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Coxs Bazar Bangladesh Fellowship Description Bazar,

Medic Mobile is soliciting applications for a dedicated project fellow to assist with the execution of a pilot project in association with the Hope Foundation in Coxs Bazar, Bangladesh. The tion focus of the project is to train village health workers (VHWs) to perform antenatal care (ANC) at the point of contact, generally in the patients home. VHWs will be trained to take histories, trained perform physical exams, and collect laboratory samples as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. This program will be assisted by an SMS based communication network to automatically SMS-based schedule ANC appointments, send out timely SMS reminders and educational messages, s, organize patient record information, and assist in triaging at risk women to higher level ANC at-risk care. Medic Mobiles responsibility for this project is to design, build, test, and implement this system. For further technical and pilot details, please refer to the study design and overview.

Organizational Background
The Hope Foundation for Women and Children of Bangladesh Inc is a non-profit medical Bangladesh, profit organization based out of Coxs Bazar, Bangladesh, founded with the intention of improving Bangladesh, quality medical access and patient education with a focus on preventative care. With a 40 40-bed charitable hospital in Coxs Bazar and eight satellite centers throughout southern Bangladesh, Hope has provided care to more than 250,000 individuals since its founding in 1999. are non-profit Medic Mobile is a technology startup that operates in the non profit mobile health (mHealth) space. Medic develops open-source software platforms that leverage simple cell phone source technology and SMS-based communication in order to improve healthcare access and support. based For the present pilot, a lightweight electronic medical records system (EMR) called PatientView , will be implemented at the Hope Foundation hospital, along with a module that will enable health workers to enroll newly-pregnant women from the field via SMS and create new patient pregnant records. Additionally, health workers will enter and submit structured data via SMS using a data mobile application called FrontlineForms. As scheduled ANC appointments approach, PatientView will automatically generate SMS based educational messages and reminders to be SMS-based sent to women or health workers during the course of preg pregnancy.

Fellowship Activities
The following duties and responsibilities will be assigned to and expected of the fellow: Preparation Become familiar with the Hope Foundation pilot project overview and protocol Become familiar with the FrontlineSMS, FrontlineForms, and PatientView software platforms Assist in the design of the ANC training schema in association with Dr. Sharma Assist in the design and execution of the ANC forms to be constructed on FrontlineForms Develop and draft baseline questionnai and post-pilot surveys questionnaires Beta test the PatientView custom software tools in association with Medic Mobiles software development team 1

Travel April (earliest): Fly to Cox Bazar, Bangladesh The fellow will be joined by Priyanka Bangladesh. Pathak from Medic Mobile Soon after arrival: Visit and meet with staff, health workers, and patients at Hopes Cox Bazar hospital Soon after arrival: Visit and meet with staff, health workers, and patients at Hopes clinic on the island of Moheshk Moheshkali Late July/August: Return home

Training/Execution Assist with final software testing for the PatientView ANC module Assist with the on-site setup of PatientView, including the customization of the necessary site ANC forms Procure 10 java-enabled phones and preload them with the FrontlineForms software enabled Assist with antenatal care training of VHWs in association with Dr. Sharma Assist with the training of VHWs on Frontline Forms Expand on the existing reference documentation for PatientView to include information on the custom software modules built for this pilot Create a technical troubleshooting document document/user manual for staff using PatientView at the Hope sites

Fellowship Deliverables
The fellow will be expected to deliver the following content: Internal Communication Weekly updates on Basecamp (internal management system) to members of the Medic Mobile core team describing what was accomplished last week, an interesting fact/lesson learned, and goals for the coming week Short text/photo updates every few days on Yammer (internal communication system)

External Communication One blog post every three weeks for the Medic Mobile website. Suggested topics include: o Characterization of the community, healthcare challenges, and the current structure of antenatal care. o Discussion of the motivating factors for women to deliver their children at home versus in the clinic, to engage in antenatal care or not, the culture of family planning, etc.

o Description of the system being piloted (high level overview), including details of the software program, SMS reminder system, and home based antenatal care home-based delivery o Challenges of implementation, unexpected hurdles, and creative solutions/workarounds lutions/workarounds Take copious photos, and include relevant ones in blog posts! Brief summary report providing an overview of the pilot and its progress, to be distributed to stakeholders, funders, and the general public

Publication (Optional) Assist with data compilation, analysis, and manuscript writing. This will ptional) occur ~1 year after the beginning of the fellowship (approximately April 2013)

Fellow Qualifications
Academic Qualifications The selected fellow should be a recent graduate from or currently pursuing a Bachelors, Masters or doctoral degree program in the health sciences, computer sciences, information systems/sciences, statistics, international affairs, or a related discipline If needed, the work discipline. performed during the internship can serve as part of a Masters thesis or the equivalent. Experience or interest in the field of international development, global health, technology, or quantitative social sciences is a requirement. Language Skills Fluency in written and spoken English is required. Working knowledge of Bangla is preferable, but not required. Additional Competencies and Skills Familiarity with mobile communication systems (SMS, data, voice) and Windows-based Windows systems is required based Familiarity with Java-based applications is required; as such, some experience in Java programming, while not required, will be an asset Proven experience in working or traveling in developing settings Ability to work both independently and in a team environment Ability to professionally manage relationships and interactions with different stakeholders, including patients, clinic staff, doctors, NGO administrators, and government officials

Duration of Work
The research fellow will be expected to work on site through the summer of 2012 for at least 8 on-site weeks, working for about 35+ hours per week. The ideal start time would be early April, but the April fellow may begin as late as May, if necessary. 3

Roundtrip airfare to Bangladesh and Cox Bazar will be covered, and arrangements for Coxs accommodations will be made.

To assist in accomplishing the goals outlined above, the fellow will have regular guidance and support from all parties involved. Key points of contact will include: Priyanka Pathak, Regional Director South Asia, Medic Mobile (primary) , Nadim Mahmud, Chief Research Officer Medic Mobile Officer, Mainul Islam, Chief Operating Officer, Medic Mobile , Iftikher Mahmood, President, Hope Foundation , Dr. Vidya Sharma, University of Kansas Medical School ,

Application Instructions
Please send a brief cover letter, CV or resume, and any inquiries to Nadim Mahmud ( and Priyanka Pathak ( ( Applications will . be accepted until February 20, 201 , 2012. Additional information on Medic Mobile is available at Information on the Hope Foundation is available at

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