One Size Fits All? Towards A Differentiated Regional Innovation Policy Approach.

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Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219

One size fits all?

Towards a differentiated regional innovation policy approach
Franz Tödtling ∗ , Michaela Trippl
Department of City and Regional Development, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration,
Nordbergstrasse 15, UZA 4, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Received 18 August 2004; received in revised form 15 December 2004; accepted 10 January 2005
Available online 14 July 2005


Innovation has moved to the foreground in regional policy in the last decade. Concrete policies were shaped by “best practice
models” derived from high-tech areas and well performing regions. These are often applied in a similar way across many types
of regions. Here an attempt is made to show that there is no “ideal model” for innovation policy as innovation activities differ
strongly between central, peripheral and old industrial areas. In this paper we analyse different types of regions with respect to
their preconditions for innovation, networking and innovation barriers. Based on this classification different policy options and
strategies are developed.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Regional innovation policy; Clusters; Regional innovation systems; Less favoured regions; Innovation barriers

1. Introduction leading to a focus on R&D infrastructure provision,

financial innovation support for companies, and tech-
There is a widespread agreement in academic lit- nology transfer. These policies emphasised the supply
erature that knowledge, learning and innovation are of innovation inputs and of support instruments, often
key to economic development and competitiveness for neglecting the absorption capacity of firms and the spe-
firms, regions and nations. Innovation is also rank- cific demand for innovation support in less favoured
ing on the top of policy agendas today both in the regions. Also, behavioural characteristics and man-
fields of industrial and regional policy. Until the 1990s agement and organisational deficits of companies, in
the linear model of innovation policy was dominating, particular of SMEs, were not sufficiently taken into
account (Lagendijk, 2000). Instruments were usually
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 1 31336 4781;
addressed to individual companies and applied in a
fax: +43 1 31336 705.
rather uncoordinated way (Asheim et al., 2003).
E-mail addresses: (F. Tödtling), More recently attention has shifted to innova- (M. Trippl). tive regions and milieux (Camagni, 1991; Crevoisier,

0048-7333/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1204 F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219

2001; Ratti et al., 1997), high-tech areas (Keeble and is that there is no one “best practice” innovation
Wilkinson, 1999, 2000), clusters of knowledge based policy approach which could be applied to any type
industries (Cooke, 2002) and knowledge spillovers of region (see also Cooke et al., 2000; Isaksen, 2001;
(Audretsch and Feldman, 1996; Bottazzi and Peri, Nauwelaers and Wintjes, 2003). Policy conclusions
2003). These studies concentrate on the analysis of which are drawn from the analysis of “success stories”
well performing regions, dealing with the questions are only of limited use for less favoured regions, as
of why such industries concentrate in particular loca- their innovation capabilities deviate in many respects
tions, which kinds of linkages and networks exist, and from these role models. This does not mean that no
to which extent knowledge spillovers can be observed. policy lessons can be learnt from leading dynamic
Based on this literature, a new policy model has regions. Nevertheless, a call for more differentiated
emerged in the field of innovation and regional policy, innovation policies, dealing with specific innovation
often stressing the following elements: barriers in different types of regions, seems to be
• focus on high-tech, knowledge based or “creative”
The regional innovation system (RIS) approach
(Autio, 1998; Braczyk et al., 1998; Cooke et al., 2000)
• building up of research excellence;
provides a useful framework for such a differentiated
• attraction of global companies; and
approach. It draws attention to the firms, clusters and
• stimulation of spin-offs.
institutions of an innovation system, to the interdepen-
Basically, such an approach is based on the latest cencies within the region and to higher spatial levels.
concepts of the discipline as it draws on the key insights In the present paper we want to analyse different types
of new growth theory (Krugman, 1991; Lucas, 1988; of regions with respect to their preconditions for inno-
Romer, 1986), the cluster approach (Enright, 2003; vation, networking and innovation barriers. Based on
Porter, 1990, 1998; Steiner, 1998; Swann et al., 1998), this analysis, specific policy options and strategies will
the knowledge economy (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995) be developed. In the following, we deal less with high
and the literature on knowledge spillovers (Anselin et performing regional innovation systems characterised
al., 1997; Audretsch and Feldman, 1996; Jaffe et al., by well developed and dynamic clusters but, in accor-
1993). It has without doubt many good and interesting dance with Isaksen (2001) and Nauwelaers and Wintjes
elements. The problem is, however, that it is often used (2003), more with situations which are characterised by
in an undifferentiated manner for all kinds of regions.
• low levels of clustering and a weak endowment with
The specific strengths and weaknesses of regions in
relevant institutions (“organisational thinness”),
terms of their industries, knowledge institutions, inno-
• a lack of interaction and of networks (“fragmenta-
vation potential and problems are frequently not suf-
tion”), and
ficiently taken into account. Furthermore, regions are
• situations of “lock in”.
often dealt with in an isolated manner, i.e. the interre-
lationships with other regions and with higher spatial We argue that policy approaches for such regions
levels (national, international) are left out of consider- will differ – amongst other dimensions – with respect
ation. to the weight given to the stimulation of incremen-
This paper is based on the key assumption that in tal/radical innovations, the orientation on endoge-
the globalising learning economy innovation in a broad nous/exogenous companies and knowledge suppliers,
sense (i.e. including not just “radical” new products or and the fostering of internal/external networking. The
processes but also incremental changes of products, paper is organised as follows: Section 2 provides the
processes as well as new organisational tools) is theoretical background, summarising the new under-
important for all types of regions (Lagendijk, 2000; standing of the nature of innovation processes and
Lundvall and Borrás, 1999; Maskell et al., 1998). It discussing potential failures of regional innovation sys-
would be misleading, however, to conclude that inno- tems. Then, Section 3 is dealing with regional dif-
vation activities required to secure competitiveness ferences in innovation performance. It analyses three
are the same in all kinds of areas. This has important types of problem areas and their RIS deficiencies, high-
implications for policy making: Our main argument lighting the main factors behind their weak innovation
F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219 1205

capacity and learning capabilities. In Section 4 for they generate and utilise the technologies of that sector
each type of problem region possible innovation policy (Breschi and Malerba, 1997; Malerba, 2002; Mowery
responses are discussed. The final section summarises and Nelson, 1999).
important findings and draws some conclusions. More recently a growing interest in regional inno-
vation systems has emerged (Acs, 2000; Autio, 1998;
Bathelt and Depner, 2003; Braczyk et al., 1998; Cooke
2. Regional innovation systems and their et al., 2000; de la Mothe and Paquet, 1998; Doloreux,
potential deficiencies 2002; Fornahl and Brenner, 2003; Howells, 1999;
Mytelka, 2000). Whilst not denying that national (as
In the past decade a new understanding of the nature well as international), technological and sectoral fac-
of the innovation process has emerged. Major contri- tors are essential, it is argued convincingly that the
butions in this respect have been made by the systems regional dimension is of key importance. Several rea-
of innovation approach. Traditional concepts like the sons are supporting this view: First, regions differ with
linear model of innovation or the Schumpeterian view respect to their industrial specialisation pattern and
of firms innovating in isolation have been replaced their innovation performance (Breschi, 2000; Howells,
by modern theoretical developments stressing the sys- 1999; Paci and Usai, 2000). Second, it was shown that
temic character of innovation. The systems of inno- knowledge spillovers, which play a key role in the inno-
vation approach (for an overview see Edquist, 1997, vation process, are often spatially bounded (Anselin
2001, 2005) argues that innovation should be seen et al., 1997; Audretsch and Feldman, 1996; Bottazzi
as an evolutionary, non-linear and interactive process, and Peri, 2003). Third, the ongoing importance of tacit
requiring intensive communication and collaboration knowledge (Polanyi, 1966) for successful innovation
between different actors, both within companies as well has to be mentioned (Gertler, 2003; Howells, 2002). It
as between firms and other organisations such as uni- is now well understood that its exchange requires inten-
versities, innovation centres, educational institutions, sive personal contacts of trust based character which
financing institutions, standard setting bodies, indus- are facilitated by geographical proximity (Maskell et
try associations and government agencies. Inspired by al., 1998; Morgan, 2004; Storper, 1997). Finally, pol-
the institutionalist school of thought (see e.g. Edquist icy competences and institutions are partly bound to
and Johnson, 1997; Hodgson, 1988, 1999; Johnson, subnational territories (Cooke et al., 2000).
1992), the role of both “hard” or formal institutions Autio (1998) provides a schematic illustration of the
(i.e. organisations and laws) and of “soft” institutions structuring of regional innovation systems (see Fig. 1).
(practices, norms and routines) shaping the behaviour A RIS is made up by two subsystems embedded in a
of actors and the interaction between them has been common regional socioeconomic and cultural setting:
emphasised. The knowledge application and exploitation subsystem
Initially, the concept of innovation system has been comprises the companies, their clients, suppliers, com-
applied to the national level (Lundvall, 1992; Nelson, petitors as well as their industrial cooperation partners.
1993; Niosi et al., 1993; OECD, 1999). The national These constellations are usually referred to as indus-
innovation system (NIS) literature has revealed huge trial clusters of a region. Ideally, these firms are linked
differences between countries in such attributes as by horizontal and vertical networking. The knowledge
economic structure, R&D base, institutional set-up generation and diffusion subsystem as the second main
and innovation performance (Edquist, 2001). In the building block of a RIS consists of various institu-
1990s also other specifications of innovation systems tions that are engaged in the production and diffusion
emerged: Carlsson (1994), Carlsson and Jacobsson of knowledge and skills. Key elements include public
(1997) and Carlsson and Stankiewicz (1991) have research institutions, technology mediating organisa-
analysed “technological systems”, arguing that sys- tions (technology licensing offices, innovation centres,
temic interrelationships are unique to technology fields. etc.) as well as educational institutions (universities,
Other authors emphasise the importance of a sectoral polytechnics, vocational training institutions, etc.) and
approach and examine how groups of firms develop workforce mediating organisations. Additionally, we
and manufacture products of a specific sector and how include the regional policy dimension neglected in
1206 F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219

Fig. 1. Main structure of regional innovation systems (RIS). Source: Own modification of Autio (1998), p. 134.

Autio’s model. Policy actors at this level can play a clusters and many industries in a RIS and (2) that insti-
powerful role in shaping regional innovation processes, tutions play a larger role. As already mentioned above,
provided that there is sufficient regional autonomy institutions in this context refer to innovation relevant
(legal competencies and financial resources) to for- organisations, rules and behavioural characteristics of
mulate and implement innovation policies (Cooke et firms and actors.
al., 2000; Cooke and Memedovic, 2003). In the ideal Regional innovation systems are far from being
case, there are intensive interactive relationships within self-sustaining units. Normally they have various links
and between these subsystems facilitating a continuous to national and international actors and innovation
flow or exchange of knowledge, resources and human systems. We may distinguish between two important
capital. But, as will be pointed out further below, there dimensions in this context: First, with respect to the
are also several types of RIS problems and failures such innovation networks of firms, there is a widespread con-
as deficits with respect to organisations and institutions sensus nowadays that local connections do not suffice
and a lack of relations within and between the subsys- to sustain innovativeness. In the context of intensify-
tems. ing international competition and accelerating techno-
Conceptual clarity requires to emphasise that a RIS logical change extra-regional contacts which comple-
overlaps with but is different from a cluster. Clus- ment local ones are of key importance. External links
ters are central elements of the knowledge application provide access to ideas, knowledge and technologies,
and exploitation subsystem, whilst the RIS is a wider which are not generated within the limited context of
concept in the sense (1) that there are usually several the region (Bunnel and Coe, 2001; Camagni, 1991;
F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219 1207

Mytelka, 2000; Oinas and Malecki, 1999, 2002). Sec- Second, inappropriate or missing interaction or
ond, in terms of public intervention it becomes apparent links between the different actors and organisations
that regional, national and European policy actors and involved in the innovation process may also constitute
organisations can shape the development and dynam- a major RIS deficiency. We may distinguish between
ics of regional innovation systems (multi-level gover- two types of problems which can reside within the
nance). Regarding the distribution of concrete compe- system’s network dimension: On the one hand a poor
tencies between these levels there exist considerable innovative performance may result from a lack of
differences (with varying degrees of political auton- communication and cooperation between the RIS ele-
omy for regions) within Europe (see Cooke et al., ments leading to an insufficient flow of knowledge
2000). Nevertheless a pattern can be found indicating and technology. On the other hand too strong ties
a complex division of labour (Cooke et al., 2000): At between innovation relevant organisations can lead
the regional level we can often identify competencies to serious lock-in effects undermining the innova-
for the lower and medium levels of education, incu- tion capabilities of regional economies. These two
bation and innovation centres, transfer agencies and, types of network problems can make their appear-
more recently, cluster policies (Boekholt and Thuriaux, ance both within the two RIS subsystems as well as
1999). At the national level in many cases we find com- between them. Finally, as pointed out before, beyond
petencies for universities, specialised research organi- regional networking international connections are of
sations, and funding for R&D and innovation (OECD, utmost importance for sustaining a region’s innova-
1999). At the European level there are the structural tiveness. If external links are poorly developed, the
funds, the RIS/RITTS programme, and the frame- region suffers from a limited access to international
work programmes for R&D and technological devel- pools of resources and knowledge. This may be criti-
opment (Landabaso and Mouton, 2003; Oughton et al., cal as in most cases they have to complement the local
2002). ones.
Based on the new insights on the nature and the func- In the following sections we will deal with different
tioning of innovation systems a deeper understanding types of such RIS failures and discuss them for different
of regional innovation barriers can be gained. Several types of regions.
types of failure can arise blocking the system’s func-
tioning (Edquist, 2002; Lundvall, 2002; Lundvall and
Borrás, 1999, 2005; OECD, 1999; Smith, 2000): 3. Regional differences in innovation
First, RIS failures may be due to an underdevel- performance and types of RIS
oped organisational and institutional set up: Missing
or inappropriate elements have negative effects on the In the past years many studies have investi-
innovation potential of regions. Such problems range gated spatial differences of the innovation pro-
from limited innovation capabilities of firms to the clus- cess (Audretsch, 1998; Baptista and Swann, 1998;
ter level. In the latter case the problem can be twofold: European Commission, 2003; Feldman, 1994; Fischer
On the one hand the region may suffer from the fact and Fröhlich, 2001; Fritsch, 2000, 2003b; Gehrke and
that few or no clusters exist (i.e. a lack of regional Legler, 2001; Tödtling, 1992, 1994). The following pat-
specialisation). On the other hand, the region’s innova- terns were identified:
tion deficiencies may be caused by an overspecialisa-
tion in traditional industries and outdated technologies. • R&D activities, patenting and major product inno-
Innovation problems may also result from missing or vations are usually highly concentrated in larger
inappropriate organisations in the RIS subsystem of agglomerations (Brower et al., 1999; Feldman and
knowledge generation and diffusion. Again, both the Audretsch, 1999; Fischer et al., 2001; Gehrke and
lack of organisations (in the fields of research, edu- Legler, 2001; Simmie, 2003).
cation, technology transfer) as well as a too strong • Knowledge spillovers can be observed in industrial
orientation of existing institutions on traditional eco- clusters and agglomerations and they are constrained
nomic and technological structures may lead to serious to a certain geographical distance from these cen-
innovation problems. tres (Audretsch and Feldman, 1996; Baptista, 2003;
1208 F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219

Baptista and Swann, 1998; Bottazzi and Peri, 2003; In general, thus, there is some indication of core-
Jaffe et al., 1993). periphery differences of innovation. However, the sit-
• There is still a debate in the literature whether uation is more complex, as there is also evidence of
specialised (Marshall/Arrow/Romer) or diversified innovative clusters in rural areas (Fritsch, 2003a) as
(Jacobs) agglomerations are more conducive for well as of innovation problems in large agglomerations
innovation. While some authors (Baptista and (see below).
Swann, 1998; Fritsch and Franke, 2004; Porter, Other recent studies have investigated innovation
1998) argue in accordance with Marshall for inno- differences in the framework of regional innovation
vation advantages of specialisation, others state in systems (Asheim et al., 2003; Braczyk et al., 1998;
accordance with Jacobs that diversification is more Cooke et al., 2000; de la Mothe and Paquet, 1998;
favourable (Tichy, 2001). Feldman and Audretsch Sternberg, 2000; Tödtling and Kaufmann, 1999). These
(1999) are more specific in this context by stating studies have related the innovation performance of
that innovation is stimulated in particular by the pres- firms to the character of their networks and to insti-
ence of complementary industries sharing a common tutional factors. In this context also several typolo-
knowledge base. gies of RIS have been developed (for an overview see
• Peripheral regions are regarded as less innovative in Doloreux, 2002; Thomi and Werner, 2001). Since our
comparison to agglomerations: they have less R&D focus is on the weak innovation capabilities of less
intensity and lower shares of product innovations. favoured regions we follow the typology presented by
Innovation here is more focused on incremental and Isaksen (2001) and Nauwelaers and Wintjes (2003).
process innovations (Feldman, 1994; Fritsch, 2000; We differentiate according to the main deficiencies in
Tödtling, 1992). regional innovation systems between “organisational
• Also old industrial areas have been identified as thinness”, “lock-in” and “fragmentation”. As shown in
being less innovative with a focus on incremental and Fig. 2 these RIS deficits may be assigned to specific
process innovation due to a predominance of mature types of problem regions, such as peripheral regions
industries and externally controlled firms (Cooke, (organisational thinness), old industrial areas (lock-in)
1995; Tichy, 2001; Tödtling, 1992). and some metropolitan regions (fragmentation).

Fig. 2. RIS deficiencies and types of problem regions.

F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219 1209

It is important to note, that there is no exclusive cor- are not to be regarded as general empirical statements
respondence between these types of innovation prob- but rather as examples for the RIS problems stated
lems and types of regions. On the contrary, in many above.
cases regions in reality face a mix of these deficiencies.
Nevertheless, we suggest that there might be some pre- 3.1. Peripheral regions
dominant innovation problems in each of these types
of regions, which require more attention than others. In A main characteristic of many peripheral regions is
the following we are going to analyse the main inno- that important RIS prerequisites are weakly developed
vation system problems of these types of areas in more as there is a lack of dynamic clusters and of sup-
detail. Table 1 summarises for each type of region the port organisations (“organisational thinness”). In these
most important characteristics and factors underlying areas, innovation activities are frequently at a lower
their weak innovation capability. These characteristics level in comparison to more central and agglomerated

Table 1
Problem areas and RIS deficiencies
Type of region

Peripheral regions (organ- Old industrial regions Fragmented metropolitan

isational thinness) (lock-in) regions
Problem dimensions
Firms and regional clusters
Cluster characteristics/problems Clusters often missing or Often specialised on Many industries/services but
weakly developed mature industries high profile and knowledge
based clusters often missing
SME dominance Large firm dominance
Innovation activities Low level of R&D and Mature technological R&D in headquarters of large
product innovation, trajectories, domination firms and in high-tech
emphasis on incremental of incremental and companies, product
and process innovation process innovation innovation and new firm
formation often below
Knowledge generation and diffusion
Universities/research organisations Few or low profile Often oriented on Many and high quality, but
traditional often weak industry links
Education/training Emphasis on low to Emphasis often on Large variety of schools and
medium level technical skills; other educational
qualifications managerial skills and organisations
“modern” qualifications
often missing
Knowledge transfer Some services available Many and specialised In general a high density of
but in general “thin” transfer organisations but such services, mostly
structure; lack of more weakly coordinated commercialised
specialised services
Often too little orientation Often too little orientation
on demand on demand
Network characteristics/problems Few in the region due to Often characterised by Market links dominate, often
weak clustering and technological and/or few cluster and innovation
“thin” institutional political lock-ins related networking
1210 F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219

regions (European Commission, 2003; Feldman, 1994; decline (Tichy, 2001; Trippl, 2004). These regions
Fritsch, 2000; Tödtling, 1992). Partly due to the domi- have been confronted with the negative side – or
nance of SMEs and/or branch plants, in particular R&D as Enright (2003) put it, the “failure modes” – of
activities, patenting and product innovations new for clustering, as their strong specialisation in specific
the market are usually below average. This does not industries led to a loss of regional competitive advan-
rule out that there are innovative companies in such tage and innovation capacity. This could be observed
regions, but often the critical mass for a dynamic clus- in areas hosting heavy industries like the Ruhr area
ter development is not reached (e.g. Isaksen, 2001 for in Germany (Grabher, 1993), the Austrian province
the Arendal region in Norway). If there are clusters of Styria (Tödtling and Trippl, 2004; Trippl, 2004),
they are often in traditional industries with little R&D Wales (Cooke, 1998; Henderson and Thomas, 1999)
and innovation activities. The emphasis is on incremen- and North East England (Hudson, 1994) but also in
tal innovation and on process innovations (examples regions specialised in other branches as e.g. the watch
are the cases of Centro and Friuli in the REGIS study, making industry in the Swiss Jura Arc (Glasmeier,
Cooke et al., 2000). The low level of R&D does not 1994; Maillat et al., 1996). Innovation activities in
only hamper the internal innovation activity in the old industrial areas often follow mature technological
region, it leads also to a low absorption capacity of trajectories and are frequently of an incremental char-
the regional firms (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). As acter. Process innovation dominates over systematic
a consequence, interregional knowledge spillovers as efforts to introduce (radically) new products into the
well as public innovation funds cannot be absorbed market (Cooke, 1995; Tichy, 2001; Tödtling, 1990).
to a sufficient extent in such regions (Maurseth and Old industrial regions often have a highly developed
Verspagen, 1998; Oughton et al., 2002). The low level and specialised knowledge generation and diffusion
of clustering and agglomeration implies also a “thin” system. What appears to be problematic is the fact,
and less specialised structure of knowledge suppliers that it is usually oriented on the traditional industries
and educational institutions. Although low and medium and technology fields (Cooke et al., 2000; Kaufmann
level qualifications may be readily available, the more and Tödtling, 2000). Furthermore, a supply oriented
specialised qualifications are rare. Also networks are approach of technology transfer can often be found
rather weakly developed in particular those to more which reaches larger firms better than the smaller ones
specialised knowledge suppliers such as universities (cases of Ruhr Area in Heinze et al., 1998; Styria in
and research organisations (Landabaso and Mouton, Kaufmann and Tödtling, 2000, Wallonia in Asheim et
2003). Technology transfer organisations have often al., 2003). The demand of SMEs is often not well met
been set up in the past in order to improve the situ- and interactive learning is rarely achieved (Asheim et
ation, but they are frequently not effective. In many al., 2003). With respect to the “relational assets” of
cases they did not reach the companies or they did not old industrial areas, it was found, that a key feature
meet their demand well enough (Asheim et al., 2003; of these regions is that they suffer from various forms
Hassink, 1996; Lagendijk, 2000; Landabaso and of “lock-in” (Grabher, 1993; Hassink and Shin, 2005;
Mouton, 2003). Hudson, 1994), which seriously curtail their develop-
ment potential and innovation capabilities. Analysing
3.2. Old industrial regions the adaption and innovation problems of the Ruhr area,
Grabher (1993) identified functional lock-ins (too rigid
Old industrial regions represent another type of inter-firm networks), cognitive lock-ins (homogeni-
problem area where learning and innovation has sation of world views), and political lock-ins (strong,
been insufficient, despite of signs of renewal in symbiotic relationships between public and private
recent years (Cooke, 1995; Rehfeld, 1999; Tödtling key actors hampering industrial restructuring). We
and Trippl, 2004). In contrast to peripheral regions, may expound the problems of too strong ties both in
where the lack of clusters appears to be an important the economic and political spheres (Hassink and Shin,
development barrier, old industrial regions face the 2005; Morgan and Nauwelaers, 1999; Wößmann,
opposite problem of too strong clustering as they 2001). Phenomena like these have been observed
are overspecialised in mature industries experiencing in many old industrial regions in Europe, although
F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219 1211

more recently there are also examples of successful So far we have observed considerable differences
restructuring (Cooke, 1995; Rehfeld, 1999; Trippl, between the investigated types of regions with respect
2004). to their innovation activities and their preconditions for
learning. In the following we deal with possible policy
3.3. Fragmented metropolitan regions approaches and innovation strategies for these different
problem situations.
In general, metropolitan regions are regarded as cen-
tres of innovation, benefiting from knowledge external-
ities and agglomeration economies. Leading research 4. Innovation strategies and policy approaches
organisations and universities, business services, as for different types of problem areas
well as headquarters of international firms and high-
tech companies are often concentrated in metropoli- The analysis of the main innovation barriers in dif-
tan areas (Keeble and Wilkinson, 1999; Moulaert ferent types of problem regions has clearly shown that
and Tödtling, 1995). As a consequence, R&D activ- there is no single “best practice” innovation policy
ities, patenting and major product innovations are usu- approach applicable everywhere. Instead a plea for
ally above average (Brower et al., 1999; Feldman a “tailor-made” innovation policy approach address-
and Audretsch, 1999; Fischer et al., 2001; Gehrke ing the specific challenges, problems and opportunities
and Legler, 2001; Simmie, 2003). However, not all found in each type of region has to be made. Neverthe-
metropolitan regions are such centres of innovation. less, there are – derived from past policy experiences
Some are lacking dynamic clusters of innovative firms, and new innovation theories – some basic principles
despite the fact that individual technology companies, concerning innovation policy which are of relevance
R&D activities and research organisations may exist. for all three types of regions. We are going to outline
These areas usually have a highly developed organi- some key issues of such an emerging new innovation
sational infrastructure of public research and educa- policy paradigm before we turn to the issue of specific
tional institutions and a dense supply of (often com- innovation strategies and policy measures suitable to
mercialised) knowledge transfer services. However, the the innovation system deficiencies of the three regional
problem of fragmentation, i.e. the lack of networks and problem types discussed above.
interactive learning seems to represent an important
innovation barrier in such regions. The two RIS sub- • There is a new thinking regarding the focus of
systems of knowledge generation and application tend policy making. As it is interorganisational arrange-
to operate separately, as university-firm links are often ments (innovation systems, networks and clusters)
at a low level. Also, innovation networking among local that shape innovation processes and that compete
companies may be weak (Fritsch, 2003b), even if mar- in global markets, a shift from the traditional firm-
ket links among firms exist. As a consequence, the oriented perspective towards a more system-centred
development of new technologies and the formation approach of innovation policy is required (Amin and
of new firms are often below expectations. Examples Tomaney, 1998; Bratl and Trippl, 2001; Nauwelaers
here could be agglomerations such as Vienna (Tödtling, and Wintjes, 2003).
2002), Frankfurt (Schamp, 2001) or the region of South • A broad view of the innovation process is seen
East Brabant in Holland (Eindhoven: Cooke et al., as being essential when it comes to design politi-
2000) which show some of the stated features. Schamp cal initiatives adequate to foster learning processes.
(2001) provides an interesting case study for Frankfurt This means that focusing only on R&D and on
showing that weak regional networking and a continu- the technological aspects of innovation alone is
ing erosion of innovative functions could be observed often not enough (Asheim et al., 2003; Cooke and
in particular for the more established and internation- Memedovic, 2003; Lagendijk, 2000; Lundvall,
alised industries chemicals and automobiles, while bet- 2004). As Cooke et al. (2000) put it, policy makers
ter developed innovation networks could be identified should also deal with the organisational, financial,
for the new sectors biotechnology and financial ser- educational and commercial dimensions of innova-
vices. tion. Similarly, Nauwelaers (2001) noted that inno-
1212 F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219

vation policy should not only be about providing strated that in practice innovation policy is often far
physical capital (R&D and technology infrastruc- from reaching these principles. It was found that many
ture) but should also deal with enhancing human regional policy makers have limited experience in
capital (training of workers) and social capital (i.e. designing adequate innovation strategies. One main
encouraging the formation of trust based relation- outcome of these studies was that in many regions
ships between regional actors). There is a growing political instruments and tools do not fit the needs of
optimism among academics that social capital as key the firm. Innovation policies were found to be still char-
ingredient of a well functioning RIS can be enhanced acterised by a firm-centred perspective and a strong
by public policy efforts (Morgan, 1997; Morgan and focus on the technological aspects of innovation alone.
Nauwelaers, 1999; Storper, 2002). Also a lack of a clear vision and innovation strategy
• It is argued that a rethinking of the mode of pol- and barriers for good coordination between regional
icy intervention and the role of policy actors is of and national public authorities have been observed.
utmost importance. Interactive modes of state inter- Which kind of specific policies can be suggested
vention and associational forms of governance are for the investigated types of regions and RIS prob-
seen as being superior to traditional top-down pol- lems? Table 2 gives an overview about key elements
icy strategies (Cooke and Morgan, 1998; Mayntz, of such a differentiated approach. The policy recom-
1997; Messner, 1998; Morgan and Nauwelaers, mendations summarised in Table 2 are basic guidelines
1999; Nauwelaers and Wintjes, 2003). Policy for- derived from the “ideal types” of innovation problems
mulation and implementation, then, is the result of described above. They have to be further developed and
intensive communication, close interaction and con- adapted to the specific local context.
sensus building between all regional stakeholders in
policy networks. Policy makers are just one actor 4.1. Peripheral regions
amongst others in these networks. Consequently, the
key role governments play in encouraging learn- For peripheral regions the main policy agenda
ing and innovation shifts from direct intervention usually is the strengthening and upgrading of the
towards stimulation, intermediation, brokering, pro- regional economy. Given the innovation deficits of
moting regional dialogue and building up social cap- firms (mostly SMEs), innovation policy should give
ital (Nauwelaers and Morgan, 1999). priority to organisational and technological “catching
• Moreover, in terms of the selection of projects and up learning” (new organisational practices, product
locations to be supported by policy schemes a move and process technologies) and should target SMEs
towards competitive bidding can be observed (exam- and their innovation weaknesses (Asheim et al.,
ples are the BioRegio (Dohse, 2000, 2003) and 2003; Tödtling and Kaufmann, 2001). This implies
InnoRegio contests in Germany and the Life Science also behavioural changes such as the stimulation of
programmes, competence and innovation centres in innovation attitudes (Landabaso and Mouton, 2003).
Austria). In general, this implies a “picking the win-
ner” strategy, strengthening those actors and regions • To strengthen potential clusters in the region may be
with the strongest potential to compete and innovate. an important step to overcome low levels of innova-
• Finally, the necessity of good coordination within tiveness (Lagendijk, 2000; Rosenfeld, 2002, 2003).
the political system is stressed. One the one hand, the As the endogenous potential is weakly developed,
linking of different policy arenas (horizontal coordi- to attract innovative companies from outside and,
nation) is vital (Mytelka, 2000). On the other hand, most important, to anchor them to the cluster or the
there is a need for coordination and collaboration regional innovation system is often a key element of
between regional, national and European policy hier- such an approach in peripheral regions. This does
archies (vertical coordination, Cooke et al., 2000). not mean that policy makers should rely solely on
inward investment as motor of growth and innova-
Comparative analysis of various European regions tion. To support new firm formation and enhance
(Asheim et al., 2003; Braczyk et al., 1998; Cooke et the innovation capabilities of existing companies is
al., 2000; Nauwelaers and Morgan, 1999) has demon- important too. However, in many cases an approach
F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219 1213

Table 2
Types of problem regions and innovation policy approaches
Type of region

Peripheral regions (organisational Old industrial regions (lock in) Fragmented metropolitan
thinness) regions
Strategic orientation of Strengthening/upgrading of Renewal of regional economy Improve position of regional
regional economy regional economy economy in global
knowledge economy
Innovation strategy “Catching up learning” Innovation in new Science based and radical
(organisation, technology) fields/trajectories innovation, new ventures
Improve strategic and innovation Product and process innovation Enhance interaction between
capabilities of SMEs for new markets industry and knowledge
Firms and regional Strengthen potential clusters in Support clusters in new/related Support emerging clusters
clusters the region industries or technologies related to region’s knowledge
Link firms to clusters outside the Restructuring of dominant Develop specialisation
region industries advantages to achieve
synergies and international
Attract innovative companies Diversification Attract cluster related FDI
New firm formation New firm formation; attract Support start ups and
cluster related FDI spin-offs in knowledge based
Knowledge providers Attract branches of national Set up research organisations and Expand and set up high
research organisations with universities in new relevant fields quality universities and
relevance to the regional research organisations in
economy relevant fields
Education/skills Build up medium level skills (e.g. Build up new skills required Set up universities/schools for
technical colleges, engineering (technical colleges, universities) highly specialised
schools, management schools) qualifications and skills
Mobility schemes (e.g. Attract new skills
“innovation assistants” for SMEs)
Networks Link firms to knowledge Stimulate networking with Promote regional networks
providers and transfer agencies respect to new industries and among firms, encourage local
inside the region and beyond, technologies on regional, national research-industry interfaces
demand-led approach and international levels

combining endogenous and exogenous elements economy, could be attracted. Regarding education
seems to be useful. This includes the attraction of and training a focus on medium level skill provision
innovative firms from abroad and linking regional (for example by establishing technical colleges,
firms to business partners and knowledge sources engineering schools, management schools, etc.) and
both inside and outside the region. mobility schemes (e.g. “innovation assistants” for
• Given the often weak endowment of peripheral SMEs) seems to be adequate for peripheral areas.
regions with innovation support organisations, • Finally, policy measures to improve the network
“institution building” is an indispensable element of dimension and to enhance social capital are cen-
a proper innovation policy for these areas. In order tral (Landabaso and Mouton, 2003; Morgan and
to improve the regional knowledge infrastructure, Nauwelaers, 1999). Firms have to be supported
branches of national research institutions or research actively to build up relationships with regional
centres, which match the needs of the regional knowledge suppliers and transfer agencies,
1214 F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219

whereby it should be secured that knowledge port organisations and the creation of new ones.
transfer is designed in a demand-led way (Asheim In particular the latter point is central. To establish
et al., 2003). Even more important than fostering universities and research centres backing business
local ties seems to be to link firms to knowledge activities in new industrial and technological fields
sources (firms, research organisations) outside the and to build up providers of new skills (universi-
region, i.e. to help them to “import” ideas and ties, technical colleges, etc.) are important steps to
knowledge not available in the region. This requires rebuild the region’s knowledge base (Heinze et al.,
not just brokering activities, but also a strengthening 1998; Tödtling and Trippl, 2004).
of the “absorption capacity” of regional firms, i.e. • Finally, in old industrial areas policy makers face
strengthening their internal R&D activities. the challenge to induce and support the transforma-
tion of the region’s network structure (Morgan, 1997;
4.2. Old industrial regions Morgan and Henderson, 2002). This is a complicated
task, encompassing endeavours aiming at the “open-
Development measures for old industrial areas ing up” and renewal of traditional networks as well
often have to be strategically oriented on breaking as the rise of new ones (Grabher, 1993; Rehfeld,
path dependency and facilitating the renewal of the 1999; Trippl, 2004). It seems important that policy
regional economy. Institutional unlearning is a cru- stimulates networking with respect to new industries
cial point in this respect (Hassink and Lagendijk, and technologies not only on the regional but also on
2001; Lagendijk, 2000; Maskell and Malmberg, 1999; national and international levels.
Wolfe, 2002). Innovation policy in this context is about
encouraging transition to new fields and trajectories 4.3. Metropolitan regions
and stimulating product and process innovations for
new markets. Key elements of an innovation strategy For fragmented metropolitan regions the key
specified in this way are the following: development goal is to overcome their low level of
integration and to position themselves in the global
• In the area of cluster initiatives, core issues for knowledge economy. Innovation policy can be a
policy include both the restructuring/revitalisation powerful tool in this respect provided that it contains
of “old” industries and the development of clus- three core elements: First, a focus on the generation of
ters in new or related industries or technologies new ventures and radical innovations in science based
(Grote Westrick and Rehfeld, 2003; Tödtling and industries might constitute a key priority. Second,
Trippl, 2004; Trippl, 2004). There is little evidence policy makers should tackle the problem of fragmen-
so far that old industrial regions can “leapfrog” tation by enhancing the level of communication and
successfully into high-tech sectors (Cooke, 1995; cooperation among firms and between industry and
Braczyk et al., 1998). Policy might support diver- knowledge providers. Third, it is of key importance for
sification and modernisation activities of existing the metropolitan regional innovation systems to be well
firms and the formation of new enterprises (Cooke, connected to international knowledge providers and
1995; Rehfeld, 1999). However, such an endoge- companies since such systems fulfill important gate-
nous approach may often not be sufficient to foster way functions for the respective regional and national
structural change in old industrial regions. Thus, pol- economies (Brower et al., 1999; Simmie, 2003).
icy attention should also move to attract and even
more important to embed foreign direct investment • To adopt an explicit cluster strategy seems to be a
(Cooke, 1998; Lagendijk and Charles, 1999) bring- crucial step in this context (Cooke, 2002; Tödtling,
ing complementary knowledge into old and new 2002). Relevant policy actions are to identify newly
clusters. emerging regional complexes of related industries
• Beyond cluster-based policies efforts might aim at which have a strong local knowledge base in the
inducing institutional change within the RIS subsys- region and to promote their growth and dynamic
tem of knowledge generation and diffusion. Such a development. In order to enhance the synergy poten-
process includes the reorientation of existing sup- tial in the rising clusters and to improve their inter-
F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219 1215

national visibility measures directed towards the the interdependencies within the respective region and
development of complementary activities along a beyond. According to the innovation systems approach
common knowledge base are asked for. Attracting motives for innovation policies are not just market fail-
innovative firms and leading global companies may ures, but also systems failures such as “organisational
be an important stimulus for the further growth of the thinness”, “lock-in” and “fragmentation”. Although
emerging clusters. At the same time the endogenous regions often exhibit combinations of such innovation
potential should be strengthened by assisting busi- problems and and learning barriers, some become more
ness start ups and spin-offs in knowledge intensive dominant than others in specific types of regions.
economic branches. In peripheral regions the main problems are a low
• With respect to the RIS subsystem of knowledge level of R&D and innovation due to a dominance of
generation and diffusion, policy should be directed SMEs in traditional industries, weakly developed firm
at closing gaps and the further improvement of clusters, few knowledge providers and a weak endow-
the institutional infrastructure. Establishing research ment with innovation support institutions. In contrast,
centres with high level, specialised expertise and in “old industrial” regions there are many firms, dom-
setting up educational organisations which could inant clusters and relevant organisations, but they are
provide specific, high level skills in the respective often too strongly oriented on old industries and tech-
economic and technological fields become impor- nological trajectories. Various forms of “lock-in”, such
tant tasks in this respect. as too strong business and policy networks, cognitive
• The main role of policy makers in fragmented blockades due to common world views, and a too nar-
metropolitan regions, however, becomes the improv- row orientation of knowledge providers on existing tra-
ing of the systemic innovation capabilities of the jectories hamper regional development. In metropoli-
RIS. As the crucial weakness of these regions lies in tan regions in turn often a specialised industrial pattern
the low level of interactive learning, policy instru- including complementary knowledge bases and inno-
ments geared to promoting innovation networks vation networks may be lacking.
among firms and encouraging local university– Taking these varieties of innovation problems and
industry partnerships are of crucial importance barriers seriously, a differentiated innovation policy
(Tödtling, 2002). approach is needed: In peripheral regions the key chal-
lenge is to strengthen and upgrade the regional econ-
omy by fostering “catching up learning”. Adequate
5. Conclusions policy measures include amongst others the attraction
of external companies and attempts to embed them into
The knowledge economy, learning and innovation the region. Furthermore firms should be linked to exter-
have moved to the foreground both in regional and nal clusters and knowledge providers and to higher
industrial policies in the recent decade. Concrete poli- spatial innovation systems (national, European). In old
cies were shaped in the past by the linear innovation industrial regions innovation policy needs another ori-
model (focus on R&D and technology diffusion), and entation: In these areas the renewal of old sectors and
more recently, by “best practice models” of interac- the support of innovation activities in those and related
tive innovation derived from high-tech areas and well industries, and an upgrading of the knowledge base are
performing regions. These were often applied in a sim- of utmost importance. Policy should focus on industrial
ilar way across many types of regions. In this paper and technological diversification and on the reorgani-
an attempt was made to show that there is no “ideal sation of existing firms, networks and institutions. The
model” for innovation policy. Empirical investigations policy challenges in metropolitan regions differ from
demonstrate that preconditions for innovation, innova- those in other types of regions. Policy interventions
tion activities and processes, as well networks differ in metropolitan regions should be about encouraging
strongly between central, peripheral and old industrial the growth of internationally linked knowledge inten-
regions. The RIS approach allows us to take such dif- sive clusters and fostering science based and radical
ferences into account by analysing the strengths and innovations. Moreover public authorities might draw
weaknesses of the various subsystems, clusters and attention to the fragmented state of the RIS by develop-
1216 F. Tödtling, M. Trippl / Research Policy 34 (2005) 1203–1219

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