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Sermon on the Mount

So far we have learned about Jesus in the temple. That was the first time he was found doing what? Preaching Then last week we learned that Jesus was baptized by whom? John the Baptist This was to be the start of His ministry. Do you think Jesus taught a lot of people? Yes One of His most famous sermons was called the Sermon on the Mount. This sermon was probably not given all in one day as it was very long, but the message was clear and still stands as the truth today. Now, He normally spoke at synagogues, which we learned were like our what? Churches The rest of the time he spoke outdoors. So one day, Jesus walked up a mountain. He was followed by lots of people; some of those were his disciples which we learn about soon. They all sat down around Him to hear His words. The 1st part of His sermon is known as the Beatitudes. These are a list of attitudes and actions for us to follow. They talk about how God blesses His children. Read Matthew 5:1-11 Who do we turn to when we are hungry? Sad? In pain? Mocked or made fun of?

God is always with us and there for us! When God blesses us, He gives us strength, joy, compassion, and peace to help us through our struggles and triumphs. As we go through hard times, we can ask Him to guide us through. The next part of the sermon, Jesus says Read Matthew 5:13a, 14a, 16 God is worthy of all our praise. He gives us all that we need, all we have to do is ask! To be a follower of Jesus, we must not be afraid to ask God for His help. The only one who can save us from our sin is who? Jesus/God Do object lesson Materials: Candle Container of salt Lighter Cup to cover candle with Have each child taste the salt. Explain to the children that salt is used as a preserver or as an additive. So when Jesus tells us that we are the salt of the earth, we are to add the flavor of God to all people and to preserve our faith in Him. Put a candle in the salt and light it. Explain to the children that we are also to be the light of the world leading others to Christ. Spreading our light among others and allowing others to see our light shine. We dont ever want our light to go out for Jesus! Extinguish light. Without our light, we have no one to shine for! The rest of the sermon goes on to talk about not committing murder, keeping promises, giving to the needy, fasting, judging others, and prayer. This is where Jesus taught the most famous prayer in the Bible. He also tells us how to pray. When you are praying to God, do it respectfully. Talk to God as you would your own father. There is no need to ask for things repeatedly. God knows our needs and will meet them in His way and His time. The prayer that Jesus taught on the mountain is called the Lords Prayer.

Read Matthew 6:9-13 Have the children repeat it after you one more time. Craft Materials 4 tongue depressors apiece Copy of the Lords Prayer (attached and printed on card stock) Hot glue gun Stickers (opt) The last part of the sermon is Jesus telling the people that if anyone listens to Him, they are like a man who builds his house on solid rock. His house will stay strong, even through floods and high winds. But, if we dont follow His commands, we will be like a man who builds his house on sand so that it may be washed away. Object lesson Materials 2 tubs Sand Rock or brick Water in a pitcher Rubber band House built out of legos Make sure you attach the house on the stone with a rubber band!

The Lords Prayer

Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us today, our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.

The Lords Prayer

Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us today, our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.

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