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GODS CALL It is all about calling. When someone had called you, what do you say or do in reply?

Are you happy that some had called you? When you are doing something and someone called you, off course thats an interruption, are mad because you were summoned? And when you were called do respond immediately? How do you respond to the call? In the bible we find many ways how God called His chosen people. We can read how His called ones responded. We can also see who they were before they were called. Can you name any of them? y Moses through the burning bush. Exodus 3:2 The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from within a bush. y Paul in his way to Damascus before he might persecute more Christians. Acts 22:6 As I was en route and near Damascus, about noon a very bright light from heaven suddenly flashed around me. y Jeremiah not specific but were explained. Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in your mothers womb I chose you. Before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations. And many othersNow on your own thought, how were you called by God? 1. God calls whom he knew. I love the text on this week, especially in the book of Psalms, where it says about the omniscience attribute of our God. Isnt it amazing to know that God knows you? From the tips of your hair to the tiniest particle you have in your cells he know you. He knows what you have done, what you are doing and what you will do. He knows your thoughts. What can you hide from him? When you are calling, do you call those whom you do not know? If you do so, what do you get in response when you do not know whom you are calling? God doesnt call just to have a call mate. We must keep in our mind that God knows why he is calling so answer it. 2. God is calling for a purpose We do call those whom we know because we have a purpose in calling. And so does God, he does not call without a purpose. In I Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful for me but not everything is beneficial. All things are lawful for me but I will not be controlled by anything. In this world we live with purpose. Do you know your purpose why you live? God does, thats why he is calling. The scriptures say how God calls to give instruction to his people. God called Jonah and gave instruction to him, God called Moses to help Israel, God called Paul to spread the Gospel, God called Esther to save Gods people, God called Samuel to foretell Gods plan, God called his 12 disciples to be fishers of menand many others. God calls us intentionally. He wants us to answer his call because He wants us to know what his purpose in our lives is, and he calls to give instructions on how we are going to live our lives. 3. Gods call needs a response Gods call is in need of our immediate response. How many times did God call you, and how many times did Gods call become a missed call? Dont be like Jonah that when God called him he fled to another place, see what happened to him? Jonah was imprisoned inside the big fish. Dont let yourself say, I finally answered Gods call, thats a shame. And because he had called us in his own

special way, how do we answer him? God is that you? Hello, who is calling? Lord, speak for your servant is listening. We, people of God differ uniquely in our attitude and thats beautiful. But let us be aware of our attitude in choosing Gods call. We live because God wants us to live. We obey his instruction because God wants us to. We believe Jesus because we are Gods creation. We hope for Jesus second coming because thats what we were instructed to. We are called because God has a purpose and we must reply. God calls, we answer it or not. Let us remember always that Life is just a matter of choice and attitude. That is what I am happy with living my life. It is because I can choose whether to answer Gods call or not, I choose without regrets. When God called you and you answered did you have regrets? When you did not answer Gods call did you have regrets? Whatever we have chosen in this life, it is always influenced or should I say in accordance to the attitude we have. We are called to serve not to be served. Let us commit to that service because we are called. In answering Gods call let us remember what Jesus said in John 14:1, Do not let your hearts be distressed. You believe in God; believe also in me (Jesus). Go on answer your call, probably its God who is calling you. Good Morning.

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