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First Semester, 2007

Lecturer: Drs. Harwanto Dahlan, MA

Department of International Relations Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta

Globalization offers a knowledge on one of the important developments of international relations. As a process, globalization involves state and non-state actors notably the MNCs. As a result, globalization makes the interactions between states and markets much more delicate, and that sometimes their good as well as bad relations are at the expense of the society. Recently, international relations has been determined more by the movements of capital, investment, and even the market expansions. The rise of business has also contributed to the decline of nation states. Since new information and all things about globalization are available online, sudents, therefore, are required to perform web activities to acquire as many available data as they can. Discussion on the best assigned paper will end the sessions. It is strongly recommended that students read Globalization, Reading Materials (available in three volumes) since they give students basic knowledge on globalization. Students are also expected to read all references. Organization: 1. In addition to class lectures as scheduled, one individual paper assignment, midterm and final exams will make up the grade. Students are not expected to miss any one of the components. 2. Students are expected to fulfill 75 percent of class attendance. Paper assignment comprises 20% of the grade, midterm exam 30%, and final exam 50%. 3. Group (max. of 5 persons) paper assignment: Paper length: approx. 6 pages, A4 double-spaced, including references and bibliography. Reference (in footnotes or endnotes) is a must. Topics should have a relevance with globalization (actors, issues, problems, processes). Paper due: at the time of midterm exam.

LECTURES AND TOPICS TOPICS I  Introduction.  Globalization: definition, scope, and academic significance. II  The Emergence of Globalization: Background


Economic Globalization: Financial and Capital.

REFERENCE(S)  What is globalisation? tersedia di  Muqtedar Khan, Teaching Globalization.  Amartya Sen, Globalization: Past and Present.  Charles W. Kegley, Jr. and Eugene R. Wittkopf, World Politics: Trend and Transformation, Seventh Ed. (Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 1996), Chapter 9, pp. 245 255.  Kegley & Wittkopf, The Globalization of Finance, pp. 255 259.  Maurice Obstfeld and Alan M. Taylor, Globalization and Capital Markets.  I Wibowo, Globalisasi dan Kapitalisme Global, Kompas, 27 April 2002.    Kegley & Wittkopf, The Globalization of Trade, pp. 259 264. Kegley & Wittkopf, The Globalization of Production, pp. 264 270. Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke, Making the Links: A Peoples Guide to the WTO and the FTA of the Americas. Samuel Huntington, Clash of Civilizations. Benjamin Barber, Jihad vs. MacWorld. Islam, AS, dan Tesis Huntington tersedia di Kegley & Wittkopf, Globalization and the State: What Future?, pp. 272 275. Negara dan Globalisasi tersedia di Munim A. Sirry, Respons Agama terhadap Globalisasi, Kompas, 17 Januari 03. Menteri Agama Kritik Globalisasi, Kompas, 12 Mei 03 Sohail Inayatullah, Islamic Civilization in Globalization: From Islamic futures to a Postwestern Civilization. Keith Harmon Snow, The Globalization of Terror: Organized Crime and the Peddlers of the Old, New Democracy. Pasukan Anti-globalisasi, Kompas, 20 April 03. Radikal Globalisasi Siap Goyang WTO, Kompas, 9 Agustus 03 Selected papers.



Globalization of Trade Globalization of Industry The Support of International Structures MIDSEMESTER Globalization of Ideology: The West Against the Rest?





Globalization and Its Impact on the NationStates. Class Discussion: Islam and Globalization


Class Discussion: Globalization of Terror Antiglobalization: What, Why, and How.





Class Discussion: Taming Globalization for Indonesia FINAL EXAM



TOPIK  Pengantar Kuliah.  Definisi Globalisasi, Ruang Lingkup & Urgensi Akademis  Munculnya Globalisasi: Latar Belakang


Globalization Ekonomi: Finansial dan Modal


Globalisasi Perdagangan

Globalisasi Industri: Menghapus Limits to Growth


Globalisasi dan Struktur Internasional


Globalisasi Ideologi: The West Against the Rest?


Globalisasi dan Dampaknya terhadap Negara-Bangsa Diskusi Kelas Islam dan Globalisasi Diskusi Kelas Globalisasi Teror Gerakan Antiglobalisasi: Apa & Mengapa Diskusi Kelas: Memanfaatkan Globalisasi bagi Indonesia




RINCIAN TOPIK  Metode, aturan mengikuti kuliah, penilaian.  Arti kata globalisasi, pembatasan ruang lingkup pembahasan oleh kuliah ini, dan alasan-alasan mengapa globalization perlu dipelajari.  Faktor-faktor yang mendorong terjadinya globalisasi, baik yang superfisial seperti kemajuan teknologi komunikasi dan transportasi maupun yang substansial yaitu greed.  Deskripsi mengenai jangkauan globalisasi keuangan dan modal, aliran modal internasional, dan pemusatan kekuatan finansial.  Analisis tentang efek globalisasi keuangan terhadap kemakmuran dunia.  Deskripsi tentang bagaimana perdagangan internasional mengubah sistem internasional, sebagai upaya mempertahankan keunggulan, dan sebagai arena konvergensi maupun divergensi politik.  Deskripsi tentang industrialisasi yang selektif, ekstraktif dan bagaimana posisi dan eksistensi tenaga kerja internasional.  Analisis tentang pertanggungjawaban MNCs terhadap sustainable development.  Deskripsi tentang peran struktur internasional dalam mendukung negara-negara maju mewujudkan dan memelihara globalisasi.  Analisis keberpihakan struktur internasional terhadap negara-negara terlambat berkembang.  Deskripsi tentang upaya Barat membangun justifikasi bagi globalisasi ideologi pasca runtuhnya komunisme.  Analisis ideologi konflik dalam tulisan Samuel Huntington dan respon akademisi serta implementasi ideologi Huntingtonian.  Deskripsi tentang kecenderungan the business prevails over the politics.  Analisis keterkaitan bisnis dengan invasi AS ke Afghanistan dan Irak.  Bagaimana Islam menjawab tantangan globalisasi kapitalisme dan Globalized Islam  Menjawab pertanyaan Islam itu teror atau Islam itu diteror?  Deskripsi tentang INGOs yang merespon globalisasi dengan penentangan terhadap struktur internasional seperti WTO dan IMF  Bagaimana sisi baik globalisasi bisa diambil manfaatnya oleh negara-negara tertinggal seperti Indonesia.

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