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Dedicated To A Healthier Environment

Auld Lang Syne, My DearLets All Tell a Fib, My Dear

Doesnt it seem like this is the one time of year it is OK to lie to yourself and your family?
With another year fading quickly in the rear view mirror, its time to face what lies ahead. What plans do you have to make 2012 great? What changes do you want to make in your own life to feel happier? Instead of traditional New Years Resolutions fueled with high hopes and expectations but destined to crash, why not opt for realistic goals which have a chance to meet with success? Try one of these 1 0 easier to follow New Years Resolutions this year: 1) Take the Stairs. A gym membership is great only if you use it, and most home equipment becomes a coat rack by February. Instead, ditch the escalator or elevator and commit to taking the stairs. 2) Turn Off Your Cell Phone. minutes and work your way up if necessary. 3) Eat In More Than You Eat Out.

Unique Holidays
2nd Run It Up The Flagpole And See If Anyone Salutes 3rd Festival of Sleep Day (Shouldnt this be the 2nd?...) 9th BCS National Championship Game 10th Houseplant Appreciation Day 13th Blame Someone else day 17th Ditch Your New Years Resolution Day 24th Compliment Day 28th Fun At Work Day

Mo nthly A waren ess

You may have promised to diet. Youll probably eat LESS if you eat at home. Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables. Share the time preparing and cooking with family and friends, free of distractions. An added bonus? Youll probably save money, too. Nothing wrong with that! 4) Be BETTER Than Punctual. Shoot for being five minutes early for everything. That small goal will help retrain you to focus your effort and improve your functionality.
National Bath Safety Month National Blood Donor Month National Braille Literacy Month National Hobby Month Hot Tea Month

Sports C orner
2nd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th, 30th

Despite the tempting new apps for everything, wean yourself for impossible start with thirty

an hour or so each day and pick up a book instead. Its not

5) Bring Back the Phone Call. Instead of texting, tweeting or posting on a wall, why not pick up the phone and call who youd like to Continued page 2

Cozy News
stay in touch with? Theres something about a tone of voice, or the sound of sincerity or laughter that the written word cannot convey. 6) Get Out of your Comfort Zone. Try to do one thing per day or week that you would not normally. This will be different for each person, but perhaps you could try smiling at people who walk by, or greeting someone you see often but dont normally talk to. Notice some good behavior? Dont think it to yourself and file it away. Offer that unexpected compliment.

January 2012
There are apps and software available to limit distractions while working online if you need the help. 8) Make More Eye Contact. This is an easy resolution that helps prove to people that you are more engaged and actually interested in what they have to say. Have you been at a store trying to talk with a salesperson while they have that wandering eye checking out whoever walks by? They didnt seem very interested in figuring out your needs and truly trying to assist you, did they? Why not give others the eye contact you would have appreciated, and see how simple and effective it really is. 9) Leave Your Credit Cards at Home. This resolution addresses itself to people who struggle to rope in their purchasing impulses, whip out their credit card, and anguish with remorse and regret later. Have a plan for your expenditures, and stick to it. 10) Hand Write a Letter. Snail mail is still appreciated, probably more so than an e-mail. Its a great way to connect with not only friends and family, but with potential clients and business partners as well. A hand written letter shows genuine care that is often lost even in the most eloquently written computer-generated communication.

Resort to only if diagnosed by a professional

7) Turn Off the Internet. Almost the same as suggestion #2. Again, Im not suggesting that you totally disappear off the grid, but try to walk away for a set amount of time. Productivity studies have shown what you probably already suspect: wandering aimlessly around the web nets you mostly procrastination.

And The Winner Is

David Verner of Patten Power Industries! We work with David on Commercial grade generator products for businesses. David and his company are the local representatives of Caterpillar power generators. They work directly with building owners to understand the demand needed when business experience one of the numerous power outages we experience in this climate.
How To Solve Sudoku Puzzles: To solve a Sudoku, you only need logic and patience. No math is required. Simply make sure that each 3x3 square region has a number between 1-9 with only one occurrence of each number. Each column and row of the large grid may only have one instance of 1-9.

All it took for David to win was referring us to a business in need of our service and expertise. Same rules apply for the next drawing with a ticket given out for every testimonial, referral, or 10 tickets for every raving fan video. Entry takes only minutes, and you determine your odds with no limit to referral entry tickets. Plus every referral nets YOU a gift as well!

Cozy News

January 2012

The Truth About Store Bought Carbon Monoxide Detectors REV EA LED
Last year the State of Illinois passed legislation requiring functioning Carbon Monoxide (CO) monitors be installed on every floor of your home. What you need to know is that standard monitors that can be purchased from the local store are flawed. The flaw is that these monitors allow for a very high, even fatal, amount of carbon monoxide to build up in a space before they ever alert you. The UL listing of these store-bought monitors state that the warning must sound once 75 PPM (parts per million) of carbon monoxide is detected for a three and one half hour time period. According to international health standards, that level of carbon monoxide could lead to severe illness or even death. Those most susceptible to CO poisoning are young children, the elderly, or people with medical problems. To you it means that your monitor may not go off until it is too late but the governing agencies of this standard are OK with the level of adequacy they passed into law. The picture on the right shows a storebought monitor placed behind that of a NS13000 low-level CO monitor. As the number read-out in the picture is not clear, I can point out that the NSI monitor is showing a presence of 17 PPM of CO in the air while the store-bought monitor reads zero. Health conscious individuals should be aware that potential poison is in the air theyre breathing, dont you agree? The intent of this information is not to sell a bunch of monitors, but to make you aware that there are, in fact, differences. Granted, the NS13000 is more expensive, but clients who have purchased them, or have added them when purchasing a complete system, have enjoyed the peace

The NSI3000 detects the presence of CO in the air while the store bought model reads 0 of mind that real time monitoring brings. The NS13000 is the difference between the ability to be proactive or reactive. A better monitor allows you ample warning to take proper steps to correct a potentially deadly situation. But at the end of the day, if saving money is foremost in your mind, I will be happy to tell you where you can purchase a cheaper, up to code minimum monitor. Call us for more information, or visit our website.

Hey everyone! I hope you had an enjoyable holiday, no matter which you participated in. I had no idea how many different celebrations and traditions there are. I am quite content with the canine version which is shredding wrapping paper followed by roughly five minutes of playing with/destroying what was inside. I have no idea why five minutes is considered short. It happens to be many, many times my normal attention span. To me, spending five minutes on a gift is the proper amount of attention it deserves, does not signal any displeasure of it on my part, and just means I am ready for the next one. My brother feels the same way. Obviously, John and Lindsey enjoy selecting toys for us, wrapping them, and watching our enjoyment ripping the packages apart. Its a win-win situation, right? Parents just dont get it, I guess. Dogs are supposed to have an understanding of about 100 words. Obviously, as writers, the two of us understand more. I pick up a couple of more each year, and want to share with you the newest to my understanding. Turkey and New Years Resolution. They absolutely go together! For 2012, my resolution is to somehow, someway, add more turkey to my diet. was a great holiday! Hope yours was, too. Wishing you the happiest New Year, Murphy p.s. Someone named Kathleen posted theres a new dog at Grandma and Grandpas namedRomeo! I snuck a look. Big guy. This doesnt sound too good, more on that next month!

2137 Hammond Dr., Schaumburg, IL 60173

Dedicated To A Healthier Environment

I didnt know what to expect from 2011 , but it turned out to be a good year for me, and Im grateful to my family, my employees, and of course all of you reading this. There have been some days and some years when I wonder why I ever got into this business, and then it comes back to me. I may have never told you the story. I did my stint in the expected of you scenario. I finished high school. I went to college, what a blast. I didn't make the St. Marys hockey team and finished out the year. I floundered around trying this job or that without any clear view of what I wanted to do, or could afford to do. One day a buddy of mine told me he was going to HVAC school. I had always been mechanically inclined and saw this as a great opportunity for me. I really had nothing more promising going on at the time. That was 34yrs ago...OUCH. Every year I've tried to prepare myself mentally and physically for the challenges of the year ahead. For a lot of you

Whats Inside:
reading this, I realize that 2011 was not everything you hoped for or expected. Some with jobs lost them. Others with hopes of finding one were disappointed. If this was the case in your life, I truly wish for you that 2012 brings some relief. If you can proceed with anything, let it be hope. 2012 promises to be what you strive to make of it. If you can focus on positive dealings and ways to make yourself and your situation better good things will come. I have not seen one single book or magic bullet solution that gives you the keys to success. No matter what your definition of success happens to be, you must keep fighting for it. Thats what has keep me going for 34 years now, and what will push me into the future. Keep fighting the good fight! Now if you happen to know of that magic bullet or pill let me know as long as it is on the up and up of course. Best wishes to you and yours in this New Year! Lets all tell a fib my dear.. Unique Holiday and Montlhy Awareness

The Truth Abou t St ore Boug ht C a rb on M ono xide De tecto rs Pg .3

And the Winner Is A Dogs World: Happy New Year Random Humor: New Years Resolution fail..


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