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Design Evaluation: Research the Competition (5 points) WHAT For this assignment, you will evaluate online portfolios

of people who may compete with you for the same job. WHY This assignments purpose is to expose you to online portfolios in your chosen field of work, so you understand expectations, as well as get ideas about your own likes and dislikes. HOW You will identify a total of 8-10 online portfolios of people who may compete with you for the same job. Some of them may be students; Others should be older professionals in your chosen field. 1. Take your time and look at each portfolio. For each portfolio, indicate: The URL A brief description of the person (student, freelance web designer, etc.) The thing that you liked most about the portfolio (include a screenshot) The thing that you liked least (include a screenshot)

2. Rank all the portfolios. List them starting with the one you liked most and ending with the one you liked least. 3. Think about the 2-3 portfolios at the top of your list. Why did you like them, as a group? What characteristics do they have in common, that you liked? Do not discuss them individually; try to think of them as a group.

4. Think about the 2-3 portfolios at the bottom of your list. Why did you like them least, as a group? What characteristics do they have in common, that you disliked? Do not discuss them individually; try to think of them as a group.

5. Now, think about usability and creative design. Did you encounter portfolios that were highly creative, but hard to use? Did you encounter portfolios that were easy to use, but looked boring? Which do you prefer: creative design, or usability? Which one do you think your stakeholders will prefer? Did you come across any portfolios that balanced usability and creativity very well? What did they do right?

6. Based on the experience with this assignment, create your personal list of DOs and DONTs for your own portfolio.

Grading Criteria: An EXCELLENT design evaluation exceeds expectations. It is detailed, specific, wellthought out. It points out specific elements of the interface, and provides specific explanations about why they are liked or disliked. It connects observations made about these portfolios with concepts covered in class (attention, attention capture, Gestalt principles, information scent, mental models, etc.) 4-5 points A GOOD design evaluation meets expectations. It is similar to an excellent design evaluation, but it has a few occasional errors maybe some explanations are not sufficiently specific, and/or it makes no connections to class concepts.- 2.5-4 points A SO-SO design evaluation falls below expectations. It is vague, poorly structured, not specific, and not well thought-out. - 0 2.5 points Your design evaluation is: Your points:

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