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MDGs: We Can Make It Happen

Installation Art Competition Open to all eight creative sections of Regional Pilot School for the Arts. Each section will form a group with a maximum of 3 members, including the team leader. Each contestant must create installation art with the theme: MDGs: WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN
I- Nick Joaquin: I-Lucrecia Kasilag: II- Francisca Aquino: II-Amado V. Hernandez: III- Carlos Botong Francisco: III- Ramon Obusan: IV-NIcanor Abelardo: IV-Lucio D. San Pedro: Goal 1-Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger Goal 7- Ensure Environmental Sustainability Goal 8- Develop a Global Partnership for Development Goal 3- Promote Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Goal 5- Improve Maternal Health Goal 2- Achieve Universal Primary Education Goal 4- Reduce Child Mortality Goal 6- Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases

The entries will be displayed at different areas during the culminating day on October 25, 2011at the Regional Pilot School for the Arts. The winner will received certificates and gift items. Please consider the following points when conceiving your artwork: 1. Size Each entry should have a maximum size of 130cm x 130cm x 200cm. 2. Footprint Given the need to maintain entrance and egress paths to comply with regulations, artwork should be designed to take up as little floor space as possible. 3. Height and Suspension Works of art above the space are permitted. However, we still strongly recommend that artwork be designed to be relatively lightweight. 4. Installation It is recommended that artwork be relatively easy to install and remove. Creative Committee of each section will assist in the installation, and artists are required to be present for, and active in the installation and removal process. Adequate time will be scheduled to install the art. 5. Audio-Visual components Sound art are permitted, either with or without accompanying video. 6. Lighting Lightning are permitted as a part of the overall visual effect.

MDGs: We Can Make It Happen

Mechanics: The contest is open to all bona fide students of Regional Pilot School for the Arts. Each section will form a group with a maximum of 3 members, including the team leader. The team can submit one entry based on the Millennium Development Goal assigned to them.
I- Nick Joaquin: I-Lucrecia Kasilag: II- Francisca Aquino: II-Amado V. Hernandez: III- Carlos Botong Francisco: III- Ramon Obusan: IV- Lucio D. San Pedro: IV- Nicanor Abelardo: Goal 1-Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger Goal 7- Ensure Environmental Sustainability Goal 8- Develop a Global Partnership for Development Goal 3- Promote Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Goal 5- Improve Maternal Health Goal 2- Achieve Universal Primary Education Goal 4- Reduce Child Mortality Goal 6- Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases

Original video clips are required. If you use video clips, photos, and music not your own, please CITE THE REFERENCE PROPERLY. Not doing so will mean deduction of the entry points. Video plugs deemed offensive, racist, or containing exploitive and plagiarized content will be disqualified. The video entry should be between 3 5 minutes only. Entries which exceed the time limit will be deducted. Deadline of submission of entries is on October 24, 2011, 10 A.M. Videos will be judged according to: Originality, Creativity, Appeal, Coherence, Relevance and Video quality Three teams with the best video entries will be selected as winners.

MDGs: We Can Make It Happen


RPSA POEM-SONG WRITING COMPETITION 2011 OBJECTIVE: To come up with a poem/song that honor teachers for their sincere efforts and devotion to impart knowledge to their students. Teachers day songs provide one of the best ways to pay regards to our lovable and hardworking teachers. MECHANICS FOR THE SONG WRITING COMPETITION: 1. Song writing contest is open to all RPSA students. They can submit many entries as they want on condition that each entry must be based on the theme of World Teachers Day which is My Teacher, My Hero. 2. Entries must not exceed 4 minutes 3. Entries must not have qualified for the finals of, nor have won in any other songwriting competition in school. 4. Entries must either be in Filipino or English. 5. Entries may be in any kind of musical genre (any genre as deemed fit by the songwriter) 6. It may be done as solo, duet, trio, or chorale as the songwriter/s and lyricist/s see fit. 7. it must be of reasonable standard (clear, good quality, and moral values) 8. Melody of the song must be wholly original 9. It shall be performed by the song writer/s on the culminating day. CRITERIA FOR SCREENING ANG JUDGING: - Lyrics/Message -40% Relevance of Message, adherence/suitability of the text/lyrics, phrasing - Melody -30% Originality, recall, strength, flow, etc. - Creativity -20% Applied songwriting style, appropriateness and inventiveness of the combinations of music and textual elements. - Musicality/Overall appeal -10% Interpretation, technique, skill, harmony, musical arrangement, audience impact PRIZES: - All song entries will receive a certification of recognition and appreciation. - Top three (3) winners will be given a plaque and cash

MDGs: We Can Make It Happen


Open to all eight creative sections of Regional Pilot School for the Arts. Each section will form a group with a maximum of 5 members (3 students and 2 parents). Below are the dishes assigned to each section: I-Nick Joaquin I-Lucrecia Kasilag II-Francisca Aquino II- Amado Hernandez III- Carlos Botong Francisco III- Ramon Obusan IV- Lucio San Pedro IV- Nicanor Abelardo Greek cuisine Egyptian cuisine Filipino cuisine Australian cuisine

1. The following establishes the criteria for Cook Fest: A. Palatability B. Nutritional Value C. Visual appeal D. Creativity/Originality E. Ease of preparation F. Cultural background 2. Each team is provided time to set-up and decorate their area. 3. All entries and ingredients must be prepared on site. 4. Each team will have a maximum of 2 hours to prepare their dish. 5. Each team will be provided with a designated area consisting of long tables & gas stove. 6. Contestants must provide cutlery, cutting boards, dish towels, paper towels, pot holders, ingredients for recipe and any appliances not listed above. 7. Contestants are encouraged to wear clothing consistent with professional and safe food handling practices.

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