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Dedicated To A Healthier Environment

SPECIAL REPORT: Custom Homes Bringing Custom Issues

Recent research reveals staggering trendwhat you need to know to protect your biggest investment
it could be classified as a free-standing custom home. The client occupied this space for more than a year before he reached out to us for help. His problems were far too common, ranging from uncomfortable areas to poor performance from his hot water system to other comfort imbalances. After investing large sums with both the contractor and his heating and air conditioning crews, and numerous call backs with no correction of the problems he was fed up! He needed to know why his house was working the way it WA S instead of how it SHOULD. What I saw did not shock me, but rather added to the sickening in my stomach when I see problems like these. The installation of his multiple furnaces and air conditioners as well as boiler and water heating system screamed budget-build. I conceded that the companies involved knew how to install equipment, and turn it on, but they could NOT make the components work as designed. The biggest and most important part of the home, proper implement of THE DESIGN of the addition was compromised. Although the forward thinking architect was responsible for the concept, the heating and air conditioning was left to the mercy of the individual contractors. That would be like building a brand new car with new exterior parts but slapping in an engine from a car built in the 1980s. It may look good and drives but it wont be your ideal daily ride. Its so important that the client who is going to be living in the home have his/her say in every aspect of the project to some degree. I realize its impractical to act as your own general contractor, but you cannot blindly trust the only opinion your general contractor

Unique Holidays
3rd The Day The Music Died 11th Make A Friend Day 13th Clean Out Your Computer Day 16th Do A Grouch A Favor Day 22nd Walking The Dog Day 28th Public Sleeping Day

Monthly Awareness
American Heart Month

Dont let a great design overshadow the vital behind the scenes components
More and more studies show the lack of consumer confidence in the housing market as a whole. The steep decline in home values along with under-performance of return on investment have consumers reinvesting in their existing homes for the long haul. These studies are backed by the increase in demand for remodeling as well as in the demand for custom-built homes. As smart consumers are educating themselves on re-inventing their dream home concept, homebuilders are in a race to scrap the cookie-cutter subdivisions in favor of the custom home market. Unfortunately, one of the problems with this trend is the homebuilders or remodelers inability to match their current construction practices with the demands of savvy customers. The new dream home concepts, which wisely include new efficiency standards, need precision and innovation lest the client be left with a space that they cannot fully ENJOY. A recent comfort audit was conducted on the addition to the home of a potential client. In square footage alone, the addition was so large

"Heart disease takes the lives of far too many people in this country, depriving their families and communities of someone they love and care fora father, a mother, a wife, a friend, a neighbor, a spouse. With more than 2 million heart attacks and strokes a year, and 800,000 deaths, just about all of us have been touched by someone who has had heart disease, heart attack, or a stroke." - Department of Health

Sports Corner
2nd, 3rd, 7th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 23rd, 25th, 26th, 29th 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 28th, 29th

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Cozy News
offers. Make sure that they are getting experts involved in everything from design to installation practices. In the case of the mammoth addition, I was able to follow the usual trail of clues leading to the source of the problems the client was experiencing. Lack of mechanical design by an expert had lead to a wild-ass guess by the former HVAC contractor for airflow and the number of supply registers the room should have. It turned out the installing contractor actually did put in the right number of openings according to the investigative engineering. The hitch was that the ducts in the attic connected to those openings should have all been sized-up in diameter. Rule of thumb does not always work, and certainly did not work in this space. My next task was to investigate why the homeowner was having so many issues with the hot water system. The system was a-typical for residential, but more in line with what you would find at a health club or in a small hotel. It consisted of a boiler and holding tank combination capable of running multiple hot water applications in endless supply. However, the client complained that he could not rely on it for tasks as small as taking a shower. In fact, things had gotten so bad

Comfort Hotline: (847) 397-5888

for a stretch of time that he sent his family to stay at a hotel. The contractor was unable to get the system operating consistently because he could not figure out the root of the problem. And what do you think it was? Yep, poor design practices. A good concept but not well implemented or properly tested. These are essential to a space which a client deserves to enjoy.

February 2012

New modeling software allows for designing the perfect indoor environment beyond using rule of thumb practices
contractor, and demand excellence. Be sure to check references to find out if their clients are comfortable and happy with the end result. This resources is invaluable to your decision making process. Also, do not settle for working with the general contractors own subcontractors. Stick with the companies you are comfortable with, and never hesitate to get a second opinion!

At Corcoran Heating and Air Conditioning, we have learned so much and gotten to where we are because we have continually tested for it. Thanks to new design procedures, we can finally design the ideal indoor environments. We also keep on top of things in our field, and will continue to do so. For all of your new construction or remodeling projects, find the right

And The Winner Is

David Verner of Patten Power Industries! We work with David on Commercial grade generator products for businesses. David and his company are the local representatives of Caterpillar power generators. They work directly with building owners to understand the demand needed when businesses experience one of the numerous power outages we face in this climate.
How To Solve Sudoku Puzzles: To solve a Sudoku, you only need logic and patience. No math is required. Simply make sure that each 3x3 square region has a number between 1-9 with only one occurrence of each number. Each column and row of the large grid may only have one instance of 1-9.

All it took for David to win was referring us to a business in need of our service and expertise. Same rules apply for the next drawing with a ticket given out for every testimonial, referral, or 10 tickets for every raving fan video. Entry takes only minutes, and you determine your odds with no limit to referral entry tickets. Plus every referral nets YOU a gift as well!

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Cozy News

Comfort Hotline: (847) 397-5888

February 2012

A Heart Healthy Dish: Snapper With Roasted Grape Tomatoes, Garlic, and Basil Ingredients:
preheat to 350 degrees F. Toss the tomatoes with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil, garlic, vinegar, pepper flakes, and salt, to taste. Spread out on a baking sheet and roast until the tomatoes get juicy, about 15 minutes. Transfer tomatoes to a bowl and toss with the basil. Dry the fish very well all over. To A quick and easy meal for 4 ready in just 30 minutes! keep the fish from curling in the pan, lightly slash a cross-hatch pattern into the skin of the fish with a sharp cook in the residual heat of the pan until the knife. Brush the rounded flesh side of the fish fillets are firm but still juicy, about 1 minute with the remaining olive oil. Season with salt and more. pepper, to taste. Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Place the fish, seasoned Divide the fish among 4 plates. Top with the side down, in the oil, and cook undisturbed over tomatoes and serve. high heat, until the fish turns both opaque along the edges and golden on the bottom, about 3 minutes. Lightly salt the skin side of the fish. Flip Copyright 2005 Television Food Network, G.P. the snapper and turn off the heat and let the fish All rights reserved.

2 cups grape tomatoes, halved 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 cloves garlic, sliced 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar A pinch red pepper flakes Kosher salt 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves, torn 4 (6-ounce) snapper fillets, with skin Freshly ground black pepper

Position a rack in the middle of the oven and

Hello Winteris that you.are you out there? Its me, Franklin, and I am just wondering where you may have gone. Have you decided to fly south with all the birds? Was it something I may have said or done that pushed you away? Are you still mad at me for all those times I (excuse the crudity) pooped on you? I tried to hit the grass but your snow covered everything. It was never personal. I swear - my parents made me do it. trained me that way. Are my folks the problem?


Maybe you decided to take this year off. I have to tell you, I do not agree with that decision. I have this recurring dream where I am frolicking through your snow mounds and spending as much time outside with you as my parents will let me. But the reality is a nightmare, because when I wake up and go outside, youre not there. I miss you. Youve been replaced by your cruel friends, Rain and Fall. Recently I have tried Facebooking you, but to no avail. Did you defriend me or even worse block me? I swear I will treat you better if you come back. I must admit that I set up an alert on If you split from your current place and decide to come back, I will get an e-mail so I can be the first to get hold of you. Even better, I set up a text alert so I can check your status much faster! I justreally, rea lly miss you.

Mike walked into a post office just before Valentine's day, he couldn't help noticing a middle-aged, balding man standing in a corner sticking "Love" stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. Then the man got out a bottle of Channel perfume from his pocket and started spraying scent over the envelopes. By now Mike's curiosity had got the better of him, and he asked why the man was sending all those cards. The man replied, "I'm sending out 500 Valentine cards signed, 'Guess who?' " "But why?" asked Mike. "I'm a divorce lawyer," the man replied.

- Franklin

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2137 Hammond Dr., Schaumburg, IL 60173

(847) 397-5888

Dedicated To A Healthier Environment

to heating and air conditioning. Recently I had the pleasure of attending a Tony Robbins business seminar in Las Vegas. I know. Some of you are laughing while others are intrigued. Regardless, Robbins had a tremendous impact on both my thought process and outlook. I want to take a minute to share three of my biggest takeaways or as Tony labeled them: breakthroughs. They are visualization, scheduling, and continuing education. Visualization simply suggests sitting down for a minute to examine what it is that you want in life. Why do you wake up in the morning and do what you do? Do you have your final objective in mind? At first, mine was to be my own boss. Over time and with experience, that objective evolved into helping as many people as possible as I learned more about the HVAC industry. Convinced there was a better way to do things than Id observed, I made it a goal to at least inform and educate people even if I could not physically help them. So, stay tuned to the newsletter and our website for informative updates. Think of it as your one stop encyclopedia for what you need to know in regards Secondly, scheduling. Schedule everything you possibly can. For example, my son John and I work together, or at least see each other every day. However, we have decided we need to schedule specific times to work together on certain projects. It was easy to assume we would make this time, but without having it on paper, it didnt always happen. Just the reality of how busy our industry can be. Continuing education. This may be the ultimate breakthrough I want to leave you with. Business owners like me easily get caught up in day-to-day operations. We become distracted and lose focus on the big picture. At any age, or any level of experience, without continuing to educate ourselves, wed fall into the same static rut weve accused others of occupying. Not only with work, but in all the rest of living, I think if I can keep feeding my mind as well as maintaining a regiment of exercise and eating right, I can accomplish anything - as corny as that may sound. Hope to talk soon!

Whats Inside:
Custom Homes Bring Custom Problems..

Pg 1

Unique Holidays and Monthly Awareness

A Quick and Easy Heart Healthy Meal for 4 Pg 3

And the Winner Is

Pg 1

Pg 2 3

A Dogs World: Um, hello snow, are you out there? Pg Random Humor: A Not So Valentines Day Gift Pg

- Tom

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