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is a challenge and, as many of you know,

that is the stage of ministry we are in currently. We have heard from so many experienced missionaries that it can be one of the most trying times, and if youre not careful, it can even make you forget why you wanted to go into missions in the first place. It is a time wrought with ups and downs, a roller coaster ride of emotions, struggles, and blessings.

I am not going to lie and say that we havent already had our first tastes of the emotions and struggles that come with the territory, but I feel that we have certainly been overwhelmed with blessings. I (Cass) nearly cry each time we show our video and relive the James 1:2 moments we experienced in Sudan, and we both absolutely LOVE to share with others the work that the Lord is doing among the people in South Sudan. For us, fundraising is a ministry through which we are able to encourage fellow believers, raise awareness for South Sudan, and involve others in the work that God is doing there through Aid Sudan. We have also been incredibly blessed by the encouragement we have received from people, and we have absolutely LOVED watching God bring new supporters on boardpeople who live states away and whom weve never even met! Its hard, but it is oh so good!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for our house to sell quickly. We pray daily for God to bring the perfect people in who will cherish it and be blessed by it. Please continue to pray for our fundraising. We definitely trust in Gods provision, but we are also praying hard for Him to have us in Africa by the end of the year. Please lift up the nation of South Sudanfor the Gospel to penetrate the darkness, for wise and godly leaders, and for all of the missionaries living and working there.

slash-and-burn campaigns, and kidnappings. The UN has even sent in troops to reinforce the local military soldiers, but because of how large and sparsely populated the areas are, its difficult to maintain any semblance of protection on that large of a scale. We ask, no, we PLEAD God daily for His protection of the innocent refugees, the villagers, and the militia men in South Sudan. We plead that God would move in such power and that the weapons would be lowered. We also plead for unity among the tribes, that tribalism would not destroy the nation from the inside out. Finally, we plead that those who are able will hear the Word and be transformed by it, turning their lives over to Christ. Please join us in our pleading!

Updates from South Sudan

Im sure it comes as no surprise that the news here in the United States doesnt often report on what is happening in South Sudan. Even the BBC News leaves a lot of information out, but they are pretty good about including any major news. We keep our eyes on more localized news, and what weve been reading lately has been disheartening. Recent reports have included information about the government army in Sudan bombing refugee camps in South Sudan. Northerners have been fleeing en masse across the border because of the recent bombing campaigns in oilrich regions of the North. The bombing of refugee camps in South Sudan has not only killed the most vulnerable and helpless of all humansthose living as refugeesbut has also killed South Sudanese who live in the areas. In addition to this, the South itself has been facing tremendous difficulties with inter-tribal fighting. The Jonglei State, in particular, has suffered from thousands of deaths over the last several months as the Nuer and Murle tribes, among others, carry out large-scale cattle raids,


To join our monthly support team, please visit and select The Ginters. We would be blessed and honored to have you on board!

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