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From: Brandon Dean <SHOWUSCITIZENSHOWTORUN@MAIL.COM> Subject: Compliance Forum Feb. 8th 2012 (Committee For SHOWING U.S.

CITIZENS HOW TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT via BRANDON S. DEAN) Date: January 31, 2012 5:43:27 PM CST To: From: Committee for "Showing U.S. Citizens How To Run For President via Brandon S. Dean" 8913 N. 135th E. Ave Owasso, OK 74055 To: Federal Election Committee c/o Office of Caroline C. Hunter 999 E. Street, NW Washington, DC 20463

To Whom It May Concern: I am confirming again that I, Brandon S. Dean, will not be able to attend the the February 8th open "compliance" forum. I am working on sending an assistant to the forum with submitted questions. However, in the event that this assistant is also unable to attend the forum I have provided the submitted questions below. To my understanding, the specified email ( is the method for written questions to be submitted. If this is incorrect please provide correspondence with corrected information if at all possible. Proposed questions: Issues to be proposed or explored for the committee "For Showing U.S. Citizens How To Run For President via Brandon S. Dean." 1) Brimful Productions is a sole proprietorship digital media business founded by Brandon S. Dean. Mr. Dean is also a 2012 Presidential candidate. A primary question that Mr. Dean is pondering is if there are FEC regulatory factors related to Mr. Dean using the media business to help with developing media content for his campaign. Brimful Productions is indistinguishable from Mr. Dean since it is a sole proprietorship business entity, unlike that of a corporation. Thus, the primary question here is if Mr. Dean can use the Brimful Productions business resources to create media for the campaign and to what extent is the candidate able or allowed to use those resources for the campaign. Of note, the business was in no way originally formed specifically for the personal campaign of Mr. Dean. Examples of media that Brimful will be used to create and distribute are the following: internet and t.v. commercials, campaign flyers, and website media pages and tools. Thus, stated again more clearly, to what extent if any can Mr. Dean, independently or with volunteer help, use his sole proprietorship media business for developing media for campaigning? If it is allowed, how will the expenses be reported and divided up? For clarity, I have provided simplified example scenarios that would exhibit opportunity for specific response: - If a candidate owned a phone long prior to ever thinking, exploring, or running for president and he uses that phone to make calls related to campaign business, is the phone incurred as an expense? If so, how is it calculated as an expense to be reported? - If a computer, purchased way before the thought of running for office is used for emailing and making documents for the campaign is that computer considered a reportable expense and how do you calculate that expense? 2) An extension from the previous question, to what extent can a candidate use the business resource previously discussed to record a digital documentary film about his/her campaign. Can a candidate use that documentary to raise campaign funds? Can the footage be used post election for profiting activities for the business? What stipulations surround such activities? Is there an exact "FEC Advisory Opinion" that has already set precedent for the committee to have media exemption? 3) As far as soliciting funds and recruiting volunteers, can you provide simple but exact examples what a candidate "can do" vs. what a candidate "can not do." 4) Are YouTube video bits created by the candidates committee considered campaign advertising? 5) As far as questions proposed to the FEC on behalf of a committee or candidate - what is the most effective means to propose questions relating to FEC regulations? If a candidate or committee has a question, is there an assigned person to call and speak directly with each candidate or committee assistant? 6) Is there any form of identification that is required to be presented anywhere along the campaigning process in order show proof of a candidate's citizenship? Thank you,

Brandon S. Dean Committee for "Showing U.S. Citizens How To Run For President via Brandon S. Dean" Phone Contact 918.488.8818 Email Contact

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