TheSun 2008-11-14 Page19 Leaders Plead For Religious Tolerance

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theSun | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14 2008  19

news without borders

Austrian incest father
King Abdullah
charged with murder

Leaders plead for religious tolerance

NEW YORK: World leaders soon surfaced. as the problem, Western Juppe said.
with UN
General Ban
Ki-moon prior
to the start
of the Culture
VIENNA: Josef Fritzl, 73, who held his
daughter as a sex slave in a cellar for 24
years, has been charged with murdering one
of the children he had with her, according
to the charge sheet published yesterday.
pleaded on Wednesday Barely discussed, but also representatives were mindful Human Rights Watch and Prosecutors allege he was responsible for
of Peace
for religious tolerance at haunting the conference, was of the lack of personal others were critical of King the death of a new-born in 1996 by failing to
a UN “Culture of Peace” the divide between the West freedom in the Islamic world. Abdullah’s prominence at the seek help even though he was aware that the
at the UN
conference sponsored by and Islamic countries on In Washington, White tolerance conference. baby might die. If proved, the charge could
Saudi Arabia, but displayed whether tolerance should also House spokesman Dana But Israeli President carry a sentence of life imprisonment.
in New
their own rifts on the extend to individual freedoms. Perino said Bush believed Shimon Peres welcomed the Fritzl had told police that the child, one
York on
sensitive issue. Some 20 heads of state or that “the king of Saudi Arabia king’s initiative as “unprece- of twins, had been born dead and he had
The meeting at the UN government including US has recognised that they have dented”, saying this would burned the body in a stove.
headquarters in New York Secretary of State Condoleezza a long way to go and that he have been impossible just a Elisabeth, 42, gave birth to seven chil-
of representatives from 80 Rice, representing President is trying to take some steps to decade ago. – AFP dren during her captivity, three of whom
countries targeted religious George W. Bush, are attending get there”. remained with her in the cellar, never
and cultural divisions dubbed the conference. Representing France, seeing daylight, while three more were
the “clash of civilisations”. In the opening speech, the former premier Alain Juppe brought up in Fritzl’s family with his wife.
Saudi King Abdullah – who president of the UN General echoed his Arab colleagues REUTERSPIX Fritzl has also been charged with rape
heads the ultra-orthodox Assembly, Miguel d’Escoto in urging “tolerance and
and sequestration, which carry a maxi-
Wahhabi branch of Islam and Brockmann, lashed out at building and consolidating
mum sentence of 15 years in jail. – AFP
allows no other form of public “unbridled greed” in the peace”. But he laid a very
worship – called for “peace West. Western emphasis on
and harmony”. Jordan’s King Abdullah human rights, especially 15-year-old girl shot dead
Speaker after speaker II also criticised Western “recognising unrestricted at Florida school
echoed these words, insisting policy, saying “ignorance” freedom of faith in all its
that the world’s major had subjected Islam to MIAMI: A 15-year-old girl was shot
religions all back tolerance. “injustice”. dead at her high school in southern
“Freedom of religion
But anger over the But if King Abdullah II, Florida yesterday by a fellow female
cannot be achieved
Israeli-Arab conflict, as well like other Muslim leaders, student, police and witnesses said.
without freedom of speech,
as resentment at Western saw intolerance and Several students at Dillard High
even if it is sometimes
economic and social policies, stereotyping against Islam School said 15-year-old Amanda Col-
used to express derision,”
lete was killed by a 15-year-old friend,
apparently after an argument.
Police have not released the sus-
Children’s online buying spree takes toll on parents pect’s name due to her age.
“That girl been crazy ever since el-
LONDON: Unsuspecting parents are shelling out in 10 making an illicit purchase every month. While Despite this, most are not aware their wallets ementary school,” said Jasmine Leeks,
£191 million (RM1.1 billion) a year to fund their the average cost of a purchase is £25 (RM140), are being raided, with only 6% saying their chil- 17, who identified the alleged killer by
children’s fraudulent online shopping habits, nearly one in 20 children are racking up bills of dren have access to their credit card details and name, describing her as a loner with
according to a survey. between £75 (RM420) and £100 (RM560) each 2% thinking their children could have made online few friends other than Collete.
It found as many as 20% of eight to 16-year-olds time. purchases without their permission. Authorities said the suspect was
in the UK – over a million children – are using their The survey of 500 adults and 500 youngsters Life assistance company CPP, which carried out caught at an area restaurant along
parents’ credit cards behind their backs to buy also showed many parents make it easier for their the research, said unsupervised children may not with a small caliber handgun.
the latest gadgets, computer games and fashion children to access their details, with 44% book- be using reputable websites or secure methods Several students said they wit-
accessories online. marking their favourite online shopping sites and of payment intended to reduce the risk of card nessed the shooting outside a class-
The worst offenders are 15-year-olds, with one a third saving their bank card details online. identity fraud. – Reuters room. – AFP

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