Note: These Minutes Are Designated As "DRAFT" Minutes and Are Subject To Correction and Approval by The Board.

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White Oak Clubhouse REGISTRATION: The Homeowners in attendance included those whose names appear on the sign-in sheets (copies of which are attached hereto). CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by John (Jack) Overton 4:02 PM. INTRODUCTION BOARD MEMBERS, MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVES AND INSPECTORS OF ELECTION: Directors in attendance included John (Jack) Overton, Gary Skaggs, Lin Frasier, Alice Reis and Mary Crommett. Management Agents in attendance included Patrick Kelly and Debra Wolf of Kelly Management. The appointed Inspector of Election, Yvonne Thayer, was also present. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM: Management announced that with the homeowners in attendance, together with the proxies submitted, a quorum was constituted and the meeting would proceed as scheduled. PROOF OF NOTICE OF MEETING: Management Agent Patrick Kelly declared that all owners were notified of this meeting by U.S. mail in accordance with the CC&Rs. APPROVAL OF 2010 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES: The minutes of the 2010 Annual Meeting were previously distributed to the homeowners by posting on the Associations website and Clubhouse bulletin boards. It was moved and seconded from the floor to approve and accept the 2010 Annual Meeting Minutes as presented. All in favor; motion carried. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: There are three positions up for election on the Board of Directors. Following California law, ballots and proxy ballots (with the names of the nominated homeowners listed) were mailed to each homeowner in the Association in advance of the meeting, together with envelopes to return said ballots to Management by the voting deadline. Management brought all of the ballot envelopes received by the deadline to the meeting, and the appointed Inspector of Election, Yvonne Thayer, along with several homeowner volunteers, proceeded to open and count the ballots, with the assistance of Debra Wolf from Kelly Management. The results will be announced later in the meeting, when the ballot tabulating is completed. COMMUNITY OVERVIEW: John (Jack) Overton thanked the homeowners for attending the meeting, and for his opportunity to serve as the President of the Board of Directors. All of the Committee Chairs present were introduced and thanked for their generous service. All of the Committees are reminded to submit their wish list along with bids from any contractors for proposed work/improvements, as well as a well documented/supported statement of their committees financial needs. In addition, the following items were mentioned:

(Note: These Minutes are designated as DRAFT Minutes and are subject to correction and approval by the Board.) -1-

The Association started this year $25,000 over budget, and therefore had to ask some of the committees to cut back. But fortunately, with extra care and some cuts, we are happy to report that we are, as of now, under budget. One factor in this was the projected totals of reserve spending did not actually get spent at the budgeted levels. However, the next Board will face having to address the situations with the sidewalks, trees and streets. The Board has focused on compliance issues (policies and procedures, ALCC issues, etc.), as well as bylaws adherence. The Board also focused on the refurbishment of some capital improvements, in order to maintain their value.

OPEN FORUM: The following matters, questions, comments, etc. were brought up and/or discussed: Reminder: This Sunday we will be having our tropical themed party, and as of now we have 114 reservations. We will be having a Community Coffee Klatch in October, so neighbors and new residents can meet and mingle. The Holiday Party will be held at the Stockdale Country Club more details will follow via the website and newsletter. Question: When will entrance at White Oak be fixed? The Association has received a settlement check; we are waiting for signed contractual agreements for work to begin. Question: Will Kelly Management be asking for a rate increase? The Board has asked for a revised/enhanced 2012 Operating Agreement with Kelly Management, which has been submitted and the Board will be reviewing it shortly.

MANAGEMENT REPORT: Patrick Kelly reported the following: Reminded everyone that it had placed personnel (Terry Lopez) at the Ridge Oak Club House, on a trial basis, to be an on-site contact, to help facilitate contact between the Association, the Board and Management. The Board has reviewed the situation, and has determined that this arrangement is not working out in the Associations benefit. Management now has direct dials for the Board and homeowners to reach Management. The direct dial for Debra Wolf is 616-4382. Terry Lopez is no longer available. Reminded homeowners that part of their monthly dues go towards the in-home security alarm systems. And while security personnel currently drive around and through the complex on a daily basis, they cannot be effective if the homeowners do not arm their in-home security alarm systems. Also noted that some of the home security systems are not working. The individual homeowners should

(Note: These Minutes are designated as DRAFT Minutes and are subject to correction and approval by the Board.) -2-

contact Kern Security directly, and reminded the homeowners that the security/phone systems are not set up for digital phones. All of the security systems should be monitored by someone whether its Kern Security or another provider. Mr. Kelly thanked the Board and Committees for their hard work and diligence Mr. Kelly once again reminded the homeowners that all communications with Management are requested to be in writing (regular U.S. Mail, email or fax). Mr. Kelly can be reached at his regular email: The annual information packet (budget, policy updates/changes, etc.) will be sent out to the homeowners prior to November 15th.

ANNOUNCEMENT OF ELECTION RESULTS: Three (3) Directors are to be elected to serve for two years each. Newly elected Directors will join Gary Skaggs and Lin Frasier, who each have one more year to serve as a Director. Following the counting of ballots and verification of results by the Inspector of Election, it was announced that MIKE AMERIO, CAROL BIANCO and HARVEY CAMPBELL have been elected as the three new Directors. Following this current election, the new Board of Directors is now comprised of the following: Name of Director Gary Skaggs Lin Frasier Mike Amerio Carol Bianco Harvey Campbell Term Remaining One Year One Year Two Years Two Years Two Years

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to be conducted, upon motion from the floor, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM. NEXT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: Date: November 8, 2011

Time: 4:00 PM Place: White Oak Clubhouse SUBMITTED BY:Margaret E. Cross, Stenographer

(Note: These Minutes are designated as DRAFT Minutes and are subject to correction and approval by the Board.) -3-

GREENS OFFICERS 2011-2012 Lin Frasier Mike Amerio Gary Skaggs Carol Bianco Harvey Campbell President Vice President CFO Secretary Member at Large

Note: Officers of the Board were elected by the Board in a organizational meeting held right after the Annual Owners meeting.

(Note: These Minutes are designated as DRAFT Minutes and are subject to correction and approval by the Board.) -4-

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