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5. Algebra

Arithmetic sequences and series

You should be able to:

state whether a sequence is arithmetic, giving an appropriate reason find the common difference in an arithmetic sequence find the nth term of an arithmetic sequence find the number of terms in an arithmetic sequence calculate the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic series solve real-world problems involving arithmetic sequences.

Example Consider the series 17, 7, 3, 303. (a) Show that the series is arithmetic.

Show that the difference between two consecutive terms is constant. For example: 7 17 = 3 7 = 10 Therefore, d = 10
(b) Find the sum of the series.

You should know:

a sequence is arithmetic if the difference between consecutive terms is the same an arithmetic sequence has the form u1, u1 + d, u1 + 2d, u1 + 3d, u1 + 4d, u1 = (n 1) the common difference can be found by subtracting consecutive terms: d = un + 1 un when to use the term formula and when to use the sum formula.

The formula for the sum of an arithmetic series requires the value of n. Use the term formula first to find n. For example: 17 + (n 1)(10) = 303, so n = 33 n(u1 + un ) Now use the appropriate formula, Sn = _______, to find 2 the sum of the first 33 terms, 33(17 303) S33 = ________ 2 S33 = 4,719
Be prepared
Look for words or expressions that suggest the use of the term formulaafter the 10th month, in the 8th rowand those that suggest the sum formulatotal cost, total distance, altogether. Look for questions in which information is given about two terms. This normally suggests the formation of a pair of simultaneous equations for which you will have to solve to find the first term and the common difference. The last term of a given sequence can be used to find the number of terms in the sequence as demonstrated in the example above.


5. Algebra

Geometric sequences and series

You should be able to:

state whether a sequence is geometric, giving an appropriate reason find the common ratio in a geometric sequence find the nth term of a geometric sequence find the number of terms in a geometric sequence calculate the sum of the first n terms of a geometric series solve real-world problems involving geometric sequences and series.

(c) The value of the investment will exceed $10,000 after n full years. (i) Write down an inequality to represent this information.

We would like to know when u n > 10,000. Therefore, 5,000 1.063n > 10,000, or 1.063n > 2
(ii) Calculate the minimum value of n.

Using a graphical approach:

Texas Instruments

You should know:

a sequence is geometric if the ratio of consecutive terms is the same a geometric sequence has the form u1, u1r, u1r 2, u1r n 1 the common ratio can be found by dividing consecutive un + 1 terms: r = ____ un when to use the term formula and when to use the sum formula.


Example A sum of $5,000 is invested at a compound interest rate of 6.3% per annum. (a) Write down an expression for the value of the investment after n full years.

n > 11.345 Therefore, the minimum value of n for which the investment exceeds $10,000 is 12.

It may be helpful to write out the sequence. For example: u 0 = 5,000 u1 = 5,000 1.063 u 2 = 5,000 1.0632 So after n full years, u n = 5,000 1.063n.
(b) What will be the value of the investment at the end of 5 years?

We need only substitute n = 5 into our answer for part (a). Therefore, u 5 = 5,000 1.0635 u 5 = 6,790 Notice how the answer has been given to 3 significant figures.

5. Algebra

Geometric sequences and series (continued)

Be prepared
Always write out the first few terms of a sequence if they are not given. This will help you to identify what type of sequence is involved and therefore which formula is appropriate. Questions set in the context of population growth or compound interest often require you to find the amount of time t (or n) after which a population or investment exceeds a certain value. Be sure to set up an appropriate inequality and use an algebraic or graphical method to find t (or n) and then interpret your answer correctly! Knowing how to use the sequence mode on your calculator to generate and display the terms of a sequence can be helpful. Texas Instruments

Use the sum and sequence functions to evaluate expressions written in sigma notation. For example, to observe the terms of the arithmetic sequence

and to evaluate its sum, we could use the following: Texas Instruments


(2n + 5)




5. Algebra

The binomial theorem

You should be able to:

use the binomial theorem to expand (a + b)n find a given term in the expansion of (a + b)n.

Example 2 Consider the expansion of __x 3 8. 3 (a) Write down the number of terms in the expansion.

You should know:

the general form of an expansion is (a + b) = n an + n 1 0 an 1b + + n an rbr + + n bn r n

As n = 8, the number of terms in the expansion must be 9.

(b) Find the term in x3.

the expansion of (a + b)n: the number of terms is always n + 1 the first term is an and the last term is bn the exponent of a decreases by 1 from term to term the exponent of b increases by 1 from term to term for each term, the sum of the exponents on a and b is equal to n the coefficients of (a + b)n are symmetricalthat is, they read the same way from left to right as they do from right to left Pascals triangle can also be used to generate the coefficients of (a + b)n how to use the nCr feature to find and/or generate binomial coefficients: Texas Instruments Casio

Making use of the formula for the general term of a 2 _ binomial expansion, we have a = 3 , b = 3 and n = 8. 2 _ 8r Therefore, 8 3 x (3)r. r For the term in x3, we require that r = 5. 8 _ 85 Therefore, 5 3 x (3)5 = 4,032x3 2 Check: How do we know that our answer should be negative?
Be prepared
Learning how to use the formula for the general term of an expansion correctly can save valuable time on an exam paper. Writing out the entire expansion is not normally the most efficient approach. Using brackets correctly when writing down the parts of a term will ensure that the sign of your answer is correct. Remember that in the expansion of (a + b)n, the signs on each term always alternate.


5. Algebra

Exponents and logarithms

You should be able to:

apply the laws of exponents to simplify expressions solve exponential equations by making the bases the same use logarithms to solve exponential equations with different bases apply the laws of logarithms to simplify expressions find a logarithm to any base by using the change of base formula solve equations involving logarithms.

Example Given that log5 x = y, express each of the following in terms of y. (a) log5 x2.

Using the third law above, log5 x2 = 2 log5 x = 2y

1 (b) log5 __ x

You should know:

the basic laws of exponents how to think of logs as exponentsthat is, loga x means, the exponent to which a must be raised to give x. For example, log3 9 means the exponent to which 3 must be raised to give 9, which is 2. Therefore, log3 9 = 2 the laws of logarithms: log a M + log a N = log a MN M log a M log a N = log a __ N log a Mn = n loga M an exponential equation has a variable in the exponent, for example, 2 x = 7 you can solve an exponential equation by using the properties of exponents to make the bases the same. If the bases are the same, then the exponents must be equal. For example: 1 2x 1 9x 1 = __ 32(x 1) = 32x 2(x 1) = 2x x = __ 3 2 if it is not possible to make the bases the same, you can use the properties of logarithms and the change of base formula to solve an exponential equation. For example: 2 x = 3 x ln 2 = ln 3 x 1.58

We can use the laws of exponents and logarithms to write this expression as follows: 1 _ log5 x = log5 x1 = log5 x = y
(c) log25 x

The change of base formula makes this question a snap! Using base 5 logarithms, we have log5 x log25 x = ____ log5 25 y _ =2
Be prepared
One of the keys to success in solving logarithmic equations is your ability to move easily between the logarithmic form and the exponential form. Remember that if a = logb x, then x = ba. The change of base formula allows you to express any logarithm in terms of another base. This is useful when graphing logarithmic functions or evaluating logarithms that do not have base 10 or base e.


5. Algebra

Infinite geometric series

Sigma notation

You should be able to:

state the conditions on the common ratio for which the sum of an infinite geometric series exists find the sum, if it exists, of an infinite geometric series.

You should be able to:

express a series using sigma notation expand and evaluate an expression written in sigma notation.

You should know:

if the common ratio has a value between 1 and 1, the series will converge to an infinite sum. if the common ratio has a value less than 1 or greater than 1, |r| > 1, the series will diverge and the sum to infinity is not defined.

You should know:

the Greek letter is used to denote the sum of the terms of a series to express a series using sigma notation, use the form 5 n 1 k1 (general term). For example, 32 __ . 4 k=1 k=1

Example Find the sum to infinity of the geometric series 2 4 8 16 __ __ + ___ ___ + 3 9 27 81

Example (a) Write down the first three terms of the sequence un = 3n, n 1.

As the sequence alternates between positive and negative values, the common ratio must be negative. 2 2 _ _ The pattern suggests that u n + 1 = 3 u n so r = 3 and the sum to infinity exists.
3 S = _____ 2 1 ( _) 3 2 _ =5 2 _

Substituting n = 1, 2 and 3 into the expression for u n, we obtain u1 = 3, u 2 = 6, u3 = 9.

(b) Find, (i)



Be prepared
Before you use the formula for an infinite geometric series, be sure that your common ratio is a number between 1 and 1. If you are asked for an infinite sum and your common ratio is greater than 1 or less than 1, you have made a mistake in an earlier part of the question.

The answer to part (a) tells us the series is arithmetic, so this question is asking us to find the sum of the first 20 terms of the arithmetic series. 20(3+ 60) S20 = ______ 2 = 630 Your GDC could also have been used to find this sum.
100 n = 21


Remember this is a find question and we are asked to find the sum of the terms from n = 21 to n = 100. We could find the sum of the first 100 terms and then subtract our answer to part (b)(i).
n = 21

3 = S



100(3 + 300) = _________ 630 2 = 14,520

Be prepared
Both arithmetic and geometric series can be expressed using sigma notation.


Section a Answer all the questions in the spaces provided. Working may be continued below the lines, if necessary. 1. [Maximum mark: 5] Consider the infinite geometric sequence 3 , 3 (0.) , 3 (0.)  , 3 (0.)3 , . (a) (b) Write down the 10th term of the sequence. Do not simplify your answer. Find the sum of the infinite sequence. [1 mark] [4 marks]
[Taken from paper 1 November 2008]

5. Algebra

How do I approach the question?

..................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .the .syllabus?. . . .. ......

What are the key areas from

(a) As this is from paper 1 and therefore does not allow a GDC, it is important to know how .a.geometric .sequence is .formedthat the.tenth .term is ....... ...... ....... ........... ... .... ... . multiplying the first term by the common ratio nine times. Once you identify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . term the.first.term and the.common. ratio,.consider.the formula. for the.nth . . . . . of a geometric sequence. No working is needed as the command term write ................................................... down indicates that a correct answer is all that is required for the 1 mark.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geometric sequences . .......... . . . . . . . Sum of infinite geometric series . .......... .................. ..................

. . . . . . . . . . . . for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) The question asks . . .the infinite.sum, so be sure you choose the .correct . . formula from the information booklet. As you are asked to find this sum, .................................................. you need to show some working. Marks are earned when you substitute correct values.into.the formula. and.calculate. the .final.result. . . . . . . . . . . ......... .. ....... .. ..... .. .. ....

................... ................... ...................

..................................................................... .....................................................................
This answer achieved 2/5
The student wrote down a correct tenth term, using an exponent of 9.

Un = U1r n1 (a) U1 = 31 U2 = 3r 21= 3r 1 r = 0.9 101 9 U10 = U1r = 3(0.9) U1 = 3 9 U10 = 3(0.9) U1( r 1) U1(1 r ) Sn = _______ = ________ r 1 1r 3(0.9 n 1) 3(1 0.9 n) 3(1 0.9 n) Sn = ________ = ________ = ________ 0.9 1 1 0.9 0.1 3 (1 0.9 n) Sn = _________ 0.1
A1 A0 A0 A0
n n

A mark is earned for recognizing that the common ratio is 0.9.


Unfortunately, this student chose the formula for the finite geometric series. As the approach is incorrect, no marks are earned for substituting values into that formula. The correct approach would be to use the formula for 8808-7301 u1 an infinite sum, S = _____ . 1r


5. Algebra

This answer achieved 4/5

This student decided to cross-out the initial working. Good thingas it was incorrect! You should always cross out what you do not wish to be marked. Otherwise, the examiners will mark what is written first. The student chooses the correct formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series, and then substitutes correct values for u1 and r.


Un = U1 + (n 1)d U10 = 3 + (10 1)0.9 U10 = 3 + 9(0.9) U10 = U1 r n1 = 3 x (0.9)101 = 3 x (0.9)9 = 3(0.9)9 u1 S = ____ 1r 3 S = _____ 1 0.9 3 S = ___ 0.1




A1 A1 A1 A0

When formulas are given in the information booklet, marks are usually not awarded for writing these down without doing something with them. In this question, correct values had to be substituted into the formula for any marks to be awarded in part (b).

The final answer is left unfinished, so the student did not earn the final mark for the answer of 30.

This answer achieved 5/5

This is a model solution with clear working shown and a finished answer. The correct value for the common ratio, r, is written down, and correct values are substituted into the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series.

(a) (b)

3(0.9)9 3 S = _____ 1 0.9 3 S = ___ 0.1 S = 30 r = 0.9

A1 A1 A1 A1 A1


5. Algebra

3 2. [Maximum mark: 6] (a) (b) Expand ( x 2)  and simplify your result. Find the term in x3 in (3 x + ) ( x 2)  .


[3 marks] [3 marks]
[Taken from paper 2 November 2008]

.................................................................... ....................................................................

How do.I.approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .are .the .key areas from What . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the question? the syllabus?
(a) As the expansion is of a binomial nature, consider the binomial theorem. . . . . . . Pascals . . . . . . . . . GDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You can.use . . . . . .triangle or. your . . . .to find the.binomial. coefficients. quickly. .Be.especially . . . . . . .to . . . negative. terms when expanding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . attentive . any . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . binomials. Texas Instruments Casio

.................................................................... .................... ....................

Binomial expansion Laws of exponents

.................................................................... .................................................................... .................................................................... .................................................................... ....................................................................

(b) This question . .linked . . part (a) . . . .the. term .in . . . . . . . . . is . . . . . to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . find . . . . . 3 x . Although some may prefer to multiply the 3x and the 4 over the entire expansion from (a), you only need to multiply the terms that make x3. It is also important to remember that a term includes a variable, while a coefficient does not.



5. Algebra

This answer achieved 1/6

This student uses the binomial theorem to write a full expansion of five terms. Although the expansion is incorrect, having evidence of the correct approach earns a mark. The student uses a positive 2 in this expansion where a 2 should be used. In the correct expansion, the second and fourth terms should be negative as the 2 would be taken to an odd power. With an incorrect answer in part (a), the student could still earn marks in part (b) using the rules of followthrough. Unfortunately, the 24x2 found in (a) is carelessly written as 4x2 in (b), and so becomes 12x3 when multiplied by 3x. Furthermore, 4 multiplied with 8x3 is incorrectly written as 24x3. Thus, no follow-through marks are earned.


= 4 x420 + 4 x321 + 4 x24 + 4 x8 + 4 16 0 1 2 3 4 = x4 + (4 2 x3) + (6 4 x2) + (4 8 x) + (16) = x4 + 8x3 + 24x2 + 32x + 16




(3x + 4)(x4 + 8x3 + 4x2 + 32x + 16) 3x5 + 24x4 + 12x3 + 96x2 + 48x + 4x4 + 24x3 + 16x2 + 128x + 64 3x5 + 28x4 + 36x3 + 112x2 + 176x + 64 the term = 36

A0 A0 A0


5. Algebra

This answer achieved 3/6

There is a recognizable attempt to expand (x 2)4, which earns a mark as this is a method that may lead to a correct answer. As the algebra of this method is long and messy, errors are easily made along the way. In this case, the student miscopied the x2 4x + 4 in the first line as x2 4x 4 in the second line. Were this done correctly, full marks could have been earned. Still, as it is time-consuming, using the binomial theorem may be a more efficient approach.


(x 2)(x 2) = x2 4x + 4 M1 x2 4x 4(x 2) = x3 4x2 4x 2x2 + 8x + 8 = x3 6x2 + 4x + 8 x3 6x2 + 4x + 8(x 2) = x4 6x3 + 4x2 + 8x 2x3 + 12x2 8x 16 = x4 8x3 + 16x2 16 = x4 (2x)3 + (4x)2 16 A0 x4 8x3 + 16x2 16(3x + 4) = 3x5 24x4 + 48x3 48x + 4x4 32x3 + 64x2 64 = 3x5 20x4 + 16x3 + 64x2 48x 64 = 16


A1 (ft) A1 (ft) A0

The terms 48x3 and 32x3 are correctly found from the incorrect answer given in (a). Marks are awarded in follow-through. The question asks for the term in x3, whereas this answer is given as its coefficient, so the final mark is not awarded. An answer of 16x3 would be the correct term in follow-through.

This answer achieved 6/6

A completely correct expansion is written that shows the pattern of binomial coefficients and terms very clearly. Brackets are used effectively, which helps to keep the algebraic simplifications organized, reducing the chance for error. A correct and simplified answer is given as required. As (x 2)4 is from part (a), the polynomial x4 8x3 + 24x2 32x + 16 may be substituted into the expression. Then the student multiplies 3x by 24x2 and 4 by 8x3 to find the correct term in x3.


(x 2)4 = x4 + 4 x3(2)1+ 4 x2(2)2+ 4 x1(2)3+ (2)4 1 2 3 = x4 + (8x3) + 24x2 + ( 32x) + 16 = x4 8x3 + 24x2 32x + 16




(3x + 4)(x4 8x3 + 24x2 32x + 16) 72x3 32x3 = 40x3

A1 A1 A1


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