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~February 2012~

February Visiting Teaching Message

President Gordon B. Hinckley said, You are the bearers of the children. You are they who nurture them and establish within them the habits of their lives. No other work reaches so close to divinity as does the nurturing of the sons and daughters of God. Fortunately, we are not left alone in our efforts. The greatest help, says Sister Thompson, we will have in strengthening families is to know and follow the doctrines of Christ and to rely on Him to help us.

Happy Birthday
4~ Kim Mickelsen 7~ Karin Alderson 8~ Suzanne Going 12~ Tonya Haustveit 14~ Lynnette Burnam 26~ Jennifer Valko 27~ Candace McGee

Feb. RS Lesson Schedule

5~ Presidency Message 12~ TP #3- Our Testimony of Jesus Christ 19~ TP #4- .Joseph Smith, Gods Instrument. 26~ TFOT Providing in the Lords Way Pres. Uchtdorf Nov 2011 Ensign

Young Women Babysitters for Hire

Brittany Anderson~16 672-8556 KeLynn Stanley~16 345-5667, 570-4921 Lexie Gold~16 887-1051, 559-8939 Elizabeth Wagner~16 639-5908, 585-8466 Emma Stanley~14 345-5667, 570-4921 Katie Dougal~14 639-5949, 830-6251 Jessica Meyers~14 287-8380 Kensie Gold~14 887-1051, 401-4176 Natasha Larsen~13 287-8272 Natassja Yearsley~13 887-9411

Feb. Calendar
2~ Threads of Gold 4~ Stake Baptism 9~ RS Activity Fall in Love with the Scriptures 7:00 at Rebecca Davidsons Home 11~ World Wide Leadership Training 9:00 am Stake Center 14~ VALENTINES DAY *Volleyball every Sat!

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A Message from the Presidency

By Melissa Maag I have thought much the last two weeks about Sister Westovers lesson and the ways we judge others and ourselves. It has brought me to reflect on what the Lord sees when He looks upon my heart. How does He feel about me and the way I am living my life? And do I care more about His opinion of me than the worlds opinion? I admit I am much too concerned with the worlds opinion of meIm not thin enough, Im not smart enough, I dont dress fashionable enough etc. I thought you outgrew this when you grow up! But I think many of us still worry much too much about these things and the world has a way of making us feel like we are not enough. Daughters in My Kingdom teaches us how important we are to the Lord. As we study the history of the Relief Society we can see that our Heavenly Father knows us, He loves us, He trusts us with sacred responsibilities and He will guide us as we fulfill those responsibilities. It also teaches us that we are vital participants in the Saviors ministry. In much the same way as Martha and her sister Mary were disciples of the Lord during His ministry on earth, we are His disciples here on earth today. The Lord needs us to be strong and righteous and actively carrying out His work on earth. The Relief Society exists to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and provide relief by seeking out and helping those in need. We can fulfill these purposes as we seek, receive and act on personal revelation. I believe that as we align our priorities with the Lords priorities and seek His approval and not the worlds approval, we will find peace and strength. We will more fully be able to fulfill the purposes of Relief Society and call ourselves disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ; and He will look upon our hearts and be pleased.

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