Internet: Difference Between Extranet, Internet and Intranet?

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This is the world-wide network of computers accessible to anyone who knows their Internet Protocol (IP) address - the IP address is a unique set of numbers (such as that defines the computer's location. Most will have accessed a computer using a name such as Before this named computer can be accessed, the name needs to be resolved (translated) into an IP address. To do this your browser (for example Netscape or Internet Explorer) will access a Domain Name Server (DNS) computer to lookup the name and return an IP address - or issue an error message to indicate that the name was not found. Once your browser has the IP address it can access the remote computer. The actual server (the computer that serves up the web pages) does not reside behind a firewall - if it did, it would be an Extranet. It may implement security at a directory level so that access is via a username and password, but otherwise all the information is accessible. To see typical security have a look at a sample secure directory - the username is Dr and the password isWho (both username and password are case sensitive).

This is a network that is not available to the world outside of the Intranet. If the Intranet network is connected to the Internet, the Intranet will reside behind a firewall and, if it allows access from the Internet, will be an Extranet. The firewall helps to control access between the Intranet and Internet to permit access to the Intranet only to people who are members of the same company or organisation. In its simplest form, an Intranet can be set up on a networked PC without any PC on the network having access via the Intranet network to the Internet. For example, consider an office with a few PCs and a few printers all networked together. The network would not be connected to the outside world. On one of the drives of one of the PCs there would be a directory of web pages that comprise the Intranet. Other PCs on the network could access this Intranet by pointing their browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer) to this directory - for example U:\inet\index.htm. From then onwards they would navigate around the Intranet in the same way as they would get around the Internet.

An Extranet is actually an Intranet that is partially accessible to authorised outsiders. The actual server (the computer that serves up the web pages) will reside behind a firewall. The firewall helps to control access between the Intranet and Internet permitting access to the Intranet only to people who are suitably authorised. The level of access can be set to different levels for individuals or groups of outside users. The access can be based on a username and password or an IP address (a unique set of numbers such as that defines the computer that the user is on).

Difference Between Extranet, Internet and Intranet?

Hello, Can you Tell Me What is the Basic Difference Between Extranet, Internet and Intranet ? , Although I know Bit about the trio but Still i Have some Doubt Which i Would

like to clear, According to Certain thing i know I Can Says This please Correct me

Intranet: the internal network of an organisational entity Extranet: the external network of an organisational entity Internet: the mother of all networks inter-connected on the scale of planet

So would you please Suggest some more things To Add upto this Information Thanks in Advance for your replies

#2 03-03-2009

Member Re: Difference Between Extranet, Internet and Intranet?

Join Date: Apr 2008 Posts: 2,268

Hello, Internet refers to the world-wide collection of independent networks, connected via routers to each other for communication purposes. Intranet refers to a collection of networks within a logical body, such as a building, corporation or other entity. Intranets can be as simple as two computers connected at home to each other, or as vast as 1000 branch offices of a bank, connected via privately owned, non-public network links. Intranets usually have a firewall and router, which permits access to the public Internet, while protecting the internal Intranet from malicious users. Extranets are collaborative meta-networks which are set up between two or more Intranets to facilitate business or research communication. An example would be General Motors and the many subcontractors that supply GM with parts for their products. GM and it's partners establish links to tie each others Intranets together to better serve each others needs, such as secure communications for financial transactions, parts ordering, etc. Another example would be the Federal Reserve Bank, which maintains an Extranet connected to each of it's constituent banks for the transfer of funds. Finally, the term 'internet' (lower case) is a generic description of a collection of networked devices.

#3 03-03-2009

Member Re: Difference Between Extranet, Internet and Intranet?

Join Date: Apr 2008 Posts: 2,269

An extranet is defined as a private network of computers that makes use of internet protocols, network connectivity and a telecommunication system in order to share the information or operations related to the company and its stakeholders. On the other hand, an Intranet is also a private network of computers. It also makes use of internet protocols and network connectivity to share organization wide information and processes with it employees. Thirdly, an internet is a world wide or global system. It consists of interconnected computers. Data is interchanges through data packets using TCP/IP suite. It is also known as network of networks. This is becuase people make use of it for connecting individual and organization wide network.

#4 03-03-2009

Member Re: Difference Between Extranet, Internet and Intranet?

Join Date: Oct 2008 Posts: 43

Well i know the difference Between the two only so take it Internet and Intranet the internet is worldwide, and can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. Intranet is like local internet, i.e. can only be accessed on a web of computers, like a business, or a school. things on the intranet can sometims be accessed via the internet though. Don't know what the extranet is The Extranet is a portion of an organisations Intranet that is made acessible to authorised outside users without full access to entire organisations' intranet.

#5 03-03-2009


Join Date: May 2008 Posts: 2,754

Member Re: Difference Between Extranet, Internet and Intranet?

The following provides a definition about the difference between an intranet, Internet and extranet Intranet is shared content access by members within a single organization Extranet is shared content by groups through cross enterprise boundaries Internet is global communication accessed through the Web

Internet, Intranet ,and Extranet

There's one major distinction between an intranet and the Internet: The Internet is an open, public space, while an intranet is designed to be a private space. An intranet may be accessible from the Internet, but as a rule it's protected by a password and accessible only to employees or other authorized users. From within a company, an intranet server may respond much more quickly than a typical Web site. This is because the public Internet is at the mercy of traffic spikes, server breakdowns and other problems that may slow the network. Within a company, however, users have much more bandwidth and network hardware may be more reliable. This makes it easier to serve high bandwidth content, such as audio and video, over an intranet. (unless you work for the United States Marine Corps. Then you don't get to watch video's. And they Block 80% of any kind of "fun" or entertaining website available on the Internet) The Extranet is a portion of an organization's Intranet that is made accessible to authorized outside users without full access to an entire organization's intranet. Note: There are comments associated with this question. See the discussion page to add to the conversation.

Read more: anet#ixzz1l84zERm8

What is the difference between the Internet and an intranet?


1. The Internet is available to the public (everyone), whereas an intranet is a private network only
2. 3. An Intranet provides much high speed than the Internet. Intranet-based information is more secure than that of the Internet.

available to select users., e.g a school may use an intranet so that its pupils can work from home.

Read more: zz1l85ODhji An internet is a public network whereas an intranet is a private network only available to trusted clients or employees. Intranets are commonly available outside the company via a VPN (which makes them an extranet). I do no know if you wanted to say Intranet where you said antranet ,if it is so then Internet is a world wide network of computers whereas Intranet is a localised network of computers say for a company or university. Read more: vA92b

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