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University Of Karachi Fuel and Combustion

Experiment no.3

Boiling Range Of Gasoline

Syed Saad Ahmed B-0933040 B.E 3rd Year Chemical Engineering

Submitted To: Sir Fassiullah Sir Saqib

Fuel and Combustion 2012

Experiment no. 3
(Boiling Range Of Gasoline)

To determine the boiling range of the given petroleum fraction using ASTM D-86 test method and report initial boiling point (IBP) and final boiling point (FBP) or end pint (EP).

y Assembly of ASTM D-86

ASTM D86 standard is the test method for atmospheric distillation of Petroleum products. It is used to determine quantitatively the boiling range characteristics of different petroleum fractions. it is not applicable to products containing appreciable quantities of residual material. This test method covers both manual and automated instruments.

Parameters to be verified:
The parameters to be verified for ASTM D86 distillation will be described.

Temperature verification: Thermometer or temperature probe should be calibrated every six


Verification of temperature lag time: For automated instruments the response time of the electronic thermometer should be verified. Verification consists of, running two distillations, one with the mercury thermometer and one with the electronic thermometer. Verification of volume measurement: Automated instruments must have a level follower
that measures the volume between, 5 100 ml with a maximum error of 0.3ml using a typically liquid.

Verification of barometric pressure: After every six months the barometric reading should be
verified against a barometer with an accuracy of 0.1 KPa.

Verification of Distillation speed: The heating rate shall be kept to 4 5 ml per minute from
5 ml residue onward, during the test run. Record volume as measured by the analyzer and record the time measured with a calibrated chronometer.

Prepared By: Syed Saad Ahmed | B.E Chemical Engineering

Fuel and Combustion 2012

Verification of Distillation calibration: Calibration of the instrument shall be verified by
means of toluene and hexadecane distillation.

Gasoline and its Boiling Range:

Gasoline contains over 500 hydrocarbons that may have between 3 to 12 carbons, and gasoline used to have a boiling range from 30C to 220C at atmospheric pressure. The boiling range is narrowing as the initial boiling point is increasing, and the final boiling point is decreasing, both changes are for environmental reasons.

1) Take out the sample of 100 ml of the gasoline. 2) Put the ice in the ASTM D-86 Assembly for providing the temperature of condensation. 3) Start heating the sample and note the temperature as the initial boiling point when the first drop of the vapor condensed. 4) Now note the vapors temperature after each collection of 5% 5) After recollection of the 65% increase the flame and note the final boiling point ( end point).

Initial Boiling point= 60 0C Final Boiling point=152 0C

Volume (ml)
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

Temperature (0C)
60 62 65 68 71 73 77 81 86 94 97 100 111 123 142 145

Prepared By: Syed Saad Ahmed | B.E Chemical Engineering

Fuel and Combustion 2012

Initial boiling point is found to be=60 0C Final boiling point id found to be=152 0C

The graph between the volume and the temperature is as follows.
160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

In this experiment we have recollected the 85% of the given sample of the gasoline which is not a good collection. Recollection must be at least above 90%. Here we have many errors in which the major is the handling mistakes, escaping of vapors due to leakage or any other factor, variability of flame of burner etc.

Prepared By: Syed Saad Ahmed | B.E Chemical Engineering

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