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Solfeggio Hz Meditation Vol 1 & 2 (user guide)

To gain the best results from Solfeggio Hz Meditation Vol 1 & 2, listen with stereo headphones, unless you have a history of epilepsy. Also do not listen to them whilst driving or operating machinery. Initial repeated listening is the best. Then, listen at random in any order that you wish. We recommended listening to Vol 1, for a minimum of 6 weeks, at least 3, but optimally 5 to 7 days per week, before moving on or including the Gamma tracks form Vol 2. If you have never used Solfeggio tracks or other meditations with binaural beats the optimum time would be 3 months before introducing the Gamma tracks from Vol 2 into your meditation programs. People who meditate on a regular basis naturally produce more Gamma brainwaves which have been linked to higher consciousness and increased flashes of insight. Some people can feel overloaded if they listen to more than 60 to 90 Min of binaural beats in 1 day. There are a rare few that can experience overload in as little as ten minutes. This program is like a form of meditation and mind exercise in one and each individual must go at their own pace, to gain the most from it. Below is a list of the initial order that is the primary program. You can shuffle the order of the tracks. Indeed that is how this program was designed. However, initial repetition of an intro program establishes strong neurological pathways, greater brain synchronisation and enhanced personal development.
Solfeggio Hz Meditation Vol 1 Track 1: Jupiters 528Hz Connection (Low Alpha) 11:36 Min Track 2: Intuitive Sine (Low Alpha) 06:33 Min Track 3: Healing Overtone (Theta) 12:48 Min Track 4: Quent Laxis (Delta) 09:12 Min Track 5: La Unconditional (Low Theta) 10:10 Min Track 6: 528Hz Schumann Chakra Balance (Theta) 10:08 Min Track 7: Solfeggio Arpeggio (Low Alpha) 06:35 Min Solfeggio Hz Meditation Vol 2 Track 1: Gamma Centauri (Alpha & Gamma) 18:48 Min Track 2: Conscious Release (Theta & Gamma) 19:50 Min Track 3: Sub-conscious Liberation of Love (Delta) 20:07 Min Track 4: Wandjina Visitations (Delta) 20:43 Min

An example program of Vol 1 & 2 combined: (Intuitive Sine - La Unconditional - Sub-conscious Liberation of Love) Example morning program: (Quent Laxis - Gamma Centauri) or (Conscious Release - Solfeggio Arpeggio) Example evening program: (528Hz Schumann Chakra Balance - La Unconditional - Quent Laxis ) Beginner day recharge program: (Healing Overtone - Jupiters 528Hz Connection) Advanced day recharge program: (Conscious Release - Gamma Centauri) Brainwave patterns to follow. For the best results in making your own programs for example: (Alpha-Theta-Delta) or (Theta-Delta) or (Delta-Theta-Alpha) or (Alpha-Theta-Delta-Theta-Alpha) You can also do programs for example: (Alpha-Alpha) or (Theta,Theta, Delta) or (Delta-Delta-Theta-Alpha) Feel what works best for you and design programs to suit your desire and needs. During day or morning meditations, if you need to return to focus fast, it can be best to finish a program with an Alpha track. The short Alpha tracks can be very useful for ending day meditation programs and the Alpha and Gamma tracks are also excellent for that. In the evening you may wish to end with either a Theta or Delta track to help prepare for sleep. Low Alpha tracks are OK at night. If you have trouble with sleeping at night, it may be good to just use the Alpha and Gamma meditation during the day and morning. Meditation in Alpha: eyes open or closed. Meditation in Theta & Delta: eyes closed.
528 Hz Love and Gratitude - Unisonic Ascension

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