TheSun 2008-11-14 Page17 Obama Urged Not To Cave-In To Russia Over Missile Defence

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theSun | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14 2008 17

news without borders

UN appeals for
troop back-up Obama urged not to cave-in
for Congo
NEW YORK: The UN Security Council
is overcoming its reluctance to send
from years of fighting above one
to Russia over missile defence
more peacekeepers to help avert a UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- WASHINGTON: Despite objections by Russia, planned European installations or risk “falling
new war in the Democratic Republic moon, who has repeatedly urged the outgoing head of the US Missile Defence behind the power curve” as Iran develops its
of Congo, the top UN peacekeeping the divided Security Council to take Agency urged President-elect Barack Obama on capabilities, Obering said. “That’s why we have
official said on Wednesday. swift action on MONUC’s request Wednesday to stick to the to kind of stay ahead of this threat, not try to
UN under-secretary-general for for reinforcements, said that over Bush administration’s plans catch up after the fact.”
peacekeeping Alain Le Roy, who had 100,000 to place missile defences in Obama, who is to be sworn in as president on
just returned from central Africa, refugees Ro y, has asked
the Eastern Europe. Jan 20, has said he would make sure any missile
ping, Al ain Le protect
spoke to reporters after briefing were des- UN peacekee er 3,000 extra troops to Dropping the planned defence system has been proven to work before
The head of ov by rebel gr ou ps
the 15-nation council on his request perate and Council for perpetrated installation of missile it is deployed.
UN Security m vio len ce D. R. Co ng o
for 3,000 more troops and police to virtually cut civilians fro the eastern
olese army in defences in Poland and the Obering said he had confidence in the system
and the Cong November 11 :
reinforce the 17,000-strong Congo off from aid. Kanyabayon
ga Czech Republic “would based on the success of 36 of 45 test missile
peacekeeping mission, the largest Fighting Kivu Government severely hurt” US ability intercepts since 2001.
llin g
UN force in the world. between D.R. forces pu to protect against Iran’s Russian President Dmitry Medvedev greeted
back ah ea d of
“Many members of the council Tutsi rebels CONGO
Kinshasa feared rebel growing missile force, said Obama’s election victory last week with a
go on
have expressed their support for and pro- advance Lt-Gen Henry Obering of warning that Moscow would station short-range
ram pa ge of
strengthening MONUC and aug- government 400km looting and
the Air Force. missiles near Poland’s border to “neutralise” US
menting, increasing the number of troops and 250 miles rape against It would also plans for interceptors in Poland and a related
troops in the MONUC,” Le Roy said, militias has Kikuku civilians undermine US radar in the Czech Republic.
using the French acronym for the subsided Nyan za le
Nkunda-held leadership in the Obering said the United States should
UN force in the Congo. into sporadic DE M . RE P. positions North Atlantic Treaty continue to seek to engage Russia in cooperating
“No decision has been taken clashes in ja
Organisation, which on missile defence.
yet by the council, but I think the recent days as UND GOMA Kichanga
Kiwan NDA
FORCES ARO Rutshuru fears “an emerging “I cannot believe that the Russians truly
mood is evolving into reinforcing African leaders MONUC – UN
Kalengera threat from Iran that believe these are a threat to their security,” he

ee pe rs: 1,0 00
the troops,” he said. pressed both peacek VIRUNGA must be addressed,” said.
00 in gana
in Goma, 6,0 NAL Bu na
This view was backed by Con- sides to avoid a North Kivu, 17
,000 Sake NATIORK
he told reporters in a Obering noted that Iran and North Korea
go’s UN Ambassador Atoki Ileka, regional war. nationwide teleconference. were making significant investments in
– Tu tsi Fr es h
who told Reuters: “The council will A group of CNDP
rep orted Obering, who is developing missiles of increasing range.
reb els led cla sh es
eventually come around to sup- human rights Gen. Lauren
t Goma retiring from the Air Iran said it test-fired a new generation of
porting the increase but it will take and aid activ- Nkunda: Lake RWAN DA Fighting Force, hands over the surface-to-surface missile using solid fuel on
6,000 fighters Kivu 15km since
some time.” ists, speaking to n Hu tu gust has
the Missile Defence Wednesday and that the Islamic Republic was
FD LR – Rwanda o aft er 10 m Au
Weeks of violence have forced reporters at UN ng
fled to D.R. Co 00-7,000
displaced over Agency next Friday to ready to defend itself against any attacker.
guerrillas who 94 : 6,0 le
more than 250,000 people to flee headquarters cide in 19 250,000 peop his deputy, Maj -Gen Obering said that the test-firing would
Rwandan geno nt mi litia: 3,5 00
d Go ma
their homes or ramshackle camps said the council overnme in region aroun IC NEWS
Mai Mai – Pro-g tio nw ide Patrick O’Reilly. represent “a major step up” in Iranian
y: 90,000 na © GR APH
ated Press
where they had taken shelter, bring- must act with ur- D.R. Congo arm urity Picture: Associ It is important to capabilities if what Teheran said about the latest
MO NU C, Global Sec
ing the number of internal refugees gency. – Reuters Sources: UN,
Relief We b,
continue work on the launch is true. – Reuters

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