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Making Connections Lesson: Name: Christa Jennings Date: 9/14/11 Grade Level/Subject: 3rd Grade Language Arts Prerequisite

Knowledge: -General understanding of background knowledge skill from literacy cafe Approximate Time: 30 minutes Student Objectives/Student Outcomes:-Students will understand the make connections strategy -Students will recognize the authors main purpose for writing Content Standards:- 2.B.2a Respond to literary material by making inferences, drawing conclusions and comparing it to their own experience, prior knowledge and other texts. Materials/Resources/Technology: -22 copies of the Make Connections large chart -Around 8 copies each of the low, mid, and high leveled readers -22 markers for the large charts -Making Connections posters (Text to Self, Text to Text, Text to World) -1 copy of My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks Implementation: Time 12:35-12:38 Opening of lesson: (Objectives, hook, behavior expectations) -Explain that we will be practicing our using background knowledge skill from literacy caf -Show the cover of the book My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks --Ask students If you picked up this book at the library and only looked at the front cover what background knowledge would you have about this book? --If necessary I have two dogs and sometimes they get really smelly etc. -Review background knowledge skill --Ask about times when students have used their background knowledge Procedures: Include critical thinking questions and accommodations for individual needs -Begin class in whole group -Discuss that another way to talk about background knowledge is to make connections -Talk about the 3 kinds of connections --Ask students Where do you get your background information? --If necessary prompt towards self, world, and other texts --Place posters on the board as students discuss each type -Pass out Scream Machines Poster --Allow 1 minute for a quick picture walk over the poster -Tell students that we will be practicing making connections -Tell class that I will read through the poster and they should follow along with their marker or their finger -After the line ending in but that arent usually that dangerous stop to make my first



connection --Ive ridden a rollercoaster at Six Flags and it was really thrilling but I knew I wouldnt get hurt since rollercoasters are usually safe --Is my connection to riding a rollercoaster text to self, text to world, or text to text? --Ask students if any of them have also ridden a rollercoaster --If many students volunteer to make connections say I will pick 2 names from the name can. If you do not get picked you might want to write about when you rode a rollercoaster during work on writing time this afternoon. -Tell students Im going to underline my connection, and then model. --Let students know that any time they find a connection to this poster they should underline it -After finishing poster ask for two examples of connections and have class decide on the type -Tell students we will split into groups to work on making more connections -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Split students into three groups based upon reading level (Groups will be pre-assigned by Mrs. Whitney) -Tell students that Ive already picked names for each group -Explain to students that when they get to their group they will be using popcorn reading to read through the packet -Tell students that they should continue to underline connections they make while they are reading the new passage -After checking for understanding I will dismiss students (by table number) to their group area where the packet of reading they are using will already be sitting --Level 3 will form a circle on the carpet --Level 2 will be at yellow table in the back with me --Level 1 will be at the front table with Mrs. Whitney While in Groups -Begin reading the first paragraph to the students -Ask for volunteers to read the next paragraph -Continue in this fashion, modeling underlining my own connections Whole Class -At 12:57 stop the groups and tell them that each person in their group needs to take a turn sharing a connection they made -Allow every student to show one connection they made to the story and tell the group whether their connection was text to self, text to world, or text to text Accommodations: Students will be placed in groups based upon reading level and the passages they read will be appropriately leveled for their understanding Teachers will work with students in the lower and middle reading groups Summary/Closing: -Call students back to their desks -Review the 3 main types of connections by asking for volunteers --Text to self connections are things that I have experienced --Text to world connections are things are things you know about the world --Text to text connections are things that you have already read -Remind students that connections can help them to better understand what they are reading and


that it is something they should use when doing read to self


Student Assessment: -Student assessment will be done informally through participatory activities -When students share their connections I will be sure that they are using the correct type of connection to explain what their connection was to

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