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6 theSun | THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13 2008

news without borders

Husna Yusop and Giam Say Khoon at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday

Use correct process to

debate CJ issue: Speaker
SPEAKER Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia regardless the outcome.”
rejected for the second time an urgent motion To a question, he said he was not worried
by Karpal Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor) to about the public’s perception that he
Klang MP Charles Santiago puts down his debate an alleged public admission by Chief would always reject motions moved by the
signature at the Parliament lobby yesterday. Justice Tan Sri Zaki Azmi that he had been Opposition, as he would also reject motions
involved in bribing court officials when he was from backbenchers if they violate the Orders.
The issue a practising lawyer in 1987. On the perception that only Opposition MPs
50,000 signatures can still be
In a letter of reply to Karpal’s motion,
Pandikar Amin said he had rejected the motion
moved under Standing Order 18 as it violated
would be ordered to leave the House, Pandikar
Amin said some MPs know they cannot cross
the line when several warnings are issued by
for repeal of ISA by way of a
Order 36 (8), which stated that the conduct of
judges could not be debated, unless Article 127
the speaker.
On whether the Health Ministry’s
THE Coalition for the Abolition of the prime minister but we are not enter- of the Federal Constitution was complied with. enforcement team would be allowed to act
ISA, a non-governmental organisa- tained, so we will ask the opposition
motion “The issue can still be discussed by way of against smokers in Parliament as requested
tion, submitted a memorandum and MPs to help us,” he told a press moved a substantive motion moved for that purpose by Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Abdul
50,000 signed postcards to opposi- conference at the Parliament lobby. for that under Order 36 (8), and if a quarter of MPs Latiff Ahmad, he said that since the laws were
tion MPs to be handed to the Prime Syed Ibrahim said there are five purpose agree to debate the matter as stipulated under passed by lawmakers and warning has been
Minister’s Office. detainees who have been in deten- Article 127 of the Federal Constitution,” he said. given, action can be taken.
The coalition’s chairman, Syed tion for more than seven years with-
under Karpal’s motion was first rejected on At a separate press conference at the
Ibrahim Syed Noh, said the postcards out trial, 11 for more than five years, Order Tuesday as there was more than one motion Parliament lobby, Karpal said he would lodge a
were signed by people from all walks seven for more than four years, 12 for 36 (8), and filed that day, and under Order 18 (5), the police report against Zaki today.
of life who opposed the Internal more than three years, 19 for more if a quarter speaker can consider only the motion filed “In view of the public admission made by
Security Act. than two years, five for a year, and earlier. the CJ, this matter cannot be allowed to rest or
He said the postcards were meant five for less than one year.
of MPs At a press conference in his office later, be dismissed just like that. It has to be taken
to create awareness of the Act’s Salahuddin Ayub (PAS-Kubang agree to Pandikar Amin said: “It is impossible for further as the CJ has been talking about the
abuse, call for its repeal, the release Kerian), Charles Santiago (DAP- debate the me to separate ‘sweetness from sugar and integrity of the judiciary,” he said.
of all ISA detainees and the closure of Klang), R. Sivarasa (PKR-Subang) spiciness from pepper’ because when a debate “It is important now to determine whether
matter as is approved, what they (MPs) are going to Zaki is fit to occupy the position of chief justice,
the Kamunting detention camp. and Dr D Jeyakumar (PSM-Sungai
“We have tried to submit the Siput) were present to accept the stipulated talk about will not only be on the conduct of a and we have no alternative but to take the
memorandum and postcards to the memorandum and postcards. under person. matter further by lodging a police report.”
Article “So I will not approve under the Standing Earlier, Karpal said Zaki had allegedly
Anwar initiates caucus on judiciary 127 of the Order (cited by Karpal).”
He said he was puzzled as to why the
admitted to a New Straits Times reporter
that he had bribed court staff when he was
OPPOSITION Leader Datuk Seri Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, have been in- Federal Opposition had not cited the correct Standing in private practice in 1987. The report was
Anwar Ibrahim said a parliamentary formed of the caucus and are invited Cons- Orders as Order 18 “is too restrictive to move published last Friday.
caucus on the integrity and independ- to attend the meeting. titution.” an urgent motion”. The Sunday Times of Nov 9 then published
ence of the judiciary would be set up “It is important for Parliament to Under Order 18 (1), an MP is allowed to a clarification that the report had said Zaki had
after a meeting in Parliament today. debate the issue of the judiciary, and request an adjournment of the proceeding for been aware of corruption in the court registry
He said MPs from both the Ba- while we are waiting for the Judicial an emergency motion to discuss a definite in order to get things done but that he denied
risan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat, Commission Bill to be tabled, it is matter of urgent public importance. resorting to corruption.
and Minister in the Prime Minister’s imperative that the caucus debate it “They (the Opposition) know I will reject, “Although a clarification was published,
Department in-charge of Parliament, first,” Anwar told reporters. and I do not have any agenda for publicity as I Zaki was aware of the corrupt practices which
only follow the Standing Orders,” he said. he further confirmed,” Karpal said.
“They know that when the speaker rejects He said he would lodge the report at the
an MP’s motion, he or she will get publicity, Tun H.S. Lee police station at 3pm.

Govt not reluctant to set up
police to
judicial commission, says PM
RPK’s PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Abdul- of the commission, which would judiciary apart from setting up the
lah Ahmad Badawi rejected claims be tabled in the current session. commission.
computers by the Opposition that the govern- “We hope the Opposition will “It is an ongoing process and
pg 8 ment was reluctant to set up the support the move and not try to we will spare no effort in the quest
Judicial Appointments Commission defeat the initiatives,” he said in for continuous improvement,” he
and implement other reforms in reply to Wee Choo Keong (PKR- said.
the judiciary. Wangsa Maju). He said that among the aspects
He said the government was Wee had asked Abdullah why being looked into was instituting
preparing a bill for the setting up the government was reluctant a more transparent and efficient
to set up the commission and case management to speed up
implement other reforms in the the disposal of cases.
judiciary as promised by the prime Efforts were also under way
minister during the Bar Council to resolve issues arising from the
dinner in April. computerisation of the court’s re-
Abdullah said a lot more cording and transcription system.
needed to be done to reform the – Bernama

‘No double standard in

granting refugee status’
DEPUTY Foreign Minister Datuk had asked what Malaysia’s role
Abdul Rahim Bakri refuted an was as an Asean member, in
allegation of double standard helping to address the problems
in the government’s granting of in south Thailand and whether
refugee status, a matter which these could be resolved through
cropped up following the dep- diplomatic channels.
ortation of Thai nationals from Abdul Rahim said Malaysia
the country’s restive south. had accepted the 131 refugees
He said 25 of 131 refugees when they entered the country in
had returned voluntarily after re- 2005 and placed them at a deten-
ceiving assurance that no action tion depot in Ajil, Terengganu.
would be taken against them. Eleven had decided to return
Abdul Rahim was respond- to Thailand last year, and another
ing to Datuk Ismail Kasim 14 this year.
(BN-Arau), who had asked why “It is hoped the remaining
southern Thai refugees had to be 106 will do the same voluntar-
deported, while the same did not ily,” he said. “Our view is that the
apply to Filipinos in the country. problems in south Thailand are
Ismail, in his original question, internal.” – Bernama

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