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N11 Exam 1 Fall 2011 Study Guide NUMBER QUESTIONS = 50 Key points to study: y Intro to nursing (general questions)

= 2: o Nursing shortage: reasons, trends, impact;  o Societal/nursing trends;  (NLN, Robert Wood Johnson, education) o ANA Definition of nursing;  o effect of the current nursing shortage  (taken out of the test) History, Ch. 2 = 6: o Increasing health care costs & challenges;  Nurses: y F. Nightingale, o Development of Nursing education y J.S. Scales, o y A.M. McMee, o y F. Payne Bolton, o y C. Barton, o Red Cross y M. Sanger, o y D. Dix, o y L. Loyd Dock, o y A. Nutting, o y M. Mahoney, o y I. Hampton Robb, o y M. Montag, o y L. Wald, o y M. Brewster; o


Influence of nursing during war & of wars on health care; y Journal of Nursing Research; y Early schools of nursing & St. Thomas hospital; y Chicago Worlds Fair; y Brown & Goldmark Reports, y ANA Position Paper; y Events since the 1960s including the 1st decade of the 21st century; y period of most power & autonomy y

Professionalism, Ch. 3 = 6: o Professional characteristics/behaviors/values (Flexner-what did he do?);  o Characteristics of patient-centered care;  o Slides indicated in class (professionalism lecture);  o role of Professional organizations: purposes, types, & accountability;   Accountability vs. responsibility?  o Differentiate between a profession & an occupation;  o Definition/meaning of nursing ratios;  Ratios=number of nurses to patient y Cannot be more than 5 according to State legislature y Moved from Team Leading to Primary Care o Acute Care o Professionalism: barriers, preparation;  Image, Ch. 1 = 3: o Impact of the media on nursing;  o Publics view of nursing; reputation, education, attire, language;  o Growth of baccalaureate nursing; 

o How can nurses influence change;  o Men in nursing- recruitment & discrimination;  o clinical ladders, community nursing, nurse entrepreneur success;  o Nursings Agenda for Health Care Reform  y Ethics, Ch. 5 = 17: o ANA Code of Ethics;  o International Council of Nurses code;  o nurse practice act;  o bill of rights;  o deontology;  o fidelity;  o utilitarianism;  theory of the greatest good for the greatest number of people o veracity;  o beneficence;  action done to benefit others; prevent or remove harms to improve situation o autonomy;  ability to have own choice o justice;  the principle of greatest good for most people; fair Tx for the specific person o moral distress;  o non-maleficence;  do no harm; refrain from providing ineffective Tx y refuse to provide Tx that has not been shown to be effective o ethical responsibility;  o moral development;  o patient advocacy 

Nursing Process, Ch 8 = 7: o purpose;  o NANDA;  o parts/process/steps;  know the steps and the order of things  o correct form of nursing diagnosis;  pneumonia= Clinical Dx  anxiety= Nsg Dx  MI= Clinical Dx  Respiratory Diff= Nsg Dx  Lack of Education= Nsg Dx o subjective vs. objective data  Critical thinking, Ch 8= 2: o characteristics,  o variables,  o conceptual cognitive process,  o attributes and behavior of thinker  Education, Ch7 = 3: o differences between: o AND  o BSN,  o history of BSN,  o certification,  o continuing education  IOM/Transformation in Nursing Education 1: o Quality and Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN) = 1: o Advanced directives = 1 o Interpreting speaker = 1:

y y y

acculturation,  o definition of interpreting ;  o interpretation errors;  o ethical principles of interpretation 

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