English Swahili 2008-11-15

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# English-Swahili translations created from the Universal dictionary at 2008-11-

# (c) Copyright 2008 by All free dictionaries project
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April ; Apr Aprili time

Czech Republic Ucheki country
December ; Dec Desemba time
Earth ; earth ; world ; globe dunia nature
English ; English language Kiingereza language
February ; Feb Februari time
France ; French Republic Ufaransa country
Friday ; Fri ijumaa time
German ; High German ; German language Kijerumani linguistics
Germany ; Federal Republic of Germany ; Deutschland ; FRG Ujeremani
India ; Republic of India ; Bharat Bara Hindi country
Italy ; Italian Republic ; Italia Italia country
January ; Jan Januari time
Japan ; Nippon ; Nihon Japani country
July Julai time
June Juni time
Monday ; Mon Jumatatu time
Moon ; moon mwezi nature
November ; Nov Novemba time
October ; Oct Oktoba time
Saturday ; Sabbatum ; Sat jumamosi time
Spain ; Kingdom of Spain ; Espana Hispania country
Sunday ; Lord's Day ; Dominicus ; Sun jumapili time
Thursday ; Th alhamisi time
United Kingdom ; UK ; U.K. ; Britain ; United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland ; Great Britain Uingereza country
United States ; United States of America ; America ; the States ; US ; U.S. ; USA
; U.S.A. Marekani country
Wednesday ; Midweek ; Wed jumatano time
about ; almost ; most ; nearly ; near ; nigh ; virtually ; well-nigh karibu
above ; higher up ; in a higher place ; to a higher place juu adverb
accident ajali transport
account ; business relationship ajili business
acid asidi material
act ; deed ; human action ; human activity kitendo abstract
action kitendo mathematics
actor ; histrion ; player ; thespian ; role player mchezaji profession
actually ; really kweli adverb
acuate ; acute ; sharp ; needlelike kali adjective
ad ; advertisement ; advertizement ; advertising ; advertizing ; advert
tangazo business
address anwani abstract
adept ; expert ; good ; practiced ; proficient ; skillful ; skilful bingwa
advantage ; reward faida abstract
advantage ; vantage manufaa abstract
advice maonyo communication
after baada adjective
afternoon adhuhuri time
again ; once again ; once more ; over again tena adverb
age makamo time
agreement ; understanding mkataba business
aid ; assist ; assistance ; help msaada communication
air hewa nature
airport ; airdrome ; aerodrome ; drome kiwanja cha ndege city
alive ; live hai adjective
all -ote adjective
alone ; lone ; lonely ; solitary kiwa adjective
altitude ; height kimo abstract
always ; ever ; e'er daima ; abadi adverb
among ; amongst ; amid ; amidst kati ya preposition
amount idadi abstract
and na conjunction
angle pembe mathematics
animal ; animate being ; beast ; brute ; creature ; fauna mnyama
announcement ; proclamation ; annunciation ; declaration ilani
answer ; reply ; response itiko communication
apparel ; wearing apparel ; dress ; clothes lebasi clothes
apple tofaa food
approximately ; about ; close to ; just about ; some ; roughly ; more or less ;
around ; or so hivi adverb
arm mkono anatomy
army ; regular army ; ground forces jeshi society
arrangement ; organization ; organisation ; system chama society
attack ; onslaught ; onset ; onrush hujuma abstract
attempt ; effort ; endeavor ; endeavour ; try bidii abstract
attention ; attending uangalifu communication
baby ; babe ; infant mchanga family
back ; dorsum mgongo anatomy
bad baya adjective
bag fuko object
bag ; handbag ; pocketbook ; purse begi clothes
bag ; traveling bag ; travelling bag ; grip ; suitcase sanduku clothes
ball mpira object
bank benki nature
base ; base of operations kianzio society
basket ; handbasket kikapu object
bathroom ; bath pakuogea ; msala house
be kuwa verb
beak ; bill ; neb ; nib ; pecker ankra anatomy
bear dubu animal
beautiful zuri adjective
because kwa sababu conjunction
bedroom ; sleeping room ; sleeping accommodation ; chamber ; bedchamber
chumba cha kulala house
bee nyuki animal
beer pombe ; akari food
beginning ; commencement ; first ; outset ; get-go ; start ; kickoff ; starting
time ; showtime ; offset mwanzo abstract
beginning ; origin ; root ; rootage ; source asili transport
bell kengele object
bend ; curve kombo transport
besides ; too ; also ; likewise ; as well pia adverb
better bora zaidi adjective
between ; betwixt kati ya adverb
beverage ; drink ; drinkable ; potable soda food
bicycle ; bike ; wheel ; cycle baisikeli object
bill ; account ; invoice ajili business
bill ; note ; government note ; bank bill ; banker's bill ; bank note ; banknote
; Federal Reserve note ; greenback ankra business
biology ; biological science biolojia science
bird ndege animal
birthday siku ya kuzaliwa ; sikukuu ya kuzaliwa family
black eusi adjective
blade bapa object
blessing ; approval ; approving kibali communication
blood damu anatomy
blow mshindo abstract
blue ; bluish ; blueish bluu color
blueprint ; design ; pattern bombwe object
board kibao object
boat mashua object
bone ; os mfupa anatomy
book ; volume kitabu ; msahafu ; mkataba ; kitabu object
boot buti clothes
bottle chupa food
box bweta object
brain ; encephalon bongo anatomy
branch tanzu nature
bread ; breadstuff ; staff of life mkate food
breakfast chamshakinywa food
breast ; chest ziwa anatomy
breath pumzi anatomy
brick tofali house
bridge ; span daraja object
brother ; blood brother ndugu family
brow ; forehead paji anatomy
brown ; brownish ; chocolate-brown ; dark-brown brauni color
brush burashi object
bus ; autobus ; coach ; charabanc ; double-decker ; jitney ; motorbus ;
motorcoach ; omnibus ; passenger vehicle basi transport
business ; concern ; business concern ; business organization ; business
organisation kazi business
butter siagi food
buy ; purchase nunua verb
cake kibama food
calendar month ; month kaida time
camera ; photographic camera kamera object
campaign ; cause ; crusade ; drive ; movement ; effort kampeni abstract
can ; tin ; tin can bweta object
capital mji mkuu society
car ; auto ; automobile ; machine ; motorcar gari transport
carbohydrate ; saccharide ; sugar kabohidrati food
care ; attention ; aid ; tending kabidhi abstract
case ; instance ; example bweta abstract
castle ngome city
cat ; true cat paka animal
cause ajili abstract
cell kijumba anatomy
cellular telephone ; cellular phone ; cellphone ; cell ; mobile phone
mobaili device
center ; centre ; middle ; heart ; eye katikati mathematics
century karne time
chain mnyororo object
chair kiti house
change ; alteration ; modification ugeuzi abstract
charge ; complaint kabidhi society
cheap ; inexpensive rahisi adjective
cheese jibini food
chemical element ; element elementi za kikemia material
chemistry ; chemical science kemia science
chest bweta object
child ; kid mzao nature
child ; kid ; youngster ; minor ; shaver ; nipper ; small fry ; tiddler ; tike ;
tyke ; fry ; nestling mtoto family
chin ; mentum kidevu anatomy
chocolate chokleti food
choice ; selection ; option ; pick uchaguzi abstract
cinema ; movie theater ; movie theatre ; movie house ; picture palace
sinema city
circle duara mathematics
city ; metropolis ; urban center mji society
class ; form ; grade ; course darasa art
clean nadhifu adjective
clean ; make clean nadhifu verb
clear waziwazi adjective
cloud wingu nature
club ; social club ; society ; guild ; gild ; lodge ; order chama
coal mkaa material
coat koti clothes
coffee ; java kahawa food
cognition ; knowledge ; noesis *knowledge?? education
cold baridi adjective
cold ; common cold mafua medicine
coldness ; cold ; low temperature ; frigidity ; frigidness baridi
collar ; neckband kala clothes
color ; colour ; coloring ; colouring rangi art
committee ; commission tume society
company ; companionship ; fellowship ; society kampuni society
comparison ; comparing upambano abstract
complete ; consummate timamu adjective
component ; constituent ; element ; factor ; ingredient elementi mathematics

computer ; computing machine ; computing device ; data processor ; electronic

computer ; information processing system kompyuta device
concluding ; final ; last ; terminal mwisho adjective
condition ; status hali abstract
consequence ; effect ; outcome ; result ; event ; issue ; upshot athari
construct ; build ; make -jenga verb
contend ; fight ; struggle -pigana verb
contest ; competition shindano society
continue ; go on ; proceed ; go along ; keep endelea verb
cook mpishi profession
cook pika verb
copy nakili object
copy ; re-create nakili verb
correct ; right barabara adjective
cough -kohoa verb
country ; state ; land taifa society
course ; course of study ; course of instruction ; class darasa education
court ; tribunal ; judicature mahakama society
cow ; moo-cow ng'ombe jike animal
crack ; cleft ; crevice ; fissure ; scissure mwatuko abstract
crime ; offense ; criminal offense ; criminal offence ; offence ; law-breaking
hatia society
cry ; outcry ; call ; yell ; shout ; vociferation kilio communication
culture ; civilization ; civilisation mila society
cup kikombe food
cup ; loving cup kombe object
cupboard ; closet kabati house
curvature ; curve ukombo mathematics
curve ; curved shape kombo art
cut ; cutting mchanjo abstract
damage ; harm ; impairment madhara transport
danger hatari abstract
date ; appointment ; engagement daraka relations
date ; day of the month tarehe time
day ; twenty-four hours ; twenty-four hour period ; 24-hour interval ; solar day
; mean solar day siku nature
daze ; shock ; stupor mkutuo abstract
death kifo nature
death ; decease ; expiry kifo abstract
decision ; determination ; conclusion hatima communication
decoration ; ornament ; ornamentation kirembo object
defense ; defence ; defense force ; defence force himaya abstract
degree ; grade ; level kipengee linguistics
delicate ororo adjective
democracy ; republic ; commonwealth jamhuri society
department ; section idara society
depository financial institution ; bank ; banking concern ; banking company
benki city
design ; designing shauri abstract
desire ; want tamani verb
desk dawati house
destruction ; devastation angusho abstract
detail ; particular ; item maalum logistics
development ; evolution mageuko nature
dictionary ; lexicon kamusi linguistics
difference halafa abstract
difficult ; hard gumu adjective
difficulty jambo abstract
direction agizo mathematics
director ; manager ; managing director mkuu profession
dirty ; soiled ; unclean chafu adjective
discipline ; subject ; subject area ; subject field ; field ; field of study ;
study ; bailiwick nidhamu linguistics
discovery ; find ; uncovering ubuni society
discussion ; give-and-take ; word jadiliano communication
disease maradhi medicine
distance umbali mathematics
diverse ; various mbalimbali adjective
doctor ; doc ; physician ; MD ; Dr. ; medico daktari ; mganga profession
dog ; domestic dog ; Canis familiaris mbwa animal
door mlango house
doubt ; uncertainty ; incertitude ; dubiety ; doubtfulness ; dubiousness
wasiwasi communication
down chini adjective
drawer droo house
dry kavu adjective
dry ; dry out kavu verb
dry ; dry out kavu verb
dust kauta material
duty madaraka abstract
dwelling ; home ; domicile ; abode ; habitation ; dwelling house nyumba
each kila adjective
ear sikio ; ukisi anatomy
earlier ; before kabla adverb
earth ; ground dunia material
east ; due east ; eastward ; E mashariki logistics
economic ; economical kabidhi adjective
edge ; border kando mathematics
education elimu education
education elimu society
education ; instruction ; teaching ; pedagogy ; didactics ; educational activity
elimu education
effort ; elbow grease ; exertion ; travail ; sweat bidii abstract
egg yai food
eight ; 8 ; viii nane number
eighteen ; 18 ; xviii kumi na nane number
eighty ; 80 ; lxxx ; fourscore themanini number
either ama adverb
election uchaguzi mathematics
elephant ndovu animal
elevator ; lift kiinuzi device
eleven ; 11 ; xi kumi na moja number
end ; terminal hatima abstract
energy ; free energy bidii nature
engine injini device
engineering ; engineering science ; applied science ; technology uhandisi
enough ; plenty basi adverb
entertainment ; amusement mafurahisho art
envelope bahasha object
environment mazingira nature
equally ; as ; every bit kama adverb
especial ; exceptional ; particular ; special maalum adjective
even hata adjective
even hata adverb
evening ; eve ; even ; eventide jioni time
event mkasa abstract
every kila adjective
example ; illustration ; instance ; representative mfano communication
excellent ; first-class ; fantabulous ; splendid bora adjective
experience maarifa society
expert bingwa profession
eye ; oculus ; optic jicho anatomy
fabric ; cloth ; material ; textile kanchiri material
face ; human face uso anatomy
fact hakika abstract
factory ; mill ; manufacturing plant ; manufactory kivanda city
fake ; false ; faux ; imitation ; simulated wongo adjective
fall ; autumn vuli nature
false wongo adjective
false ; mistaken wongo adjective
family ; household ; house ; home ; menage familia family
far mbali adjective
fast hima logistics
fat mafuta adjective
father ; male parent ; begetter baba ; mzazi family
fear ; fearfulness ; fright hofu relations
feather ; plume ; plumage kipapatiko object
few chache adjective
field kikore nature
fifteen ; 15 ; xv kumi na tano number
fifty ; 50 ; l hamsini number
fight ; fighting ; combat ; scrap mapigano abstract
finish ; destination ; goal kifiko abstract
fire ; flame ; flaming mwako nature
firm ; house ; business firm hodari business
firm ; solid hodari adjective
first ; firstly ; foremost ; first of all ; first off awali adverb
fish samaki animal
five ; 5 ; v tano number
flag bendera object
floor ; flooring sakafu house
flower ua nature
fly inzi animal
fold ; crease ; plication ; flexure ; crimp ; bend kipindo object
following ; next ya pili adjective
food ; nutrient chakula food
for kwani conjunction
force ; forcefulness ; strength kifungo abstract
forget -sahau verb
fork uma food
form ; shape ; cast umbo art
forty ; 40 ; xl ; twoscore arubaini number
four ; 4 ; iv nne number
fourteen ; 14 ; xiv kumi ya nne number
fourth dimension ; time mara physics
frame kiunzi object
free huru adjective
friend rafiki family
front ; front end ; forepart mbele abstract
fruit matunda food
full kifurifuri adjective
full ; total idadi adjective
function ; purpose ; role ; use kasidi linguistics
furniture ; piece of furniture ; article of furniture fanicha house
future ; hereafter ; futurity ; time to come siku za baadaye ; mustakabali
game mchezo mathematics
game mchezo sports
garage gereji transport
garden bustani house
gate lango house
general ; full general jenerali profession
get down ; begin ; get ; start out ; start ; set about ; set out ; commence
-anza verb
glass kioo material
glass ; drinking glass bilauri food
glue ; gum ; mucilage gundi material
goal lango sports
goat ; caprine animal mbuzi animal
gold ; Au ; atomic number 79 dhahabu material
golf ; golf game gofu travelling
good ; goodness taibu abstract
govern ; rule miliki verb
gradient ; slope mwinamo mathematics
grain chembe material
grandfather ; gramps ; granddad ; grandad ; granddaddy ; grandpa babu ; mzee
green ; greenish ; light-green ; dark-green kijani color
grey ; gray ; greyish ; grayish rangi ya kijivu adjective
group ; grouping genge abstract
gun bunduki object
hand ; manus ; mitt ; paw mkono anatomy
handle ; grip ; handgrip ; hold kiopoo object
hapless ; miserable ; misfortunate ; pathetic ; piteous ; pitiable ; pitiful ;
poor ; wretched hafifu adjective
happen ; hap ; go on ; pass off ; occur ; pass ; fall out ; come about ; take
place cheti verb
happy nafurahi adjective
hat ; chapeau ; lid kofia clothes
hate ; hatred chukizi relations
have ; have got ; hold na verb
hazard ; jeopardy ; peril ; risk ; endangerment hatari transport
head ; caput kichwa anatomy
head ; chief ; top dog kichwa society
health ; wellness afya medicine
heart ; pump ; ticker moyo anatomy
hello ; hullo ; hi ; howdy ; how-do-you-do salamu ; jambo linguistics
here hapa adverb
hill kiduta nature
history historia society
hog ; pig ; grunter ; squealer ; Sus scrofa jivi animal
hole tundu abstract
home ; place kao house
homo ; man ; human being ; human binadamu family
hope *hope?? verb
hospital ; infirmary hospitali city
hot enye joto adjective
hotel hoteli city
hotness ; heat ; high temperature uharara medicine
hour ; hr ; 60 minutes saa time
house chengo house
however ; nevertheless ; withal ; still ; yet ; all the same ; even so ;
nonetheless ; notwithstanding bado adverb
human mtu adjective
ice barafu nature
ice ; water ice barafu material
idea ; thought dhana communication
if ijapo conjunction
ill ; sick gonjwa adjective
immediately ; instantly ; straightaway ; straight off ; directly ; now ; right
away ; at once ; forthwith ; like a shot sasa hivi adverb
in ; inwards ; inward katika adverb
increase ; increment nyongeza abstract
increase ; increment ; growth jazi abstract
industry ; manufacture kiwanda ; viwanda society
information ; info *informacja?? communication
ink wino material
insect dudu animal
inside ; within ndani adverb
instrument samani device
insurance bima business
interest masilahi business
interest ; involvement masilahi communication
internet ; net ; cyberspace intaneti mathematics
interview hojaji communication
iron ; Fe ; atomic number 26 chuma material
island kisiwa nature
issue jambo communication
jewel ; gem ; precious stone johari object
judge ; justice ; jurist hakimu profession
kernel ; substance ; core ; center ; centre ; essence ; gist ; heart ; heart and
soul ; inwardness ; marrow ; meat ; nub ; pith ; sum ; nitty-gritty dhati
key kifunguo object
key ufunguo house
kill ua ; fisha verb
kind ; sort ; form ; variety aina abstract
king ; male monarch ; Rex maliki society
kitchen jiko house
knee ; knee joint ; human knee ; articulatio genus ; genu goti
knife kisu food
knot fumbo object
lake ziwa nature
land ; dry land ; earth ; ground ; solid ground ; terra firma ardhi
land ; ground ; soil ardhi material
language ; linguistic communication lugha communication
late -liochelewa adjective
law kanuni society
lead ; Pb ; atomic number 82 risasi material
leaf ; leafage ; foliage jani nature
leather ngozi material
leave ; leave of absence likizo society
leg mguu anatomy
legal halali adjective
letter ; letter of the alphabet ; alphabetic character herufi linguistics

letter ; missive barua object

lie uongo verb
lie ; prevarication uwongo communication
life maisha nature
light ; visible light ; visible radiation nuru nature
like ; similar kama adjective
limit ; bound ; boundary mpaka mathematics
line laini mathematics
lion ; king of beasts ; Panthera leo simba animal
lip mdomo anatomy
liquid kiowevu nature
list ; listing orodha abstract
lock kitasa house
long refu adjective
long tawili adjective
lookout ; lookout man ; sentinel ; sentry ; watch ; spotter ; scout ; picket
mngoja profession
loss hasara business
love penda ; selea ; tunuka verb
love upendo relations
low chini adjective
machine mashine device
mail ; mail service ; postal service ; post posta communication
make ; create -fanya verb
male ; male person kiume society
male ; manful ; manlike ; manly ; virile ume adjective
male child ; boy mvulana family
man ; adult male mtu family
management ; direction udhibiti society
manner ; mode ; style ; way ; fashion jinsi mathematics
map ramani object
marker ; marking ; mark chapa abstract
marriage ; matrimony ; union ; spousal relationship ; wedlock ndoa
marriage ; wedding ; marriage ceremony ndoa family
match ; lucifer ; friction match kiberiti object
material ; stuff kifaa material
matter vitu material
matter ; affair ; thing jambo abstract
me mimi pronoun
meal ; repast kikoa food
means ; agency ; way jinsi abstract
measure ; step kadiri abstract
measurement ; measuring ; measure ; mensuration upimaji art
meat mnofu food
medical -a tabibu adjective
memory ukumbuko communication
merely ; simply ; just ; only ; but lakini adverb
metallic element ; metal bati material
method jinsi mathematics
might ; mightiness ; power nguvu abstract
milk maziwa food
million ; 1000000 ; one thousand thousand ; meg milioni number
mind ; head ; brain ; psyche ; nous bongo mathematics
minister ; government minister waziri profession
minute ; min dakika time
mirror kioo cha kujitazamia house
mistake ; error ; fault dosari communication
mod ; modern ; modernistic kisasa adjective
modern kisasa adjective
moisture ; wet mnyevu nature
moment ; minute ; second ; instant kitambo mathematics
money pesa business
monkey nyani animal
month mwezi transport
more ; more than zaidi adjective
morning ; morn ; morning time ; forenoon asubuhi time
mother ; female parent mama ; mzazi ; mzaa family
motion ; movement ; move ; motility mwendo physics
mountain ; mount mlima nature
mouth ; oral cavity ; oral fissure ; rima oris kinywa ; kanwa anatomy
movement ; motion mwendo physics
movie ; film ; picture ; moving picture ; moving-picture show ; motion picture ;
motion-picture show ; picture show ; pic ; flick filamu art
much chakari adjective
music muziki art
musician ; instrumentalist ; player mwanamuziki profession
my changu pronoun
nail msumari object
name jina linguistics
nation ; land ; country madola society
natural language ; tongue lugha asilia linguistics
near ; close ; nigh jirani adjective
neck ; cervix shingo anatomy
necktie ; tie tai clothes
need ; demand haja abstract
needle sindano medicine
neighbor ; neighbour jirani family
net ; network ; mesh ; meshing ; meshwork wavu material
net income ; net ; net profit ; lucre ; profit ; profits ; earnings faida
nether ; under chini adjective
new kisasa adjective
newspaper ; paper gazeti object
nice tamu adjective
night ; nighttime ; dark usiku nature
nine ; 9 ; ix tisa number
nineteen ; 19 ; xix kumi na tisa number
ninety ; 90 ; xc tisini number
no hakuna abstract
no hakuna adjective
noise ; dissonance ; racket hoihoi society
normal kawaida adjective
north ; due north ; northward ; N kaskazini logistics
nose ; olfactory organ pua anatomy
note ; annotation ; notation cheti communication
nothing ; nil ; nix ; nada ; null ; aught ; cipher ; cypher ; goose egg ; naught
; zero ; zilch ; zip ; zippo si kitu mathematics
now sasa time
number idadi linguistics
nurse mlezi profession
nut jozi food
obviously ; evidently ; manifestly ; patently ; apparently ; plainly ; plain
wazi adverb
occupation ; business ; job ; line of work ; line kazi business
oil mafuta material
old kuu adjective
olfactory property ; smell ; aroma ; odor ; odour ; scent harufu
on katika adjective
once ; one time ; in one case kamwe adverb
one-half ; half nusu mathematics
opinion ; sentiment ; persuasion ; view ; thought fikara communication
opportunity ; chance bahati abstract
opposite kinyume adjective
or au conjunction
orange chungwa ; kangaja food
order agizo society
other ingine adjective
outside nje adverb
oven tanuru device
own ; ain enyewe adjective
package ; bundle ; packet ; parcel kifurushi object
page ukurasa object
pain ; hurting kichomi medicine
paint ; pigment rangi art
painting ; picture picha art
paper karatasi material
parallel kifani adjective
parent mzazi family
part ; portion ; component part ; component ; constituent awamu
part ; section ; division mkato mathematics
particularly ; peculiarly ; especially ; specially hususa adverb
party sherehe society
passport paspoti object
pause ; intermission ; break ; interruption ; suspension kituo time
pay ajara verb
payment kisutuo business
peace amani ; salama abstract
pen kalamu object
pencil kalamu ya mkaa object
people umma society
person ; individual ; someone ; somebody ; mortal ; soul mutu family
phase ; stage hatua time
picture ; image ; icon ; ikon sanamu art
piece bale object
pilot ; airplane pilot rubani profession
pin pini object
pipe ; pipage ; piping bomba object
plain ; field ; champaign dhahiri nature
plan ; program ; programme shauri abstract
plant ; flora ; plant life mmea house
plate sahani food
player ; participant mchezaji sports
pleasure ; pleasance furaha abstract
poetry ; poesy ; verse ushairi art
point ; dot doti linguistics
poison liga verb
poison ; toxicant ; poisonous substance kiunguza material
policeman ; police officer ; officer polisi profession
position ; place cheo linguistics
possibly ; perchance ; perhaps ; maybe ; mayhap ; peradventure labda
potato ; white potato ; Irish potato ; murphy ; spud ; tater kiazi cha kizungu
potent ; strong ; stiff hodari adjective
powder ; pulverization ; pulverisation poda material
power ; powerfulness nguvu abstract
practice amali art
precisely ; exactly ; just adili adverb
present zawadi object
price ; terms ; damage gharama transport
prison ; prison house gereza city
private binafsi adjective
procedure ; process kanuni mathematics
produce ; make ; create zao verb
project ; projection shauri abstract
proposal kisi abstract
protest ; protestation teto communication
pump pampu device
punishment ; penalty ; penalization ; penalisation kitubio society
purple ; violet ; purplish zambarau color
push button ; push ; button kifungo ; kitango object
quality ; character ; lineament sifa abstract
question ; inquiry ; enquiry ; query ; interrogation swali linguistics

quickly ; rapidly ; speedily ; chop-chop ; apace chapuchapu adverb

quiet kimya adjective
rain ; pelting mvua nature
rain ; rain down mvua verb
rain ; rainfall mvua nature
ready tayari adjective
real ; existent halisi adjective
reason chanzo communication
reason ; ground chini communication
recently ; late ; lately ; of late ; latterly hivi karibuni adverb
red ; reddish ; ruddy ; blood-red ; carmine ; cerise ; cherry ; cherry-red ;
crimson ; ruby ; ruby-red ; scarlet ekundu color
region ; part jimbo nature
relation uhusiano communication
religion ; faith ; organized religion dini society
religion ; faith ; religious belief imani society
remainder ; balance ; residual ; residue ; residuum ; rest baki
remember ; retrieve ; recall ; call back ; call up ; recollect ; think
-kumbuka verb
repose ; quiet ; placidity ; serenity ; tranquillity ; tranquility kimya
request ; asking hoja communication
request ; bespeak ; call for ; quest takia verb
research uchunguzi abstract
respite ; recess ; break ; time out mapumziko abstract
responsibility ; responsibleness daraka abstract
rest ; ease ; repose ; relaxation pumziko abstract
restaurant ; eating house ; eating place ; eatery hoteli city
result ; resultant ; final result ; outcome ; termination matokeo
rice mpunga food
rice wali food
right barabara adjective
right barabara adverb
right haki society
right sawa adverb
ring ; band pete clothes
river kijito nature
road ; route njia transport
rock ; stone kokoto nature
roof paa house
root chanzo nature
rope kamba transport
rug ; carpet ; carpeting zulia ; tandiko ; mkeka house
sailor ; crewman mbaharia profession
salt ; table salt ; common salt chumvi food
sand mchanga material
sauce mchuzi rojo food
school ; schoolhouse shule city
science ; scientific discipline elimu society
screen ; cover ; covert ; concealment jalada object
sea bahari nature
seat ; place mahali abstract
second ; 2nd ; 2d -pili adjective
second ; sec ; s nukta time
section ; subdivision mkato mathematics
see -ona verb
seed mbegu food
sell -uza verb
sentence hukumu linguistics
servant ; retainer mhudumu profession
service huduma sports
seven ; 7 ; vii saba number
seventy ; 70 ; lxx sabini number
sew ; run up ; sew together ; stitch -shona verb
she yeye pronoun
sheep kondoo animal
ship meli transport
shirt shati clothes
shoe kiatu clothes
shop ; store duka business
shower showa house
side kando mathematics
silence ; quiet kimya abstract
silk hariri material
silver ; Ag ; atomic number 47 fedha material
since maadamu preposition
sing -imba verb
sister ; sis dada family
situation ; state of affairs uhali abstract
six ; 6 ; vi ; half dozen ; half-dozen sita number
sixteen ; 16 ; xvi kumi na sita number
sixty ; 60 ; lx ; threescore sitini number
skirt sketi clothes
sky anga nature
sleep ; slumber usingizi nature
smile -tabasamu verb
smoke moshi verb
smoke ; fume moshi nature
smooth laini adjective
snake ; serpent ; ophidian nyoka animal
snow theluji nature
snow ; snowfall theluji nature
so vile adverb
soap sabuni material
sock soksi clothes
soft laini adjective
soldier askari ; mwanajeshi profession
sometimes pengine adverb
song ; vocal shairi art
soon ; shortly ; presently ; before long punde adverb
soup mchuzi food
south ; due south ; southward ; S kusini logistics
speech ; speech communication ; spoken communication ; spoken language ; language
; voice communication ; oral communication lugha ; usemi linguistics
spoon kijiko food
spring springi object
square mraba adjective
square ; foursquare mraba mathematics
squash ; crush ; squelch ; mash ; squeeze -ponda verb
staff mkongojo society
stalk ; stem uti nature
stamp stempu object
standard sanifu adjective
standard ; criterion ; measure ; touchstone kigezo communication
star nyota nature
station stesheni society
steam fukizo physics
steel chuma cha pua ; pua material
stick fimbo object
still bado adverb
stomach ; tummy ; tum ; breadbasket tumbo anatomy
strange ; unusual zungu adjective
stream ; flow ; current kijito nature
street barabara city
stupid pumbavu adjective
stylish ; fashionable mufti adjective
subsequently ; later ; afterwards ; afterward ; after ; later on baada
success fanaka society
sugar ; refined sugar sukari food
sum ; amount ; total idadi mathematics
summation ; addition ; plus jumla mathematics
summer ; summertime kiangazi nature
sun ; Sun jua nature
supermarket supamaketi city
support mhimili abstract
sweet tamu adjective
sweet ; sweetness ; sugariness utamu food
system ; scheme mfumo linguistics
table meza house
tail mkia anatomy
talk ; speak ; utter ; mouth ; verbalize ; verbalise nena ; sema verb
tall tawili adjective
taste ; gustation ; sense of taste ; gustatory modality kionjo nature
taste ; savor ; savour kionjo verb
tax ; taxation ; revenue enhancement kodi business
tea chai food
teacher ; instructor mwalimu profession
team ; squad kikoa society
technology ; engineering teknolojia society
ten ; 10 ; x kumi number
tendency ; trend elekeo abstract
tennis ; lawn tennis tenisi sports
test ; prove ; try ; try out ; examine ; essay mwonjo verb
thank ; give thanks -shukuru verb
them wao pronoun
then ; so ; and so ; and then alafu adverb
theory nadharia education
there ; at that place ; in that location hapo adverb
therefore ; hence ; thence ; thus ; so vile adverb
these hivyo pronoun
they wao pronoun
thing jambo object
thirteen ; 13 ; xiii kumi na tatu number
thirty ; 30 ; xxx thelathini number
this hii pronoun
those hivyo pronoun
thousand ; one thousand ; 1000 ; M ; K ; chiliad ; G ; grand ; thou ; yard elfu
thousand ; one thousand ; 1000 ; m ; k elfu number
three ; 3 ; iii tatu number
throat ; pharynx koo anatomy
thumb ; pollex kidole gumba anatomy
ticket tikiti object
to kwa preposition
today leo time
today leo adverb
toilet ; lavatory ; lav ; can ; john ; privy ; bathroom choo ; salani house

tomato nyanya food

tomato ; love apple ; tomato plant ; Lycopersicon esculentum tungule food
tomorrow kesho adverb
tomorrow kesho time
tongue ; lingua ; glossa ; clapper ulimi ; kitu anatomy
tooth jino anatomy
topographic point ; place ; spot mahali abstract
torso ; trunk ; body kiwiliwili anatomy
town mji society
track ; rail ; rails ; runway reli transport
trade biashara business
train ; railroad train treni transport
travel ; go ; move ; locomote mwendo verb
tree mti house
trick danganyo abstract
trouble ; problem jambo abstract
true sahihi adjective
truly ; genuinely ; really kwa kweli adverb
truthful ; true sahihi adjective
twenty ; 20 ; xx ishirini number
two ; 2 ; ii mbili number
type aina abstract
undertaking ; project ; task ; labor shauri abstract
union chama society
until hadi conjunction
up ; upwards ; upward ; upwardly juu adverb
us sisi pronoun
use ; usage ; utilization ; utilisation ; employment ; exercise tumia ;
matumizi linguistics
vacation ; holiday likizo travelling
very ; really ; real ; rattling sana ; kabisa adverb
voice ; vocalization ; vocalisation ; vocalism ; phonation ; vox kauli
wages ; reward ; payoff tuzo society
wall ukuta house
watch ; ticker saa object
water ; H2O maji material
wave ; moving ridge wimbi nature
we sisi pronoun
weather ; weather condition ; conditions ; atmospheric condition hali ya
hewa nature
wedding ; wedding ceremony ; nuptials ; hymeneals ndoa family
week ; calendar week juma time
weekend wikiendi time
weight kipimo physics
well kisima object
well ; good nzuri adverb
west ; due west ; westward ; W magharibi logistics
wet chepechepe adjective
what nini pronoun
wheel gurudumu object
which ambazo pronoun
while ; piece ; spell ; patch maadamu transport
whip mjeledi object
white nyeupe adjective
who nani pronoun
whole kamili adjective
whole ote abstract
why kwaje adverb
win nufaika verb
wind ; air current ; current of air upepo ; baridi ; mpepea nature
wind ; wrap ; roll ; twine upepo verb
window dirisha house
wine ; vino divai food
wing ubawa anatomy
winter ; wintertime kipupwe nature
wire waya object
wish hamu verb
wish ; wishing ; want hamu abstract
woman ; adult female mwanamke family
wood ubao material
work *Kazi?? abstract
worker mfanyakazi profession
world ulimwengu nature
writer ; author mwandishi profession
year ; twelvemonth ; yr mwaka time
yellow ; yellowish ; xanthous rangi ya njano color

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