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14  theSun | THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13 2008

news without borders

by Tim Leonard

SHAH ALAM: The family of the late Datuk Zakaria

Md Deros, who built a mansion in Port Klang, will
have to give up their garden.
The land, measuring 2,269 sq m (equivalent to
Zakaria’s family
must give up garden
half an acre), was ordered to be handed back to the
state government following a state executive council
meeting yesterday.
Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibra-
him said the state has ordered the Klang Municipal
Council to issue a notice to Zakaria’s family to return
the land as well as a compound for trespassing
state-owned land. In 2006, Zakaria was found to have started must clear the fixtures and return the land to the On another note, Khalid said the state govern-
Khalid said the records showed that the district construction of the bungalow without obtain- state within a month. ment has set up a management body to look into
land commitee had, on Dec 14, 2007, declined the ing bulding plan approval, and he was fined “We will take legal action against them if they the problems faced by occupants of all low-cost
family’s application for the land and told them that RM19,373 for the offence. do not comply with the order.” and council homes in Selangor.
if they wanted to appeal, they could do so to the Subsequently, he got the building plan ap- Khalid also said the mansion did not have a He said those with low income and the disabled
state exco. proved and completed the bungalow in October certificate of fitness (CF) but it was a separate will be given assistance in paying their monthly
However, he said the family will be allowed to 2007. issue from the land matter. rentals.
stay on 4,047 sq m (comprising eight lots ), owner- “However, we found there were issues involv- He said the state government hopes the “The state government will ensure that this
ship of which was granted to Zakaria and his wife ing the courtyard,” Khalid said after the state family will comply with the order. problem is brought to an end soon,” he said, in
Datin Azizah Ngah following a state exco meeting exco meeting. “This decision reflects that we are equal to reference to complaints over the recent increase
on July 3, 2003. “The gated fence is on state land and they all,” he said. in rentals of low-cost houses in the state.

We did all we could for tennis event, says state govt

by Opalyn Mok co-organiser. Municipal Council (MPPP) president Datuk to watch the Showdown of Champions in Kuala “We did all we could to help the event or- Zainal Rahim Seman said the rental of RM200,000 Lumpur – featuring such players like Roger Fed-
ganiser. We waived the RM2 million deposit they had yet to be paid. erer and James Blake – which is not connected
GEORGE TOWN: The state government will care- would need to pay to use the Esplanade field and Yesterday, workers were seen packing up with Kings of Tennis.
fully study privately-organised projects before offered them a special rental rate,” he said. some equipment on the stage but most of them Gerakan Tanjung youth chief H’ng Khoon Leng
endorsing them, state tourism development, Law said it was regrettable that the event said they had not been told what to do. said the state government had not given enough
culture, arts and heritage committee chairman had been cancelled as it would have provided a While some fans expressed disappointment support to the event organiser.
Law Heng Kiang said yesterday. boost for tourism in the state. that the event had been cancelled, others hoped “If it had helped the organiser in publicising the
This follows the failure of the Asean Cultural “The organising co-chairman, Arianna Teoh, the Esplanade field would not be damaged. event and given more moral support, perhaps the
Centre event at the Pesta site, and the cancel- called me last night (Tuesday) and assured me Kate Lim, 65, criticised the state govern- organiser may have raised enough funds to pay
lation of the Kings of Tennis event, scheduled the event is still on, so we have to wait and see ment for allowing the organiser to construct a the producer for the players to come,” he said.
to be held at the Esplanade from tomorrow to if it is,” he said. makeshift tennis court and stands on the field “We welcome this event to be held here and
Sunday. Event producer Kings of Tennis, a group of in Padang Kota. we are disappointed to hear that it has been
Law said incidents like these will reflect badly entrepreneurs based in Sweden, said in a press “I am a die-hard tennis fan but I do not agree cancelled.”
on the state government. statement on Tuesday it had been cancelled with the use of this field for the event,” she said. Tennis fan Abdul Wahab Hamid, 51, who
He said the state had merely endorsed the because the organiser could not provide the Lim said she suspected the event would be bought a ticket to watch the event on Tuesday,
Kings of Tennis event but was not a sponsor or players the funds. a failure from the start and had bought tickets was also disappointed over the cancellation.

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