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Time and Interaction


Pre- listening 1-Lead in

To get the students interested in the topic and prepare them for the task

5 mins T-SS SS- T

Show ss pictures of clothes brands and elicit the names. Ask students "what do you buy there?" and elicit "clothes". Point at the brands pictures, show a picture of a clothes shop and say "These are " and elicit "clothes shops". Utilizing the visuals, check for understanding by asking CCQs, [Meaning]e.g. 1- Do you find vegetable there? (N) 2- What do you find there? (Clothes) Chorally drill "clothes shop". [ Pronunciation] Use a gesture to denote the whole class. Listen to spot mispronunciation. Do individual drilling with an open palm. Consolidate the word form on the board. [Form] Asks students "What do you buy at a clothes shop?" and elicit the words from the students (trousers, blouse, shirt and shoes, sweater, jacket).

2-Setting context

the To give the sts some background information on the content of what they're going to hear.

5 mins T-SS


Introduce Mark and Allie with visuals. Set the setting using a visual and ask "Where are they?" and elicit "At the clothes shop". Teacher, with the help of visuals, elicit that the third person is the shop assistant. Check meaning by asking: [ Meaning] 1- Does she work in the close shop? (Y)



Time and Interaction


3-Prediction task To encourage sts to think about what they might hear and arouse their interest 5 mins SS-T

2- Does she buy clothes at the shop? (N) Chorally drill "shop assistant". [ Pronunciation] Use a gesture to denote the whole class. Listen to spot mispronunciation. Do individual drilling with an open palm. Consolidate the word form on the board. [Form]

Explain that the sts are going to here Allie buying clothes at the clothes shop. Ask "What do you ask about when you buy clothes? Elicit "Size" through miming. Check for understanding [Meaning] e.g. 1- "What sizes do you know?" (small, medium and large.) 2- Do you say size red? (N) In groups of three, sts brainstorm two other things they ask about in a clothes shop. Monitor to listen to pronunciation and help sts through the task Feedback eliciting "colour and price". Pre teach methods of payment using a real credit card and real cash. Ask the sts "How do you pay for clothes?" Elicit "By credit card / In cash" Check for understanding by asking CCQ,[Meaning] e.g. 1- Hold the credit card in hand and ask " Do you give money?" (N)
2- Hold the cash in hand and ask "Do you count the money before you pay? (N) 2



Time and Interaction


Listening for gist & Feedback

To give sts a reason listen at a general level

5 mins T-SS

To check answers and spot where problems lie. Listening for specific information & Feedback To develop sts' ability to listen for specific information and give sts a reason to listen more intensively


While the sts are busy brainstorming the things they ask about in the clothes shop, write the three questions: 1- What size does Allie want? 2- How much is the shirt? 3- Does Mark pay with a credit card? Set the task: Explain to the sts that they are going to listen to answer these questions. Give a demonstration: Tell the sts that we will do the first question together. Play the CD and elicit the answer for the first question (Medium). Check for understanding of instructions ICQ: 1- Are you working alone or in pairs? (Alone) 2- Do you answer the questions? (Y) Rewind the CD and sts answer the two questions. Do a whole class feedback. Respond to sts needs and correct the mistakes Set the task. Distribute the envelopes and tell the students that they are working alone to listen for three minutes to unscramble the conversation. Demonstrate the task by playing the CD and stick the first two sentence on the board. Check for understanding of instructions ICQ: 1- Are you working alone or in pairs? (Alone)

5 mins T-SS



Time and Interaction


To allow sts to check answers in a "safe" environment (peer support)


2- Do you put the conversation in order? (Y) Monitor to spot difficulties and guide the students. Students compare their answers in pairs. Feedback: Distribute conversation cards and ask sts to come to the board and stick them in order. Ask students to listen again and write down the question Allie asks. Play the CD and elicit the target language "What size is this shirt?"

1-Notice target Language

To focus sts' attention on the target language in context. To check sts' understanding of the meaning and use of the target language. To focus on the accurate production of the target language

5 mins T-SS

2-Concept Check


Ask students CCQ: 1- Does she like the shirt? (Y) 2- Does she know the size? (N)



Model the target language. Chorally/ individually drill the question highlighting sentence stress and rising intonation. Using visual prompts to elicit variations and further examples: What size are these shoes? / what size are these trousers?" Focus on aspects of meaning and pronunciation as above.



Time and Interaction


4- Focus on form

To focus on how the T-SS target language is put together and consolidate aspects of pronunciation To provide an opportunity for sts to focus on the form of the target structure. 5mins T-Ss

Elicit the question "What size is this shirt?" from the sts onto the white board and highlight sentence stress and rising intonation. Write the formula of the question "What size + is/ are+ this/ these+ ____? Ask sts to copy. Ask sts to complete gap fill dialogue on page 48 of SB using target language Do the first example with the class. Monitor to ensure that Ss are on task. Sts listen to the dialogue to check their answers Sts interview each other on the size and price of their clothes. Pair up the sts. Demonstrate the activity with one students. Check instructions by asking ICQs: 1- Are you working in pairs or a group? (Pairs) 2- Do you make notes? (N) Monitor to ensure sts are on task. Make note of any language problems. Ask students "What size is X's jacket?" Conduct feedback on the task. Do delayed error correction.

Written consolidation

Freer oral Practice

To provide an opportunity for sts to focus on the fluent production of the target language in a meaningful and personalized way

5 mins T-SS T-S S-S S-T

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