U. a t 6 n. m., evening Fens are public parks, with winding turned to municipalities and waste and or believing he is doing tbe country one y e a r ; Miss Mary I v e s , one y e a r ; I Harold and Merrell Eddy, the Misses worship and sermon at 7 p. m Midillegal expenditures have been stopped, Mrs. O. S. C. Arnold, t w o y e a r s ; Mrs. | Marguerite Austin, Hazel Jackson w e e k services of Prayer in the prayer and i n t e r a c t i n g macadam roads; Har- effective. Snodgrass has come in, so that hundreds of thousands of dol- a service. The latest one to aufter Louis M. S w e e t , t w o y e a r s ; Mrs. from this condition of a f ' a i r s is sang "The room of the church at 7:30 Wednesday vard Bridge and the stadium where the Doyle s on third and Becker at lars have been saved to the tax-payers William E. Prentice, three years. Miss ' and Gertrude Randall, Theodore Roosevelt, our onlv living giants of the foot ball fields collect in second. Collins is taken out of the of the State. Elizabeth Young . t w o y e a r s : Mrs. W. Good Old Pumpkin P i e s " Recitations evening ex president, who on Monday night November within 3ight. box and Hall is in h i s place. Herzog E. Prentice, three years, being re- were given by Harry Cleveland and PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The Comptroller said that anv fair was 3hot d o w at Milwaukee wh lo on The crowd, half Irish, of the second if at the bat, wiry, bowlegged, one elected yesterday for a fourth year. Miss Florence L y o n ; Miss Mildred Morning Worship at 10:30. subject. his war to deliver an addr ss. While and third generation, a sprilnking of hundred thirty pounds of cord, bone minded man will agree with him that Preston sang "The Fruits of A u t u m n . " During the o a s t year the society "The Transmuted B l e s s i n g . " Evening a serious wound, it ia not thought t o Greeks, Italians, Scandianviars, Ger- and muscle. Two strikes, three balls. the additional expense necessitated by and Vera Horning recited. "When the raised $1,159.25 for the woman's board, Worship at 7 o'clock, subject, "The be necessarily dangerous, and with Mr. mans and Jews, and all hardly to be U p goes a foul fly, high in the air. these new functions of the Comptrolf r o s t is on the P u m p k i n . " Mrs. John $>9.39 for work among the freedmen Plan of tbe Spiritual L i f e : Walking Roosevelt's splendid constitution and distinguished from the old stock of I t ia coming dewn between first and ler's Office is entirely justiifed. L. Fuller Jr., g a v e a reading. After and $626.19 in box value, a total of as Christ Walked." Sunday School at 1 The Comptroller said that he feels indomitable pluck, he wiP be all right N e w England. Less than five miles the plate, close in t o the grand stand; a social hour supper was served to all. $2,114.83. A mounts credited to the in a short time. The country is to be o'clock. Mid-Week S e r v i c e Wednesaway our ancestor, Henry, worked the a breath of wind brings it closer. that the People of the State of New different churches w e r e as f o l l o w s : j T h e h a l 1 w a a a scene of beauty, decor- day evening at 7:30, sunject, "The congratulated, as a ell as Mr. Roosedraw-shave at the lost art of the coop- Carrigan is under to reach it. It hits York will not permit petty criticisms ted Attica. $55; Batavia. $428.14;! with autumn leaves and fruits of Conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch." velt is to be congratulated th t it is no er. There is romance and history in the end of his mitt and New York to obscure the fact that during his adtbe Bergen $105: Byron S43.50; Castile, i season. A c t s 8:26-40. ministration, his office has collected more serious than it appeals to be at the surroundings. Business in greater l i v e s again. $120.73: Corfu. S6; East Pembroke. | The next regular meeting will be METHODIST C H U R C H . $4,262,000.00 more indircet revenues this time fcr w e can ill afford to Boston w a s standing still. The broker, $29: East Bethany $18: Elba $26.50; t field T u e a d a y e v e n i n g . Oetober 22d. The signal is for a fast one and it have the additional stain on our repu10:30 a. m. t Morning Worship, serevening. LeRov $168; North Bergen. $24.89; the banker, the merchant prince w a s comes. I can hear the crack of the from the same sources than was ever collected before. That the revenues tation. Whatever the cause fer the Oakfield. $19.80; Perrv 104.43: Stone when the following programme will be mon by the pastor. 12 m., Sunday a*- the game. A lady in a box sported bat, even this morning. Like the attack every loyal citizen of the ReChurch $51.40: Warsaw. $215.50; presented: "The Best House Plants School. 6 p. m., Epworth League Dea tiger ekin coat. Seal skin costs sighing of the wind through the deep again exceed the e x p e n d i t u r e , and public will deplore the deed and o f f e r Wyoming. $72.75. for Winter." Mrs. Charles El w e l l ; votional Service, leader, Mrs. W. H. and aigretes modestly oroclaiaied exthat once more the State is to have a woods i s the in drawn breath of thirty t h e i r sympathy to Col Roosevelt. Most of the day w a s devoted t o " P l a n t Diseases and R e m e d i e s . " Mrs. Smith, topic: " S e l e c t i n g D i s c i p l e s . " pense. I venture that the Olytnpians, thousand oeople, and then " w i t h a surplus. business but three were two adresses. This is Mission Study Rally Day. 7 u. The books of the Comptroller's one bv Mrs. W. A. Bvrd of Rochester Augustus Robinson; paper, "Drainthe Roman amphitheater, or the Feast roar like billows on the shore" the enPolitical Equality Club Evening Worship, sermon by tbe w i f e of the pastor of the Trinity Pres- age, "Eugene Bradt. which will be fol- m of the Passover, never collected a tire amphitheater is on its feet, hats Office show that, exclusive of receipts pastor. The regular monthly meeting of the byterian church (colored), on "Our lowed by a general discussion. The direct taxes and expenditures geater number of thinking humanity. and coata are in the air and Boston from TRINITY C H U R C H . Warsaw Political Equality Club was Work in the S o u t h . " and one by Miss music will ba in charge ot Chauncey Just look at the eighth inning for a fsndom, and the fairest in existence, for the sinking funds, the record for held in th club room a t 3 p. m.. FriLvdia A. Havs of Saratoga, a member On n e x t SundayOci. 20. at 10:30 a. Mrs. Jaspr Daley will preof t h e w o m e n ' s board of home missions, Warner day. October 11th. Mrs. Anna Hawley m.. the the usual service followed by minute. N e w York has crept up and ia paying its tribute to the courage of four y e a r s i s : sent a one-act comedy. on **A Missionary T r a i l . " 1911-1312 read tbe "Laws Discriminating the Sunday School, surbact of tbe ser- is one ahead. Yerkes out en a fly and one little cuss. * *" $80,263,268.21 Mrs. S. D. Angel of Oakfield and Speaker, the finest ball player r bas The g a m e will be played off to-day. Revenue Against Women in N e w York S t a t e . " mon, "The Brrel of Meal Band t h e $75,881,296.77 Mrs. T. T. H a y s of Byron were WisemanSmith. struck out. Lewis sends one down I have g o t to work and cannot g o down. Expenditures and these were in turn discussed by Cruse of O i l . " A general invitation. elected d e l e g a t e s to the synodical meet$4,381,971.54 T t e m a r r i a g e ot Mr. George fi. centre field, the longest centra field in I t w a s pretty lively in the second. Surplus the Club. Mrs. Wm. Sherman read ing in Gouerneur n e x t Wednesdav and Wiseman, of Gainesville, to Miss Lois any baseball park. A t the foot cf it The same Herzog w a s on third. Chief 1909-1910 Thursdav. The place of the n e x t meetsome very interesting facts in connce* To the Voters of the Forty-Fourth $68,813,575.85 ing of the society w a s not selected. M. Smith, of Warsaw, took place at a fence four f e e t high. Little Mur- Meyers sent one down the third bag e Revenue tion with tbe work of Rev. Anna Shaw, Senatorial District. The churches in the Presbytery were the Methodist Parsonage on Thursday, $69,000,761.26 ray, and by the way all of the Giants line straight at Gardner. The field ia Expenditures who ia campaigning in the five states If the last Fifty Million Dollars well represented a t the meeting, the Oct. lOto, the Rev. W. H. S m i t h $187,176.41. are l i t t l e f e l l o w s , i s after i t The a s smooth a s a billard table. Behind Deficit where amendments are ptnding. appropriated for building good roads in largest attendance being a t the afterofficiating, and Mrs. S m i t h acting as ball is going over. The fence is in the ball w a s the t w o hundred pounds noon session, w h e n about 200 were There was also a Round Robin of Curthis state had been equally divided bewitness. present. front of i t H e jumps, turns, and is of Sioux Indian, and it w a s going some. rent Events. Straus. t w e e n the sixty-one counties of the sitting on too of t h e fence. H e is Herzog is off for the home plate. The This i s the time of year when S t a w state, each county would have received reaching for t b e ball and backward he ball hite Gardner square in the faee votes are popular, aa they show, in a Church Banquet. more than E i g h t Hundred Thousand Tne men of the Conaregational goes, the ball s i x inches from tbe tips and he falls on top of i t and lays there. measure, which way the wind blows. Dollars. This district, comprising Genesee, of his fingres. H e clings for a moment The doctor i s p u t and twisted his nose The t w o taken in the Waraaw factories Church held a .banquet at tbe church Allegany and Wyoming counties, re- w i t h his l e g s to tbe top of the fence, back in t o position. I believe it w a s indicste a strong leaning for Roosevelt. last Thursday evening, covers being: After a three ceived l e s s than one-third of the when they too, disappear in a backward ammonia that brought him to, but he A vote taken at tbe Warsaw Wilkin- laid for sixty-two. coarse banquet w i t h Mr. Walter W. amount due it under such distribution. somersault. The fans pick b i n up and is daneing around third base just the son Works stood as follows If I am s t a t e senator w n e n tile n e x t hand him over t o his team mates. The same in a minute. The score counted. Roosevelt 26 Schneckenburger as Toastmaster t h e I a m playing g o l f one afternoon a vV ileon . . . . . . . . lo following t o a s t s were responded t o : appropriation for good roads is distrib- elub doctor is over him. H e lit fairly B. Conable. "The Renewed uted I will do my best t o g e t for this on bis head, and tbe breath Is out of weak, not very scientifically. I am T a t t . . * . . * . * * . * . . . . . . o B. Church." B . E. Hover. "The Leaderdistrict w h a t i s honestly due i t If is body. I t w a s a chance t o break bis satisfied t h a t ' s the thing for an old A t the Box Factory there were 6 foi ship of B o y s , " L. M. Sherborne. this district is not equitably treated I neck. A f a a has picked up his cap eusB. Gat s i x t y acres of land near the Roosevelt, none for Taft and 2 for "Social L i f e of the Chureh". Dr. G. will t e e t o it that the f a c t s a n known ana Will not return i t A policeman village, g a t a hundred of the boys in- Wilson. If your name is not now on the Registration B. Burgess, "Extension of Church In* at the time the distribut ion is being i s chasing u p t h e seats after him but terested and give the arteries a chance. Oat in California indications are Lists, you will have to appear in person before the fluence". made, ho docks and i a lost in t h e c-owd. A Base ball i s a m a t t e r of observation, strong for Wilsm. The s t a t e has Yours for a square deal, Registration Board Friday or Saturday of this thousand man would have paid a ton tennis ia too lively. I n g o l f yoa can generally been conceded to Roosevelt, Boy Scouts. sit down and talk i t o v e r ; and there Fred B. Keeney. pot for tbe cap. bat t b e Republicans are not willing week, in order to be able to vote at the November Oar regular Saturday afternoon bike i s a let t o t h e g a m e too. Progressive Candidate for State t o stand for t b e Republican name and n e x t Saturday at the usual time, s t a r t T h i s followed t h e three aeorea of election. Senator. I hope I have not bored yoa, b a t yoa A priv- ing from usual place Same equipment Naw York in the same inning and I ought t o have seen i t These are t h e electors by the third party. See to it, for we are on the eve of one of the ate letter from tnat s t a t e s a y s that a s last Saturday.- N e x t Tt F E R N S - S p e c i a l for this week t o thought nothing could exceed the heart people t h a t we see on Tremont Street make room, 50 cent ferns, 25-35 c e n t s ; in a family of seven voters, all of evening patrol t and 4 meet. I t most important elections ever held in the the N e w York's hslf. politely returning the b o w s of the pro* also carnations s a d chrysanthemums throbs of them are for Wilson, and five of them portent that every boy of the twb Boston is than t w o t o the goad. Bay minent d t . ^ hi foil bloom. W H w a patrols i i present. sent. have always been Repulicans. Leonard B a i n , F l o r i s t Collins, l e f t handed giant, has bean






: 1

Register Friday and Saturday



Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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