Draft Resolution 1.2

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Sponsors: The Islamic Republic of Iran, China, United Kingdom, and United States. Signatories: Switzerland, Ireland, Norway, Cuba, North Korea, Germany, France, Slovakia, Japan, Bahrain, Ghana, Angola, Palestine, North Korea, UAE, Norway, Pakistan, Egypt, Australia, Uruguay, France, Greece.

The General Assembly, Realizing the need for immediate action by the International Community to provide assistance to the Rwandan people, Alarmed by the deteriorating security situation in Rwanda, Reaffirming all its previous resolution on the situation in Rwanda, in particular resolution 872, 868, 909, and 912, Bearing in mind the social, economical, psychological and political effects of the conflict, Convinced that intervention with force must come second to negotiations and peaceful settlements, Stressing the importance of past accords and agreements and the necessity for all parties to recommit themselves to their implementation, Seeking the assistance of the World Health Organization, United Nations High Commission for Refugees, United Nations Security Council, United Nations Assistance Mission In Rwanda, World Trade Organization, World Bank, the International Criminal Court, UNICEF and the World Food Program, Fully aware of the functions of the recently formed International Tribunal for Rwanda, Taking note of the requirement to actively monitor the situation Fulfilling the duties as members of the General Assembly and Signatories of the United Nations Charter

1. Calls upon the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and the interim government of Rwanda to call for a ceasefire; a. Negotiations to be held between the interim Rwandan government and RPF. b. Uganda, France, Switzerland to act as mediators and facilitators of the peace process c. The venue for these negotiations to be Switzerland d. Upon the agreement of a ceasefire, UN Observers to be placed in Rwanda, and be asked to provide monthly reports to the United Nations Security Council. e. Any country found to be funding, facilitating, harbouring any rebel group would be referred to the International Court of Justice. 2. Affirms that the status of Observer states would be given to a) USA, UK, China and France. b) The states would be observing the situation and would be empowered to recommend necessary actions to UNSC 3. Has resolved that upon failure of the ceasefire mentioned above, peacekeeping intervention to be pursued; a. The peacekeeping intervention to be assisted by the United Nations peacekeeping forces, United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) and the Organization of the African Union (OAU). The forces of OAU will be kept under the command of the UNAMIR b. The Organization of the African Union (OAU) to provide geographic, cultural and social knowledge of the region to the peacekeeping force. 4. Strongly condemns the use of mass media to incite violence amongst the people of Rwanda; a. Radio Rwanda and the RTLM to be pressurized by the UNAMIR to cease broadcasts. b. If this fails then the system would be jammed by technical assistance of China, UK and France. c. A UN-Sponsored media outlet would be established on the basis of promoting a sense of positivity the people of Rwanda. 5. Recommends the expansion of the mandate and scope of engagement of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR);

a. The number of UNAMIR forces to be increased as per the discretion of the Security Council b. The additional forces to be provided by Pakistan, Ireland, Uruguay, Islamic Republic of Iran c. Any other country can extend its support to the UNAMIR mission with the approval of the Security Council. d. Logistical support including but not limited to (i) Food (ii) Transportation (iii) Armoured Vehicles (iv) Fuel to be provided to the UNAMIR by China, France, United Kingdom, USA and Germany. 6. Emphasizes that it is unacceptable for any state to assist the interim government of Rwanda or the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) without the approval of the UNSC. a. Hence, calls upon the Ugandan government and the French government to stop the support of the interim Rwandan government and the Rwandan Patriotic Fronts with the guarantee that UNSC will act to stop the hostilities in Rwanda. b. Deems it unacceptable that any rebel groups receive international or local support. c. The Ugandan government and the French government to help support the political and diplomatic engagement as a solution for the situation in Rwanda, d. Calls for the Interhamwe militia, the Akazu militia and the Impuzamagambi miltia to be labelled as terrorist outfits. e. The Rwandan government is also called upon to cease any form of support to the three above-mentioned militias. Any one supporting it will be dealt severely by the UNSC. 7. Affirms this once the peace is restored in Rwanda a. Free and fair elections would be held under the supervision of the UN peacekeeping forces. b. Minority rights are to be protected, as laid out in the Arusha accords.

8. Calls upon the neighbouring countries to contribute to assist the UNAMIRs program a. Requests the approval of free supply routes for logistical support for UNAMIR as well as any other form of assistance to Rwanda

b. The UN Observers to be deployed on borders and neighbouring countries to assist them in their efforts to strengthen the arms embargo.

9. Draws the attention to the lack of accountability for crimes in Rwanda and labelling it the cause of the impunity with which hostilities are carried out; a. Calls for the International Criminal Court to form an International Tribunal of Rwanda. b. The formation of the tribunal be recommended by the Security Council in order to maintain the impartiality of the body c. Calls for the International Tribunal of Rwanda courts and prosecutors to be provided with proper security. d. The international tribunal of Rwanda will undertake trials and prosecute the convicted according to the laws of the country. 10. Calls Upon The United Nations High Commission for Refugees to overlook the proceedings in the refugee camps catering to the Rwandan people; a. The UNHCR to co-ordinate with UNAMIR in the region to encourage the refugees to return to safe places. The UNHCR, in collaboration with UNAMIR, should provide transport, security, monetary funds and work to remove the misconceptions that have risen due to the role of hostile mass media. b. The World Health Organization to assist the proceedings in the refugee camps with assistance from the Red Cross, The Red Crescent, Doctors without borders and other such organizations with the approval of the United Nations Security Council c. The UNAMIR forces to demilitarize the refugee camps completely in order to prevent cases of violence and hostilities within the camps. d. The funds that are going to the region would be distributed under an Advisory Committee. The committee would be consisting of China, USA, UK, Switzerland and France. The Advisory Committee would monitor the distribution of funds. NGOs would be requested to distribute the funds to the affectees. 11. Calls for the World Health Organization to provide its expertise to control the outbreaks of infections and building field hospitals with free medicines for the affected people; a. Monetary assistance to be provided by France, Germany, China, United Kingdom, United States, UAE, Bahrain, Switzerland and any other country that would like to assist. b. World Health Organization to establish field hospitals for the refugees. c. Calls upon the World food Program to provide food rations as part of the above mentioned initiative to the people of Rwanda and the refugee camps.

d. There would be maintained a check on the quality of food and medicine that would be supplied to the refugees by WHO and a periodic report on monthly basis would be maintained.

12. Has resolved that efforts to increase literacy and education in Rwanda a. The UNICEF to assist with resources to the literacy mission in Rwanda such as the provision or training of teachers and building of educational institutes. b. A new curriculum to be introduced promoting coexistence of the people of Rwanda, positive lessons from the massacre and goodwill amongst the people c. Efforts be taken for the treatment of psychological damage done to the people of Rwanda, focusing specially on the Rwandan youth and cases of Ihahawuka d. Schools to be provided with security by the UNAMIR under its expanded mandate. 13. Further recommends that The World Trade organization be used to step up investment and trade in and with Rwanda a. The focus of investment to be Agriculture, Infrastructure, Health Care, Education, Transport and Telecommunication. b. Subsidies be provided to encourage foreign investments, and to create employment in Rwanda.

14. Further recommends that to prevent a civil war/conflict of this magnitude from occurring a. A commission of UNSC would be established that would ensure about any violence in ethnic groups around the world. b. It would keep an eye on sectarian violence throughout the world and provide reports regarding it on periodic basis of 3-6 months to UNSC. c. In cases of alarm the commission to call a special meeting of the UNSC. d. If so it happens it would be brought to international community and a consensus be held to eradicate it. 15. Condemns this act of Civil War on the basis of ethnicity and social differences and would take all necessary measures to prevent it from occurring in future. 16. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.

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