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theSun | THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13 2008 13

news without borders

007 is too violent Moore, 81, said before Quantum

It’s a political witch-hunt, for ex-Bond Moore

NEW YORK: Movie audiences
nowadays expect scenes of graphic
violence in James Bond movies, unlike
when Roger Moore played the super
of Solace, starring Daniel Craig as a
darker Agent 007, opens in North
America tomorrow.
The new Bond film opened in
London on Oct 31, breaking the
British weekend box-office record with

cries detained Chen

spy with a tongue-in-cheek humour, a gross of US$25 million (RM90 mil-
the actor believes. lion). It has taken in more than US$106
“I am happy to have done it, but million (RM381.8 million) worldwide so
I’m sad that it has turned so violent,” far. – Reuters

TAIPEI: Taiwan’s former

president Chen Shui-
embezzling government
funds, taking bribes and
but was interrupted for several
hours after he demanded a Overcrowded and unsafe
bian (pix), accused of forging documents. medical check-up, saying he was
graft during his time
in office, was detained
Chen, the first
former Taiwanese
attacked by police while he was
taken out of the prosecutor’s office
Aussie hospitals under fire
yesterday after a court president to be in handcuffs. SYDNEY: Australia’s public hospitals on trolleys,” said AMA president Dr
approved a bid by taken into custody, A defiant Chen put his are unsafe, overcrowded and under- Rosanna Capolingua.
prosecutors to take was transferred to handcuffed hands in the air as funded, resulting in 1,500 unnecessary “One report showed three in four
him into custody, a detention centre he stepped out of the office and deaths a year, a national doctors group patients in emergency departments
officials said. outside Taipei following shouted “political persecution” said yesterday in a report entitled who needed to be admitted waited
Immediately after an overnight hearing, a before getting into a waiting car. “Public Hospitals Flatlining”. more than eight hours. Of patients
the initial hearing, the court official said. His lawyer said he injured his The Australian Medical Association needing urgent treatment one third
pro-independence Chen The former leader, who right elbow when a policeman (AMA) report said not one public hospi- had to wait more than half an hour,”
reiterated in a statement read retired in May, is accused of pushed his hands down.But tal was operating at a safe international said Capolingua.
out to reporters by his lawyer embezzling 14.8 million Taiwan prosecutors rejected the claim. occupancy level and the hospital net- “Enough is enough. What does it
that he was being persecuted by dollars (RM1.9 million) from Chen also blasted the work risked “systematic breakdown”. take? Do we have to have more patients
the China-friendly Kuomintang the government while he was government for persecuting him The AMA called on the national die?,” she said.
(KMT) government. president. under pressure from Beijing. government to inject A$3 billion (RM6.8 More than half of Australia’s 20
“The case is a political Chen, his wife, son, daughter- Beijing has brushed aside billion) into public hospital funding, million population relies on public
persecution and a political witch- in-law, and brother-in-law have Chen’s claim. “This is nothing warning that hospitals will not cope hospitals, which are jointly funded by
hunt. Former president Chen all been named as defendants in a but rumour-mongering by Chen with the nation’s ageing population. the national and state governments.
decides not to appeal the decision separate money laundering case. Shui-bian,” the spokeswoman Cuts in Australian health funding The AMA said many public hospitals
(to detain him) in protest,” the Police have tightened security for China’s Taiwan Affairs, Fan have resulted in hospital bed capacity run at well over the safe occupancy
statement said. around the detention centre amid Liqing, said at a press briefing. “I slashed by 67% in the past 20 years and level of 85% and some exceed 95%.
Chen, implicated in several threats from his supporters to trust that everyone will see the there was now a national shortfall of “Doctors have left the public hospital
scandals during his eight years in launch protests against what they motives behind this clumsy trick,” 3,750 beds, said the report. system because they feel compromised
power, was arrested on Tuesday, say is an “unfair” detention. she said, when asked to respond “Emergency departments are over in their ability to deliver best care to
accused of money laundering, His hearing began late Tuesday to Chen’s allegations. – AFP full. Corridors are lined with patients patients,” the report said. – Reuters

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