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Editorials/ Opinions

The South Texan - May 3, 2011

Lets not let this news give us the false pretense that our nation is now safe and secure.
--The South Texan

Please stop cuts

All across our great country, the middle and lower class are wondering if the proposed budget cuts will once again leave them financially damned. Rick Perry and the Texas legislature have already joined the lets not tax big business but cut education funds band wagon. The proposed budget cuts to education have most teachers and other educators wondering if they will be on the chopping block this coming school year. Truth is, some are. The budget cuts are being supported by Rpublican legislators across the state. They assure that before there is any real damage done to teachers, cuts will be made to non -curriculum personnel first. What they really mean is cutting teacher aides, janitors, cafeteria staff, and coaching personal. Most classrooms are over capacity in the Texas school systems and now they are trying to help increase the ratio to student/ teacher even higher! Rick Perry and his gang refuse to find other means of assisting our budget. The idea of taxing Texass big business seems absurd to them. They would rather let the teacher who has been teaching for twenty plus years be forced to retire because he/ she is making too much money for their own good. Many students are graduating this year with an English degree and high hopes for finding a decent teaching job, but may have to put those hopes on standby.. At least until the right people finally realize that education is one of the most important jobs in the world, and should not be taken for granted.

four seconds before the end, I saw a 64yard field goal eliminate the Javelinas from the playoffs. This happened after we had that amazing comeback against West Texas last October. Well, Hog-Nation it is time to say see you later. I refused to say goodbye. My life here are the greatest memories of my life. I saw a lot of things and lived a lot of things. I will like to thank those who help me go thru: God, parents, Zarape Record Shop, Praise Victory Worship Center, Kingsville Boxing Club, Sigma Delta Pi, BSM, FCA, the Javelina Athletics department, The South Texan, the COMM-TA department, the Language and Literature department, my five roommates, including the one who never paid rent, and to the rest of my fellow Javelinas, THANKS. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith, 2 Timothy 4:7.

Given the right circumstances anybody can rise above their circumstances. With a healthy, pro-social environment anybody can acquire the skills necessary to become productive members of society. If individuals are given the opportunity to foster leadership skills, with the assistance of a role model and perseverance, they can grow into leaders. It takes time, however, to acquire the knowledge, skills, and virtues necessary to be an effective leader. At this University, student leaders have demonstrated their ability. It is our responsibility to foster leadership in others at this University. We as students already have the knowledge and skills necessary to be leaders. Having attended the previous 2 Leadership Conferences and Leadership Awards Banquets and having the opportunity to speak has made me fully aware of the student leaders at TAMUK. As Student Organization Forum Committee Chair this past year and Secretary the year previous to that I know what our student organizations are capable of and how proactive they truly are. There are opportu-

Letter to the Editor

experience an enjoyable one for everybody. There was always something to look forward to between work and studying for exams. The best advice that I can give is to always savor the moment. The time goes by too fast, and by the time you know it you will be stuck in a classroom with a bunch of freshman, wondering where all the familiar faces went. Making the best out of every situation, will automatically bring you success, although its not always smooth sailing. There were times during the storm when I wanted to dive head first into the water and call it a day, but I ended up sticking it out and grew more tolerant. I am just a regular student trying to find my own path in this world, even though I am graduating my venture has just begun. All I need to do is stay motivated to keep my journey moving forward.

nities to build your leadership skills at TAMUK. Leadership entails putting the wellbeing of others before your own self-interest and helping PEOPLE accomplish a goal. Have the ambition to put yourself into a leadership role and you will find it. Whether it is joining a student organization, leading prayer groups at church, or take control of a project leaders take charge. Leadership requires passion, humility, wisdom, virtuosity, integrity. I have learned that with experience you can improve your faults. Making decisions becomes easier and easier. As the incoming student body President I have faith that our student body has the leadership ability to engage our students, develop new leaders, and be the most active student body at this University in recent years. We must continue establishing a culture which fosters leadership, encourage others to grow and develop, and show others that we have faith in them and believe in their potential. As a javelin family we must come together and become even more active on campus and in the community and set precedents! Student Body President-Elect, Dustin Schwandt

Graduating seniors tell their experience

Its my time to say see you later I will not say what year because it makes me feel old, but I will say that before the Olympic Games of 2008 and way before the Fifa World Cup of 2010, I became a student at A&MKingsville. Now, four years later, I am glad to say I AM DONE. Its a bittersweet feeling. The month of August is going to be awkward when I wake up and I dont have to go to class or type a paper. When I was about to enter to school, God grabbed a hold a of me and showed me a way to follow. Now, thanks to that, I can say how marvelous Haiti is, how beautiful the old cars in the streets of Havana are and how amazing the mountains in Mexico look. I can also 99% baby, 1% girl= you are my baby girl. Ah, those Springs Breaks in South Padre Island, I wont be able to forget. The night I boxed a junior Olympian was great. I survived. That feeling is something amazing. However, it was at Javelina Stadium where I had the greatest time during these past four years. I screamed my lungs out for the football team won that won Conference Championship and I got really sad when,

Hector Castelltort Columnist The South Texan


Determination is the key to your diploma. About five years ago, I had no thoughts regarding college, much less plans for college. I was too ignorant in high school; always with my head in the clouds. Most of my concerns were of boys, concerts, having money, and not having kids. Once I was out I realized I did not want to be limited to a fast food or waitressing job in the small town of Premont, Texas. Been there, done that, and I was ready to move on. Making the decision to go to college was the best choice I ever made, and making the decision to attend Texas A&M UniversityKingsville was the second best. I was able to adapt to this pleasant, spacious and closeto-home environment a lot easier than if I would have gone to a bigger, self-absorbed and crowded institution. Making friends was fairly easy, considering all my classes were fairly small. Getting to know your peers, professors and administration a little better, and being able to voice your own opinion is what AMK is all about. One thing that I regret is not taking advantage of all the extra curricular activities on campus. I commend this institution for all the effort put into making this college

Death is not the end

Citizens from the entire celebrated as the news spread last Sunday. Nearly 10 years had past and those four words that Americans had been waiting to hear were finally said. Bin Laden is Dead! As a country, we have every right to celebrate an event like this, but lets not lose focus. Osama (or Usama depending who you ask) did not act alone. His followers continue to have a presence throughout the world, including the United States of America. One expert on CNN couldnt have said it better when he stated, We have cut the head off of the worm, but sometimes worms grow another head. Indeed, the al-Queda worm is very capable of growing producing a new leader. Lets not let this news give us the false pretense that our nation is now safe and secure. The mission is not accomplished, just yet. The war is nowhere near over and

The actions of few can ruin it for everyone else. Apparently, this statement is true Philip Perez /The South Texan with regard to campus dining. In the land of all you can eat, there are limitations in place for people who do not have time to eat in house. One entre, sides, desert and a drink should suffice for those who choose to take their pre-paid meal to their dorms. Yet, for those who choose to dine-in, meals are, Commentary for the most part, unlimited. Philip J. Perez In defense of Javelina Dining, Columnist students can be wasteful. Limits should The South Texan be in place as to how much food a student can carry out, but limiting students to one entre when the serving size is so small is asking for a bit much. Half the time, during peak hours, sides a call for our troops to return would be a bit are not readily available for the student premature. on the go. Yes, bin Laden is dead, but the Muslim Is it wrong for students to ask for extremist machine is not. In fact, his death may a double meat burger, more than one be the fuel that sets off the fire in the very near slice of pizza or even a second piece of future. chicken? Celebrate the day, but continue to pray, We are hard-working students and send positive energy (or whatever else our believe it or not, college tends to work freedom allows us to do) that our nation and up serious appetites, some more than the rest of the world endures the long battle others. How can you expect an offensive that is ahead of us now. lineman or a point guard to be satisfied

Now lunch cuts?

with a small burger? In a perfect world, every student would be able to afford the luxury of sitting down in the dining hall to enjoy a meal. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world, and with finals coming up, the dining hall may not be the ideal choice for students who may want to eat at their computer. Perhaps a compromise is in order. What would it hurt to limit take-out meals to two or three entrees instead of just one? If waste is a concern, then perhaps bigger single portions would eliminate the urge to pile on in order to satisfy ones appetite. Students, you are not off the hook on this either. Every one of us is an adult and in this down economy, where does it make sense to overload yourself on food, only to throw away half of it? Be mindful of those around you when serving yourselves before further measures are taken in order to control your servings. We all have to eat in order to focus. Why create something that will limit your ability to satisfy your appetite because you felt like piling on your plate?

Melinda Sepulveda Editor/Columnist The South Texan


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