TheSun 2008-11-14 Page04 Varsities Told To Focus On Intellectual Infrastructure

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4 theSun | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14 2008

news without borders

Varsities told to focus on

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri kindergarten and early education,
Najib Tun Razak has called Najib said the government
on universities to focus more is committed to revamping
on developing “intellectual kindergarten education through the
infrastructure” and not just Permata curriculum.
physical infrastructure to make “The Early Education and
them “a centre of learning of the Childcare Policy is aimed at

intellectual infrastructure
liberated and inquisitive minds”. ensuring the holistic development
Saying he did not subscribe to of the potential of children under
the idea of emphasising physical four years old,” he said.
infrastructure, the deputy prime The new policy emphasises
minister said yesterday universities “whole brain learning”, ensures
should move towards an era of that kindergartens and childcare
intellectual renaissance. centres (Taskas) have adequate
“You’ve got to have not just a Malaysia Productivity Corporation But he said the people should to creating uncontested market physical, environmental and
university but a quality university... and Malaysian Association of now promote inquisitiveness spaces that will make competition learning facilities, that teachers and
a centre of learning of the liberated, Private Colleges and Universities. among children. irrelevant. educators have at least a diploma,
open and inquisitive minds.” “Malaysians are very good at “They must be curious about the “As an educationist, you should and that parents spend at least four
Speaking at the opening of rote learning; they learn very well world. They must ask questions.” also look at the big picture. We hours a month at Permata centres
a one-day seminar on Creating and they are studious. They spend Najib noted that the “blue ocean should look at where we are today with their children.
A Blue Ocean in Education and long hours learning but they are strategy” – a business concept and where we want to be in the “During the budget debates last
Training Sectors, Najib called for not inquisitive enough. advocated in a book with the same coming years,” Najib said. week, I allowed the allocation of
“a paradigm shift” in the education “Their minds have not been title – could also be adapted by “We should ask what are our RM200 million for early education
system, starting from primary challenged because our system has public and private universities in strengths and weaknesses. Can we programmes for children from the
school. not challenged them.” their quest for competitiveness in leverage on our strength? Can we ages of one to six,” Najib said.
“Our education system must This was probably due to cultural education and training. add value to it and create a real He also said the Permata
change, the paradigm must factors, said Najib, where culturally, The book Blue Ocean Strategy, ‘blue ocean’ so that we can grow?” curriculum would be made
change,” said Najib at the seminar being passive was seen as being co-authored by Prof W. Chan Kim, Later in the afternoon, compulsory for all kindergartens
which was jointly organised by the respectful to someone senior. promotes a systematic approach when launching a seminar on by 2010. – Bernama

Najib and wife Datin Seri

Rosmah Mansor browse through
the Permata curriculum booklet
at the seminar on kindergarten
and early education yesterday.

Pressmen called in to help mob attack probe

KUALA LUMPUR : Nine Chinese newspaper crime reporters and pho-
tographers were called in by police yesterday to assist the probe into a
mob attack on a motorist and his four passengers near Jalan Loke Yew
on Sunday. Sin Chew Daily, Guang Ming Daily, Kwong Wah Daily, Oriental Daily,
Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press journalists had covered the incident which
took place at 3am. According to Sin Chew Daily crime reporter Lim Ling Fong,
officers at the Dang Wangi police headquarters asked them what they had
witnessed and the information they had gathered. It is learnt that police
also obtained photographs from the press photographers. The driver and
his four passengers suffered injuries when they were set upon by the
mob after a minor accident in a traffic jam. The driver lodged a report later
that day but his testimony apparently contradicted that of witnesses.

Ayah Pin in Terengganu recently, says IGP

KUALA LUMPUR: “Sky Kingdom” cult leader Ariffin Muhamad, 65,
also known as Ayah Pin, who fled to a neighbouring country after
allegedly leading a deviant group in Terengganu, was reported to
have returned to the state recently, Inspector-General of Police Tan
Sri Musa Hassan said yesterday. “Police have information that Ayah
Pin, who is believed to have been living in southern Thailand, had
come home.” Police, however, could not take any action as they
were told by the Terengganu Islamic Religious Affairs Department
that there was no need to arrest the man, he said. Musa said the
Terengganu police chief had been asked to get further explanation
from the department on the reasons why they felt Ayah Pin need
not be arrested. He said coordination between the department and
the police should be enhanced. “The police are just helping the depart-
ment in the enforcement. We do not want the public to think that both
the department and the police are not doing their jobs.” – Bernama

Clinton lecture e-mail

THOSE who want to attend former US president Bill Clinton’s inaugural
BC Sekhar Memorial Lecture, organised by Sekhar Foundation and Petra
Group with the support of Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute, on
Dec 6 can e-mail your personal details, MyKad or passport number to and not as published yesterday.

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