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Darlyn Mae B.

Guiriba 3- Fortaleza

I AM SAM: A film review

Is there any standard for parenthood? Should it be in the manner accepted by the norms of our society or should it only depend on the nature of affection between parent and child although it may be unconventional for others? Every parent has their own way to show their personal love and care towards their children and even it would be an untoward display to others, basically, such is still considered filial love. While the state has its duty to see to it that such rights and duties of every parent are properly exercised, they are still responsible to provide support for every parent because the nurturing of every child by the government and the parents is guaranteed by every law. It is a hand in hand responsibility so as not to imperil the life of the child and be able to develop them in their fullest productive capacity. But still there will be no sweeter than that of the love of every parent to his child. I am Sam was a splendid and compassionate family film for it featured an extraordinary tightly-knit relationship between a father and a daughter. Unlike any common filial relationship, their life was interfered by the State because of the incapabilities of the parent which may not ensure the future growth of the child. A retarded father, Sam relentlessly pursued his right of custody to his daughter for he believe that he has the capacity to do so despite of his deficiency, as he claims that even the very simplest act such as reading fairy tale stories or preparing the breakfast for his 7-year old daughter, Lucy, is already an exemplary show of love. For him, it is not the quantity, it is more of quality. Nevertheless, it seems that the court would favor the State, thus, keeping Sam away from his daughter and giving the custody to the foster parents. At the end of the story, it shows that it was still the love between Sam and Lucy prevails notwithstanding his incapacities and impediments. Sean Penn brought dynamism and excellence in his role as Sam, a retarded father, because his acting was superbly heartwarming and heartrending to viewers. His acting did not only touch my emotions but also has taken out my true feelings towards the movie. Dakota Fanning, Sams 7 year-old daughter, portrayed his character vigorously and spontaneously as she acts so naturally by adopting his sweetness and light to her role. The film did not only revolved about the life of Sam, part of which also involved the life of Sams lawyer, Rita - a dynamic lawyer faced with family issues, the cold connection with her son and the unsettled relationship to her husband who disregarded her. Suddenly, Ritas life changes after she encounters Sams awkward status about the miseries suffered by the latter. Due to such experience, she was able to manage her own life because of the unintentional aid given by Sam in accepting those changes in her life by moving on

prospectively. Rita, despite of his dynamic and remote persona, conducted his duty as a good and responsible lawyer toward her client, Sam. Such act of granting pro bono service to Sam is considered a remarkable deed already for the fact that she has the image of highpowered. As to Michelle Pfeiffer, who played the personal lawyer of Sam, has also standout in her role. She acted in a likable yet with humility, a good attitude for a professional actress, until the very end of the film. Emotions were filled in the film and honestly, it did really touch my heart. The affection shown to the child by her father was truly commendable because of the courage he possessed as he clung to his purpose at the very end of the case. He stubbornly strived to fight his right in the custody of his daughter albeit such situation is like in between of a rock and a hard place. Likewise, the affection of Lucy to his father is praiseworthy for she did not leave his father and still tried to find a way to keep in touch with her father. Because of the high adoration by Lucy to Sam, her foster parents realized that it would be better for the child if she would be in the care of his father. Maybe my only unfavorable reaction with the movie is the lackluster flow of such because of its lengthiness that produced some lousy effects to me. Some scenes for me were no longer relevant and appropriate and are inviting no more. Perhaps, two hours is too long already for that kind of movie which is somehow predictable and plain. Nevertheless, I acclaim the movie for its essence and the values instilled to its watchers and may bring a life changing lessons for us. Moreover, I admired those scenes which highlight the court deliberations and for me, it was informative as it provides me ideas about the activities in courts. It was, indeed, a must see movie for all ages.

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