Level 4 Victory FAQ Megaman ZX

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------Megaman ZX Level 4 Victory FAQ V. 2.

0 Start Date 9/17/06 By Christian Rathbun All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. --------------------Megaman ZX Level 4 Victory Guide: Contents Welcome, grab a chair and prepare to want to tear your hair out in agony. If you are reading this guide, I assume you are looking for a (relatively) quick and dirty way to take down Megaman ZX's Pseudoroids with a Level 4 Victory rating. Below, you'll find what can be expected from this FAQ. Table Of Contents: 1-A: What is a Level 4 victory? 2-B: Why do I need a Level 4 Victory? 3-C: What Models should I use to do this? 4-D: Individual Strategies and Format 4-1: Hivolt The Raptoroid 4-2: Hurricaune The Wolveroid 4-3: Lurerre The Abysroid 4-4: Leganchor The Gelroid 4-5: Purprill The Mandroid 4-6: Protectos The Goreroid 4.65-6: Interperative Poem: I Like Owls 4-7: Fistleo The Predatoroid 4-8: Flammole The Moleroid 4.98284-0:Attack Advice From rawarrior1987 And Burnedkirby That I'm Too Lazy To Categorize: 5-A: Contact Info 6-A: Copyright Info 7-A: Thanks --------------------VERSION 2.0 CHANGES ARE AS FOLLOWS: DAMN that's a lot of added content. Couple other minor things were fixed, but they either aren't worth mentioning or you can find them your damn self. -Most if not all typos have been fixed -If you e-mailed or IM'ed me with a strategy, it's now in here under wherever it may apply -Random musing added to Flammole section, this was surprisingly on of the most mentioned issues, along with... -LOOK. I KNOW I'M AN IDIOT WITH THE LEGANCHOR STRATEGY. Long story short: the first time I fought him, I thought about using the Fx strategy, but it seemed too obvious so I didn't even bother trying. Looking back, that logic is REALLY damn stupid. The strategy with Fx will now appear before mine under Optimal strategy, though mine is still up if you feel like re-enacting my idiotic exploits. To get the full experience, I suggest constantly say 'DUR DUR DUR DUR DUR DUR' throughout the entire fight

while using my strategy so you know what I was thinking at the time. -Things look better in odd numbers. No, really. I learned that in a high school drawing class like forever and a half ago. It's easier to look at a picture of 5 flowers than 4, and 3 is eaiser than 2. However, what if you have an even number of flowers in the foreground, and an odd number in the backgorund. THEN WHAT, HUH? SEE! YOU DON'T OWN ME!!! I'M MY OWN MAN!!!!!!!! THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! ...and such... --------------------1-A: What Is A Level 4 Victory? Quite simply, a Level 4 Victory can be described as destroying the face off a boss without touching their weak points, so more or less you have to rip them apart and be a total ninja about it. In all seriousness though, a Level 4 Victory means that you defeated a Pseudoroid without hitting their weak point even once. How do you find this weak point? Change to Model Hx during a fight. Now look at the touch screen. Oooo. Shiny red. The red part is the part of their body you CANNOT touch. Yes, I know. The red part is almost always the most exposed part of the Pseudoroid. Welcome to Hell. However, with this guide, Level 4 Victories should decrease from about salt-on-an-open-wound-agony to I-just-slammed-into-a-door agony, which is a welcome change. --------------------2-B: Why Do I Need A Level 4 Victory? Ah, getting technical, are we? Well, for storyline purposes, the weak point of a boss is where the Biometal they hold is contained. What this means is that when you attack the weak point, you damage the Biometal you inherit from the boss. And what this means is that your weapon energy bar for that Model will be shorter than if you hadn't hit the weak point. If you do not gain a Level 4 Victory, you can always fight the Pseudoroid again at a later point in the game, or get the Biometal repaired by Fleuve, the scientist in the Lab section of X-1. However, that costs E-crystals you could be spending on a soccer simulation. Woo. AND YOU GET COOL LITTLE PLUSHIES THAT HANG FROM THE CEILING IN PRARIE'S ROOM FOR EACH BOSS YOU LEVEL 4 KILL!!! YAY! --------------------3-C: What Models Should I Use To Do This? So, worried about not having the proper equipment once you get to a certain Pseudoroid? Never fear, within is a strategy for the optimal equipment, as well as a welfare strategy for Model ZX. This means you can get a Level 4 Victory at any time by using this guide, provided you don't suck. Then you're just screwed. Hopefully, this guide can make you un-suck. But I'm not a miracle worker, so no promises. --------------------4-D: Individual Strategies And Format Enter the useful part of the FAQ, totally separate from my ramblings. Well, there may be a few in there, but deal with it. Here's the breakdown: Pseudoroid Name

Area Pseudoroid Is Found In Where The Weakpoint Is Located Attacks Of The Pseudoroid/How To Avoid Them Battle Strategy Random Musings The reasons for this are as follows: Name: Because it kinda helps to know who you're fighting... Area: So I don't get random bitchplainment E-Mail asking 'WARE I FIYND T3H EMMENI!?!?!' Weakpoint: Come on now... Attacks: I'm aware that you do not need to avoid a Pseudoroid's attacks to obtain a Level 4 Victory, nor do you need to defeat them under a time limit. However, it helps to actually WIN THE BATTLE. If you can dodge the attacks of the enemy, you have a much better chance of like...living... Strategy: This is how you go about obtaining the victory...duh... Random Musings: HEY. I don't want to hear it. If I'm writing this damn thing, I'll be adding side commentary. That's all there is to it. -------------------4-1: Hivolt The Raptoroid Name: Hivolt Area: E-7 Weakpoint: Wings Attacks: Detachable Feet: Hivolt dashes at an angle to the ground, leaving a foot behind, then dashes out of another corner, down/up to the opposite corner, leaving his other foot behind. The feet then fire off purple energy shots in an array that slowly moves. Dodge these shots by standing still in the indented ground, and jumping over any shots that come near you. Harpuia Combo Of DOOM: Hivolt does Harpuia's classic triple slash combo, starting at the opposite end of the arena from you, and moving forward with two slashes, followed by a crescent laser. Simply stand still and laugh at him, then jump over the laser at the last second, looking all cool and stuff. IM'A GET CHOO: Hivolt Dashes forward. Jump over him. Spinny Foot Shield Of Death And Destruction: Hivolt detaches his feet, using them to create a shield that rotates about his general proximity. The feet shoot out purple rays. Just jump over/in between the rays as they come. He always follows this up with a variation of IM'A GET CHOO, so just dash under his stupid green ass. PWN Beams: Hivolt laughs, and appears in the upper middle of the screen. He then makes thin traces of pink emanating from his body. Move in between these traces and stay there. He will shoot PWN lasers from his body that follow the trace lasers, and these hurt. Then, he switches the pattern. Simply move in between the tracers again. Strategy: Optimal: Same as Welfare Strategy Welfare: Hivolt is so easy, I'd recommend just taking him down with Model ZX. ALWAYS be charging a shot with the R Button, and unload on his LOWER body while he hovers in between attacks in an upper corner. This is the

safest and most effective way to take him down to Chinatown without hitting his wings. Occasionally, you can get away with shooting his back as he flies by the second time during Detachable Feet, though it's not recommended. If he pulls the Harpuia Combo Of DOOM, blast him in the facial during his first or second slice, and then jump the laser he sends. You can also shoot him in the lower back after jumping over him during IM'A GET CHOO, or shoot between his feet during his Spinny Foot Shield Of Death And Destruction. Contributed: From: Mark McCarroll Need model LX. When he flies down from either side, hit OIS and jump and hit his feet, he'll fall down and get back up, repeat, takes very little effort. From: DProton during the horizontal detachable feet, combo of DOOM, and Spinny Foot Shield Of Death And Destruction, its really easy to dodge by transforming to human and crouching. For detachable feet, just move to the center and crouch and he cant hit you. For spinny foot shield, move about half-way across the map (but still on the slanted part) from him, crouch and his shots and dash will miss. As for the combo, get just out of range and crouch before his last slash if you can (need to be in the slanted part, so doesnt work as well) From: Kevin Rood Hivolt The Spinny Foot Shield Of Death And Destruction's lasers can be dodged more easily by standing in the indented ground and dashing under the shots, then after the third round of shots, hurry back to the higher ground and dash under him.

Random Musings: I wish my feet could detach and shoot lasers. Meh, whatever. Anyway, this boss is easy. REAL easy. Hivolt should be the first one you go after, and using this strategy he should go down like an Epileptic at a rave. -------------------4-2: Hurricaune The Wolveroid Name: Hurricaune Area: I-3 Weakpoint: Neck Attacks: Spin Jump: Hurricaune launches herself into the air, laughing, and slowly descends upon you inside of a green tornado. Dash back and forth, and her falling stomp should miss you. When she falls, electric sparks come out from her body. Simply jump to a wall to avoid these. This is usually followed by Vertebrae Beam. Vertebrae Beam: Hurricaune extends her NECK forward, so DO NOT attack as she does this, and shoots out a giant pink plasma crescent. Hop onto a wall, and

then hop over the crescent to avoid this. The crescent splits and travels up and down the wall once it makes contact, so do NOT assume you're safe just chillin' on the wall. YOU ARE NOT SAFE ON THE WALL. You're more vulnerable than hubcaps in Trenton, so do not delude yourself. Jump. She...jumps...dash under her, or wait on the wall above where she'll land, then dash over her. 'Nado: Hurricaune fades into the background, and summons a tornado around herself. Constantly dash toward the nearest wall to avoid getting sucked in. As she does this, she shoots out green crescent beams in a downward pattern. When the beams are right above your head, wait for them to pass, and then jump up the wall to avoid the beams nearest the ground as they come. Small 'Nados: Hurricaune shoots out 2 small tornados. Just dash up the wall and pray for an opening to jump through. Strategy: Optimal: Use the Model Lx, and the Welfare strategy. Simply activate your OIS (A Button) before you go to hit her, and follow the welfare strategy replacing all attacks with OIS enhanced spear attacks. Welfare: Charge a shot CONSTANTLY, in fact, charge one before you enter the arena. Blast her ass as soon as you gain control of Vent/Aile. Then, proceed laugh as she disappears. Then shit yourself as she comes from the heavens ready to impale you. Simply dodge her Spin Jump, and land on the ground and blast her again before dodging her Vertebrae Beam. Once you dodge this, wait for her to retract her neck, and then blast her again. Repeat this, and you can win easily. Contributed: From: Tis The Man With The Sword For this one i found that chargeing the level two Lx *ice dragon* then releasing it right before he was to come on on screan with his spining jump then guiding him so that the dragon can easly hit his legs which will freese him shortly, and repeating is a easy way, though depending on how good you are at dodging his attacks you might need a sub or two. feel free to try them or disregard From: Ndoki When fighting Hurricaune, the best form to have is the fire one (Can't remember the letters for it right now). All you do is modify the path of your bullets to go straight down and across the ground. Do this for both your arms, when you go into the fight, just button mash left, right, left, right to pull off a machine-gun type effect. She'll be dead in no time and no chance of hitting her neck. Remember to dodge her attacks though. From: Mark McCarroll Need model LX. When she isn't extending her neck, hit OIS and assualt, dies fast. From: Matt White For Hurricaune, you can actually use Model PX's Uncharged Kunai Throw to

never hit Hurricaune's weakpoint, as long as you only throw them from the ground and not mid-air. All the dodging techniques are the same. While it may not be an Optimal strategy, it gets the job done. I've tested this at least three times with PX, and every time it works just fine From: Kevin Rood Hurricaune Easy way to dodge the Small 'Nados is to dash-jump over her head onto the wall she's on. you can also dodge the Vertebrae Beam by dashing under the initial crescent. From: Kwehmeyer For Hurricaune, I found using Model Zx's charged buster or Model Px's charged ninja star when I am on the ground the only effective way of damaging her without hitting the biometal in her neck. Any other time that I release it, like in mid-air, it doesn't seem to work Her neck may be her weakness, but it's even higher than Zx's head. It's nothing fancy, you just need patience and probably the Quick Charger Chip too to make the fight end faster (sorry for chopping it like that, but I couldn't get it to fit in under 80 characters per line)

Random Musings: HUrricaune is very easy as well. Kill her face off. Her voice is annoying though, so you've been warned. Do a little victory dance once you kill her. I did. -------------------4-3: Lurrere The Abysroid Name: Lurrere Area: F-5 Weakpoint: Head Of Her Lure Attacks: Annoying Voice: LURRERE'S VOICE IS ANNYOING!!! AVOID IT BY TURNING YOUR VOLUME OFF OR RISK YOUR SANITY. Thank You. Ice Shards: Lurrere shoots out 2 ice shards at a time, in a V pattern. Simply dash under them if you can, and jump the last 2 sets. She then comes back up, still firing shards. The momentum from your jump should carry you over the initial set of shards, so aim to land over or between a set. Crystal Of Solidified Awesome: Lurrere shoots out a...crystal of solidified awesome...or maybe it's ice...who knows..., which drops little crystals. Simply avoid the little crystals, and break them as they fall.

Vortex: Lurrere makes an underwater vortex and pulls you toward her. No one likes clingy females, dash away. Attempted PWN Beam: Lurrere drops to the floor, and shoots out a patheric excuse for a PWN beam. It's slower than an elderly man trying to walk through mud, so jump right before it hits you, and float around for a bit before descending. I'M GON BITE CHA: Lurrere goes offscreen, and brings out her pet, Francis The Fish to bite your metallic ass off. Dash to the extreme left of the screen. Yay. Strategy: Optimal: Use Model Fx. Substitute "charge shots" with charged-up fire cannon attacks. Blow her ass up by following the welfare strategy from there. Welfare: Ok. You must hit the lure, but NOT the head of the lure. This could be semi-problematic, but the best advice I can give you is AIM LOW. Screw the Air Force and their mantra. Aim for the lower part of the lure, and if the lure is moving DOWN, aim even lower. Just dodge her attacks, and send some charge-shot flavored love her way whenever you can. Easy. Contributed: From: Ndoki Lurrere - For fighting her I have found it best to stick to the left side and, using ZX just keep shooting her from afar. A little practice might be required to make sure you don't hit her head though. Also if the freezing spikes have you trapped beside her, jump and slash underneath her. Tip: When she's shooting her ice spikes, if you fire when she's right on the ground you'll hit her body perfectly. (sorry for chopping it, had to make it fit in 80 characters per line) From: Rene Heroux (I can't do freaky pronunciation symbol shit, sorry XD) As she does the PWN beam, you see a little wall or block of ice that she pushes forward using the beam. If you shoot that block with a projectile weapon (I find Model Fx to work best here, but Models Zx and Px work as well), it will 'counter' the beam by pushing the block back towards her. Now you enter a power struggle reminiscent of colliding Kamehamehas in DBZ, except you've got a buster instead of a PWN beam. Anyway, if you push the block far enough to make it hit her, it destroys her (taking 4 bars of her health, minimal damage), and Francis will come in with a I'M GON BITE CHA. Also, countering the PWN beam avoids hitting Lurerre's biometal, so if she PWN beams you, you can use the opportunity to deal a bit of extra damage towards a Lv4

Victory. From: Eric Kwan Hey, there's a much better way to achieve Lv.4 victories on the water bosses than what you have listed. All you have to do is set your Fx buster edit to go straight for a bit (4-5 blocks for the second water boss) and then up. Then, when it's boss time, just activate OIS and blast the bosses from underneath, never hitting their weak points. From: Kevin Rood Lurerre: You can easily avoid most of her attacks by jumping way up and engaging *gasp* HUMAN FORM! Also, the Attempted PWN Beam can be turned to your advantage by firing straight shots like crazy with FX. Though, you may want to activate OIS; it's very easy to fire an extra couple of shots, and when that crystal slams back into her the big fish comes out with is mouth wide open. There's also an attack of hers that's REALLY annoying. She usually does it (I think) if you hit her with a normal OIS attack from FX at the bottom of the screen. She'll float up and forward, bringing the big fish forward. It'll open its mouth, and make a vortex as Lurerre uses either the Ice Shards or the Crystal of Solidified Awesome

Random Musings: OH MY LORD HER VOICE MAKES ME WANT TO PUNCH A KOALA, SIMPLY FOR THE NOISE A WOUNDED KOALA MAKES COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE AS ANNOYING AS HER VOICE. *blasts Dir En Grey to maintain sanity* -------------------4-4: Leganchor The Gelroid Name: Leganchor Area: J-5 Weakpoint: The dark blue section of his upper head Attacks: IF YOU HAVE 2 SUBTANKS AND MODEL Lx, SKIP TO OPTIMAL STRATEGY Ahem. Searchlights: Leganchor uses his eyes as searchlights, and shoots stuff at you if he sees you. Don't be seen. Cling to walls. Anchors: Leggy-poo shoots out the 4 anchors on his midsection into the ground, which freeze you if you come into contact with them. Dash under him or up a wall to avoid. Whirlwind: Leganchor sucks you upwards in twin whirlwinds. Simply dash out of them,and hit all the buttons like you're having a seizure.

Henchmen: Legs sends out his purple jellyfish henchmen to shoot at you. Kill them. Kill them dead. CRASH-TINKLE-DING-SHATTER-CLINK: If you climb a wall, Legs The Keg will come crashing into the floor. This is bad. VERY bad. The reason it's so bad is that there is a 50% chance that he will freeze the walls/floor, making it so that you can't climb up the walls anymore. Start praying. Strategy: REAL OPTIMAL STRATEGY: From: Tis The Man With The Sword, Mark McCarroll, I1Cluster1I, DProton, Naito95, Matt White, Chris Stone, anyone with common sense Use model Fx. Make an upward firing path with the touch screen, and aim for his body. DUR DUR DUR DUR DUR DUR DUR! Optimal: HAHAHAHAHA, this should be funny. Equip Lx, and swim up to his midesction where the mechanical looking face is. Float beside him, and keep hitting the B button. He should die. Very quickly, I might add. If he hits you down, float back up and use a Subtank. Welfare: This is officially an issue. Jump up with a charged saber and whack the Hell out of him when he's not attacking. If not, just shoot/slash the main body until it stops trying to kill you. Contributed: From: Derek Zhang I have another way to beat Leganchor without using LX. Main: Use model ZX. Stay in the bottom left corner of the room and always keep a charged shot and saber. Searchlights: Stay in the corner and stand still. When the lights lock on to you, jump. Haha. So easy. His anchors will both come at you and hit the corner. Anchors: STAY THERE AND DON'T MOVE. Simple. Whirlwind: Leganchor sucks you upwards in twin whirlwinds. Simply dash out of them, and hit all the buttons like you're having a seizure. (Copy and paste rocks.) Henchmen: Move a little to the right, smash the first one with the saber, turn around, shoot the second one. CRASH-TINKLE-DING-SHATTER-CLINK: I don't see why this attack would be harmful if you don't climb on the walls. Strategy: After every attack there is a pause, so jump and let loose a charged saber on him. From: Eric Kwan & Leslie Ng

Hey, there's a much better way to achieve Lv.4 victories on the water bosses than what you have listed. All you have to do is set your Fx buster edit to go straight for a bit (4-5 blocks for the second water boss) and then up. Then, when it's boss time, just activate OIS and blast the bosses from underneath, never hitting their weak points. From: K T Just thought I'd add to your FAQ that Leganchor can easily be beat with level 4 ranking using ZX's spin slash. Stay in the middle, wait until he's about to open up his mouth to release the ice dragons, then jump just short of max height to avoid colliding with the freezing spikes. If you time it right you can get off a continuous spin slash to not only damage him, but destroy the snakes completely as they emerge! Then as you drop down, wait for the the scanning bean to track you, before dashing to either side to dodge the chain attack. If you are quick you can quiclkly do a more damgaing jump slash at his mouth, before rinsing and repeating the method until he's gone. He won't do any other attacks if you stay in the central position (not too sure about hard mode yet). If the snakes somehow manage to survive, just dash to the side once you drop down and jump slash at them. You should nevertheless dodge the chains easily. And all the while you don't even come close to hitting his weakspot lol! Hope it can fit in well with your guide. Cheers. From: Kevin Rood Leganchor Another easy way to kill him is to go to FX, position yourself slightly off-center, charge whichever arm's closer, equip OIS, and shoot. Disengage OIS until he stops flashing and repeat. Also, when he crashes to the ground, if you're above the water, he'll create gigantic waves that go clear to the top of the screen. Get to the top of the wall, go to HX, dash-jump off, and Hover for about two seconds and get back to the wall. (Then again, if you're going for a LV4, you have no business being up there to begin with)

Random Musings: If one Siamese twin kills someone, is the other an accomplice or a witness? -------------------4-5: Purprill The Mandroid Name: Purprill Area: H-4 Weakness: His arms. His FREAKING ARMS. HIS GIGNATIC. FREAKING. ARMS. Attacks: Run: He runs forward. Jump over him using the wall. Pull-Up: 'Prille extends an arm, and moves upward after it onto the wire hanging from the ceiling. He then shoots out some orbs. Dodge them. Shadow Balls: Heh. I said Balls. Anyway, Purprille shoots out some shadowy balls that bounce across the floor after hitting a wall. Cling to the wall above where they hit to avoid. Spin The Disc: Purprille turns into a whirling disk of spinning psychadelic insanity, and propels off the walls. From here, he can either propel himself back down, or wedge into a wall and shoot pieces of the wall at you. In the former scenario, dash under him, then cling to a wall once he passes you on the way down.If he wedges, dash under him, then out from under him once he drops back down. Strategy: Optimal: Use Welfare, just like Hivolt. Welfare: Cling to the walls like a baby monkey to it's mother's teat. If he grabs onto the wire, WAIT A SECOND UNTIL HE STARTS SWINGING, THEN SHOOT HIM. When he jumps up, he leaves an arm in front of him, and if you shoot him, it'll count as a weakpoint hit. When he summons Shadow Balls, get behind him and blast him. Contributed: From: I1Cluster1I You can use a charged slash with Zx to attack Purprill's legs when he is hanging from the rope. This maight cancel his attack as well. Also, after he does that spinning move of his, when he lands, you can easily use a charged slash on his head From: Kevin Rood Purprill Another way to easily avoid hitting his arms is to wait until he's on the wire, get behind him, and shoot his legs. Also, the Shadow Balls can be dodged at different points on the wall depending on how far from the wall he is when he throws them. If

he's close, you can just stand in the corner.

Random Musings: What the hell was the guy that named Liverpool thinking about when he named the town that... -------------------4-6: Protectos The Goreroid Name: Protectos Area: L-4 Weakness: His stomach Attacks: Walk: He walks. Don't suck for like half a second and you can avoid this one. Tiny MIssles: Protectos sends out tiny drill missles. Slash 'em. Big Missle: Protectos shoots out a HUUUUUUUUUUGE missle. He then makes a shield out of himself. Get behind him, and hide from the shockwave thingy. Colored Balls: Muha. More balls. Protty shoots out multicolored balls...I'm pretty sure there's a pill for that...that land on each platform. Get to where a pink ball lands, and stay there. You should be fine. Strategy: Optimal: Same as welfare. HAVE Px BEFORE THIS FIGHT. DO IT. DO IT NAO. Welfare: ********************Gary Lai:I just wanted to point out that you can drop down on thin ledges in ANYform, by pressing down+jump and do not have to use Px to do this******************************************* ^^^^^^^^THIS MAN SPEAKS THE TRUTH! Use ZX for most of this fight, but use Px to switch elevation by pressing down, down. Avoid his attacks, and shoot him in the head. It's not that difficult,just change directions as he Contributed: From: David Lee Hi, I was trying your method of getting a lvl 4 victory against protectos and i found out it's easy to hit his stomach with the ricochet from the charged buster. I found a easier way to get lvl 4 with Fx. So basically, set both busters at two up and 1 forward (something like: ->

(buster)= You should only fire when he is on the MIDDLE platform and when you're on

the TOp platform. So protecty is on middle and you're on top: this is when you spam both guns. But if you spam while he's moving up, you'll hit his stomach so b careful. And if he stay on top too long, then down jump to change elevation and he'll come down soon enough. I barely got hit doing this trick and it was pretty quick. Might be easier for some ppl. From: Mark McCarroll Need model FX. This is the method I'm most proud of. Not to insult your method but it's much much faster and I'm an impatient guy, so this is how I discovered it. Choose FX and for the Left Arm choose straight forward. for the Right Arm choose up up then straight. When he's on the bottom level, use the left arm. When he's on the mid level, use the right arm. It'll do more damage than the ZX buster and it will never harm his body. From: Matt White have it (Model Fx's shot path) drawn to the top and second to the top rows first, and then directed to the normal direction. It may be slow, but I can pull it off relatively easy. PX isn't quite needed, since you can just jump along the bars or fall through them by holding Down and pressing Jump. From: Kevin Rood For the Protectos fight, it is, as far as I'm aware, impossible to take that mission without PX first. Anyway, you can also (much more quickly) go to lower platforms with any form my pressing Down+B. Also, if you hang out under him when he's on the top platform, he'll try to land on you by jumping down to the bottom. You'll know when he's doing this when he just does a little hop and doesn't engage the thruster-things. This is an easy way to get his head easily accessible for the Welfare strategy.

Random Musings: I should REALLY be studying Chinese. Oh well... -------------------4.65-6: Interperative Poem: I Like Owls Owls are cool.

Owls are fun. I want an Owl. ...that's it. What? You expected something useful? -------------------4-7: Fistleo The Predatoroid Name: Fistleo Area: G-5 Weakness: His head. Yeah, you know, the thing CONSTANTLY IN FRONT OF HIS ENTIRE BODY. Attacks: Jump: He jumps, usually twice in a row. Go under him. Autism Smash: Fisty Jumps into the ceiling repeatedly, bringing down two flaming blocks of ouch that fall from the ceiling. He then air dashes through them. Cling to a wall to avoid this. Heal: WHEN HE MAKES A RED BALL OF ENERGY, HE IS HEALING. GET BEHIND HIM BY DASHING OVER HIM. FREE SHOT! Blue Balls: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I kill me. Blueballs. Yeaaaaaaaah... he shoots out blue...balls *snicker*. The first is in front of him, the second traces you, and the third, after a delay, also traces you. Jump around, and get near him on the final ball. Angry Torpedo: Fistleo growls, flies through the air, and summons four fireballs in his wake. Laugh as he flies over you, then jump the fireballs. Dustin Sylvester says: on your faq i believe you missed one of flammole's attacks,it starts much like"adios" does but rater than comeing back out and entering the ceiling he remainsunderground and causes rocks to fly everywhere, this may be a rarely used attack so it might not be seen often, explaining why it wasnt in the faq.

Strategy: Optimal: Use Model Hx. When he jumps, get near him and slash his feet. ALWAYS use OIS before you slash though, or you'll do crap damage. When he Autism Smashes, hit him out of the air with a slash. If he heals, GET BEHIND HIM, AND BACK UP A BIT. This way, you don't hit his head, and can cheap shot him. Finally, during Blue Balls, wait until he fires off the third ball, and hit his hand from a medium distance. Welfare: You're screwed. Except not, follow the above with charge shots. Contributed: Things you'll needFrom Tatrion Prenial:

Model Hx (both pieces and a high bar will help a lot, you'll be using overdrive) Subtanks (You can get two easily by the time you face Fistleo, see the FAQs) A W-tank (hit the first doll in Prarie's room until you get it. It takes quite a bit of hits.) Get to Fistleo's room and deal with the converation. Once the battle starts, wall kick up either wall and stay as high as you can. You might be able to move a bit to dodge attacks, but that's why I said get the subtanks. Once you're sticking to the top of the wall, Fistleo should come under you and start healing, WITH HIS WEAK SPOT FACING THE WALL. Jump down, turn on overdrive, and stand a bit back from him, and slash. You should take out about a sixth to a fifth of his HP. The good thing about this is, when you're sticking to the wall as high as you can, whenever Fistleo heals, he will always do it facing the wall, so you have a clear shot at him without hitting his weak point. If you die or have to suicide because you hit the weak point, use the W-tank to recover Fx energy so you can overdrive again. I hope I made that clear enough; It took me at least 25 tries to figure out this stategy -_From: Kevin Rood Fistleo fight After a certain point, he'll replace Heal with a Counter move where he faces the back of the stage and gets this red aura-thingy. In this state, if you hit him with a melee attack, he'll take no damage and smash you away into the far wall. From: cwehmeyer For Fistleo, my worst nightmare, only Model Px's charged spinning star worked on this boss without hitting his face. Apparently the spinning star hits lower than a charged buster from the Model Zx form. The key point in using Model Px's charged spinning star is that you AND the boss have to be on the ground AND Fistleo must not be restoring his health. Besides that restoring move, every other action on the ground leaves his head just high enough for the ninja star. Even if he lands on the ninja star from a jump, it does not count as hitting the biometal in his face unless he doesn't feel the "knockback" of the charged move. If he doesn't express being knocked back, he could go to the health restoring more. If the player runs out of weapon energy, the normal thrown kunai can work too (the attack when you only press fire) but again you have to be on the ground. I found the best time to release a charged ninja star is to let Fistleo use the "Blue Balls" attack and

release the ninja star on the 3rd bursting ball of energy

Random Musings: I hate this guy. He's easy once you get the strategy though.PANCAKES! -------------------4-8: Flammole The Moleroid Name: Flammole Area: K-4 Weakness: His claws Attacks: Run: He runs forward, then turns around. Jump him. Flamethrower: Shoots a jet of flame from his claws. Cling to a wall, jump over the stream of fire. Lava Cannon: Shoots out balls *hehe* of fire in a descending arc, stand there and drool until the last one, then jump over it. Adios: Flammole jumps into the ceiling, then to the ground, then into the ceiling,then to the ground. Each time, he causes rocks to fly out. Avoid his body, as well as the rocks. Lava Geyser: He pummels the ground, shooting up jets of flame that trace you. Dash like a madman to avoid the first two, then move onto a wall to avoid the last two jets of flame. Strategy: Optimal: Hx all the way. Keep a slash charged, and hit him as soon as he turns around, whenever he does, but be quick about it. Here's the tricky part. When he does Adios, initiate you OIS, and wait. When he flies to the ground, jump and hit his FEET with you saber. When he goes to the ceiling again, hit his FEET only. If you are lucky, you can get him on the first pass as well. DO NOT try to get him on the final pass, you;ll hit his claws every time. Welfare: swap out charged slashes for charged shots, follow Optimal strategy. Contributed: From:ss5joshua I've got a little tip for when fighting Flammole The Moleroid, you wrote: Lava Geyser: He pummels the ground, shooting up jets of flame that trace you. Dashlike a madman to avoid the first two, then move onto a wall to avoid the last two jets of flame. Here's a quick tip, the first two blasts shoot you wherever you're standing, but the third/last one where he sends up two pillars will actually hit around

you, so if you stand perfectly still it won't hit you. Much easier than scrambling to get up a wall :) From: I1CLuster1I For Flammole, you can safely attack his head with a charged slash with Zx when he is in his neutral position. The times that are best are right after he does his digging from the floor to ceiling move, after he does his flamethrower move and right after he does the lava geyser move. Also, just another tip. For the lava geyser move, you move for the first two and when he does the double geyser, just stand still and you'll be fine. From: Kevin Rood For the Flammole fight, I've noticed that if you hit him with a Thunder attack, sometimes he'll go underground and start making rocks fly up. This is easily dodged by clinging to the walls. For the Lava Geyser attack, you can just stand still for the last attack; both will go next to you it's a fake-out to try and trick you into running into one of the jets.

Random Musings: Sometimes I wonder why we have so many toes. I know that they're there to help us keep upright, but c'mon. FIVE? We could totally get away with just the big and pinky toe. People aren't THAT uncoordianted. Or maybe we could just have one HUGE toe. That would be kinda cool. -------------------4.98284-0 Avoiding Attack Advice From rawarrior1987 And Burnedkirby That I'm Too Lazy To Categorize: In Your FAQ you sugest ways to avoid certin attacks I thought I might suggest a better way to avoid some for example when Hurricaune uses Small 'Nados you can cling to the walls while she forms them and then drop down once they start to move toward you if you do it right they will ALWAYS miss. also when she uses Vertebrae Beam JUST DASH UNDER IT if you do this right you will be far enough foward to not get hit by the shockwave. And you missed an attack on Lurrere after a Vortex she will usually call her little fishy foward and she will stay in one place launching her ice shards OK thats fine but while she does this fishy will launch a MASSIVE TORPEDO it's intimidating but time your jumps right it's not that bad. And she usually

dosen't use I'M GON BITE CHA unless you hit her weak point. when fighting Protectos you should probably mention his shiny shield that takes a few attacks to destroy it's not much but if their reading this they probably don't wan't to be suprised. When Flammole uses his Lava Geyser attack after dodging the first two geysers try JUST STANDING THERE if you do the third attack will miss. Burnedkirby adds: For Hivolt, when he does teh 3 slash combo, you can jump... or dash and stay below his giant projectile (hold L and press left and right so you stay under and not into the boss.) When Hivolt starts flying at you after detaching the legs and fireing, dodge the spinning electric legs by dashing at the indent in ground close to him, or if you are far from him, a little higher from the indent in ground. (harder when dodging further away.) For Hurricane, when she does the flying tornado-on-your-head thing, stay at one side of the room untill she is barley as high as a tower of two of your character on each other where you are standing. (2 not 3.) When she does the purple beam, dash (like for the last boss. dash and stay in same spot) but dont dash too close to the wall or you will get hit. To dodge the almost impossible double tornado attack, when she starts making the tornado, jump on the wall. When she shoots them, drop down, and it will always fly right over your head (be halfway up wall to be safe to say the tornado will 'follow' you up there, then drop down and hug the wall, and it will clip some hair off your head. its that close, but you dont get hurt.) For Lurrere, there isnt much to say. You can shoot the mouth of the giant fish when it tries to eat you if you cause lurrere to explode into a white ball. For Leganchor, the boss guide faq in game faq is very helpful. For Purpill, i have nothing to say. Those arms are frickin big... For Protectos, i have... nothing... yeah. thats it. impressive eh? For Fistelo, nothing either. For Flammole, when he goes into the ground, stay on one side on the wall. when he comes out, dash out to the other side and stay on the ground. when he tries to fall on you from the ceiling, dash to the other side and get on the wall. rinse and repeat until he drops 3 times. on the 3rd drop, he should land. (habit = death for these bosses.)

-------------------5-A: Contact Info: Rathbun2@tcnj.edu AIM: Saikamagoichi777 Phone Number: Yeah, like I'm giving that out over the Intrawebz Send any questions/tips, I'll credit you. -------------------6-A: Copyright Info ALL CHARACTERS/MODELS/WEAPONS HEREIN ARE COPYRIGHT CAPCOM. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. I am merely a Megaman fanboy and consumer whore. The ideas are mine, not the characters. -------------------7-A: Thanks Thanks, Jesus, cause you're awesome. And stuff. Dir En Grey too. And friends and family and all that generic crap. Thanks Capcom. And Gamefaqs. Woo!

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